Bloody Roar 2?

Thảo luận trong 'Bloody Roar' bắt đầu bởi HoangTu8X, 16/4/08.

  1. HoangTu8X

    HoangTu8X Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    ______ _ _
    (_____ \| | | |
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    | ___ (| | _ \ _ |/ _ ( \ / )
    | |___) ) | (_) | (_) ( ( | |\ \/ /
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    | ___ ( _ \/ _ |/ ___) ¯/ /
    | | | | (_) ( ( | | | / /___
    |_| |_|\____|\_||_|_| (_______|

    Bringer of the New Age
    Unofficial Bloody Roar 2 FAQ
    For Sony PlayStation Only
    Version 1.2
    By Beno Jange
    This FAQ is intended for personal use only. This FAQ can't be used for
    any profitable purpose nor it can be published in any forms. No one are
    allowed to reedit this FAQ without the author' permission. If you like
    to add this FAQ on your site, you're free to do it as long as the FAQ
    appears in full and have no modification and you have to promise that
    you will keep this FAQ up to date by checking the newest revision of
    this FAQ on GameFAQs once a month. If you want to take some parts of
    this FAQ, give me a credit. Any offenders will severely dealt with.

    If you feel that, reading the FAQ like this is a bit tedious,
    especially when you have to look at the computer and play your game,
    you are allowed to print the part or whole of this document out, but
    the printed copies can only be for personal use.

    Bloody Roar 2 logo, characters (C) 1999 HudsonSoft.
    PlayStation is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
    Unofficial Bloody Roar 2 FAQ, logo (C) 2000 Beno Jange.
    All copyrights and trademarks (if any) are acknowledged.


    v1.0 - 07/31/2000 - First Release.

    V1.1 - 09/30/2000 - Added GameShark section.
    - Reformated Author's Note section.
    - Updated Credits section.

    v1.2 - 12/15/2000 - Removed plan for future update.
    - Removed Email Policy section.
    - Updated Author's Note section.
    - Corrected some grammar errors.
    - The FAQ is officially finished now.

    Well, I played Bloody Roar 2 quite along ago (in October 1999). At that
    time I didn't find any FAQ for it especially the FAQ that contain move
    list. Until this FAQ released I still didn't find the FAQ for it. Thx
    to GOD I can get all of the move lists on the Official Bloody Roar 2
    Site. So I wrote this FAQ just to help you learn all of the move
    list. Beside that you can print it because it's a text version not HTML
    version like the one you find on Official Bloody Roar 2 Site.

    This FAQ is best viewed on 800x600 resolution with WordPad and "Wrap to
    Window" option. This FAQ based on the US version of Bloody Roar 2 since
    I don't have the Japanese version. This FAQ is written as short as I
    can just to keep the FAQ in small size.

    The newest revision of this FAQ can always be found at:
    - GameFAQs
    - Video Game Strategies
    - Games Domain
    - Fresh Baked Games

    * Currently I post this FAQ on GameFAQs

    Now, this FAQ is officially finished now. I'm not going to update this
    FAQ anymore unless there is such a keen need for me to do so (which
    probably won't happen). Questions, critizims, contributions, anything
    are welcome as long as you state "BR2" or "Bloody Roar 2" as a subject
    of your letter. But pls write it politely.

    Note: I am not hiding secrets or any other information, i.e. everything
    I know about Bloody Roar 2 is in this guide.

    After the success of Bloody Roar, HudsonSoft now continue the sequel.
    The games obviously resembles Tekken series. But one that make this
    game is a little different i.e. the character can turn into the
    "beast". The other is Story Mode in which Tekken series didn't have it.

