Ai chơi GGXX #R vô đây em hỏi chút?

Thảo luận trong 'Fighting Game Club' bắt đầu bởi OneWingedAngel_7, 28/3/08.

  1. New Heaven

    New Heaven C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cà Mao
    Với link rapid thì tìm đại 1 trang leech nào đó mà down hay hỏi ai đó có acc ... Hoặc là 2 tiếng down 1 lần ( hoặc reset modem như anh H.Dâm :|, tốc độ cho free user cũng ko tệ lắm , gần 100Kb/s ở trường tôi đấy ...

    Mà đây là box fighting mà , thắc mắc vấn đề kĩ thuật thì qua box Phần mềm đi , hình như yêu cầu link đấy
  2. HoangTu8X

    HoangTu8X Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thái Nguyên
    Có thể gộp Skill của nv Sol L2 với Sol L1 đc kô hả các bác?
    |Sol Badguy |
    Path 1
    == have a normal victory (no time's up) on the fight against Millia
    == finish the first five fights (from Axl to Johnny) in MORE than 120 seconds

    Path 2
    == finish the fight against Millia with a "Time's up"

    Path 3 [you need to finish Dizzy's Path 2 ending to get Sol's Path 3 ending]
    == have a normal victory (no time's up) on the fight against Millia
    == finish the first five fights (from Axl to Johnny) in LESS than 120 seconds
    and no retrys

    |Ky Kiske |
    Path 1
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Anji
    == finish the fight against Baiken in MORE than 30 seconds

    Path 2
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Anji
    == finish the fight against Baiken in LESS than 30 seconds

    Path 3 [you need to finish Sol's Path 1 ending to get Ky's Path 3 ending]
    == finish the fight against Anji using "Instant Kill"

    |May |
    Path 1
    == finish the fight against Faust in MORE than 30 seconds
    == finish the fight against Millia in MORE than 30 seconds

    Path 2
    == finish the fight against Faust in MORE than 30 seconds
    == finish the fight against Millia in LESS than 30 seconds

    Path 3 [you need to finish Anji's Path 2 ending to get May's Path 3 ending]
    == finish the fight against Faust in LESS than 30 seconds

    |Millia Rage|
    Path 1
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Jam
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Slayer

    Path 2
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Jam
    == finish the fight against Slayer using "Instant Kill"

    Path 3 [you need to finish Sol's Path 1 ending to get Millia's Path 3 ending]
    == finish the fight against Jam using "Instant Kill"

    |Zato-1 (Eddie) |
    Path 1
    == finish the fight against Faust in MORE than 30 seconds
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the first fight against I-No

    Path 2
    == finish the fight against Faust in LESS than 30 seconds

    Path 3 [you need to finish I-No's Path 2 ending to get Zato-1's Path 3 ending]
    == finish the fight against Faust in MORE than 30 seconds
    == finish the first fight against I-No using "Instant Kill"

    |Potemkin |
    Path 1
    == Lose any fight against Slayer, Baiken, Testament & Eddie, then retry
    == finish the fight against Dizzy in MORE than 30 seconds

    Path 2
    == do NOT lose the first 4 fights from Slayer to Eddie (must have no retrys)

    Path 3 [you need to finish May's Path 3 ending to get Potemkin's Path 3]
    == Lose any fight against Slayer, Baiken, Testament & Eddie, then retry
    == finish the fight against Dizzy in LESS than 30 seconds

    |Chipp Zanuff |
    Path 1
    == finish the fight against Bridget in MORE than 30 seconds
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Zato-1

    Path 2
    == finish the fight against Bridget in MORE than 30 seconds
    == finish the fight against Zato-1 using "Instant Kill"

    Path 3 [you need to finish Ky's Path 2 ending to get Chipp's Path 3 ending]
    == finish the fight against Bridget in LESS than 30 seconds

    |Faust |
    Path 1
    == Lose any fight against I-No, Jam, Dizzy & Slayer, then retry

    Path 2
    == do NOT lose the first 4 fights I-No to Slayer (must have no retrys)
    == finish the fight against May in MORE than 30 seconds

    Path 3 [you need to finish May's Path 2 ending to get Faust's Path 3 ending]
    == do NOT lose the first 4 fights I-No to Slayer (must have no retrys)
    == finish the fight against May in LESS than 30 seconds

    |Baiken |
    Path 1
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the first fight against Robo Ky

