[AD] DemonMu | Season6 Ep3 | 35x | 65% | NO RESET

Thảo luận trong 'MMO | Private Server' bắt đầu bởi HaMaNo, 25/8/13.

  1. HaMaNo

    HaMaNo T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Server Links:

    Web : http://demonmu.eu/
    Link Down : http://demonmu.eu/index.php?page_id=downloads
    Register : http://demonmu.eu/index.php?page_id=register

    Server Features:

    Experiance - 35x.
    Item Drop - Medium Rates.
    Zen Drop - Low Rates.
    Excellent Drop - Medium Rates.
    Jewels Drop - Medium Rates.
    Game Spots - Challenging Spots.

    Jewels Sucess Rates :

    Jewel of Soul - 50% Rate
    Jewel of Soul - 75% Luck Rate
    Jewel of Life - 70% Rate

    Commands in Game :

    /addstr - Adding Streght
    /addagi - Adding Agillity
    /addvit - Adding Vitality
    /addene - Adding Energy
    /addcmd - Adding Command
    /post - Global post message ~ Cost: 150k Zen.
    /pkclear - Clear Level of PK ~ Cost: 2M Zen Each Kill.
    /off - Trade off System

    New Vault Expanded :

    You can store up to 5 more new vaults in game.
    /ware 1/2/3/4/5 - Will switch your currect warehouse to new one.

    Wedding :

    You can have a weeding with other characters (Male - Female)
    Go to devias map.
    First player must Stand at: X: 12 Y: 32
    Second Player must Stand at: X: 26 Y: 33
    Offering a weeding with this command: /prop
    Player that gets the offer must replay with a: /accept command.
    After getting married there is a command to track your Husband / Wife with: /huwi command.
    - Weeding is from level 250
    - Weeding cost: 20M zen.
    - Husband must have 1B and wife must have 1S

    Happy Hour Event :

    Each day at 20:00 (Server Time) Happy hour event will be turn on.
    - Addional Exp: 10
    - Addional Drop: 5

    Trade Offline System :

    How does it work?
    - Open a Mu Store in your character.
    - Write /off
    - and now u will sell it for WCoinC
    -You will get DC but the character will be online with open store.

    WCoinC :

    Vote For Coin Each 12h
    Exchange Hours
    Buy and Sell Items from MuStore with WCoinC

    SV mới open nên ít người chơi nhưng sv hay lắm
    Jewel rớt nhiều tha hồ mà lụm
    Đồ Exc rớt cũng nhiều
    Box kundun farm dễ tầm lv 200 là farm box 3 ok >> Drop 1 lần 5 Box
    Spot có ở các map nhưng phải tụ kiếm ko add ngay trước cửa
    Săn Santa clau rớt Codor Flame, lông chim , Box GM quăng ra đồ box 4 +10>>+15 ...
  2. Crescent_Moon

    Crescent_Moon Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    server hay đấy, đang kéo về test thử!!!!
  3. o0Mark0o

    o0Mark0o Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    lại chuyển nhà à , theo bác này đuối quá @@
  4. HaMaNo

    HaMaNo T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    THì max rùi nên chán thì phải dọn nhà khác thui ^^ chứ sao h
  5. pek0n1811

    pek0n1811 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Total Online: 0
    Account: 52
    Character: 56
    Guild: 0

    chả thấy ma nào onl mà bác chuyển sever liên tục, em chả chạy theo nổi
  6. HaMaNo

    HaMaNo T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    lỗi hiện thi online đó chứ làm gi ko co ai online trời

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