[BOI] Battle of the Immortals Oracle

Thảo luận trong 'MMO | Private Server' bắt đầu bởi Shirazuma, 5/3/13.

  1. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường

    Thông Tin Server:
    • Phiên bản: Odin's Wrath
    • Kinh nghiệm: x50
    • Tỉ lệ rơi đồ: x75
    • Cấp: 150 - Exalted: 120
    • Free Zen: 40000 Zen hằng ngày (Tăng thêm khi Level Exalted 40+ trở lên)
    • Set PSG 115 All Class:
    Liên Kết:
    Thông Tin Công Hội:
    • Tên: VNClub - Guild ID: 11 - Cấp: 6 - Hạng: 4 - Hội Trưởng: Zeref_
    • Số lượng thành viên: 116/125 - Số lượng Online: 2x => 3x
    • Pm một trong những người này để xin vào Công Hội: Zeref_ zZBoBoZz die_die zNEROz MagusPVP nab_NAB_nab TaiWan hanize XinhGai StarRoyal HoaAnhTuc _Ris Inox
    • Facebook VNClub!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/227547607404781/

    • Tên: _Otaku_ - Guild ID: 4073 - Cấp: 1 - Hạng: ? - Hội Trưởng: _Mavis
    • Số lượng thành viên: 15/??? - Số lượng Online:
    • Pm một trong những người này để xin vào Công Hội: _Mavis BmanNg Berzerker Gol_D_Roger
    • Facebook VNClub!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/227547607404781/
    Một Số Hướng Dẫn Cơ Bản:
    • Đọc kỹ trước khi chơi Game:
      [SPOIL]01. Free Zen: Điều kiện Character phải Lv40+ Onl game trên 2h và có 3k Power (Down Oracle Program về rồi giải nén ra chạy File Oracle đăng nhập rồi nhận Zen).
      02. Học Skill không mất Coin và Exp (Dùng Auto Click để học Max Skill nhanh)
      03. Mở Box Lv1 sẽ nhận được Danh hiệu Meso Demigod
      04. Hồi sinh hoàn mỹ (Perfect Revival) trên Lv90 mất 10k Zen 1 lần
      05. Lên Exalted nhanh tại NPC Natasha (108/92)
      06. Skill 100 - 115 bán tại NPC Fate Goddess Skuld (256/115) ở Atlantis
      07. Embed Charm Free tại Shop Salary
      08. Nhận quà hàng ngày tại NPC Medea (228/175)
      09. Farm Gem Coin 4 bằng cách đi những Event trong Game: TOB | FD | DI | Giza | LHN
      10. Đổi Stone of Odin's Soul Jade Lv4 ra Odin's Soul Jade nhanh tại NPC Natasha (108/92)
      11. 125 Gem Chest Lv2 đổi 1 Gem Chest Lv5 tại NPC Natasha (108/92)
      12. 125 Gem Chest Lv3 đổi 1 Gem Chest Lv6 tại NPC Natasha (108/92)
      13. 200 Zen Pack đổi 15 Gem Chest Lv2 tại NPC Natasha (108/92)
      14. Đổi Gold Coin Pack sang Coin nhanh tại NPC Natasha (108/92)
      15. Farm bộ chữ Anni-ver-sary-Cele-bration để đổi Coin và Random Item (Đổi tại NPC Freate 213/133) ở Atlantis
      16. 100 Gem Chest Lv2 đổi 1 Gem Coin Lv5 tại NPC Natasha (108/92)[/B][/SPOIL]
    • Nhiệm vụ Cosmos (Tinh Bàn):
      Điều kiện: Meso 1 Lv 110
      Bước 1: Nhận nhiệm vụ tại NPC Klaud 128,247 ở Atlantis
      Bước 2: Làm theo nhiệm vụ trả tại NPC Copernicus 112,91 ở Atlantis
      Bước 3: Nhận tiếp nhiệm vụ mới ở NPC Copernicus
      Nhiệm vụ yêu cầu: Đánh 1 con Eerie Energy Enity và 50 con Mysterious tại Olympus 213,174
      Bước 4: Làm xong trả tại NPC Copernicus và nhận tiếp nhiệm vụ mới
      Bước 5: Làm theo nhiệm vụ trả nhiệm vụ tại NPC Astrolabe 245,179 ở Sea of Atlantis rùi tiếp tục nhận nhiệm vụ lấy điểm Cosmos
      Nhiệm vụ yêu cầu: Đánh quái tại Olympus 213,174 cho đủ 500/500 Energy rồi quay lại NPC Astrolabe trả nhiệm vụ là có điểm Cosmos
      Cách làm nhanh: Chuyển kênh đánh con Eerie Energy Enity được 100 Energy sẽ nhặt thêm được cục ngọc chuột phải sẽ được tăng thêm 100 điểm Energy.
    • Hướng dẫn Event King of the Hill:
      1. Vào các mốc giờ 10h Sáng - 14h Chiều - 18h Tối - 22h Đêm - 2h Sáng chạy nhanh tới NPC Achtos (210/151) tại Atlantis Kênh 3 để tham gia King of the Hill (Viết tắt là KoH).
      2. Mỗi lần Event Max chỉ 40 người nên phải nhanh tay canh sẵn.
      3. Sau khi vào trong thì chỉ việc giết hết để tất cả để dành chiến thắng, người sống sót cuối cùng sẽ được 5~6 điểm KoH và Oracle Crystal Shardx2 còn kẻ thua cuộc thì chỉ được về Mộ Địa trong nhục nhã với 1~3 điểm KoH.
      4. Điểm KoH dùng để mua đồ tại NPC Achtos (210/151) tại Atlantis.​
    • Hướng dẫn Upgrade đồ PSG 115 lên đồ PSG 120 Exalted 15 + đồ PSG 120 Exalted 15 lên đồ PSG 120 Exalted 30:
      1. Chạy đến NPC Leon tại Atlantis
      2. Chọn dòng "Oracle/Holy Item Upgrade"
      3. Nhớ mua Glow of Athena nếu đồ đã cường hóa với ép Gem
      4. Nhấn Upgrade
      * Upgrade PSG 115 lên đồ PSG 120 Exalted 15 bằng Starplane Fragments (Đi Radiant Temple đánh Boss nhặt)
      * Upgrade PSG 120 Exalted 15 lên đồ PSG 120 Exalted 30 bằng Void Jewel (Đi Heartless Canyon đánh Boss nhặt)​
    • Hướng dẫn Donate và làm Quest Guild [by nhucang aka ThanhBeo]:
      [spoil]Cống hiến xây dựng library


      vào trang viên công hội


      nộp xong 400 cái nước thánh xong tele vào


      submit thế là xong phần cống hiến xây dựng rồi :1cool_byebye:

      phần làm Q ở Bounty



      ra đánh 10 con lạt đà

      bấm Q len để có nv


      vậy là xong phần làm nv nữa rồi :5cool_big_smile:

      Phần donate coin


      xong phần donate :9cool_sweet_kiss:

      AE chú ý nên làm nv với cống hiến và donate hàng ngày vì có lợi cho cả G và cả học được các skill trong library nữa có lợi lắm các skill đó đều là pass và tăng dame cho mọi người để up được skill mọi người phải có điểm cống hiến nhất định và lv của library bao nhiêu thì skill học bao nhiêu nên anh em cùng chung tay xây dựng G ngày một vững mạnh nhé cảm ơn anh em đã đọc bài viết của mình :2cool_go::2cool_go:[/LEFT][/spoil]

    Một số lỗi thường gặp:
    • This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
      - Do thiếu Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, down về cài là được ( tốt nhất là nên down luôn 2008 2010 2012 về cài luôn cho khỏi sợ lỗi)

