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Thảo luận trong 'World Editor' bắt đầu bởi Vua_Do_Hoa, 1/8/08.

  1. Vua_Do_Hoa

    Vua_Do_Hoa Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Phần này liên quan 100%
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    [B]All Animation Name[/B]
    attack alternate (Headhunter, Druid of the Talon, Druid of the Claw, Demon Hunter, Tree of Life)
    attack one alternate
    attack defend
    attack gold
    attack lumber
    attack range (Headhunter)
    attack slam (Mountain King, Tauren, Blademaster, Tauren Chieftain, Spirit Wolf)
    attack slam alternate (Mountain King)
    attack spell (Obsidian Statue, Chimera, Faerie Dragon)
    attack spell alternate (Obsidian Statue, Druid of the Claw)
    attack spell swim (Naga)
    attack stand ready upgrade second
    attack swim (Naga)
    attack swim spell (Naga)
    attack two alternate
    attack upgrade (Mountain Giant)
    attack upgrade first (Ziggurat)
    attack upgrade second (Ziggurat)
    attack walk stand spin (Blademaster)
    birth (Waterelemental, phoenix, wards, Spirit Wolf, Frost-Wyrm, Carrion Beetle, Wisp, Treant, Owlspy, Buildings)
    birth alternate
    birth upgrade first
    birth upgrade first second third
    birth upgrade second
    death alternate (Siege Engine, Headhunter, Stasis Trap, Gargoyle, Obsidian Statue, Druid of the Talon, Druid of the Claw, Demon Hunter)
    death spell (Troll Batrider)
    death swim (Naga)
    death upgrade (Mountain Giant)
    decay alternate (Druid of the Claw, Tree of Life)
    decay alternate bone (Headhunter)
    decay bone
    decay flesh
    decay flesh alternate (Headhunter, Druid of the Claw)
    decay swim (Naga)
    decay upgrade (Mountain Giant)
    dissipate alternate (Demon Hunter)
    dissipate swim (Naga)
    morph (Phoenix, Headhunter, Gargoyle, Obsidian Statue, Cryptlord, Carrion Beetle, Druid of the Talon, Druid of the Claw, Demon Hunter, Tree of Life)
    morph alternate (Mountain King, Phoenix, Gargoyle, Obsidian Statue, Carrion Beetle, Druid of the Talon, Druid of the Claw, Demon Hunter, Tree of Life)
    morph alternate swim (Naga)
    morph defend (Cryptlord)
    morph swim (Naga)
    spell 2 (Shaman) //not needed, does display this ani with spell; weird is that it doesn't display the first spell ani of the Shaman
    spell alternate (Cryptlord, Druid of the Talon, Druid of the Claw, Demon Hunter)
    spell attack (Priest, Sorceress, Necromancer)
    spell chain lightning (Farseer)
    spell channel (Bloodmage, Cryptlord)
    spell eat tree (Mountain Giant, Tree of Life)
    spell morph (Ghostwalker)
    spell puke (Kodobeast)
    spell slam (Mountain King, Tauren Chieftain, Spirit Wolf, Frost-Wyrm, Dreadlord, Druid of the Claw, Warden)
    spell swim (Naga)
    spell throw (Mountain King, Shadowhunter, Cryptlord, Demon Hunter, Warden)
    spell upgrade (Mountain Giant)
    stand alternate (Belagerungsmaschine, Phoenix, Headhunter, Stasis Trap, Crypt Fiend, Gargoyle, Carrion Beetle, Druid of the Talon, Druid of the Claw, Demon Hunter)
    stand alternate swim (Naga)
    stand alternate upgrade first second
    stand birth alternate work upgrade first second
    stand channel (Sorceress, Kodobeast, Shadowhunter, Ghul, Abomination, Druid of the Claw, Faerie Dragon, Keeper of the Grove, Demon Hunter, Warden)
    stand channel lumber (Ghul, Necromancer)
    stand cinematic (Blademaster)
    stand defend (Footman, Spellbreaker)
    stand gold
    stand hit (wyvern rider, Shadowhunter, Archer)
    stand lumber
    stand ready
    stand ready alternate (Siege Engine, Headhunter, Obsidian Statue, Demon Hunter)
    stand ready attack
    stand ready gold
    stand ready lumber
    stand ready swim (Naga)
    stand swim (Naga)
    stand upgrade (Mountain Giant)
    stand upgrade first
    stand upgrade first second
    stand upgrade first ready attack
    stand upgrade second
    stand upgrade third attack ready
    stand victory
    stand walk alternate
    stand work
    stand work alternate
    stand work gold
    stand work lumber
    stand work swim
    stand work upgrade first
    stand work upgrade second
    walk alternate (Siege Engine, Headhunter, Obsidian Statue, Druid of the Talon, Druid of the Claw, Demon Hunter)
    walk channel (Kodobeast)