    Path 2
    == finish the first fight against Robo Ky using "Instant Kill"

    Path 3 [you need to finish Anji's Path 1 ending to get Baiken's Path 3 ending]
    == beat Anji with Baiken's health less than 3/8 of her life bar

    |Jam Koradoberi |
    Path 1
    == win the first fight against Robo Ky
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the first fight against Robo Ky

    Path 2
    == lose the first fight against Robo Ky

    Path 3
    == win the first fight against Robo Ky
    == finish the first fight against Robo Ky using "Instant Kill"

    |Johnny |
    Path 1
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the first fight against I-No
    == do NOT lose the first 4 fights from I-No to Jam (must have no retrys)

    Path 2
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the first fight against I-No
    == Lose any fight against I-No, Testament, Bridget & Jam, then retry

    Path 3 [you need to finish Chipp's Path 2 ending to get Johnny's Path 3]
    == finish the first fight against I-No using "Instant Kill"

    |Axl Low|
    Path 1
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Sol
    == do NOT lose the first 6 fights from I-No to Testament (must have no retrys)

    Path 2
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Sol
    == Lose any fight against I-No,Sol,Anji,Baiken,Johnny & Testament, then retry

    Path 3
    == finish the fight against Sol using "Instant Kill"

    |Anji Mito |
    Path 1
    == lose any fight against Ky, Zappa & Axl, then retry

    Path 2
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Ky
    == do NOT lose the fights against Ky, Zappa & Axl (must have no retrys)

    Path 3
    == finish the first fight against Ky using "Instant Kill"

    |Venom |
    Path 1
    == have a normal victory (no time's up) on the fight against Faust

    Path 2
    == finish the fight against Faust with a "Time's up"
    == finish the fight against I-No in LESS than 50 seconds

    Path 3 [you need to finish Millia's Path 1 ending to get Venom's Path 3]
    == finish the fight against Faust with a "Time's up"
    == finish the fight against I-No in MORE than 50 seconds

    Path 1
    == finish the fight against Axl in MORE than 30 seconds
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Potemkin

    Path 2
    == finish the fight against Axl in MORE than 30 seconds
    == finish the first fight against Potemkin using "Instant Kill"

    Path 3 [you need to finish I-No's Path 2 ending to get Testament's Path 3]
    == finish the fight against Axl in LESS than 30 seconds

    |Dizzy |
    Path 1
    == don't beat Faust with a "Tension Attack" and with over 3/4 of Dizzy's health
    == lose the first fight against I-No

    Path 2
    == don't beat Faust with a "Tension Attack" and with over 3/4 of Dizzy's health
    == do NOT lose first fight against I-No

    Path 3 [you need to finish Bridget's Path 2 ending to get Dizzy's Path 3]
    == beat Faust with a "Tension Attack" and with over 3/4 of Dizzy's health

    |Slayer |
    Path 1
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Potemkin
    == finish the fight against Jam with less than 3/4 of Slayer's health

    Path 2
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Potemkin
    == finish the fight against Jam with over 3/4 of Slayer's health

    Path 3 [you need to finish I-No's Path 2 ending to get Testament's Path 3]
    == finish the first fight against Potemkin using "Instant Kill"

    Path 1
    == finish the first 3 fights (against May, Axl & Eddie) in less than 181
    seconds total
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Millia

    Path 2
    == finish the first 3 fights (against May, Axl & Eddie) in less than 181
    seconds total
    == finish the first fight against Millia using "Instant Kill"

    Path 3 [you need to finish Johnny's Path 2 ending to get I-No's Path 3]
    == finish the first 3 fights (against May, Axl & Eddie) in more than 181
    seconds total & no retrys

    |Zappa |
    Path 1
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Anji
    == lose the fight against Faust

    Path 2
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against Anji
    == do NOT lose the fight against Faust (must have no retrys)

    Path 3 [you need to finish Sol's Path 2 & Ky's Path 3 ending]
    == finish the fight against Anji using "Instant Kill"

    Path 1
    == lose any fight against I-No, Baiken, Anji & Chipp, then retry

    Path 2
    == do NOT loose the fight against Chipp (must have no retrys)
    == DON'T use "Instant Kill" on the fight against May