    Cập Nhật Của Server:
    • Cập nhật 22/10/2013:
      [SPOIL]- MAJOR overhaul of Champion's Arena
      +Changes can be found >> HERE(Click) <<
      - Lottery System Discontinued
      + Wasn't used/popular enough so it simply didn't pan out.
      - Growth Changes to the Four Popo Pets. Their max is now 5,000 Growth
      - You can now Right-Click LV3 Gem Coins & LV4 Gem Coins and turn them into their next Level Gem Coin. Requires x5 of LV3/LV4.
      - Poseidon's Temple Revamped
      + Revamped/Reprogrammed Poseidon's Temple and is now working for Odin's Wrath.
      + The Event is held on FRIDAYS at 21:00 - Realm 5, right after Pyramid.
      + The ENTRANCE is at NPC Saragh in Atlantis(202,152). [​IMG]
      + ALL GUILDS can join the Event.
      + ALLIANCES are DISABLED in Poseidon's Temple.
      + This means there are no Alliances only on this map. There's no PvP-setting to disable attacking your allies.
      + Alliances still work anywhere else in the game.
      + Changes to 7 Bosses (Galleon/Byam/Skoura/Isaac/Krisseuna/Leonadis/Sorento):
      + They now have A LOT more HP and defenses.
      + They now have A LOT more Damage and Crit/Lucky/Holy-Strike Chance.
      + They STILL DROP Poseidon's Force x1 when they die.
      + They now have a 40% Chance when killed to issue a Function that selects a Random Player inside Poseidon's Temple, and gives that one guy an OC.
      + It selects a Random Player inside Poseidon's Temple, it does not matter what guild or alliance you are in.
      + Many may not agree to this, but it's only 7 bosses, and 40% chance when they die. So it's at most ~5-6 OCs/week.
      + Think of it this way. Let's say 200 people are in Poseidon's Temple, that gives each player 1/200 (0.5%) chance of being picked.
      * Changes to Poseidon Boss:
      + Poseidon now has A LOT more HP
      + Poseidon now has A LOT more Damage
      * Changes to Pillars in Poseidon's Temple:
      + They now have a lot more HP
      * Changes to Underwater Treasure Loot:
      + Each of the 7 bosses spawn around 25 UT when they die.
      + Salary(1000-5000) Most-propable
      + MFC Chest(MFC x110) Semi-High
      + LV3 Gem Coin(x2-3) Semi-High
      + LV4 Gem Coin(x1-2) Lower
      * Changes to Sea Treasure Loot:
      + Poseidon drops around 50 ST when he dies.
      + Salary(1000-7000) Most-propable
      + MFC Chest(MFC x110-220) Semi-High
      + LV4 Gem Coin(x2-3) Semi-High
      + LV5 Gem Coin(x1-2) Lower
      - King of the Hill Event
      - Completely Custom made Event
      - Completely All VS All Event
      + Upon entering, your PvP settings will be locked. You cannot change them, and you cannot turn of your PvP flag/mode
      + Alliances do not work in this map
      + Guilds do not work in this map
      + It's ALL vs ALL, period.
      + The Event occurs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, every 4h on each day. Realm 3! (12:00-16:00-20:00-00:00)
      + Entrance is NPC Achtos in Atlantis(214,149) [​IMG]
      + No requirements to Enter
      + Each participant gets a select amount of Points for participating.
      + The King of the Round gets additional Points for participating, plus an Oracle Crystal Shard
      + Points can be spent at NPC Achtos(214,149)
      - New Custom Mount (150 Points):
      + Move Speed 120% (20% Higher than any other mount)
      + Phys/Mag Att 8%
      + 8% Crit Block
      + 10% Heal Effect Taken (Healin Received)
      + Supports 2 people on the mount
      + Bonus: Uses Dash LV4(90%) compared to most Mounts using Dash LV2(70%)
      + By far the fastest mount in the game. Looks good too! (Sleipnir)
      * Spacecraft/Spaceship Mount (20 Points)
      * Egg: Random Popo Pet Egg (10 Points)
      * Egg: Soul Eater Pet Egg (35 Points)
      * Item: HolyFortificationStone (50 Points)
      * Badge: Fate Guide (10 Points)
      * Badge: Conqueror of the North Wind (50 Points)
      * Badge: Nielder's Deity (100 Points)
      * Badge: Ultimate Badge (200 Points)
      + You CANNOT Perfect Revive or Revive of any sort in this map.
      + Automatically Teleports you to Atlantis upon Death.[/SPOIL]
    • Odin's Wrath Launch:
      - All Pre-Arcane Realm Expansion Patches have been transfered
      - All Arcane Realm Expansion Patches have been Transfered
      + I'm only human, please let me know if I forgot something.
      - All Class Changes have been Transfered, and new ones will come soon enough
      - Pre-Expansion Exalted SG115 Set Bonus (8/8) that came with Class Change patch has been transfered.
      - ALL Classes Set Gear Exalted SG130 (8/8) has been changed to a stronger version of Exalted SG115 Set Bonus (In other words a lot stronger)
      - A new NPC SouthWest (just a few metres) from the original GoldShine NPC with a lot of new Options
      - Following Items added to Marketplace:
      + Ethereal Seal Remover
      + Ethereal Seal Combiner
      + Ethereal Seal Converter
      + Universe Emblem in Marketplace replaced with Universe Emblem Pack (x10 Emblem) for cheaper Bulk-price
      - Customized Client
      + Custom new Launcher + Settings + News-Feed
      + Quite a few In-Game Textures have been changed (Some Saturation + Better Quality)
      + Progressively made the Client smaller and easier to Download
      + Re-packed SQP Files and made Changes to Texts / Item Names / NPC Names / Pet Names (Like AR Client)
      + Download Also includes .NET Framework 4.5 AND Oracle Program (Request ZEN)
      + The Downloadable Client is also an .EXE Installer (Instead of Rar/7zip trouble)
      - Following Old Bosses have increased Damage & Defenses
      + Nexus of Hunger
      + Nether Ceasar Vanguard
      + Aeacus
      - Following New Bosses have been buffed to be 10 times as strong as before (X * 10 on every aspect)
      + Abyss - Dysteri (Map: The Last Bastion)
      + Death Knight - Dyse (Map: Infernal Depths)
      - Following New Pets have been buffed
      + Forest Goddess
      + Chaos Arbiter
      + Abyss - Dysteri
      + Achelous
      + Soul Eater / Phantomlord
      - Lucky Sticker Fixed
      - Bounty Hunter Chest Fixed
      - Salary Cards now cost ZEN Packs again as intended
      - LV13 Chalice Coupons Removed from NPC Dyana's Shop as intended
      - Missing NPCs added
      - Chances are I missed some, please let me know
      - Stardusts Removed from Marketplace Read reason below
      - Can now be found at NPC Dyana Shop
      - Castle Hartlis's Entrance should now be fixed (New Event)
      - Patched NPC encryption, they should now load properly
      - NPCs should now also have the proper 'Options'
      - Cosmo Points should now be back to x2 per day
      - Pet Changes done (Read Below)
      - Confinement Fix applied, should work, but no guarantee
      - Adornment Fortify Charm back in Marketplace -- Sorry for the confusion
      - New Gear should now also have the custom Reforge Stats
      - Pangea Entrance should now work without scenario quest requirement
      - Fruit of Life back in Shop, in replacement of Leaf of Life.
      - The only reason I faked the removal of it, was to remove it from every player and then increase the price of it. Because it was too cheap, in my eyes.
      + Stardust Charm added to Dyana's Shop alongside the Stardusts
      - Starplane Fragments no longer tradeable
      - Anni-Ver-Sary-Cele-Bration words no longer Tradeable
      - Amount of Elders/Wardens/EtcRanks in Guilds should now be back to the way it used to b
      - Lowered the HP by 15% on the following bosses, seemed to be a bit much
      + Abyss - Dysteri
      + Death Knight - Dyse
      - Cyclops back to being a 12-Man capacity mount
      - Flame Kirin mount back to being a 12-Man capacity mount
      - Lowered drop rate of Kirin-Materials by a bit (They were insanely increased from Arcane Realm. I'm not just talking x2 ratio, way higher.)[/Spoil]
    • Tất cả cập nhật của Server:
      - Server EXP/Drop Rates set to x75/x25
      - Marriage EXP and Love EXP Rates set to x5
      - Meld Timer set to 2H
      - Maximum EXP/Coin Gain per day increased a lot (to reduce confinement room visits)
      - Can now teleport out of Confinement Room should you find yourself being there
      - Combat Aid enabled
      - No need to press "Upgrade" in the C Menu to levelup until LV100
      - Perfect Revival LV60 free
      - Perfect Revival above LV90+ costs 10k ZEN
      - Daily Salary increased slightly
      - Soulbead Capacity increased
      - Being online X Amount of Minutes on New Character Rewards Changed
      - Skills should no longer cost Coins to upgrade
      - LevelBoxes Changed
      - Buffs should now last 30min instead of 10min
      - Dragon Island and Fallen Darkness are now Soloable
      - Attribute points now start on LV1
      - "Some" exchanges from Natasha on Evo brought over to Revo (Sme Keys/Sj4Exchange/LV2GemChestExchange/GambleMoney)
      - ZEN Pack will be dropped by Mobs just like Evolution, but only Salary Cards from Kardaney are available (50 per card)
      - Removed Expiration Timer on most Fashion/Back gear
      - LV3 Gem Coin added as drop to many bosses
      - Can now enter Atrium / LOD at any time.
      - Deity Skills can now be purchased from Skuld rather than obtainable from quests
      - Mount Fortification rates are increased
      - Natasha can teleport players to Ancient Ruins
      - Territory War Should be working properly
      - Guild Maximum Member count limited to 40/50/60/70/80/90 for LV1/LV2/LV3/LV4/LV5/LV6 Guild
      - Max Guildbuilding Donation per Day increased to 2 from 1
      - Pet Fortification Rates altered slightly
      - Daily ShijieReward added to NPC Medea
      - Defensive/Resistance Talismans to gear Limited to LV6 maximum
      - Ashura King Tanno & HeartBroken buffed slightly - Teamwork is key!
      - An Additional Level Box (Goes from LV10-LV50) added to the LV1 Normal Level box (Just for fun)
      - Small New LV45/60/75 Box Addition to the existing LV45/60/75 LevelBoxes
      - Small Event #1 Added: First person to Reach LV100 (After the Ranking Reset, the most EXP) Receives a Hardcore Pack Reward! *BackGear, Badge, NO POWER*
      - New Drops added to Pirate Captain Barbart (Normal/Elite) Can now, on a low rate, drop Class-Specific Gem Pack (LV3)
      - Fixed Atrium Gate entrance problem (Should now be able to enter without scenario quests)
      - Smelt Essences Reduced down to 30 per Weapon Run like Evo
      - Deity Increased by x3 on Basaka/Robot/Moser/Fenrir/ScarletPhoenix/ObsTurtle/E-Dragon/W-Tiger
      - CampaignOrder-Slaughter Amount of Times per Day increased from 10 to 20 (No deity increase, just amount if times = x2 deity regardless)
      - Glittering Deity Medal x2 Rate (10k)
      - Gleaming Deity Medal 350 Per (10500/day)
