hơ to edit game tẽt menu? like this [IMG] - - - Updated - - - how to edit game menu text like this i change the language but the text menu is...
Soldier front map hope can any one make a retexture that make look like real sf map
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Link http://gamebanana.com/cs/maps/download/159945
[IMGhttp://files.gamebanana.com/img/ss/maps/4e74d2893efb7.jpg[/IMG] [IMGhttp://files.gamebanana.com/img/ss/maps/4e74d28d863ec.jpg[/IMG]...
i send email for key but i did not receive serial pls... bluelytning@ymail.com
Problem when i join in the game & start its said [system] message of sýtem please select a map [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
problem when i join in the game & start its said [system] message of sýtem please select a map
this is support by LAN multiplayer? me & my friend want to connect & fight each other?
make it full english language pls....
is there a way to remove the console ỏ when pressing ~ button
Removes previous installation of HoN LAN to avoid in-game errors like recipe can't be bought and game crashes caused by config conflict. HoN Lan...
[IMG] DƠNLOAD http://www.filefront.com/17253348/HoN-UB-Client-1.0-LAN.exe u can play online using tunggle DOWNLOAD TUNGGLE...
how to make a skill for my zombie? im usíng zombie plague main plugin i search for net adding climb.amxx for class for hunter &...
sori im a newbie here this is just my experiment i want learn to be a modder im shy create a kid like mod game i know u have a big heart teaching...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Hi! im just creating a zombie mod lèt4dead style can u help me to enhance this mod im usíng zombie...
please can someone create a Soldier Front Map?
thank you so much for reply sori for double post coz ihave internet problem the connection was always reset
Help How to fix it? [IMG] By bluelytning386 at 2010-08-11 [IMG] By bluelytning386 at 2010-08-11 ---------- Post added at 00:35 ----------...
please help! how to compile map into bsp i create map in Valve hammer editor i save it but the extension name is map & not Bsp
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