Thanks! take your time, don't mind waiting. :) Just messed up with files of gamevn & indoweb.
Hello! Can you compile all of the recent updates that has been posted here to the first page? My files are kinda messed up, I don't know which...
I'd like to ask if someone tried using fraps on ROTK12 in window mode? I'd like to make a video on ROTK12 but it won't allow me to use fraps on a...
Where will you paste ScecharData.s12?
What's the use of this crack? Do i need to put this or it's just a original .exe file?
is there no news on the diplomacy option? Kinda hard to understand those options. We'll updates us if you finish your work & goodluck! I have...
Any new updates that has been released?
What's new on the scenario version 2?
Any new updates? : 4cool_baffle:
Anyone working with the diplomacy translation?
Makes sense, the scenario starts at number one. :)) I'm just trying to figure how can i play starting from the first scenario up to the last...
Is the new scenario0.dat only works for 1 scenario or all? I can't see where the new updates on my game. :))
Does it allow me to build rams and bows? or it is fixed per character?
How to use research? i can't seem to use it..
Thanks, that solved my problem. Waiting for new updates..
^ Here's my question.. Hello Mod, Yes i'm from the PH. :) Thanks! I picked the viet forums because the chinese aren't friendly, no offense to...
Sorry my friend, im a foreigner just from the other side of vietnam from the philippines. I understand what you said don't worry typing in...
Thanks for the clarifications, i'm worried that something got wrong with my net or ph banned in this forums :) BTW, Has anyone noticed those...
I'd like to ask if something is wrong on the forums. The page loads about 20s which i normally load about 5s. Is the forums having a maintenance?...
Wow! new updates, thanks! :) keep em coming..
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