      - SG90 Summoner Wep is now tradeable
      - Daily Shijie Reward from Medea Should now work properly
      - Gold Coin Pack Exchange Added to Natasha
      - LV3 Gem Chest for LV6 Added to Natasha
      - Tech stone of power usage increased to x10 per day
      - Summoner SG100 Added to Latamantis Shop
      - Pangea Catacomb Entrance Fixed
      - Holylight Soulbead Card added to Utility Tab -> Marketplace
      - Soul Jade LV4 replaced with Stone of SJ4 from ALL Marketplace Boxes
      - Cross of Salvation Added to Utility Tab -> Marketplace
      - Aeacus/Sphynx/Furious/Athena/Latamantis slightly buffed (Not extreme)
      - Ninetailed/WhiteTiger/FlameShura/DevilsChild/OceanKirin buffed slightly (not Extreme)
      - Fruit of Growth drops from Every boss in the game (INCLUDING Lord bosses) has been replaced with Advanced Pet Gem (Same drop rate)
      - Natasha now has an option to Trade 100k Glory for a Random Pet Egg between Quetz & Snowbear
      - Ancient Ruins Glory Rate increased by x2 ratio
      - All Zodiac pets Gen1 through Gen3 has been buffed
      - Another Pet has been buffed (I want you to seek him out and find out which one it is)
      - Lowered ZEN Pack Exchange for Salary Card from 50 down to 10 (This means you get FIVE TIMES as much Salary...)
      - ZEN Pack Drop Rate increased x2 (Its more than it sounds)
      - Increased Hexagram Array EXP
      - Replaced Jupiter Pet Egg from Hexagram Array (The really low chance) with another pet egg
      - Increased EXP from Astral Feast
      - Changed Pet Egg from Astral Feast
      - AnniversaryCelebration words are now dropped properly
      - Natasha new Option to Trade x200 ZEN Pack for x40 LV2 Gem chests (Which can later on be traded at Natasha for LV5 Gem Chests if you have enough LV2s)
      - Hannibal now drops LV4 Gem Coins instead of LV3's
      - Gods Fruit reduced by 50%
      - Lava Heights & Giza Pyramid LV3 Gem Coin Drops changed to LV4
      - NEW PetSkills added to Shop (Mainly for Spirit) And Ashura Windrider(SPR Pet) Buffed | Hopefully the modified pet skill works out as planned
      - Gold Coin Pack increased up to 20k from 10k
      - Night Witch Pet has been buffed
      - Attempt to increase TOL EXP
      - Trial EXP Reward Item increased Rates
      - Poseidon Stamp exchange EXP Rates increased TENFOLD
      - Poseidon's Blessing Event GOLD Reward increased by x3
      - Guild Donation NPC Gerd now Open on ALL days of the Week with different donation Options
      - Daily Cosmo point increased to four points
      - Bounty Hunter Chest Rewards Changed
      - Lucky Sticker Rewards changed
      - Tech Stone of Stamina usage per day increased to 10 times
      - Herbalism/Collecting/Mining/Wooductting timer reduced to 1 second
      - Attempt to increase X amount of players being able to be Executor/Elder/Warden in a Guild
      - Libra's Favor Cooldown has been reduced from 300 seconds to 180 seconds (attempt)
      - Basic Glory Medal added to Shop
      - Required members to start AR Changed to 2 on each team
      - Max players inside on each time changed from 6 to 12
      - Hallu SS rank reward SHOULD now give better rewards
      - Pet Passive Emo Naughty Buffed from 15% Attack speed to 25%
      - Pet Passive Emo Serious Buffed from Accuarcy+Eva 10% to 20%
      - Pet Passive Emo Reckless Buffed from Critstrike 3% to 9% AND added 10% Attack speed
      - Pet Passive Emo Excited Buffed from 5% Mag/PhysAttack to 10%
      - Pet Passive Emo Cowardly Buffed from 10% Phys/Magdef to 20% AND added 7% HP/MP
      - Pet Passive Emo Calm Buffed from 10% HP/MP to 20%
      - Instant Max Bag Slots Enabled
      - Instant learn ALL Action/Emotes available in the game
      - Instant Demigod Rank when using level 1 box
      - Almost-instant Meso 3 available (300k Deity from Medal Per Day, easy free levels - Since deity is being removed in Arcane Realm there's no need to make you work for it)
      - Weapon from Level 1 Box changed
      - Soulbead Capacity increased
      - Gold Coin Pack first usage per day will give 100k Coins, and thereon it will give 20k. The Trade still exists at Natasha, and the values have been fixed.
      - There can now be Two Guild Guardians
      - There can now be Three Guild Wardens
      - There can now be Eight Guild Elders
      - There can now be Ten Guild Executors
      - Daily Cosmos points reduced from 4 points back to 2 points, but the initial 2 points when activating Stargrid remains.
      - All the LV3 Gem Coins dropped in the game from bosses were changed to LV4 Gems
      - All characters now gain x4 Attribute Points per level instead of the previous 2 per level
      - Natasha's Ancient Ruins Teleport has been Remade (Different Levels->Different Queues | LV45-89, 90-109, 110+)
      - The Need to press "Upgrade" in the C Menu has been lowered from 100 to 88 due to Ancient Ruins Alt-Character Requests
      - Illusion Dragon Pets have been Buffed, includin Mutants
      - Mutant Illusion Dragon Pets have been assigned new possible Ultimate Skills on Rebirth/Meld
      - Pet EXP Gain/Rates has been increased
      - Holy Heart EXP Rate has been increased
      - Combat Mount "Wings of Soulreaper" changed from giving Physical & Magical Attack +60 to Physical & Magical Attack by 5%
      - Captcha has been enabled for when you attempt to Login to Your Character (This is so that you won't fast-click the Character and end up being disconnected -> wait 15min for it, I don't care if you don't like this, as this is a way to solve that issue.)
      - Added Several new Fashions to Marketplace
      - Knight's jail difficulty has been buffed slightly.
      - Custom Okula pet with Custom Ultimate has been created. (Not made a way to obtain him yet)
      - Shadow Manor Bosses have been slightly buffed (not too much)
      - The SME Key Exchange at Natasha now has a very low chance of giving the user the custom Okula Pet.
      - Oracle Patches Transfered (Please report if I missed something)
      - Skills no longer cost humongeous amount of Coin & Exp (Lowered a lot - Please report if I missed any skill)
      - Pet Changes Transfered (Please report if I missed any pet)
      - Modified Pet Skill "Corrupted Doctrine" to increase healing by 20% instead of 10% and increased duration from 30sec to 40sec
      - Champion's Arena Max Member Per Team increased from 6 to 12 (So 24 total)
      - LV1 Box now provides the Meso Title for New People who weren't playing Oracle before Arcane Realm
      - Few Additions to the GoldShine Shop
      - Following pets were buffed: Heartbroken/Gunk/Aeacus(INT)/Athena(INT)/NetherCeaser/DarkJudge/SpiderQueen/SeaGeneral/DarkknightRose/BleatGrandElder/TitanExecutioner/Lanita/Alice/Erinila/Mogg/NetherWarbane/GoldenGiant/TidalSpirit/Valkyrie/Valkyrie/Fatty/LadyOfFate
      - New Items added to Marketplace
      - Re-worked the positioning of some items in the Marketplace
      - Valkyrie Phys & Mag Pet Eggs added as Rare drop from Nexus of Hunger Boss
      - Re-checked & Re-configured the drop rates for Valkyrie pets to 'actually' be rare.
      - Removed Expiration on the new fashions/backgears
      - Fixed the amount of 'Stars' an Okula / Arcane Elder would have
      - LV4 Gem Coins added back to most Bosses (KJ wasnt supposed to drop it, I removed it from him, for future plans)
      - Replaced all LV3 Gem Coin Drops in the game with LV4 Gem Coins
      - Replaced all LV2 Gem Coin Drops in the game with LV3 Gem Coins
      - New Fashion added to marketplace
      - All the Fruit of Growth drops in the game have been replaced with Adv.Pet Gem
      - Adv Pet Gem added to market for a hefty price.
      - Fallen Darkness & Dragon Island should now be giving Exalted EXP (They were still running my custom lv170 mobs script, thats why it wasnt working)
      - ZEN Pack 'should' now drop from most Exalted Mobs on Exalted Maps
      - Should now be able to get more Exalted EXP Before going Confinement Room (Probably shouldnt go there at all)
      - Attempt to remove the Captcha.
      - Son of Menoz / Okula Should now be back to normal ( TEST )
      - Arcane Elder should now be back to normal ( TEST )
      - Bounty Hunter Chests should now be working
      - Removed Noble Perfect Revives (You spammers!!)
      - Anni/Ver/Sary/Cele/Bration Should now drop from other mobs as well
      - ZEN Pack Exchange Item should now drop from other mobs as well
      - Exalted Compass now in marketplace
      - Exalted Compass Rechargers added to Marketplace (Higher price to prevent continous-spam)
      - Should now be able to enter Fallen Darkness Solo
      - Should now be able to enter Dragon Island Solo
      - Should now only take a Milisecond to Craft items
      - The New Chalices should now be fixed when trying to Upgrade/Alter them above LV10
      - Quartize back in Kardanney's Shop
      - Okula/Poseidon/Orpheus/Hades Fashions & Wings should now be tradeable/sellable again
      - Adornment Fortify Stones Added to Marketplace
      - Pet Exaltion EXP Gain increased slightly ( Not much )
      - God's Fruit LV4 EXP Gain increased by Times 2 ( Tehe )
      - Oracle Crystal Shard from Pyramid Mobs decreased drop rate ( Don't want overflow )
      - Ring Talismans can now go LV7 Maximum ( All other talismans remain with same restrictions ).
      - Update File Other: http://dropcanvas.com/fouhi (Down về copy vào Thư mục cài Game/Data)
      - GoldShine Item has New Name & New Description
      - New Name for ZEN Pack
      - GoldShine NPC Has been updated with new & text
      - Natasha text has been updated
      - Fate Ceremony Pack Descriptions are now proper
      - Corrutped Doctrine Pet Skill Book (After PSR) text has been fixed
      - Pet Emo/Nature Text Has been updated to match the changes done to them
      - New Name for Su Ning Baby Pet
      - New Name for Arcane Elder Pet
      - New Name for an upcoming custom Item
      - Several more localization fixes that I forgot to write down...*facepalm*.
      - Cyclops Mount fixed
      - Flame Kirin Mount fixed
      - Anniversary Celebration Drop Rate lowered again (It's getting redicilous)
      - Primal Soul Gear (LV115 + LV120 Exalted) now have 6 New Reforge-Stats. (3 For defensive Gear Pieces and 3 for offensive, see list below)
      - Primal Soul Gear LV115 can now be Upgraded to Exalted PSG Lv120 (Read Below)
      - All Records of Holy Water-related Upgradeable Items have been corrected to use the Holy Water from the Salary Shop (Chalices, etc)
      - New Reforge Stats
      >> Each and every single piece of Primal Soul Gear (LV115 & Exalted 120) have these additions as their new Stats.
      Defensive = Helm/Shoulder/Armor/Greaves/Boot
      Offensive = Weapon/Glove/Belt

