Bảng Alchemy Pot của Dragon Quét VIII

Thảo luận trong 'Hướng dẫn | Hỏi đáp game' bắt đầu bởi delacroixF2, 18/5/06.

  1. delacroixF2

    delacroixF2 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Seventh Heaven
    Lần đầu viết 1 bài dài thế này, chắc cũng không thật hoàn chỉnh lắm nhưng mình nghĩ nó cũng giuớ ích cho các bạn 1 chút trong quá trình chơi game!! :D

    __________Sword list__________

    Bronze Knife + Bronze Knife = Copper

    SwordLiquid Metal Sword + Mystifying Mixture + Cowpat = Rusty Old Sword

    Templar's Sword + Holy Talisman = Holy Silver Rapier

    Falcon Blade + Meteorite Bracer = Uber Falcon Blade

    Holy Silver Rapier + Devil's Tail + Wing of Bat = Fallen Angel Rapier

    Zombiesbane + Holy Talisman = Zombie Slayer

    Uber Double-Edge + Devil's Tail = Double-Edged Sword

    Double-Edged Sword + Saint's Ashes + Saint's Ashes = Uber Double-Edge

    Fallen Angel Rapier + Mercury's Bandana + Mercury's Bandana = Mercury's Rapier

    Dragonsbane + Mighty Armlet = Dragon Slayer

    Bastard Sword + Icicle Dirk + Cold Cheese = Blizzard Blade

    Miracle Sword + Life Bracer = Uber Miracle Sword

    Rune Staff + Light Shield + Shimmering Dress = Shamshir of Light

    Rusty Old Sword + Orichalcum + Slime Crown = Liquid Metal Sword

    Dragovian Sword + Liquid Metal Sword = Dragovian King Sword

    __________Spear List__________

    Cypress Stick + Dagger = Iron Lance

    Cypress Stick + Cypress Stick + Iron Lance = Long Spear

    Long Spear + Gold Rosary = Holy Lance

    Partisan + Saint's Ashes = Sandstorm Spear

    Poison Needle + Devil's Tail + Battle Fork = Demon Spear

    ___________Boomerang List__________

    Boomerang + Iron Nail = Reinforced Boomerang

    Edged Boomerang + Wing of Bat + Steel Scythe = Razor Wing Boomerang

    Swallowtail + Flame Shield = Flametang Boomerang

    Razor Wing Boomerang + Metal King Spear = Metal Wing Boomerang

    __________Axe List__________

    Cypress Stick + Stone Hard Hat = Stone Axe

    Iron Axe + Gold Nugget = Golden Axe

    Farmer's Scythe + Farmer's Scythe = Iron Axe

    Battle Axe + Thief's Key = Bandit Axe

    Golden Axe + Moon's Mercy = Moon Axe

    Golden Axe + Slime Crown = King Axe

    __________Hammer List__________

    Giant Mallet + Iron Helmet + Iron Helmet = Sledgehammer

    War Hammer + Mighty Armlet = Uber War Hammer

    Uber War Hammer + Conquerer's Axe + Orichalcum = Megaton Hammer

    __________Scythe List__________

    Steel Scythe + Poison Moth Knife + Hade's Helm = Hell Scythe

    __________Dagger List__________

    Slime Earrings + Agility Ring + Tough Guy Tattoo = Falcon Knife

    Eagle Dagger + Poison Needle = Assassin's Dagger

    Assassin's Dagger + Devil's Tail = Imp Knife

    __________Whip List__________

    Devil's Tail + Saint's Ashes = Leather Whip

    Leather Whip + Scale Shield = Snakeskin Whip

    Snakeskin Whip + Dragon Scale + Dragon Scale = Dragon Tail Whip

    Scourge Whip + Devil's Tail = Demon Whip

    Demon Whip + Saint's Ashes = Scourge Whip

    __________Stave List__________

    Wizard's Staff + Rockbomb Shard = Magma Staff

    Wizard's Staff + Rune Staff = Staff of Anti-Magic

    Rune Staff + Yggdrasil Leaf + Life Bracer = Staff of Ressurection

    __________Bow List__________

    Short Bow + Chain Whip = Hunter's Bow

    Cypress Stick + Cypress Stick + Strength Ring = Hunter's Bow

    Hunter's Bow + Garter Belt = Eros' Bow

    Eros' Bow + Power Shield = Cheiron's Bow

    Great Bow + Eros' Bow + Cheiron's Bow = Odin's Bow

    __________Armor List__________

    Plain Clothes + Plain Clothes = Wayfarer's Clothes

    Bandana + Bandit's Grass Skirt = Boxer Shorts

    Magic Beast Hide + Wayfarer's Clothes = Leather Armor