    Path 3 [you need to finish Potemkin's Path 2 to get Bridget's Path 3 ending]
    == do NOT lose the first 4 fights from I-No to Chipp (must have no retrys)
    == finish the fight against May using "Instant Kill"

    Làm ơn dịch hộ cái này với
  3. takeda31

    takeda31 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    rõ ràng thế còn dịch gì nữa:|:|, VD nhá:
    Path 1
    == have a normal victory (no time's up) on the fight against Millia
    == finish the first five fights (from Axl to Johnny) in MORE than 120 seconds
    -->thắng bình thường trong trận đấu lại với Millia(không thắng bằng time's up)
    -->kết thúc 5 trận đầu (từ Axl tới johnny) nhiều hơn 120 giây...
    thế thôi::)::)
  4. OneWingedAngel_7

    OneWingedAngel_7 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Mạng nhà mình teo rồi đang đợi thợ tới sửa. Hôm qua ngồi cài lai win quên mất là vứt cái đĩa cài card hình rồi nên giờ chỉ chơi được có Solitare thui. Y!M của mình nè:,( hiện tại chỉ dùng để nhận mail từ ngân hàng đợi đi lĩnh tiền ) nhớ add nhá!!!
    Mấy cái đó quá dễ để dịch! Nghêu ngao hơn 5 năm trời English để làm gì?? Khi nào có dịp em dịch cho(Mạng ở nhà hỏng, ra ngoài ngồi lâu tốn tiền).. Tiện thể ai còn save file của Isuka cho em luôn nhá!!!
  5. HoangTu8X

    HoangTu8X Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thái Nguyên
  6. New Heaven

    New Heaven C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cà Mao
    :| :| Bựa value .. Toàn OD Ex với 3-4 lần Năng lượng tương đương 2 bình tension =)) =)) Nhìn hài thật .. Mấy cái sau thì quả thật ko hỉu sao lại trộn dc OD của Normal với Ex dc , chiêu Destruction Ring của Dizzy cũng có , Zappa thì summon dc 1 lúc 4 mode :| Chắc do mấy thằng làm film Y___Y! Hay mình mù Ex nhỉ :|
  7. ChippZanuff

    ChippZanuff The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hanoi xi-ti lộng gió
    tôi cũng chơi GG lâu rồi mà chưa thấy kiểu OD cả chục phát thế này bao h:|=))=))=))
    chắc là sản phẩm của 1 tay táy máy nghịch ngợm nào đó:|
  8. Yoshiki

    Yoshiki Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mấy trò đó là dùng MUGEN để làm. Completely stupid !
    Chú nào thích thì down MUGEN về, load mấy char của GG vào mà chiến. Thích gì chẳng có.
  9. game0

    game0 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai có phần config GGXX #R bằng tiếng anh ko share cho mình với .........
  10. KaNj_Th3_aNn0yA

    KaNj_Th3_aNn0yA Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Princeton, NJ
  11. VN02550504

    VN02550504 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sao down về ko cài đc mọi người ơi.Có cần down intro với muisic nữa ko?:o:o:o
  12. zaizaibao

    zaizaibao Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai có cai save nào unlock het nv chua, mình choi moi unlock vài dua àh, danh tới thang sol vang là xong hết nổi
  13. ChippZanuff

    ChippZanuff The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hanoi xi-ti lộng gió
    Đây là bản GG2X, save data của nó trong C:\Documents and Settings
    Vào đó rồi tìm 1 tí là nó ra cái Zoo digital (tên phát hành game gì đó thì phải) trong đấy sẽ có file save của GG
    Cái ông zaizai này nhầm giống mình hồi trước=))=))=)) chơi xong 1 phần thấy ra cái credit có narration, "that man", april..... lại cứ tưởng có các nhân vật đấy=))=))=))
  14. OneWingedAngel_7

    OneWingedAngel_7 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Cái thằng này điên *** rồi, nhìn lại nội quy chút đi - viết TIẾNG VIỆT CÓ DẤU - mù chữ hay bị đụt thế hả - mà bem đến Sol:Gold ở đâu thế hả, nếu mà là ở trong Mission thì ;)) NC.
  15. _Punk_

    _Punk_ Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thiên đường
    minh ko bit the nao dau !! bac nao chi cho voi ?:(

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