      + Defensive:
      - Max HP Percent(%) :: 2%-5% (Max Total: 25%)
      - Lucky Strike Defense(%) :: 3%-4% (Max Total: 20%)
      - Heal Taken Percent Bonus(%) :: 1%-2.1% (Max Total: 10,5%)

      + Offensive:
      - Heal Effect Percent Bonus(%) :: 1%-3.1% (Max Total: 9,3%)
      - Magic Attack Percent Bonus(%) :: 1%-7% (Max Total: 21%)
      - Physical Attack Percent Bonus(%) :: 1-7% (Max Total: 21%).
      - PSG LV115 -> EPSG LV115 Greaves/Boots bug has been fixed. It is now working as intended.
      - LV2 Gem Chests using ZEN Pack Exchange have been made Untradeable (Reduce Alts)
      - Lv5 Gem Chests using LV2 Gem Chest Exchange has been changed to LV5 Gem Coin
      - As a result of the Gem Chest Exchange changes, the amount required to exchange LV2 Chests for a LV5 has been reduced by 20%.
      - Anniversary Celebration drop rate increased again (Not too much..)
      - All Reforging Stats on Fashions aside from the new ones have been given a x5 Multiplier. (Meaning things like 150 Phys would now be maxed at 750, etc)
      - New Fashion Reforge Stats: MaxHP 3%-10%, Heal Effect 1%-7%
      - All Reforging Stats on Backgear aside from the new ones have been given a x10 Multiplier. (Meaning things like 10 Str would now be maxed at 100, etc)
      - New Backgear Reforge Stats: Heal Effect 5%-13%
      - As a result of the new Reforge changes to Fashions/Backgears, a x2 multiplier has been applied to the respective reforge material in the marketplace.
      - Attempt to Auto-Add Bless (15%) to Exalted PSG Gears + Attempt to allow Blessing EPSG Normally. (Interface might not allow it)
      - Natasha Gem Chest Exchange (All) have had their Coin Cost increased by x10 (At least a bit more of a Coin-sink)
      - Increased Drop rate of Valkyrie Pet Egg (STR/INT) from Nexus of Hunger. (Best pets in the game).
      - Drop Rate Increased from x25 to x35
      - EXP Rate Increased from x75 to x100
      - Daily-FREE ZEN Increased by 70% (Starting 2013-04-19 / Next Reset)
      - Donation-ZEN Increased by 30% (Starting 2013-04-19 / Next Reset)
      - Added back TradeAble LV2 Gem Chests For LV5 Gem Chest Exchange at Natasha
      - Server is now Instant LV40 for all classes (New players)
      - Anniversary Celebration Coin Reward Item has been reduced to 50,000 Coins from 150,000 Coins
      - Warcry Cooldown of 20 Seconds is now in place
      - Coin Limit set to 1,000,000,000 (1B)
      - A way to handle Players with bugged coins (Negative Coin Value)
      - Charmstone LV4 Added to marketplace
      - Adv-Bless Stone in shop Replaced with correct Item ID (Can now bless Adornments)
      - Tried my best to allow bless for EPSG, but it cannot be done right now.
      - Following Pets were buffed a bit:
      - Headchrusher Baska
      - Ashura King Tanno
      - Son of Naga Queen
      - zippo (Aux Pet)
      - Following Mobs in Specific Maps have had their Levels Increased (For grinding purposes)
      - Land of the Dead
      - Whipper - LV93 -> LV175
      - Destroyer - LV93 -> LV175
      - Dragon Lair LV1
      - Robot Watcher - Lv119 -> LV175
      - Dragon Lair LV2
      - Cave Cylcops Elite - LV121 -> LV175
      - Summoner Class Skills EXP/COIN Cost completely reworked, should be same as other classes now
      - Slightly increased chances of obtaining more than 1 of the same Pet skill slot type
      - Slightly increased chances of Boosting your Pet
      - Super Tears of Valkyrie added to Marketplace
      - Super Tears of Artemis added to Marketplace
      - Realm 9's PvP Area has been turned into Chaos - Everyone now gets a major Power boost on this realm, for a few days!
      - Routine-Maintenance & Cleanup of the Windows & Linux Server.
      - Applied a HotFix for Zephyr where wrong Team Wins (Hopefully works, written from Scratch)
      - Applied a HotFix towards Fatigue system (Very difficult and delicate thing to alter, may or may not work)
      - Increased Daily-Limit of a lot of things (May or may not help)
      - Friday's Pyramid Event has been Buffed
      + All Bosses and Mobs now have 100% XP Damage Reduction Ratio
      + All Mobs have had their HP Increased by HP*10
      + Goal: Prolong the Event from being a 10-minuter.
      + Pyramid Qualification Mobs now have 100% XP Damage Reduction Ratio and Ten Times as much HP (Prolong Quali)
      - Following Maps have now been turned into Red PVP Area (May not appear in-game)
      + Titan Estate (Silverwing Bigmoss PVP)
      + Sunken Atlantis (Nexus of Hunger PVP)
      - Following Bosses/Mobs now have 100% XP Resistance
      + Silverwings Bigmoss
      + Flamedragon Fenrir (+30% Crit also)
      + Ancient Black Dragon Moser (+30% crit also)
      + Ashura King Tanno (+15% Crit also)
      + Aeacus (+35% Crit also)
      + Nether Caesar Vanguard (+30% Crit also)
      - Slight Damage Increase for the following pets
      + Valkyrie (STR)
      + Valkyrie (INT)
      + Lantia
      + Alice
      + Erinlia
      + Mogg
      - Added an On-Screen Message Broadcast when Silverwings Bigmoss respawns
      - New Sale Added (Pet-related)
      - Five more Fate Card Slots have been added. Unlocked by Paying Natasha 500M Coins per Slot (Coin Sink yoho)
      - Skill Changes to All 6 Classes
      (Note: All Changes done to Skills - incluing Exalted - are based on their Final Rank Level)

