Cái số đấy cách đây hơn 1 năm rồi, các hạ còn muốn ta dùng cái số đấy sao? Thích light offline tối thứ 4 ko , thì để vứt vào trong social group, bảo mọi người đi cho vui, không thì anh với chú đánh lẻ?
$320/month, and it depends on where u stay, also what kinda of house/apartment. And each tenant pays their own share to the landlord in the end of the month. There's no help in asking me, these kinda things u have to figure it out by urself.
Well i did have a dream (a type of motorbike ya know) and i did know how to ride it. But my mom gave it to my uncle and bought 2 new ones. That one was so light i can ride it easy, but the new 2 are really heavy so right now i can barely ride them, i can't carry another person with me! So i'm practicing!!
really sorry for ur lost of alcohol lol i'll go drinking with box 50 members this afternoon, so excited :">
really sorry for ur lost of alcohol lol i'll go drinking with box 50 members this afternoon, so excited :">
Humid as fuc*!!! I was nearly dead yesterday. And my At&T phone wouldnt take vn sim card, so i dont have a cell phone for now. I'll get one, well not really soon coz i;m pretty much busy from now till June!
hmm... sweet, hey i'm glad that u two r ok with each other now. Man the weather in VN is so fuckin* horrible =.=