    Well, here's my rating for this game:
    - Graphic : 8.0/10 - The graphic of this game is managed well like
    Tekken series.
    - Music : 8.0/10 - The music is also enjoyable to listen.
    - Sound : 8.0/10 - The sound effect is done greatly.
    - Game Play : 8.0/10 - Well, of course playing this game is very fun.
    - Innovation : 8.0/10 - Well, innovation in this game is great since it
    has many options, pictures, etc
    - Overall : 8.0/10 - It really deserved it.
    - Difficulty : Medium - Well, all you have to do is read this faq and
    learn the move list. Once you've learned it,
    you'll become an expert player.
    - Buy/Rent : Buy - If you've more money, you should buy this game.

    d = down [] = square
    u = up X = cross
    l = left /\ = triangle
    r = right O = circle

    dl = down + left
    dr = down + right
    ul = up + left
    ur = up + right
    , = denotes an individual press
    + = designates these must be pressed simultaneously
    <> = designates the key must be hold


    Hunting Dive Elbow
    <r> + [], <r> + [], <r> + []

    Means that we should hold right and press Square simultaneously then
    hold right and press Square then hold right and press Square

    Guard Attack = d dl l + [] or X

    Rage Move is a one-hit ultimate destructive attack performed during
    Beast mode. It is the clinching killer attack and it uses up all your
    Beast power. Since that leaves you extremely vulnerable, be careful
    when you use it, and be ready for the consequences if you fail.

    NB: The author assume that your fighter is on the left side.

    Beast Form: RABBIT
    Fighting Style: JUMPING

    Special Moves

    Blitz River Throw
    [] X [], d + X

    Arc Drop Combination Rush
    r + X, d + X, d + []

    Sway Kick Combination
    l + [], X

    Through Punch Upper
    r + [], r + []

    Leg Beat Combination
    dr + X, X X

    Rabbit Step
    dr + [], [] [], d + X

    Upper Rabbit Rush High
    [] [] [] r + [] O O O r + O

    Long Rabbit Ground Rush
    dl + O, O O, d + O

    Low Rabbit Knee Rush
    d + O, d + O, O O O

    Low Rabbit Slider Rush
    d + O, d + O, d + X, d + []

    Spinning Hopper
    d dl l + [] (Guard attack: press R1 = cancel midway)

    Rabbit Spiral
    d dr r + []

    Triple Sommersault
    d dl l + X, <l> + X, <l> + X

    Rabbit Flip
    d dr r + O (floating move)

    Switch Moonsault
    d dl l + O (moving attack)

    Rage Move

    Lifting Star Line
    d dr r, d dr r + O


    Name: BAKURYU
    Beast Form: MOLE
    Fighting Style: NINJA

    Special Moves

    Spiral Shadow Blade
    [] [] [] [] r + []

    Sword Drop Blade Kick
    [] [] X X

    Fang Drop Hammer Moon Shadow
    [] X X, r + X, l + X, u + []

    Flowing Shadow Circular Kick
    dr + [], X

    Bursting Avalanche Kick
    dr + X, X X

    Gale Crescent Moon Drop
    r, r + X, X X

    Sword Round Moon Kick
    [] [], l + X

    d, <d> + X, X

    Poisonous Claw Slash
    O O O

    Poisonous Claw Machine Gun
    r + O, O O O O

    Snow Light Line Drop
    d dr r + [] (midair hitting throw)

    Smoke Bomb
    d dr r + X (comes up facing the opponent's back; press R1 to cancel)

    Smoke Spiral Kick
    d dl l + X (comes up in midair)

    Hard Air Stream
    d dl l + [] (Guard Attack; press R1= cancel midway)

    Rising Scrape Up
    d dl l + O (floating move)

    Rage Move

    Double Inferno
    l r l dl d dr r + O


    Name: BUSUZIMA
    Beast Form: CHAMELEON
    Fighting Style: DECEPTION

    Special Moves

    X, d + X, [] []

    All Open Transparent Kick
    [] [] [] X, d + X

    Back Attack
    dr + [], dr + [], l + []

    Negligent Bad Kick
    r + [], X

    Gangster Kick Trick Series
    r + X, r + X, r + []