      + Main Goal: Preserve their original Tankyness, no major Damage changes required for their role in the game.
      + [Cosmo] Cosmic Vitality - LV4: Increased HP Gained from 16,000 to 30,000 and % Gained from 5% to 8%
      + Daring Rescue - Exalted LV10: Increased HP Healed & Max HP Gained from 30% to 40%
      + Zeal - LV10: Increased Passive Vitality % Gain from 50% to 65%
      + This also aids Daring Resuce's Heal for your Party, but not yourself
      + Additionally, this Skill will now provide a 10% Bonus to healing
      + Concussion LV10: Stun Duration increased from 8.5 Seconds to 10 Seconds flat (Not counting Stun Resist Talisman)
      + Justice Ward LV15: NOTE: These changes only Apply to the Champion casting it, not the Friendly-Nearby-Buff.
      + Increased Physical & Magical Percentage increase from 7% to 10% + Base Defenses from 400 to 500
      + Also grants an additional 5% to Magical and Physical Resistances
      + Sacrifice LV10: Increased duration of Movement-Slow-Effect from 5 Seconds to 10 Seconds
      + Salvation LV10: Increased duration of Immobilzation from 5.6 Seconds to 6 Seconds flat
      + Invigorate LV10: Increased HP Recover from 38 to 100 flat
      + Holy Storm LV10: Changed the Tick Timer from 5 Seconds to 3,75 Seconds
      + This means that instead of 2% HP over 30 Seconds (6 Ticks) it is now 2% HP Over 30 Seconds (8 Ticks)
      + Additionally, increased Max Amount of Targets affected from 8 to 10
      + [Cosmo] Shield Strike - LV4: Increased Max Amount of Targets from 9 To 12
      + [Cosmo] Thundercrack - LV4: Increased Max Amount of Targets from 9 To 11
      + Reckless LV15: You now abandon 40% of your Physical Defence, but gain 35% Critstrike and 1000+10% Physical attack instead of 30% Critstrike and 600 Physical Attack
      + Champion Exalted SG LV115 Set Bonus (8/8)
      + Magic Resistance % Increased from 12% to 18%
      + Vitality % Increased from 14% to 18%
      + Light Attack % Increased from 14% to 20%
      + Ice Attack % replaced with Physical Resistance 8%

      + Main Goal: Heretics are Strong, they always were, so this will be tough to do many changes to. I will not touch their healing too much, as it is already very strong. Focusing Offense/Defense & Supportive Abilities
      + Confession of Light and Dark - Exalted LV10: Increased Silence duration from 7 Seconds to 11 Seconds flat
      + Holylight - Exalted LV10: Increased the ratio of which the Damage is ticked, from 3 Seconds to 1 Second (Potentioally trippling the damage)
      + Fortification LV15: Increased Vitality Points from 100 to 150, and Max HP from 4500 to 12000
      + Angel Barrier LV10: Can now block up to 6 attacks instead of the previous 5
      + Dark Scream LV10: Now reduces 25% of the Targets Light & Dark Resistance instead of its previous 15%
      + Resistance LV15: Increased Physical Defence from 210 to 500 Flat + 15%
      + Bless LV10: Increased HP and MP Recover from 860HP and 392MP to 1200HP and 700MP
      + [Cosmo] Cosmic Vitality - LV4: Increased HP Gained from 10,000 to 12,000 and % Gained from 8% to 10%
      + [Cosmo] Heal Effect: Increased from 17% to 19%
      + Heretic Exalted SG LV115 Set Bonus (8/8)
      + Dark Attack % Replaced with Magic Resistance 10%
      + Light Attack % Increased from 14% to 16%
      + Physical Resistance % Increased from 12 to 14%

      + Main Goal: Berzerkers are the embodiment and definition of Physical Damage in BOI. Wait are they? No, right now they're not. Berzekers lack what they're supposed to excel at - Damage. This is my Focus.
      + Sortie LV10: Stun Duration increased from 5 Seconds to 10 Seconds
      + War Roar LV15: (Old Change - March) Physical Attack Increase 1000 and 7% from 200 and 5%
      + Duelist LV15: Increased Accuracy from 400 + 5% to 1000 + 7%
      + Savagery LV10: Increased Cristrike from 10% to 15%
      + Terminal Velocity LV15: Attack Speed Reduction increased from 35% to 40%
      + Demolish LV10: Holy Damage increased from 100 to 200 and Holy Strike Rate from 10% to 17%
      + Temper LV10: Increased Passive % from 50% to 62%
      + Lunar Slash - Exalted LV15: Increased Dot Damage every 5 Seconds from 498 to 650
      + [Cosmo] Sword Flurry LV4: Increased amount of Targets from 9 to 12
      + Additionally also spins 8 Times instead of 6 times
      + Range Also increased from 5 to 7
      + [Cosmo] Cosmic Vitality: Increased HP Gained from 15,000 and 10% to 20,000 and 12%
      + [Cosmo] Surging Power: Increased Damage Gained from 600 and 8% to 2000 and 10%
      + Whirlwind LV10: Damage increased a bit
      + Berzerker Exalted SG LV115 Set Bonus (8/8)
      + Lucky Strike % Increased from 5% to 9%
      + Strength % Increased from 14% to 16%
      + Ice Attack replaced with Attack Speed 3%
      + Fire Attack % Increased from 14% to 16%

      + Main Goal: Oh oh oh, where to begin... Slayer have always been very... Strong to say the least. Of course, that should be preserved. However, with that in mind, major Power boosts to Slayers is inconvinient. We'll see what I can do..
      + Dodge LV15: Increased Evasion granted from 500 and 13% to 1000 and 20%
      + Crush LV15: Increased Movement speed reduction from 20% to 35%
      + Finesse LV10: Increased Dexterity gained from 50% to 55%
      + Obfuscate LV10: Increased Movement Speed from 32% to 40%
      + Additionally increased the 'Stealth Attack' from 800 to 1000, but reduced the percentage from 10% to 9%
      + Tusk Strike LV15: Accuracy debuff on enemies replaced from 200 to -15% instead
      + Piercing Flame - Exalted LV10: Will now reduce Mana based on a random number between 1000-7000 Mana
      + [Cosmo] Cosmic Vitality LV4: Increased HP Gained from 8000+15% to 10000+18%
      + Dark Torrent LV10: Increased Movement Speed from 30% to 45%
      + Slayer Exalted SG LV115 Set Bonus (8/8)
      + Critical Strike % Increased from 4% to 7%
      + Dark Attack % Increased from 14% to 16%
      + Ice Attack % replaced with Physical Attack 3%

