[One Piece] 8th Fan club

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi BaoDragoon, 23/11/08.

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  1. archenemy

    archenemy C O N T R A GameOver Lão Làng GVN

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    cạnh nhà hàng xóm
    Dù rất ghét mấy thằng xì boi lờ nhưng mỗi lần đến ngày lại lên đọc xì boi lờ trước , đơn giản là ko cưỡng lại nổi sức hấp dẫn của One Piece :D
  2. hotaka99

    hotaka99 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hentai kingdom
    ra hàng truyện mua may mà ko hết
    cầm quyển truyện trong tay hạnh phúc rơn người
    đọc đến giữa trang phát hiện 1 điều kinh khủng....bị thủng 1 lỗ >"<
  3. BaoDragoon

    BaoDragoon Fire in the hole!

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    Chờ gì vậy ba, tuần trc' Oda nghỉ giải lao, còn tuần này thì T6 hay T7 mới có, bây giờ mới T3 mà chờ cái gì :|
  4. tantrung21

    tantrung21 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hôm nay có spoil vui wá hôm nay có spoil vui wá hôm nay có spoil:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:'>:'>:'>:'>:'>
  5. phanthieugia

    phanthieugia Moderator Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Kaidou bằng bounty Dragon thì cũng có thể lắm
    Nếu BB có DF mạnh nhất(Thua mỗi Ener) thì chắc là trong đội Shichi thì chỉ có Mihawk mạnh hơn hắn(Jinbel thì không rõ)
    Bởi vì muốn hạ đc những kẻ có DF mạnh như Ener, BB và các Admiral thì chắc chỉ có Haki
    Những cao thủ như Mihawk và các Yonkou chắc chắn là sẽ có Haki
    Có khi ông Dragon cũng biết Haki nữa
    Thế thì sau này Luffy có cơ thắng Smoker với Hina rồi
  6. xXSmILeXx

    xXSmILeXx T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

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    Spoiler chắc tối này mới có nhỉ, tuần trước ko có cũng hay, em mới thi xong mà tuần trước bù đầu vào hoc =))
  7. Yonkou

    Yonkou Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    lục lại mấy cái chap cũ phát hiện người trong hình
    la vice admiral John Gaint đã từng xuất hiện sau khi luffy đánh bại arlong và lần đầu treo thương chap 96
    còn lão mập mập này là vice admiral Komir
    Thì ra Akainu đã từng xuất hiện. lúc quê hương của nicorobin bị diệt lúc đó akainu la 1 trong 5 vice admiral xuất hiện lúc đó mang tên Vice amiral sakazuki
  8. AN_Dragoon

    AN_Dragoon Sonic the Hedgehog

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    Final Fantasy Fan Club
    Cuối cùng cũng có

    Chapter 526: Adventure at the Great Prison
    Color Cover

    Clam Belt - The Great Prison of Impel Down
    Marine: Take care!! Mistress Hancock!! (hearts flying) Farewell!!
    Hancock: Shut up!!
    Marine: Oh, please don't be like that... take care~~~ (hearts)
    Momonga: The air is thick and heavy... this is how Hell feels like....
    Luffy: ......!!!

    The two (plus Luffy) goes down the stairs, and is greeted like by a.... pharaoh?
    Impel Down vice-warden Hannyabal
    Hannyabal: Welcome!! To MY Impel Down!!
    .... Sorry, I got carried over with my ambition and said 'MY', I'm still just a vice-warden. Nice to SMASHINGLY meet you.
    Momonga: I am Momonga.
    Hannyabal: I've been MASHINGLY told... you're Mistress Hancock? ....MY Empress Hancock?
    Oh, Oh! I'm sorry, I got carried away in my ambition again! That bastard Warden.... I mean, Warden Magellan is MASHINGLY at the Warden office in Lv4 of the prison, so please go by him MASHINGLY. Me and vice-prison guard Domino here will guide you.

    Large breasted blond chick shows up

    Domino: There's no time, so please come this way.... Vice Admiral, please head that way. Excuse me, but we have to body check.
    The prisoner would be taken beyond this cell, stripped of all their clothes,
    and is thrown into the "lukewarm water of imprisonment", which is a hundred degrees boiling water boiled on hot iron plate.
    The process disinfects and sterilizes the inmate, as well as "baptises" them into a new inmate.
    Of course there are those on a diffrent class among the inmates... The recently joined "Fire Fist Ace", Shichibukai Jinbei, and former Shichibukai Crocodile... These men didn't even flinch when they were baptised, and came in gracefully.

    Hancock: .....

    Domino: Don't worry, the guest is checked indivisually at a private room.

    Hancock: .....

    Domino: I would like you to take off that cape. It's the easiest thing to conceal something, so we will hang on to it here.
    We're not doubting you, but to keep you from suspicious activities, we have survailance den-den-mushi placed all over the prison to keep sending the survailance monitor video of you constantly. First, the Seastone handcuffs....
    Luffy: !!
    Hancock: Go easy on me....

