The server is now Close????????
But I have 3 pet all Have stt800 (1 is the horse)
Participate 2k event can Choose Account??
How to upgrade pet 5000hp Above?? I have seen very many people pet hp very High
How to get HellKnight???:8cool_amazed:
my Hứa Chử is rb2 ~thank~you!!!!
no all skill pet Where to go training Compare Quick Upgrade>>??
hi can you help me get out? I can not go out [IMG] - - - Updated - - - My ID:vn10142 thank you~~Please~~~~
ID:vn10142 my pet:Tào Tháo 400INT 100HP 300AGI
ID:vn10142 can you help me? [IMG]
I have a question I wear a Nham Quai Van but i can user Nham Quai Van skill :9cool_too_sad:
Châu Thái rb2 What is the number?
I found that there are some pet rb2 Not Instruction Can you tell me which side A complete?
You can tell me Any storage pet areas??
Any storage pet solution? Only four seats is not enough :5cool_sweat:
oh :9cool_too_sad: can you help me change Tien? :2cool_burn_joss_sti:9cool_too_sad:
ID:vn10142 RB1 Please thank you~~
I am now level 81 Now which side should go level up? Please tell me thank you ~
Excuse me! My friend really like this game does give my friend an account yet? Thank you
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