      + Main Goal: The Grey Wizards from the North.. Well, not quite. But, they're powerfull. Some would say too powerfull. This will probably be the hardest Class to do changes to.
      + Accuarcy gained increased from 500 + 5% to 1000 + 7% and Mana Gained from 9000 to 20000
      + [Cosmo] Cosmic Vitality LV4: Increased HP Gained from 10,000+8% to 16,000+11%
      + Elemental Soul LV10: Increased Penetration from 14% to 23%
      + Magic Aura LV10: Increased Duration from 7 Seconds to 10 Seconds
      + Lightning and Flame - Exalted LV10: Increased the Magic Defense Reduction from 5% to 10%, but reduced the base-reduction from 500 points to 250
      + Falling Star - Exalted LV10: Increased the Accuracy Reduction from 14% to 23%
      + Magus Exalted SG LV115 Set Bonus (8/8)
      + Lucky Strike % Increased from 5% to 7%
      + Ice Attack % Increased from 14% to 16%
      + Fire Attack % Increased from 14% to 16%

      + Main Goal: The Class I know least about. Evidentally a decent Hybrid, but lack in Mobility/Survivability. Will be taking help from GMs and players on this one.
      + [Cosmo] Healing Spring LV4: Increased Base Healing from 19,000 to 25,000 (more healing)
      + Angel's Favor LV15: The Healing has been Doubled from 750 to 1500
      + Dragon Pact LV10: The Healing has been Doubled from 2000 HP/MP to 4000 HP/MP
      + Phoenix Pact LV10: Increased Critstrike from 15% to 23%, Magic Attack from 20% to 30%, and Extra Damage Taken from 10% to 20%
      + Gifted Mind LV10: Increase Ratio from 50% to 57%
      + Angel's Cure LV15: Increased Damage Taken by Target from 12% to 15%
      + [Cosmo] Cosmic Vitality LV4: Increased HP Gained from 10,000+8% to 18,000+11%
      + Summoner Exalted SG LV115 Set Bonus (8/8)
      + Physical Resistance Increased from 12% to 14%
      + Fire Attack % Increased from 14% to 16%
      + Light Attack % Increased from 14% to 16%

      (Note: ALL Skill Changes involving Stun/Silence/Freeze/Immobalize/etc does NOT calculate in according with Resistance talismans, so they can still be reduced by wearing talismans).
      - Patched NPC encryption, they should now load properly
      - NPCs should now also have the proper 'Options'
      - Cosmo Points should now be back to x2 per day
      - Pet Changes done (Read Below)
      - Confinement Fix applied, should work, but no guarantee
      - Adornment Fortify Charm back in Marketplace -- Sorry for the confusion
      - New Gear should now also have the custom Reforge Stats
      - Pangea Entrance should now work without scenario quest requirement
      - Fruit of Life back in Shop, in replacement of Leaf of Life.
      - The only reason I faked the removal of it, was to remove it from every player and then increase the price of it. Because it was too cheap, in my eyes.
      + Stardust Charm added to Dyana's Shop alongside the Stardusts
      - Starplane Fragments no longer tradeable
      - Anni-Ver-Sary-Cele-Bration words no longer Tradeable
      - Amount of Elders/Wardens/EtcRanks in Guilds should now be back to the way it used to b
      - Lowered the HP by 15% on the following bosses, seemed to be a bit much
      + Abyss - Dysteri
      + Death Knight - Dyse
      - Cyclops back to being a 12-Man capacity mount
      - Flame Kirin mount back to being a 12-Man capacity mount
      - Lowered drop rate of Kirin-Materials by a bit (They were insanely increased from Arcane Realm. I'm not just talking x2 ratio, way higher.)
      - Pet Changes :: Just as I thought, Pets are affected by the New Pet System. Not necessairly the Pet Awakening system, but instead, pets damage and stats are now after this expansion loaded based on their StarLevel and Type(Str/int/etc) + Attack Type (Phys/Mag). They load the same way Attribute Points would for a Character. IE; 1 Point = 2 Damage. However, for pets it is of course different.
      Explaining the whole system / process will take too much time, but I'll just make sure you know that pets of Star Level above 5 have all been buffed a bit this patch.

      Pre-Patch Example on how it's loaded:
      Star Level 1 Strength Pet: 14,8 Ratio
      Star Level 2 Strength Pet: 15,3 Ratio
      Star Level 12 Strength Pet: 20,5 Ratio

      Can provide an After-Patch Example later, if I remember.

      - The Reforge Seal, System, and stats are now fully allowed to be used in whatever way you want again.
      - The drop-rate of the Event to Find an Item from a Boss was inreased to 100% to make it easier for you to find the boss, and get the drop
      - As requested, ZEN-Pack has been added as a drop to new exalted mobs. It will drop by any new mob that currently includes Exalted LV30 Etheral Adornment drops.
      - Decided to include Exalted-PSG Lv 120 -> Lv 130 Upgrade, BUT only doing THREE pieces per week/patch!
      - This gives time for PVP for Gear and also Sell Gear, for those that have it. Don't want to shoot them down the river by this feature, workin hard!
      - This week's 3 Items are; Weapon, Greaves, Belt
      - Item(s) used to Upgrade: Void Jewel (Castle Hartlis/Heartless Canyon) & Coins
      - Anniversary-BigPack (Coins) lowered from 150K to 50k as intended
      - Another attempt to fix Retail-Developer's stupid Pet-Changes (May or may not work)
      - Buffed Flame Kirin in hopes of eventually - finally - placing him in the game
      - Buffed new Item from Endless Stairs - Embedding Blades
      - These changes make them all quite good, giving you a Variety and having to think which one to use on your Emblem
      - Click the "Show" button below to see exactly what stats changed. Balanced as much as I can.
      - Guild Max Member Count should now be back to normal.
      - The new Embedding Blades Stats:
      [spoil]- Embedding Blade: Weaken I Phys Mag att -3% -> 10% 7 Seconds
      - Embedding Blade: Weaken II Phys Mag att -5% -> 20% 5 Seconds
      - Embedding Blade: Element Weaken I Ele Att -3% -> -15% Lucky Strike 7 Seconds
      - Embedding Blade: Element Weaken II Ele att -5% -> -25% Lucky Strike 5 Seconds
      - Embedding Blade: Dulling Aura I Phys Pen -5% -> Phys Pen 10%
      - Embedding Blade: Dulling Aura II Phys Pen -7% -> Phys Pen 15%
      - Embedding Blade: Magic-Dulling Aura I Mag Pen -5% -> Mag Pen 10%
      - Embedding Blade: Magic-Dulling Aura II Mag Pen -7% -> Mag Pen 15%
      - Embedding Blade: Element-Dulling Aura I Ele pen -5% -> Ele pen 10%
      - Embedding Blade: Element-Dulling Aura II Ele pen -7% -> Ele pen 15%
      - Embedding Blade Stun time -1% -> Stun time -5%
      - Embedding Blade Stun Time -1% -> Stun time -5%
      - Embedding Blade: God Incarnate I Max Hp 10,000 20sec -> Max HP 25000
      - Embedding Blade: God Incarnate II Max hp 20,000 20sec -> Max HP 50000
      - Embedding Blade: God Incarnate III Max HP 50,000 20sec -> Max HP 100,000
      - Embedding Blade: Haste I Movement speed 40% 10 sec -> Movement Speed 50%
      - Embedding Blade: Blind I Accu -5000 5sec -> -20000 5 sec
      - Embedding Blade: Blind II Accu -7000 5sec -> -45000 5 Sec
      - Embedding Blade: Divine Heal I Recover HP 10000 -> Recover 35000 HP
      - Embedding Blade: Divine Heal II Recover HP 25000 -> Recover 75000 HP
      - Embedding Blade: Disintegrate I Phys/Mag Def -5% 15sec -> -15% Phys/Mag Def 15 Sec
      - Embedding Blade: Disintegrate II Phys/Mag Def -10% 15sec -> -30% Phys/Mag Def 7 Second
      - Embedding Blade: Elem. Disintegrate I Ele Res -20% 15sec -> -30% 15 Sec
      - Embedding Blade: Elem. Disintegrate II Ele Res -30% 15 sec -> -50% 10 Sec
      - Embedding Blade: Slow I Movement -50% 10sec -> Slow -60%
      - Embedding Blade: Critical Block I +1% Crit Block -> 3% Crit Block
      - Embedding Blade: Critical Block II +3% Crit Block -> 5% Crit Block
      - Embedding Blade: Critical Block III +5% Crit BLock -> 8% Crit Block
      - Embedding Blade: Critical Defense I Crit Def +100 -> Crit Def +130
      - Embedding Blade: Critical Defense II Crit Def +150 -> Crit Def +180
      - Embedding Blade: Critical Defense III Crit Def +200 -> Crit Def +250
      - Embedding Blade: Improved Healing I Heal Taken 1% -> Heal Taken 3%
      - Embedding Blade: Improved Healing II Heal Taken 3% -> Heal Taken 5%
      - Embedding Blade: Improved Healing III Heal Taken 5% -> Heal Taken 8%[/spoil]

