[spoil](M) FGQ7-C198-KWBRN MJD0-CAX4-AMKZ5 Infinite RP & CP (Puts RP at 999 and CP at 999999 which never go down, I have tested this) V7DQ-9FQ8-NP5X2 RVUT-TB23-X61W4 HC3D-Z9JU-5G1Z9 MVW4-71WV-91MWK 1YAT-BUZ7-EPXWP 57CJ-9A4P-CQCY8 All Skills in Stock GHV6-AVZF-QA5KN DQ1E-2TXH-EGZC5 MXUQ-QHEY-12XK4 H4D5-DAN7-KN9X2 82MH-E2JN-FMYKV NAEU-TAZW-WHBJ5 JZM6-PPF5-41W8K XGHG-2U08-BEEN1 RQHX-NAKK-3W1AK TK1A-V4JG-JP0TT 9N73-E5CK-78497 69QR-808P-XC3N5 ZTD2-XH0A-1TDPV Max Job EXP After Battle D37J-7ET4-61Q9E 8KTC-7W85-NJVER X3JE-PMXC-H1EZU Max EXP After Battle DD5T-2XED-GH7UU 4W80-8ZWW-A8R2W Max Skill Slots (Walter) JE78-GMA3-N4U4J 62C0-MB7Z-KR84B All Events in Theater DZ9J-2NR0-F67XE 1G0R-HR4Y-6T0Y0 Weight Limitation Removed (You first buy the part, put it in stock, then you can add the part after even though the meter is red, I have tested this) PV45-Y93C-XW5W3 X0CU-JWX1-RGH7B Infinite AP (Enemy has it as well, I have tested this) QMG7-MWMM-4ZDDZ QM63-FBHW-FQ0XY Infinite Item EN9G-FC0X-YXHEQ AF1V-7GVF-QJHZQ HMMR-KC0V-W9X93 Infinite Ammo (I have tested this) 2XVA-PKUG-RBK16 V2K1-D8VQ-WE93T Infinite Remodeling PDYV-UTFA-13K4D P67Q-8R3M-ZQBN0 ET4T-6E88-P02CD Unlimited point (Useless since both you and the enemy have infinite health, I have tested this) DN6D-PGEP-A3RJG AV62-XAN2-2W8W8 Can buy EPO skill 94UA-PA74-QR9WM Y1FQ-RRY5-UP48U Can escape HA8N-UWZK-8P9C5 T0H0-7HMC-TQ82P[/spoil] hoặc cái này [spoil]Game Id : 0100 AlternateMasterCode 2DRC-X994-558UW T646-5BUP-3JCEM Mastercode 8C3K-QBK0-5K83Y 0PWA-G857-FCV29 Alt. (M) CJG3-CP73-GVMYH QDJK-XXU2-T1D6D Enemy’s dont fight press R3 ( L3 OFF) NZEF-TW36-1RJ2Z 5X38-7QR4-PYE1X FWPV-806N-B38TK MA27-XZV3-C9Q9E E8PN-F3KR-U6K2F After Stage Clear CP 999 8C1G-FUVM-GX6TJ 351C-X856-FDT17 After Stage Clear RP 99999999 F4WK-28UH-HZ1K8 4UUX-GW95-THAJ6 After Stage Clear Lv50 61MY-E168-MA3W8 M62T-HB6U-ZE3KZ No Fight 5JZM-R9PP-VWKCW EPJV-Q90C-HQX6H 5J7A-G8PG-M80QR 799N-7YCG-ZJ561 17B1-XB1M-12QJR Press Select + UP ( enemy/player phase off ) Press Select + DOWN ( enemy/player phase on ) Note : use these codes on your first save[/spoil] đây là armax code nếu sài trên giả lập thì conver qua RAW là ok
bạn có thể hướng dẫn kĩ hơn được ko mình ko hiểu lắm hoặc bạn convert thành file pnach hộ mình với được ko
http://forum.gamevn.com/showthread.php?718104-Huong-dan-Cach-chuyen-codebreaker-sang-pnach-de-dang xem hướng dẫn ở đây rất dễ hiểu
huhu đã làm theo cách của bác mà ko được, chán đời quá huhu mình convert đủ kiểu mà ko được nữa ai làm ơn convert hoàn chỉnh thành file pnach giúp mình với