    Boxer Shorts + Magic Beast Hide = Leather Kilt

    Leather Whip + Bandana = Leather Kilt

    Wayfarer's Clothes + Templar's Shield = Templar's Uniform

    Magic Beast Hide + Dancer's Costume = Leather Dress

    Leather Armor + Dragon Scale = Scale Armor

    Chain Mail + Bronze Shield = Bronze Armor

    Iron Shield + Iron Shield = Iron Cuirass

    Magic Beast Hide + Magic Beast Hide = Fur Poncho

    Cloak of Evasion + Boxer Shorts = Robe of Serenity

    Silk Bustier + Bunny Tail = Bunny Suit

    Platinum Mail + Devil's Tail = Zombie Mail

    Silver mail + Zombiesbane = Zombie Mail

    Iron Cuirass + Silver Platter + Silver Platter = Silver Cuirass

    Scholar's Cap + Magic Robe = Sage's Robe

    Magical Mace + Magical Hat + Bandit's Grass Skirt = Magical Skirt

    Full Plate Armor + Ruby of Protection + Prayer Ring = Magic Armor

    Dancer's Costume + Silver Mail = Dancer's Mail

    Silver Mail + Dragon Scale + Dragon Scale = Dragon Mail

    Magic Armor + Edged Boomerang = Spiked Armor

    Zombie Mail + Saint's Ashes = Platinum Mail

    Flowing Dress + Magical Skirt = Angel Robe

    Heavy Armor + Bandit Axe + Bandit's Grass Skirt = Bandit Mail

    Sage's Robe + Magic water + Nook Grass = Crimson Robe

    Cloak of Evasion + Wing of Bat + Devil's Tail = Dark Robe

    Silver Mail + Mirror Shield + Mirror Shield = Mirror Armor

    Angel Robe + Gold Rosary + Shimmering Dress = Princess Robe

    Bandit Mail + Mighty Armlet + Mighty Armlet = Gigant Armor

    Dangerous Bustier + Shimmering Dress = Divine Bustier

    Liquid Metal Armor + Slime Crown + Orichalcum = Metal King Armor

    __________Shield List__________

    Pot Lid + Magic Beast Hide = Leather Shield

    Leather Shield + Dragon Scale = Scale Shield

    Leather Shield + Bronze Knife = Bronze Shield

    Templar's Uniform + Iron Shield = Templar's Shield

    Iron Shield + Silver Platter = White Shield

    Light Shield + Fresh Milk + Fresh Milk = White Shield

    Steel Shield + Ruby of Protection + Prayer Ring = Magic Shield

    Steel Shield + Dragon Scale + Dragon Scale = Dragon Shield

    Magic Shield + Icicle Dirk = Ice Shield

    Magic Shield + Flametang Boomerang = Flame Shield

    Magic Shield + Strength Ring + Cured Cheese = Power Shield

    Mirror Shield + White Shield + Holy Water = Saintless Shield

    Mirror Shield + Amor Seco Essense + Magic water = Silver Shield

    Metal King Shield + Devil's Tail = Ruinous Shield

    Goddess Shield + Devil's Tail = Thantos' Shield

    Thantos' Shield + Saint's Ashes = Goddess Shield

    Ruinous Shield + Saint's Ashes + Orichalcum = Metal King Shield

    __________Helmet List__________

    Leather Hat + Iron Nail = Pointy Hat

    Bandana + Bandana = Turban

    Chimaera Wing + Leather Hat = Feathered Cap

    Hairband + Bunny Tail = Bunny Ears

    Stone Axe + Pointy Hat = Stone Hard Hat

    Feathered Cap + Fur Poncho = Fur Hood

    Feathered Cap + Mercury's Bandana = Hermes' Hat

    Stone Hard Hat + Bronze Knife + Bronze Knife = Bronze Helmet

    Agility Ring + Bandana = Mercury's Bandana

    Feathered Cap + Elevating Shoes = Happy Hat

    Magical Hat + Scholar's Specs = Scholar's Cap

    Mithril Helm + Devil's Tail = Hade's Helm

    Scholar's Cap + Iron Headgear = Thinking Cap

    Hade's Helm + Saint's Ashes = Mithril Helm

    Mithril Helm + Cowpat + Fresh Milk = Raging Bull Helmet

    Thinking Cap + Silver Tiara + Gold Nugget = Golden Tiara

    Iron Headgear + Dark Robe = Phantom Mask

    Sun Crown + Devil's Tail = Skull Helmet

    Skull Helmet + Saint's Ashes = Sun Crown

    __________Accessories List__________

    Seed of Strength + Prayer Ring = Strength Ring

    Strength Ring + Leather Kilt = Titan Belt

    Strength Ring + Titan Belt = Mighty Armlet