      - The Rates issue with Reforges been fixed
      - Fixed the issue with Reforge Seals being removed upon Login. (Can't refund this -- no logs)
      - Fixed issue with Champ EPSG120->EPSG130 upgrade. (It was loading 130's ItemID as if it was not a piece of gear, for some reason)
      - Added in EPSG120->EPSG130 Upgrade for Boots (Since this is just a quick patch. There remaining 4 items will be added for Upgrade next patch)
      - Decided to Redo the ZEN Pack Drop for New Mobs
      - Instead of being dropped by any mob that dropped LV30 Exalted Adornments, it now drop from any mob that currently drops Exalted Coins
      - The Event to Find a Boss was a Boss in an instance that did not REQUIRE to be killed before finishing the instance, so the Boss has now been changed to a Boss that MUST be killed before finishing the instance.
      - Reason is no one still didn't find the Boss.
      - Latamantis Shop for SG100 should be back to normal. Will look into the instance itself for next patch
      - Issue with Altering Fashions fixed -- back to 750 max.

      - Find The Boss Event now has working Drops (Sorrryyy)
      - Hrtc Revive Skill Fixed
      - Dex INT/STR Pets should now have better damage output
      - Talisman can now go back up to LV7 (Sorry about that, forgot to transfer that part of previous patches)
      - New Players now obtain a Free SG100 Set (8/8) when opening the Level 90 LevelupBox
      - Added Flame Shura Card back to Kardanney's Shop
      - Angry Roar Exceed Skill for Pets increased Targets from 12 to 14, to compensate for the incorrect Damage Formula
      - Frigga's Light Mount ITEM has been fixed to actually give the mount, when clicked.
      - The Remaining four Exalted LV30 Soul Gear Pieces can now be upgraded as well. (Full set now)
      + Helm
      + Armor
      + Shoulders
      + Gloves
      - Higher Void & Coin cost so that it's not just 1 Run full Set
      - Name-Change Elixir Price changed from 5GS to 20GS (People were abusing/spamming it in regards to scams/other nasty scenarios)
      - Ventrilo Server has been added
      + Should support up to 500 Users
      + More information in the Ventrilo Sub-section of the Forum (or Click HERE).

      - Altered the Dex/Int & Dex/Str Stat points again, they were not intended to be THAT much more Damage
      - Vit Pets should now have a larger HP Pool
      - Patched Frigga's Light / Odin Wings to have correct Movement Speed increase of a Normal Combat Mount, and not 70-80% Like a non-Combat Mount (Retails Changes..)
      - Also fixed their broken stats
      - Level 100 Endless Stairs Boss now drops a Very Buffed Flame Kirin Pet (Good luck lulz)
      - StatPoint Calculation for EVERY Class has been altered, and should now be more beneficial
      - Fixed Slayer's Grim Visage (Forgot to transfer Patch from before Expansion)
      - Statistics Added to Main Site - Updated every 30minutes.

      - Nerfed some Pet Stats mainly related to Athena (Still faar too much)
      - Removed Unavailable Item Drop as the Event is now over
      - Re-wrote the Script regarding the opening of Death-Knight Pet Egg, should no longer be any issues. (Shouldn't have been any to begin with..)
      - World Tree Branch - Fake has been made Untradeable & Unsellable (Explaining later)
      - Obsidian Turtle Mount is now back at its original Speed
      - Following two mounts now use different 'StatusIDs', meaning new stats that do not collide with Obsidian Turtle Mount
      + Frigga's Light
      + Odin's Wings
      - Wrote up two Systems that will greatly aid in catching Abusers, and also aid in Ticket-Related issues.

      - Fruit of Life has been replaced with Leaf of Life, with a slightly increased price
      - Reason: Being spammed faar too often in terms of PvP, with less to no cost at all.
      - BUG FIX: Being Red named and having over 10 infamy, while trying to Perfect Revive for 100 ZEN will no longer work. You will be instantly teleported to Prison. Sorry, but it was a Bug.
      - BETA: New Instance Remake for Pit of Reckoning
      + It's now only on Fridays and Sundays (Twice a week)
      + All mobs are significantly stronger (Like, really. A lot.)
      + All Bosses are significantly stronger -||-
      + All Drop rates are Redone
      + Deity Debris replaced with Eternal Dust
      + Netherworld Dragon: Stardust Coin
      + Ghost Dragons: Bound MFC Pack
      + Trapped Eurydice: LV4 Celestial Might
      + Harpy Queen Falia: Dimensional Core
      + Latamantis: x2 Oracle Crystal
      + Origin of Pain: x2 Reis' Mysterious Medicine
      + One each for 2/6 Party Members
      + Takes 80 essences to spawn Origin of Pain (Roughly 2 weeks to gather).

      - Pit of Reckoning Fixes:
      + The Level Requirement is LV125 (Forgot to mention before), but the Exalted Level requirements remains
      + It's now only on Fridays & Sundays as intended
      + You cannot enter the Instance if your party has more than one Heretic or more than one Summoner (Supposed to be hard >.<)
      + Slightly increased the Cristrike & LuckyStrike the Bosses have, so they potentially deal more damage.
      + Increased the Holy Strike Rate of all NON-Boss Mobs to 100%, meaning they have less damage than bosses, but are still quite strong due to ignornig your defenses
      - Lucky Resistance Skill is now Auto-Learned upon logging in if you meet the criteria
      - Skill Changes for Summoner:
      + It was made clear to me that Summoners scaled off quite badly in the last expansion, their skills aren't doing their job. I decided to up a few of them a little bit, nothing too big.
      - Sparrow Dragon Fly - Exalted LV10:
      + Heal HP/MP Increased from 4000/5sec to 12000 (Previous Heal Total: 24,000 HP/MP | New Heal Total: 72,000 HP/MP)
      + Magic Attack % increased from 30% to 40%
      - Dark Barrier LV10:
      + Physical & Magical Defense for Yourself & Allies increased from 15% to 25%.

      + PURPOSE: Give Fruit of Life an actual cost, meaning you can't just spam it on every single teammate around you, but you should now prioritze who you ressurrect rather than spamming it all day all night on everyone. There should be some COST in comin back 100% HP/MP.
      + Leaf of Life has been re-replaced with Fruit of Life, but at a higher Cost.
      + Red Named should no longer be able to Perfect-Revive if above 10 Infamy (Due to 100zen/revive bug -- Sry for the delay, fix should work now)
      - Advanced Mana Transfer Pet Skill in Shop is now the correct one, as requested.
      - Luck Resistance Skill now gives 20% on ALL ranks (So even if you don't believe you kept the stats, just that there was a visual bug, then at least believe this)
      - Changes to the Berzerker Class:
      + Decided to do this because they're still very weak, and are considered a non-interesting/worthwhile class by the majority.
      + Instead of making them more Tanky, I decided to up their damage instead.
      + Base Attack Speed has been increased by a little bit (NOT too much, trust me) (Should attack faster -> More DPS)
      + [Exalted] Strength-Talent LV10:
      + Accuarcy increased from 850 + 15% -> 1500 + 20%
      + Cristrike increased from 18% -> 22%
      + [Exalted] Lunar Slash LV10:
      + Increased number of targets in the AoE-Swipe from 5 -> 8. (Makes Zerks more AoE-type as originally intended)
      + Sword Flurry LV10:
      + Increased number of targets in the AoE-Spin from 6 -> 8. (Same reason)
      + Due to all changes done to Berzerkers since Launch, Sword Flurry is without a doubt the Key-Skill for Berzerkers to use. Read up on the Patch Notes for changes done to this skill. It is by far your highest damage output-skill, and AoE.

