[AD] Winged MU | Server x1500 | WIN $30 USD | OPENS 31 JULY

Thảo luận trong 'MMO | Private Server' bắt đầu bởi onlainexx, 29/7/17.

  1. onlainexx

    onlainexx Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:


    New Server by Winged MU Online for players who likes more easy gameplay with faster and easier
    level up to make your character strong. Easy Server will give you a chance to get even up to 4
    excellent items in game or in item shop and up to 5 empty sockets in game or up to 3 chosen
    socket options + 2 empty for free in item shop. There still exists limits in a reason to be
    able to make unique builds not to get a Full Option items what everyone would have the same.
    We would like to not call it pay 2 win since everyone can get the same with or without donations.
    There is just a time difference on how fast you can achieve that and it depends on you.
    You should definately read a guide on how to earn free credits without paying a real money
    since there are plenty different ways. WIN $ 30 USD worth Credits in a RAFFLE.

    SERVER EASY x1500 OPENING ON JULY 31 at 19:00 Server Time

    Website: https://www.wingedmu.com/
    Forum: http://forum.wingedmu.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WingedMu/
    Contact Us: https://www.wingedmu.com/support

    Basic Server information:
    Version: Season 9.5
    Experience: x1500
    Master experience: x150
    Drop: 35%
    Maximum level: 400
    Maximum master level: 350
    Points per level: 5/7/7
    Points per master level: 2
    Maximum stat: 32000
    Cash shop Enabled
    Wcoins Exchange Enabled
    Mu Helper: from level 30
    Mu Helper cost: 400 Zen * level
    Pk clear cost: 5kk Zen * pk count
    Monster Spots in all maps
    Elf Soldier buff Till: 350 level
    Create level MG, DL = 1
    Create level RF, Sum = 1

    Reset System:
    Reset level = 400
    Reset Level VIP = 380
    Reset limit = 500
    After reset: stat points clear
    After reset free stat points:
    SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 700 points * resets
    MG, DL, RF = 800 points * resets
    Reset reward = 30 Credits
    Reset cost = 2kk Zen * resets

    Grand Reset System:
    Grand reset from = 70 resets
    Grand reset limit = 7
    After grand reset free stat points:
    SM,ELF,BK,SUM = 10000 points * grand resets
    MG,DL,RF = 11000 points * grand resets
    Grand reset reward: 22000 Credits

    Item Shop Limits:
    Maximum excellent options: 4
    Maximum socket options: 3
    Maximum item level: +12
    (upgrade up to +15 only in game)
    Excellent + Ancient: ON
    Excellent + Socket: ON
    Ancient + Harmony: ON
    Equal Seed Sockets: OFF

    Party Experience:
    Normal Party 2 Exp Bonus = - 5%
    Normal Party 3 Exp Bonus = + 5%
    Normal Party 4 Exp Bonus = + 15%
    Normal Party 5 Exp bonus = + 30%
    Set Party 3 Exp Bonus = + 40% (different classes)
    Set Party 4 Exp Bonus = + 50% (different classes)
    Set Party 5 Exp Bonus = + 60% (different classes)

    Chaos Machine and Combination Rates:
    Objects +10, +11 = 75%
    Objects +12, +13 = 65%
    Objects +14, +15 = 45%
    Jewel of Bless - 100%
    Jewel of Soul - 70%
    Jewel of Life - 70%
    + Luck increase the probability of success by 20%
    Feather Of Condor Max Rate = 60%
    Wings level 2 Mix Max Rate = 90%
    Wings level 2.5 Mix Max Rate = 60%
    Cape Of Lord Mix Max Rate = 90%
    Wings level 3 Mix Max Rate = 40%
    Chance to get Excellent option when making Wings level 3 = 60%
    Chance to get Luck option when making Wings level 3 = 70%

  2. onlainexx

    onlainexx Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bump up..... !!! >..

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