    Recovery Ring + Gold Bracer = Life Bracer

    Seed of Magic + Gold Ring = Prayer Ring

    Gold Ring + Sandstorm Spear = Ring of Truth

    Gold Ring + Poison Needle = Ring of Immunity

    Holy Water + Gold Rosary + Tough Guy Tattoo = Holy Talisman

    Gold Ring + Poison Moth Knife = Full Moon Ring

    Gold Ring + Dream Blame = Ring of Awakening

    Gold Ring + Fallen Angel Rapier = Ring of Clarity

    Prayer Ring + Seed of Life = Recovery Ring

    Full Moon Ring + Ring of Immunity + Ring of Truth = Catholicon Ring

    Seed of Defense + Prayer Ring = Ruby of Protection

    Fishnet Stockings + Happy Hat = Elevating Shoes

    Seed of Agility + Prayer Ring = Agility Ring

    Agility Ring + Agility Ring + Orichalcum = Meteorite Bracer

    Sorcerer's Ring + Devil's Tail = Skull Ring

    Skull Ring + Saint's Ashes + Saint's Ashes = Sorcerer's Ring

    Seed of Wisdom + Ring of Awakening + Ring of Clarity = Scholar's Specs

    Recovery Ring + Golden Tiara + Orichalcum = Goddess Ring

    __________Consumable Items/Tools List__________

    Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb = Strong Medicine

    Strong Medicine + Strong Medicine = Special Medicine

    Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb = Rose Root

    Medicinal Herb + Strong Medicine = Rose Root

    Holy Water + Strong Medicine = Amor Seco Essense

    Medicinal Herb + Antidotal Herb = Strong Antidote

    Medicinal Herb + Antidotal Herb + Antidotal Herb = Special Antidote

    Strong Antidote + Strong Antidote = Special Antidote

    Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb + Moonwort Bulb = Rose-Wort

    Strong Medicine + Moonwort Bulb = Rose-Wort

    Moonwort Bulb + Moonwort Bulb + Moonwort Bulb = Moon's Mercy

    Special Medicine + Special Medicine = Lesser Panacea

    Special Medicine + Special Medicine + Special Medicine = Greater Panacea

    Rose Root + Rose-Wort + Lesser Panacea = Greater Panacea

    Magic water + Yggdrasil Leaf = Yggdrasil Dew

    Holy Water + Seed of Magic = Magic water

    Magic water + Yggdrasil Dew = Elfin Elixir

    Amor Seco Essense + Rock Salt = Holy Water

    Wing of Bat + Wing of Bat = Chimaera Wing

    Medicinal Herb + Antidotal Herb + Moonwort Bulb = Mystifying Mixture

    Holy Water + Cowpat + Wing of Bat = Mystifying Mixture

    Gold Nugget + Orichalcum + Yggdrasil Dew = Sage's Stone

    Sun Crown + Magic Beast Hide + Tough Guy Tattoo = Timbrel of Tension

    Fresh Milk + Rennet Powder = Plain Cheese

    Scorching Cheese + C-C-Cool Cheese = Plain Cheese

    Plain Cheese + Red Mould = Spicy Cheese

    Spicy Cheese + Red Mould + Red Mould = Super Spicy Cheese

    Spicy Cheese + Nook Grass = Super Spicy Cheese

    Super Spicy Cheese + Premium Mould + Dragon Dung = Scorching Cheese

    Plain Cheese + Waterweed Mould = Cool Cheese

    Cool Cheese + Waterweed Mould = Chilly Cheese

    Chilly Cheese + Waterweed Mould + Waterweed Mould = Cold Cheese

    Cold Cheese + Premium Mould + Dragon Dung = C-C-Cool Cheese

    Plain Cheese + Amor Seco Essense = Mild Cheese

    Fresh Milk + Premium Mould + Amor Seco Essense = Cured Cheese

    Fresh Milk + Premium Mould + Yggdrasil Dew = Angel Cheese

    Plain Cheese + Rock Salt = Hard Cheese

    Fresh Milk + Rennet Powder + Rock Salt = Soft Cheese

    Plain Cheese + Magic water = Chunky Cheese

    Super Spicy Cheese + Cold Cheese + Rock Salt = Highly-Strung Cheese

    Red Mould + Waterweed Mould + Yggdrasil Leaf = Premium Mould

    Bronze Knife + Iron Nail = Thief's Key
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    San Goku Mario & Luigi

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    thienminh10 Youtube Master Race

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