    Domino and the Den-Den Mushi on the ceiling are turned into stone

    Luffy: Whew!! That was close!!! I was planning to get out of here faster than they can see us
    Hancock: Luffy...!! This is as far as I can take you, it seems. From here on, I can't even use my power... and without the cape, I can't hide you.
    I want to be able to help you, but....
    Luffy: What do you mean? Alone, I couldn't have even come this far!! You got me inside this building past all those fleet, that's enough!
    Hancock: Luffy... this is a fortress to keep people from escaping...!! Whatever you do, don't stir trouble!!
    If you're caught, you'll never be able to get out....!! You are strong, but... please promise me you won't go on rampage...!!
    Luffy: Ok, I promise! Thanks a lot, Hancock! I'll never forget this!! I'll repay you someday for this!
    Hancock: ......!!! (You called me by my name... Hancock....?)
    Luffy: Hancock.... Hey Hancock!!
    Hancock: I have no regrets left in my life....
    Luffy: Hey, you can undo the stoning!! I'll handle the rest!!
    Hancock: This is what it feels like... to be in love with each other.....

    Beeping noise alerts Hannyabal
    guard: Vice-warden Hannyabal!! The video coming from the inspection room has stopped, is everything ok?
    Hannyabal: The room with Domino? Domino!! Anything wrong!?

    Hannyabal knocks, and Domino and Hancock appears from the room

    Domino: I'm sorry, did that take up some time? Bodycheck is finished.
    (That's odd... I feel like I lost some memory....)
  9. tuannam1988

    tuannam1988 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

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    Lời thoại chap 526 hả ;)), sao bác ko post ít hình lên cho anh em xem đỡ nghiền ;)). Thêm chap nữa mà Luffy vẫn chưa gặp được Ace à :-?
    PS: Toàn để phông trắng mệt quá 8-}
  10. kinh_van

    kinh_van Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    vice admiral john Giant cũng dòng dõi người khỗng lồ như Haguar D Sauro à..nhìn khiếp vãi
  11. zFantasyz

    zFantasyz Admin note: đây là nick của kẻ lừa đảo.

    Tham gia ngày:
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    muốn đọc quá:(........ hix hix nhưng càng ngày càng ghiền ko cưỡng đc
  12. AN_Dragoon

    AN_Dragoon Sonic the Hedgehog

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    Final Fantasy Fan Club
    Continue ...

    guard: The video came back, there's no issues
    Hannyabal: Yeah, over here too!
    Hancock: Humph....!! I'm not a prisoner here, how rude. Who do you think I am?
    Hannyabal: I'm sorry for that, it's just a rule here you know...?
    Hancock: Hurry up and guide me....
    Hannyabal: Yes ma'm, please head over to the large lift over this way....
    This lift will take us to B4, the scorching floor that Warden Magellan SMASHINGLY awaits.
    It's a little hot, so please be aware. Please enjoy the soothing screams of the prisoners while we pass by Lv1 through 3.

    Hancock and others gets on the lift. Hancock sees Luffy hanging from the ceiling

    Hancock: (Good luck to you, Luffy!)
    Luffy: Thanks! (He says it by moving his mouth silently, without voicing it)
    Hancock: !!! (He said he loves me!!!)
    Hancock falls unconcious
    Domino: Mistress Hancock!? Are you alright!?
    Hannyabal: Hey, what's with her suddenly...?

    Luffy: Now.... I wonder where I should go. That lift was taking them down
    Hancock told me Ace must be under the ocean.... oh yeah, that's what the Vivre card is for!

    Meanwhile, and massive figure underwater is slicing up a Sea King with an axe
    The massive figure returns

    guard: Prison Guard Broglie is returning. He's bringing food back
    Open the hatch

    Broglie and his subordinate returns
    Guard: Nice work

    Alarm goes off

    Prison Guard: I found him!! Pirate Buggy the Clown that dissapeared from Cell 4 of Lv1 have been spotted in the corridors nearby isolated cell 22!! Capture him immediately!
    Buggy: ...!! Damn, they found me!! It's you that did it, isn't it you bastard!! (grabs the Den-Den Mushi)

    guard: feed from Surveillance Den-Den mushi 71 has stopped!!

    Inmate: Did you hear, it's Buggy!! That's what he gets for trying to run away alone!
    He's gonna be tortured like hell, heheheheheh

    Broglie passes by the inmates

    Inmates: There he is!! Broglie!! Go get 'im!! Catch him!! hyahahahaha

    Meanwhile, Luffy
    Luffy: Vivre card is telling me to go down, but this is a dead end... but I did come down, didn't I?
    There's a large door blocking his way

    Prison guard: It's prisoner 8200. I heard he's a devil fruit user, don't forget the seastone. He wont' get away.

    Many voices comes by Luffy.
    Luffy gets through the door when they open the door.
    Luffy: I'm in!
    guards: Split to two and get him from both sides, hurry!