    walk channel fast (Kodobeast)
    walk defend
    walk fast (Kodobeast)
    walk gold
    walk lumber
    walk swim (Naga)
    walk upgrade (Mountain Giant)
    Chú ý: Phần này chưa phải là tất cả đâu vì BJ còn nâng cấp dài dài mà!!!:devil:
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    Tiếp phần nữa

    Order:               Ability: 
    attack               Attack 
    attackground         Attack Ground 
    attackonce           Attack Once 
    autoharvestgold      Harvest Nearby Gold 
    autoharvestlumber    Harvest Nearby Lumber 
    board                Board 
    forceboard           Force Board 
    harvest              Harvest 
    holdposition         Hold Position 
    load                 Load 
    move                 Follow 
    patrol               Patrol To 
    revive               Revive Hero 
    returnresources      Return Resources 
    setrally             Set Rally Point To 
    stop                 Stop 
    unload               Unload 
    unloadall            Unload All At 
    avatar               Mountain King - Activate Avatar 
    blizzard             Archmage - Blizzard 
    defend               Footman - Defend 
    undefend             Footman - Stop Defend 
    dispel               Priest - Dispel 
    divineshield         Paladin - Activate Divine Shield 
    undivineshield       Paladin - Deactivate Divine Shield 
    flare                Mortar Team - Flare 
    heal                 Priest - Heal 
    healon               Priest - Activate Heal 
    healoff              Priest - Deactivate Heal 
    holybolt             Paladin - Holy Light 
    innerfire            Priest - Inner Fire 
    innerfireon          Priest - Activate Inner Fire 
    innerfireoff         Priest - Deactivate Inner Fire 
    invisibility         Sorceress - Invisibility 
    massteleport         Archmage - Mass Teleport 
    militia              Peasant - Call To Arms 
    militiaoff           Militia - Back To Work 
    polymorph            Sorceress - Polymorph 
    repair               Peasant - Repair 
    repairon             Peasant - Activate Repair 
    repairoff            Peasant - Deactivate Repair 
    resurrection         Paladin - Resurrection 
    slow                 Sorceress - Slow 
    slowon               Sorceress - Activate Slow 
    slowoff              Sorceress - Deactivate Slow 
    thunderbolt          Mountain King - Storm Bolt 
    thunderclap          Mountain King - Thunder Clap 
    townbellon           Town Hall - Call To Arms 
    townbelloff          Town Hall - Back To Work 
    waterelemental       Archmage - Summon Water Elemental 
    battlestations       Burrow - Battle Stations 
    standdown            Burrow - Stand Down 
    bloodlust            Shaman - Bloodlust 
    bloodluston          Shaman - Activate Bloodlust 
    bloodlustoff         Shaman - Deactivate Bloodlust 
    chainlightning       Far Seer - Chain Lightning 
    devour               Kodo Beast - Devour 
    earthquake           Far Seer - Earthquake 
    ensnare              Raider - Ensnare 
    evileye              Witch Doctor - Sentry Ward 
    farsight             Far Seer - Far Sight 
    healingward          Witch Doctor - Healing Ward 
    lightningshield      Shaman - Lightning Shield 
    mirrorimage          Blademaster - Mirror Image 
    purge                Shaman - Purge 
    repair               Peon - Repair 
    repairon             Peon - Activate Repair 
    repairoff            Peon - Deactivate Repair 
    shockwave            Tauren Chieftain - Shockwave 
    spiritwolf           Far Seer - Feral Spirit 
    stasistrap           Witch Doctor - Stasis Trap 
    stomp                Tauren Chieftain - War Stomp 
    whirlwind            Blademaster - Bladestorm 
    windwalk             Blademaster - Wind Walk 
    renew                Wisp - Renew 
    entangle             Tree Of Life - Entangle 
    entangleinstant      Tree Of Life - Entangle (Instant) 
    replenish            Moon Well - Replenish Mana 
    mounthippogryph      Archer - Mount Hippogryph 
    loadarcher           Hippogryph - Pick Up Archer 
    autodispel           Dryad - Abolish Magic 
    faeriefire           Druid Of The Talon - Faerie Fire 
    cyclone              Druid Of The Talon - Cyclone 