      - Fixed Pit of Reckoning Bug where you couldn't Spawn Origin of Pain. Should now work.
      - Pit Eternal Dust Drop has been increased from 1 per drop to Minimum 2 / Maximum 5 per Drop
      - Accessories can now be UPGRADED using Eternal Dust:
      + Faithful Accessories -> Judgement Accessories = 150 ED/Item
      + Judgement Accessories -> Salvation Accessories = 300 ED/Item
      + Salvation Accessories -> Blessed Accessories = 600 ED/Item
      + Blessed Accessories -> Oracle(Earth/Sky/Life/Death--Base Oracle) = 1000 ED/Item
      + The ED Cost is subject to change if need be
      - Enabled a few "Hidden" Events / Old Events that are based on Month/Day of the year:
      + I won't list them here, but you'll see them when the time is right.
      + Okay.. First one Semi-Starts on Friday (Tomorrow), and continues on Saturday!
      - HeadCrusher Basaka can now Drop Primal Soul Gear LV115 (No-Exalt)
      +This was done for the low-leveled players so that they have a chance of obtaining PSG115 Gear.
      + In order to make sure High-Leveled players (135+) aren't a-holes and mess this change up for the low levels, they can no longer enter the Pantheon map, while low Levels still can.
      *Double-Free ZEN Weekend enabled.

      - MAJOR overhaul of Champion's Arena
      +Changes can be found >> HERE(Click) <<
      - Lottery System Discontinued
      + Wasn't used/popular enough so it simply didn't pan out.
      - Growth Changes to the Four Popo Pets. Their max is now 5,000 Growth
      - You can now Right-Click LV3 Gem Coins & LV4 Gem Coins and turn them into their next Level Gem Coin. Requires x5 of LV3/LV4.
      - Poseidon's Temple Revamped
      + Revamped/Reprogrammed Poseidon's Temple and is now working for Odin's Wrath.
      + The Event is held on FRIDAYS at 21:00 - Realm 5, right after Pyramid.
      + The ENTRANCE is at NPC Saragh in Atlantis(202,152). [​IMG]
      + ALL GUILDS can join the Event.
      + ALLIANCES are DISABLED in Poseidon's Temple.
      + This means there are no Alliances only on this map. There's no PvP-setting to disable attacking your allies.
      + Alliances still work anywhere else in the game.
      + Changes to 7 Bosses (Galleon/Byam/Skoura/Isaac/Krisseuna/Leonadis/Sorento):
      + They now have A LOT more HP and defenses.
      + They now have A LOT more Damage and Crit/Lucky/Holy-Strike Chance.
      + They STILL DROP Poseidon's Force x1 when they die.
      + They now have a 40% Chance when killed to issue a Function that selects a Random Player inside Poseidon's Temple, and gives that one guy an OC.
      + It selects a Random Player inside Poseidon's Temple, it does not matter what guild or alliance you are in.
      + Many may not agree to this, but it's only 7 bosses, and 40% chance when they die. So it's at most ~5-6 OCs/week.
      + Think of it this way. Let's say 200 people are in Poseidon's Temple, that gives each player 1/200 (0.5%) chance of being picked.
      * Changes to Poseidon Boss:
      + Poseidon now has A LOT more HP
      + Poseidon now has A LOT more Damage
      * Changes to Pillars in Poseidon's Temple:
      + They now have a lot more HP
      * Changes to Underwater Treasure Loot:
      + Each of the 7 bosses spawn around 25 UT when they die.
      + Salary(1000-5000) Most-propable
      + MFC Chest(MFC x110) Semi-High
      + LV3 Gem Coin(x2-3) Semi-High
      + LV4 Gem Coin(x1-2) Lower
      * Changes to Sea Treasure Loot:
      + Poseidon drops around 50 ST when he dies.
      + Salary(1000-7000) Most-propable
      + MFC Chest(MFC x110-220) Semi-High
      + LV4 Gem Coin(x2-3) Semi-High
      + LV5 Gem Coin(x1-2) Lower
      - King of the Hill Event
      - Completely Custom made Event
      - Completely All VS All Event
      + Upon entering, your PvP settings will be locked. You cannot change them, and you cannot turn of your PvP flag/mode
      + Alliances do not work in this map
      + Guilds do not work in this map
      + It's ALL vs ALL, period.
      + The Event occurs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, every 4h on each day. Realm 3! (12:00-16:00-20:00-00:00)
      + Entrance is NPC Achtos in Atlantis(214,149) http://boioracle.com/c/Achtos.png
      + No requirements to Enter
      + Each participant gets a select amount of Points for participating.
      + The King of the Round gets additional Points for participating, plus an Oracle Crystal Shard
      + Points can be spent at NPC Achtos(214,149)
      - New Custom Mount (150 Points):
      + Move Speed 120% (20% Higher than any other mount)
      + Phys/Mag Att 8%
      + 8% Crit Block
      + 10% Heal Effect Taken (Healin Received)
      + Supports 2 people on the mount
      + Bonus: Uses Dash LV4(90%) compared to most Mounts using Dash LV2(70%)
      + By far the fastest mount in the game. Looks good too! (Sleipnir)
      * Spacecraft/Spaceship Mount (20 Points)
      * Egg: Random Popo Pet Egg (10 Points)
      * Egg: Soul Eater Pet Egg (35 Points)
      * Item: HolyFortificationStone (50 Points)
      * Badge: Fate Guide (10 Points)
      * Badge: Conqueror of the North Wind (50 Points)
      * Badge: Nielder's Deity (100 Points)
      * Badge: Ultimate Badge (200 Points)
      + You CANNOT Perfect Revive or Revive of any sort in this map.
      + Automatically Teleports you to Atlantis upon Death.[/Spoil]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/6/14
  2. c4u999

    c4u999 Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Amanda nhé!:1cool_byebye::1cool_byebye:
  3. capone90

    capone90 Mario & Luigi GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    h mới vô game chơi thì bắt đầu với những việc gì hả các bác hướng dẫn mình với :9cool_sweet_kiss: newbie :6cool_smile:
  4. Giz

    Giz Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Tối về test mới đc, mong là với điều kiện để nhận free zen Menoz đưa ra thì sẽ đỡ abuse hơn tí :d

    Điều kiện nhận free zen còn thiếu 1 điều nữa là khi nhận zen thì nhân vật không đc ở trong 1 số map nhất định ( chưa có danh sách map) :d
  5. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
    Thì toàn đứng Atlantis nhận thôi :1cool_look_down: Abuse mà đi được tới đâu :1cool_look_down:
  6. pedep123

    pedep123 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có sv mới chơi rùi .LifeOn báo danh @@
  7. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
    Lập G VNClub rùi nhé ai chơi thì vào nhé :1cool_look_down:
  8. duc516

    duc516 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    BlueToy cho zdo G với
    123456789 kí tự
  9. DarkRain

    DarkRain Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Cần Thơ
    Shira ơi ! dùng bản BOI hồi trước của thằng shijie vào được không?
    Nếu được thì cho mình xin cái Node server của nó nha !
    Mong đợi tối nay về test !
    Inc + Bow + Trung + ThanY + Miss + Flash Mấy ông đâu rồi vào chơi nào?:4cool_beauty:
  10. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
    Down cái Manual Patch Oracle mình post ở #1
    Copy vào thư mục game rồi chạy Launcher là chơi được không cần Node Server làn gì cả :6cool_smile:
  11. numbers7ven

    numbers7ven Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cày lại Boi nào ,lâu rồi k đụng đến game :4cool_beauty:
  12. momaycho

    momaycho Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    pác nào chỉ e cach fake IP với e làm hoài ko dc
  13. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
    Bạn không Update được Patch nào :8cool_amazed: BOI Manual Patch hay Manual Patch Oracle
  14. capone90

    capone90 Mario & Luigi GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    kiếm bộ LH 45 ở đâu thế mn ơi :4cool_oh:
  15. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
    Bạn cứ chơi tự nhiên cứ mở hết hộp quà tân thủ và bạn sẽ thấy 1 sự bất ngờ :6cool_smile:
  16. capone90

    capone90 Mario & Luigi GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    vãi chưởng mình chơi đến lv 45 rồi tự dưng dis ra vào lại nhân vật lv 1 :6cool_beat_brick::6cool_beat_brick:
  17. lee_song_wha

    lee_song_wha Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chỉ cần copy cái sevlist thôi được không hay là sao? chơi mà cứ Rollback quài ah @@
  18. capone90

    capone90 Mario & Luigi GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đậu má lại bị rollback bực quá :6cool_beat_brick::6cool_beat_brick:
  19. IncredibleSilent

    IncredibleSilent Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    IncredbleSlent....Chả bảo vờ viết đuọc đủ tên...ta hận:2onion58:
  20. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
    Menoz sửa R rồi hết lo Roll rồi :8cool_amazed:
    P/s: AE cho ý kiến cái Logo nào :6cool_smile:
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 5/3/13

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