    All Open Upper Punch
    [] [] [] O

    Sommersault Facial Slider
    u + O, dl + O, d + O

    Slide Climbing Upper Punch
    r + O, r + O

    Dokujima (Poison Island) Serious
    d dr r + X (special posture)

    Serious Punch
    d dr r + X, [] [] []

    Serious Kick
    d dr r + X, X X

    Dokujima Exercise
    d dl l + X, X X X X X X X

    Running Chop
    d dr r + [] (special damage move)

    Invisible Attack
    d dr r + O (disappear after attack)

    d dl l + O (disappear)

    Rage Move

    Ultimate Die Through
    d dr r, d dr r + O


    Beast Form: BAT
    Fighting Style: LOWER BODY

    Special Moves

    Step Slap
    [] []

    Passionate Heal Rush
    r + X, X X X X

    Passion Heal Goodbye
    r + X, X X, l + X

    Sly Kick
    d + X, X

    Enamel Blade
    dr + X, X X X

    Gross Edge
    d, <d> + X, X

    Complete Disorder
    O O O O O

    Wind Slider
    O O O, d + O

    Nightmare Walking
    r + O, O O

    d dr r + [] (special posture)

    Twisted Explosion
    d dr r + [], X X X X X X X X

    Twist Heal Charge
    d dr r + [], X X, d + X (can move backm front and back)

    Eccentric Kick
    d dr r + X (move in midair)

    Drill Talon
    d dl l + O, O

    Bat Wing Blade
    d dr r + O (floating move)

    Rage Move

    Sky High Tempest
    r l dl d dr r + O


    Name: LONG SHIN
    Beast Form: TIGER

    Special Moves

    Consecutive Strike
    [] [] []

    Rotation Back Gate Elbow
    [] X, d + X, r r + []

    Hawk Shoulder Plant
    dr + [], []

    Cross Attack
    O O O

    Snowy Mountain By Heaven
    dl + O, O

    Rage Move

    Ferocious Tiger Laceration
    d dr r, r dr d dl l + O


    Beast Form: LEOPARD

    Special Moves

    M-VI Stinger
    [] [] [] X

    M-VI Nupperm
    [] [], d + X

    Hunting Dive Elbow
    <r> + [], <r> + [], <r> + []

    Hunting Arrow
    <r> + [], X

    Amazon Scratch
    dr + [], d + X

    G-III Combination
    X X X

    Assault Kick Mine
    r + X, X X, d + X

    Assault Kick Bomb
    r + X, r + X, X

    Faint Kick Bomb
    r + X, r + X, []

    Lightning Scratch
    dr + [], r + O, O

    Triple Low Scratch
    O O, d + O

    Angry Slash
    O, d + O

    Trident Shoot
    d dl l + X (Guard Attack: press R1 = cancel midway)

    Scramble Snatch
    d dr r + X (midair hitting throw)

    Rising Laser
    d dl l + X (floating move)

    Rage Move

    Cross Blade Zapper
    d dl l, d dl l + O


    Beast Form: INSECT
    Fighting Style: GRAPPLER/WRESTLER

    Special Moves

    Shell Face Slash
    [] [] [] []

    Shell Rush Guillotine
    [] [] [] X

    Shell Slasher
    [] X [] []

    Bio Shock
    dl + [] (lower attack move)

    Thrust Blow
    l + X, X, l + []

    Combination Antler Bomb
    r + X, d + X, d dl l + []

    Hand Knife Combination
    d + [], X

    Chaos Beetle Rush
    O O, d + O, d + O

    Violence Beetle Rush
    O O, d + O, dr + O, u + O

    Grasshopper Leg
    d dl l + X

    Spider Drop
    d dr r + [] (upper hitting throw)

    Antler Bomb
    d dl l + X (lower hitting throw)

    Hornet Grab
    d dr r + X (middle hitting throw)