    rejuvination         Druid Of The Claw - Rejuvenation 
    manaburn             Demon Hunter - Mana Burn 
    entanglingroots      Keeper Of The Grove - Entangling Roots 
    root                 Ancients - Root 
    detonate             Wisp - Detonate 
    forceofnature        Keeper Of The Grove - Force Of Nature 
    rainoffire           Priestess Of The Moon - Starfall 
    eattree              Ancients - Eat Tree 
    sentinel             Huntress - Sentinel 
    unroot               Ancients - Uproot 
    ambush               Sentinels - Hide 
    renewon              Wisp - Activate Renew 
    renewoff             Wisp - Deactivate Renew 
    autodispelon         Dryad - Activate Abolish Magic 
    autodispeloff        Dryad - Deactivate Abolish Magic 
    faeriefireon         Druid Of The Talon - Activate Faerie Fire 
    faeriefireoff        Druid Of The Talon - Deactivate Faerie Fire 
    ravenform            Druid Of The Talon - Storm Crow Form 
    unravenform          Druid Of The Talon - Night Elf Form 
    roar                 Druid Of The Claw - Roar 
    bearform             Druid Of The Claw - Bear Form 
    unbearform           Druid Of The Claw - Night Elf Form 
    immolation           Demon Hunter - Activate Immolation 
    unimmolation         Demon Hunter - Deactivate Immolation 
    metamorphosis        Demon Hunter - Metamorphosis 
    tranquility          Keeper Of The Grove - Tranquility 
    flamingarrows        Priestess Of The Moon - Activate Searing Arrows 
    unflamingarrows      Priestess Of The Moon - Deactivate Searing Arrows 
    scout                Priestess Of The Moon - Scout 
    restoration          Acolyte - Restore 
    sacrifice            Sacrificial Pit - Sacrifice 
    sacrifice            Acolyte - Sacrifice 
    unsummon             Acolyte - Unsummon 
    web                  Crypt Fiend - Web 
    raisedead            Necromancer - Raise Dead 
    unholyfrenzy         Necromancer - Unholy Frenzy 
    cripple              Necromancer - Cripple 
    curse                Banshee - Curse 
    antimagicshell       Banshee - Anti-magic Shell 
    possession           Banshee - Possession 
    deathcoil            Death Knight - Death Coil 
    deathpact            Death Knight - Death Pact 
    sleep                Dreadlord - Sleep 
    frostnova            Lich - Frost Nova 
    frostarmor           Lich - Frost Armor 
    frostarmoron         Lich - Activate Frost Armor 
    frostarmoroff        Lich - Deactivate Frost Armor 
    darkritual           Lich - Dark Ritual 
    carrionswarm         Dreadlord - Carrion Swarm 
    dreadlordinferno     Dreadlord - Inferno 
    deathanddecay        Lich - Death And Decay 
    restorationon        Acolyte - Activate Restore 
    restorationoff       Acolyte - Deactivate Restore 
    cannibalize          Ghoul - Cannibalize 
    webon                Crypt Fiend - Activate Web 
    weboff               Crypt Fiend - Deactivate Web 
    loadcorpse           Meat Wagon - Get Corpse 
    unloadallcorpses     Meat Wagon - Drop All Corpses 
    stoneform            Gargoyle - Stone Form 
    unstoneform          Gargoyle - Gargoyle Form 
    raisedeadon          Necromancer - Activate Raise Skeleton 
    raisedeadoff         Necromancer - Deactivate Raise Skeleton 
    curseon              Banshee - Activate Curse 
    curseoff             Banshee - Deactivate Curse 
    animatedead          Death Knight - Animate Dead 
    selfdestruct         Goblin Sappers - Kaboom! 
    revenge              Neutral - Revenge 
    fingerofdeath        Archimonde - Finger Of Death 
    darkconversion       Malganis - Dark Conversion 
    soulpreservation     Malganis - Soul Preservation 
    darkconversion       Miscellaneous - Dark Conversion (Fast) 
    darkportal           Archimonde - Dark Portal 
    rainoffire           Archimonde - Rain Of Chaos 
    rainoffire           Doom Guard - Rain Of Fire 
    inferno              Warlock - Inferno 
    darksummoning        Special - Dark Summoning 
    ravenform            Medivh - Raven Form 
    unravenform          Medivh - Human Form 
    coldarrows           Sylvanas Windrunner - Activate Cold Arrows 
    uncoldarrows         Sylvanas Windrunner - Deactivate Cold Arrows

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