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Castitatis Lilium

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sSw50j2ik0 21/5/18

censy được nhìn thấy lần cuối:
    1. cruelshade
      Though my warn can be expired, its residue'll be your side forever :hug:
    2. cruelshade
      I can't keep warning you like this :-s
    3. hanhito
      There is nothing wrong with her. That's kinda typical of girl. Yes, all you should do is to act as she want, not to change the relationship between you two. It is stupid to think that a simple breakup will help her in any way if she still has affection for you.
    4. kim09
      i am getting busy , sayonara ^^.
      ... in vietnamese : chao ban censy ^^.
      p/s: keep your mind , makenai de !
    5. kim09
      mm.. that is so bad , censy-san .
      you should sleep , that is not good for your health .
      did she say about broken up with you ?
      i think .. she need to study now , she still student ?^^. right .
      if so , i think , she is gotting busy with study and dont want to think about love , but she may still feeling love with you , censy -san .
      you should make your heart strong at this time , you should help her and help yourself too.
      for living in this life , you should have a strong heart , but it is not easy to make heart strong , even me .
      dont think about bad things , if you want to know the reason , ask her why .^^.
    6. kim09
      hello , censy-san .
      how are you doing ?
      did you sleep last night ?
    7. kim09
      i see , i had read some topic ..and .. i understand you got problem ? right ?
      you asked about broken with your gf ? right ?
      no one never get problem about love , dont be loose your mind , keep it .
      ..sorry , i am not gòod at english .^^.
    8. hanhito
      Girls are complicated creatures both in their minds and their orgasm mechanics. Sometimes you don't have to draw a clear line between "in relationship" and "not in relationship". Ask her what she wants. If she only needs time and tranquility (yeah, which means you are annoying =))), you can give her but it's not necessarily a separation. Help her study if you are capable (which I doubt). You got what I meant, right?
    9. kim09
      ...... speak vietnamese ? ..but ... i cant type vietnamese so good .
      yes , she (your gf) always love you , so , pls keep your heart with her.^^.
      if my words cheer you up .. that is good .
    10. kim09
      then , good night you too, i dont know what time there now , but ..^^..
      hope you will happy with your gf , i am sure she love you so much .^^.
    11. hanhito
      What a childish thing as "love no one but her". To dump is to end. Memory does not mean love, my dear. And, pls don't rape. That's for losers. F*ck is the word.
    12. hanhito
      Oh, just do it and you'll feel more than satisfied. After all, to dump or to be dumped, that's the question.
    13. hanhito
      Thanks, good luck to your gonna-dumped self.
    14. kim09
      hello , long time no see you too^^.
      i am getting busy and got some problems.
      good to see you today.
    15. hanhito
      Tell me, you are always this retarded or just recently come across it :-w
      I have nothing to do with Hannibal Barca, that idiot is/was White Hen's idol.

      My exams? You should never ask something like that. I am only expected (by some people) the best outcome.
    16. hanhito
      I meant it started already :-w and I'M WIWI. What's the problem with you, censy? <.<
    17. hanhito
      Han-what? not that bi! I'm hanhito. [-x And yes, I have only 10 exams at hand.
    18. Cute9x
      Good luck ! Believe your true love.
    19. Cute9x
      Censy, you ! so kind ! you know why ? Everypost of me always be twisted :D but this time It's not :D
    20. QHu91_IT
      nhìn cứ tưởng xài hình nền chớ, nhìn kĩ mới thấy màu :)). bữa nay mắt nhìn kém quá.
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