    Stun Crash
    d dr r + /\, d dl l /\ (2nd part)

    Bio Reject
    d dl l + O (upper and middle body move)

    Rage Move

    Boosting Burst
    r dr d dl l r dr d dl l + O (close to opponent)


    Beast Form: HALF-BEAST
    Fighting Style: KENPO

    Special Moves

    Thunder Dance
    [] [] [] []

    All Around 1-2-3
    [] X X, u + X

    Supreme Penetrating Bow Thigh
    r, r + [] X

    Thunderclap Peace
    d dr r + O, O (can additionally enter O only when hitting)

    Wings of the Phoenix
    d dl l (<l> O) 6x (go to the ending moves for six level combo rings)

    Rage Move

    Surprise Cat Pounce
    d dl l, l dl d dr r + O


    Name: YUGO OGAMI
    Beast Form: WOLF
    Fighting Style: BOXING

    Special Moves

    Standing Lock
    [] [] [] []

    Knuckle Twin Kick
    [] X X

    Dragon Finish Blow Combination
    l + [], [] [], d + []

    Sway Hook Combination
    dl + [], l + [] (3x)

    Final Machine Gun Upper
    dr + [], dr + [], dr + [], dr + []

    Panther Two
    r + [], [] []

    Low & Step In
    d + X, dr + []

    Heel Tusk
    d, <d> + X, X

    Side Twin Kick
    dr + X, dr + X

    Claw Twin Knuckle Slash
    O [] [] O

    Triple Slash
    O O O

    Blind Blow
    dr + O, dr + []

    One Two Body Upper
    d dr r + [], <l> + [], <l> + []

    Silver Wolf Knuckle
    d dl l + O, O or X or [] (near and with back wall)

    Rage Move

    Spiral Fang
    d dl l dl d dr r + O

    Any Cancel Point option:
    Defeat fifteen or more characters in survival mode.

    Custom option:
    Complete arcade mode to access the custom option, with big head mode,
    recovery speed and other selections.

    Expert mode:
    While selecting any option on the title screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2.

    Extra costume:
    Complete the game with all characters under arcade mode. Then, press
    Start at the character selection screen to choose a fourth costume.

    Fight against Shen Long:
    To fight against Shen Long, beat Arcade Mode without continuing.

    Get movies and pictures:
    To get all the pictures and movies just beat the Story Mode with every
    character at difficulty level 4 or higher.

    Model Type option:
    Successfully complete the game with any character while under story

    Play as Gado:
    To play as Gado in Bloody Roar 2, all you have to do is beat the game
    in Arcade mode once, with any character on any difficulty.

    Play as Shen Long:
    Defeat Shen Long in the special stage. This also unlocks "Ending 1" on
    the "Movies and Pictures" menu.

    Recovery Speed option:
    Successfully complete the game with any character under story mode
    without using any continues.

    Remove the Menu options on the pause screen:
    Simply hold the R2 button while the game is paused to remove the Menu
    Options. You can bring them back by releasing the R2 button.

    Special pictures:
    Beat the Arcade and Story Mode with all the characters. Each time you
    beat the game, you will gain a new picture. You can also get the
    special "losing picture" of each character by beating the game after
    you have died ones.

    All of these codes come from the Game Shark Code Creator's Club:

    These codes was made and tested on GameShark v3.2.