    Impel Down underground BF1 Lv1 Crimson Floor

    Luffy: (Whoa, this place is large..... I hear screams...?) Oh well, I'm just gonna go
    Inmate: hey hey you there, why are you outside the cell??
    Luffy: Why? Because I came in from outside. Cya
    Inmate: Wait a sec, you liar
    inmate: Who are you...? You're not a warden or a prison guard, why are you outside the cell!!
    Luffy: Oh yeah, you guys know where Ace is?
    Inmate: You mean the "Fire fist" Ace?
    Luffy: Yeah, I want to save Ace!
    Inmate: Hahahaha you must be joking. I heard he was brought in recently, but if he's been held it must be Lv5.
    There's no way you'd get near it, impossible!! That's where they keep tons of bounty heads over 100 million berry.
    Anyways, dude, can you go by the guard room and steal their keys?
    Inmate: yeah, please do!
    Inmate: Don't you think it's fate that brought us together in this massive world?
    Luffy: What's level five?

    ???: GYAAAAAA!!!!

    Luffy: What's that? Someone's been chased!?
    Inmate: It's Broglie!!
    Luffy: Broglie?
    Inmate: Run away young man, he'll kill you!!
    Broglie: Uhoho!!!

    Broglie slices the person he was chasing in half

    ???: Gyaaa!!! I've been cut!! ...man this is hard to run
    Luffy: Whoaaaa what the hell is up with these guys?

    The body of the man sliced comes back together

    Buggy: Snap!! Gyahahahahaha!! You can't cut me, fools!!
    ....Dohhhwaaaaaa!!?? Strawhat...!?? Why are you here!!??
    Luffy: Oh, it's just Buggy.
    Buggy: Alright, don't mess with me you damn fool!! You're as arrogant as always!! But I didn't know you were caught here as well
    Luffy: I came in here myself, I didn't get captured!!
    Buggy: No fool would come into a prison willingly!! Oh wait, don't tell me..... you heard about my capture and... you came to... save......
    Yeah right idiot!! That'd be creepy!!!
    Luffy: Why are you babbling off on your own!! I promised Hancock that I'm not gonna cause a ruckus here, and you bring trouble to me!
    Buggy: I'm not doing this because I want to!! My plan of "Buggy's secret Great Escape" plan was ruined just now too!!
    Luffy: Who cares
    Buggy: What did you say!?

    Luffy: Whoa, they're coming from the front too!!
    Buggy: Damn it!!!!
    Luffy: Do I have to run away?
    Buggy: What, are you stupid? If you're caught, you'll be tortured to hell!! You don't know do you!? These guys have no sympathy at all!!
    Luffy: I just have to avoid getting caught. I'm in a hurry, and come to think of it, the ruckus has already started
    Buggy: That's what I hate about you and the redhair.... always optomistic, in a bad way.
    ....Sigh.... Alright, Alright, I'll do it. Changing the plans to Going out with a Bang!!!
    Luffy: I'm in!!


    Hình thì đây

  13. BaoDragoon

    BaoDragoon Fire in the hole!

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    Boa có trí tưởng tượng và tài nhìn môi đoán chữ pro thật =))
  14. AN_Dragoon

    AN_Dragoon Sonic the Hedgehog

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    Final Fantasy Fan Club
    Thế mới có chuyện hay để xem chứ :))
  15. phanthieugia

    phanthieugia Moderator Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Boa yêu quá nên mắc bệnh tưởng bở mất rồi =))
    Luffy sướng thật, có đứa con gái hơn tuổi nó đẹp như tiên chết mê chết mệt nó mà nó chẳng để ý, phí thật :))
  16. tantrung21

    tantrung21 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chắc chắn hôm nay sẽ ra chap mới :x, có bleach rồi :x, sẽ out nhanh thôi :'>, luffy ngây thơ khỏi nói, hải tặc mà thế =)), chỉ có bạn bè với sự nghiệp, tuử thì vô tư chứ sắc thì không màng =))
  17. nightrune

    nightrune Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ko biết luffy sau này có ăn thêm trái ác quỉ nào ngoài trái cao su ko nhỉ tác giả cho luffy ăn trái nào năng lực đặc biệt tí nhân vật chính mà có 1 năng lực thì chán lắm...
  18. tantrung21

    tantrung21 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nếu ăn 2 trái ác quỉ thì sẽ biến mất :D, hồi đấu với Cp9 có nói rồi mà :Dnăng lực thì không có thêm nhưng chiêu thức thì cứ tăng vù vù :))
  19. legendary_dragon

    legendary_dragon Ngụy Lão Làng GVN

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    Đồng Hới
    thường thì tối thứ 6 sáng thứ 7 sẽ có chap mới , móa Buggy mà cũng được giam ở Lv4 cơ đấy :))
  20. Money-Famous

    Money-Famous Youtube Master Race

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    Lúc còn nhỏ,ở quê hương Luffy đã ba hoa với Shanks rằng cú đấm của nó phải mạnh như súng lục.Có lẽ đó là ước mơ của nó:D,giờ đây nắm đấm của nó phải là tên lửa chứ súng lục cái gì.Vì vậy năng lực trái Gomu gomu là hợp với nó nhất.Với lại Ông nó là Nắm đấm Garp,anh nó là Ace cú đấm lửa,vậy thì cớ gì nó không phải là Luffy cú đấm cao su :D
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