bilgate ra đây tao biểu coi sao không thấy mày ở đâu cả ra đây nói chuyện với tao đi mày ..........
tui bây cút hết cho tao toàn là chơi ăn gian hết mà bầy đặt láo quá thử hỏi ở đây có em nào chơi sạch không ngay cả thằng bilgate chủ diễn đàn...
tui bay khai báo như con ***** tất ca cút hết cho tao đồ con nít ranh toán là chơi ăn gian cả lủ ..........
that 's a pretty cool likz :x , gratefu to lmetal :)) . NNT : simgirl 's very simple to play , i just told you in generral . Actuallly , All you...
lolz dunno what doya wanna tell +__+ , 9k ,lolz doya know what 's my relation exps ?! don't remmeber but that must be 8-digits number :))...
mha ha , remmebering the first time she kissed and the date when you became her boyfriend are such most damn thing in the game :)) . You can'nt...
naih [-x , i 'm never cheating a game at the first time i play especially i haven't cleared it yet . What i meant was , well a trick not a cheat...
1st H-games ?! , man =)) .that stuff is just nothing like a Quiz-n' -answere Flash games ,grahpic was bad . but it 's a little fun so i 's poured...
@sivel : i 'ven't had it , wonder how dissapointed it 's ?! @Bờrrum : hmmm ... i see your music hobies has been changed graduallly ,dear :-w. you...
you like those insects , dear ?! :)) . i do hate them ^.^ them took me alot of money for their CD , and alot of time for practising their song...
hiz , that gift , i haven't had a chance to see it yet .booh hoo hoo ... i should have gìven you some more reliable addresses instead of the fake...
hey hey , anyone think that we've gone so far ...>:D< . we don't need to be so serious like that , the apmosphere 's become hotter and hotter...
@jw :ur study aboard ?! do'nt ya have any friend to go out with huh ? ... guess they're scared of your soul of eating :)) @kel : you 've...
"Sao mai " hmm i don't like it be named for such kidda celebaration . how could i call it "suck " while it's the name of my dearest friend :)) . i...
long time no see Tróc , how long has your hair grown ?! :)) . it seems all of you have finished your terms , now you all are free still i 'm in...
haven't ever touch this stuff . i'm looking for the new verson of Tenchu - the return of darkness . danmit , ít's realesed for Xbox , i couldn't...
it's song of whisney houston rite ? umh uhm , you may sing to me Broom . i thought i ears wich has been well-trained in some kidda Thrash & Metal...
ưm sorry to say that you have few parnter here .Brit ?! i like her much when i first saw her performing "Baby one more time " then " Sometime " ....
Steel owl ? they're pretty cool . when i listened to them in the first time i thought they 're a pop band :)) . it's over , they have many song i...
you GJ bad boy , mm let see , there .. Hankie ,Cigar , Guoja ,Chro , lemoney in this topic . well 5 male and 4 men :)) .i like this rhythm too...
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