    01 Infinite Health P1 ONLY 80178A5C 0100
    80178A5E 3221
    80178A64 000D
    80178A66 1020

    02 Infinite Health P2 ONLY 80178A5C 0100
    80178A5E 3221
    80178A64 000D
    80178A66 1420

    03 Infinite Health P1 & P2 80178A9A 2400

    04 Infinite Time To Chose Character 801FFE1C 1760

    05 Have All Characters 801C0FF4 FFFF

    06 Have All Movies 801C0FD0 FFFF

    07 Get All Pictures 801C0FFC FFFF
    801C0FFE FFFF
    801C1000 FFFF
    801C1002 FFFF
    801C1004 FFFF

    08 Have All Custom 801C0FEC FFFF
    801C0FEE FFFF

    09 Infinite Time 80151356 2400

    10 Start With Full Beast Meters P1 & P2 8017570C 3A00

    11 Hit Anywhere (Both Players) [Note 1] 80145BCE 1000

    12 Infinite Beast Meter (When Blocking) P1 ONLY 80144B44 0100
    80144B46 3221
    80144B7C 0007
    80144B7E 1020

    13 Infinite Beast Meter (When Blocking) P2 ONLY 80144B44 0100
    80144B46 3221
    80144B7C 0007
    80144B7E 1420

    14 Infinite Beast Meter (When Blocking) P1 & P2 80144B9A 2400

    15 Infinite Beast Meter (When Not Blocking) P1 ONLY 80144814 0100
    80144816 3221
    80144868 0007
    8014486A 1020

    16 Infinite Beast Meter (When Not Blocking) P2 ONLY 80144814 0100
    80144816 3221
    80144868 0007
    8014486A 1420

    17 Infinite Beast Meter (When Not Blocking) P1 & P2 80144882 2400

    18 Only 1 Fight to Beat Game 801529EC 0007
    801529EE 2402

    19 All Attacks Hurt P1 (When Not Blocking) 80178A84 1D80
    80178A86 0C00
    80178A8A 2400
    80178A9C 1D85
    80178A9E 0C00
    80178AA2 2400
    80007600 1880
    80007602 0003
    80007604 0018
    80007606 0064
    80007608 0000
    8000760A 3621
    8000760C 0008
    8000760E 03E0
    80007610 00E8
    80007612 36D1
    80007614 00AE
    80007616 9622
    80007618 4010
    8000761A 0000
    8000761C 0008
    8000761E 03E0
    80007620 0000
    80007622 3431

    Note 1: With this code, it allows both players to hit, make contact,
    with each other no matter where they are on the screen.

    Appears in alphabetical order:

    Agus Ngadiman, Benny, Benson, Handhy Perayoga, Henry Julianto
    - Thx for being a good friend of mine.
    - Thx for nice days which we spend together.

    Brett "Nemesis" Franklin <>
    - Well, you see that my ASCII art logo used his Brave Fencer Musashi
    ASCII art logo.
    - Be sure to check his page at:

    Dan Simpson <>
    - Thx for some parts of the email policy.

    Dingo Jellybean <>
    - Thx for some parts of the author's note.

    - For making this incredible game.

    Jeff "CJayC" Veasey
    - The webmaster of
    - For his dedication and hard work to
    - Thanks for hosting all of my FAQs.
    - Thanks for making me a contributor page.

    Larry H., Lionheart, Louis Saucedo, Sk8er P311, Xx Gengar xX
    - Thx for contributing secrets and tips about Bloody Roar 2 on
    - Sorry for grouping all of your name but that just to decrease my FAQ

    Loki <>
    - Well, I used some of his TEKKEN keypad abbreviation.

    My Brother, my father and my mother
    - Thx for all of your supports.

    Official Bloody Roar 2 web site
    - Very very big thx for providing me the move lists.
    - Be sure to check their page at:
    - For providing me some secrets and tips about Bloody Roar 2.
    - Be sure to check their page at:

    Scott Ong <>
    - Thx for some parts of the disclaimer.
    - Thx for some parts of the email policy.
    - Be sure to check his page at:

    Whoever on creating WordPad.
    Whoever on ISTP, you know me right?
    Whoever on reading this FAQ.
    Whoever on translating it into English.

    Yee Seng Fu <>
    - Thx for inspiring me on making this FAQ.
    - Thx for some parts of the disclaimer.
    - Be sure to check his page at:

    --==END OF DOCUMENT==--
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    HoangTu8X Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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