nobe go look Mir.Tolga proxy you woot i am hacker i never rêject it and never go back of my language i used english for coplimant it :D and you...
you banned because you are a vn faggot posibly whit aimbot:D go hell no way to unban whit vn economy :D go cry more cow
:D lol your talking like man but as like woman i told so if ya dont belive told your server and char i send you in db jail at short time little...
lol thể í just vns pwn i just one herc to all vns gays :D my blade +12 and other blade going pôsion +12 :D lmao **** my dick nôbs Tủkish Money...
stolen from elitepvpvers so bẻcause you cannot programming lmao
lmao you quit or tell me your server and i ban you easly take it easy fool
fool you child **** ẻ vns ar e using hacks specially VnsVodich Teams and Alts And Ngyens lmao all vns of those in thunder son of b'tch no body vn...
lol you gtfo your from is a vbulletin if i want i close it :D nope i am a se-riusly hack gể-nẻ-ra-tỏ-r but vns in thunder m4ke it shit much i...
go lôk at co forum fool :D and sê wassup to your vietpower :D u s a p w n s VN
lol all fucer vns whit hacks :D go sv go i will send all to botjail(lo o k at thudner bọtail lít matha faka)
fool who do you ******* whit? you just got 1 double soc set and we banned 9898998 of vns :D
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