Tớ có mấy cái cheat của trò half life, không biết có dùng được không (vì tớ không chơi lệnh bao giờ nên không biết) cậu thử xem: god - God Mode noclip - NOCLIP Mode : Fly through walls notarget - No Target Mode impulse 101 - Gives all weapons sv_gravity x - Adjusts Gravity where when X = 800 the game uses default gravity and when X = 0 there is no gravity. sv_accelerate x - Adjusts air acceleration so you move more when you jump. Default = 10 but increase for more effective bunnyhopping :) skill x - Adjusts skill in-game, 1 = Easiest, 3 = Hardest. Bằng tiếng anh nên bạn tự dịch vậy nhé.
code đây hàng chuẩn đó Result Code --------------------------------------------- $16,000 - impulse101 Arctic sniper rifle - give spaceweapon_awp Auto-aim with sniper rifle - sv_aim Adjust gravity - sv_gravity [-999 - 999999] See and fire through walls and objects, default is 3600 - gl_zmax[0-9999] See things brightly without flashlight - lambert -1.0001 View other players' frags - cl_hidefrags 0 Faster forward motion - cl_forwardspeed 999 Faster backwards motion - cl_backspeed 999 Faster side motion - cl_sidespeed 999 Auto-reload enabled - +reload Auto-reload disabled - -reload SetC4 timer - mp_c4timer [1-100] Hyper auto-aim enabled - sv_clienttrace 9999 Hyper auto-aim disabled - sv_clienttrace 0000 Change crosshair color - adjust crosshair Reveal how much time left on the map - timeleft Disable the crosshair to enlarge when shooting - crosshair [1-5] Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default is 6 [Note] - mp_freezetime [seconds] Set maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 5 [Note] - mp_roundtime [3-15] Set minutes between map rotations, default is 0 [Note] - mp_timelimit Toggle friendly fire [Note] - mp_friendlyfire [0 or 1] Toggle footsteps, default is 1 [Note] - mp_footsteps [0 or 1] Level select - changelevel [map name] Weapon select - give [weapon name] Skin select - skin [skin name]