cho em hõi cheat code thesimsCity

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi Doccoco12, 1/3/06.

  1. Doccoco12

    Doccoco12 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho hoi cheat code cua~ the sim city ( cheatcode:vay tien ngan hang .Can cai nay` thuithank nhiu`
  2. cold_boy222

    cold_boy222 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Sim City có nhiều phần lắm !!! em muốn cheats của phần nào thì phải nói rõ ra chứ !!! vậy nhé !!! nói cho anh biết phiên bản nào anh sẽ tìm cheats cho !!^^
  3. scenario_ev

    scenario_ev Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ủa sao anh hai ko cho nó cái link để nó tự tìm mà cứ phải mất công kiếm codes cho bọn này làm gì nhỉ sao không lập cho 1 cái topic web cheatgame thế có phải đỡ mỏi tay không nhỉ
    ấy nhưng mà thế thì các trùm móm nặng à :))
  4. scenario_ev

    scenario_ev Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thể theo nhu cầu của chủ topic tôi xin trân trọng giới thiệu :
    Sim City 2000: Urban Renewal Kit em tìm đc cái này tự đi mà dịch nhá:
    Debug Mode
    To activate Debug mode, open the chat window and type \"PRISICILLA\". Then click on the word \"Debug\" in the upper right corner of the screen.
    Dancing Arcology
    Run the Urban Renewal Kit, then type in \"vaudeville\". You'll see the arcology dancing with a hat and cane.
  5. scenario_ev

    scenario_ev Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tiêp này đây là SIM CITY 2000:
    Code : Effect
    Priscilla : Debug Menu
    imacheat : 500000
    Joke : A Joke
    noah : Start a Flood
    moses : Stop a Flood
    buddamus : Lots of Money
    gilmartin : Build a Military Base
    mrsoleary : Fire
    damndarnheck : Computer Says "Hey Same to you buddy"
    fund : 10000 at 25percent Interest
  6. scenario_ev

    scenario_ev Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đây là SIMCITY3000:
    Code Effect
    i am weak Buildings Contructed for Free
    zyxwvu SimCastle Construction if Vinnie's Offer was Declined
    call cousin vinnie Donation Offer from Vinnie
    water salt on Change the Sea to Salt
    water salt off Change the Sea to Fresh
    terrain one up Raises the Terrain by One
    terrain one down Lowers the Terrain by One
    terrain ten up Raises the Terrain by Ten
    terrain ten down Lowers the Terrain by Ten
    broccoli "Sorry Money Doesn't Grow On Broccoli=" Message
    porntipsguzzardo "Aha We Have A Real Pro Here Try BROCCOLI=" Message
    bat "Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da BATman=" Message
    scurk "If You Build It They Will Come=" Message
    llama "The Llama Is A Quadruped=" Message
    easter egg "Duo Ragazzi's Easter Egg Palace: Old World Charm In A Post Modern Setting=" Message
    sim "If You Lived Here You'd Be A Sim=" Message
    help "Dozens Of Hidden News Ticker Reveals; Sims Encouraged To Collect Them All And Amaze Friends=" Message
    wright "What Will He Think Of Next?" Message
    erts "Investment Tip: Buy Low Sell High=" Message
    electronic arts "Not Just Sports Games Anymore=" Message
    ticker " Picayune: The Finest In Scrolling Entertainment=" Message
    money "Money Does NOT Grow On Trees Study Concludes=" Message
    simcity "Keep Trying And Maybe You'll Figure It Out=" Message
    hello "Greetings Mayor Your Sims Salute You=" Message
    mayor "Mayor Bring To News Ticker Highlight=" Message
    sc3k "Mayor Suspected Of Attempting Embezzlement; Ends In Failure=" Message
    1234 "Secret Number Combination Causes Announcement In News Ticker=" Message
    maxis "Did You Know That MAXIS Spelled Backwards Is SIX AM?" Message
    moremoney "MOREMONEY Not Cheat Code Research Concludes=" Message
    advisor "Mayor Under Investigation For Possible Embezzlement=" Message
    fund "FUND Not A Cheat Code Do Not Type MOREMONEY It Is Not A Cheat Code Either=" Message
    pay tribute to your king All Extra Gifts
    stop forcing advice Stops Advice
    power to the masses All Power Plants
    water in the desert All Water Plants
    garbage in garbage out Recycling plant waste to energy incinerator and normal incinerator
    force karen to say phrase Karen Will Say phrase
    force mortimer to say phrase Mortimer Will Say phrase
    force moe to say phrase Moe Will Say phrase
    force maria to say phrase Maria Will Say phrase
    force petitioners to say phrase Petitioners Will Say phrase
    force randall to say phrase Randall Will Say phrase
    force gus to say phrase Gus Will Say phrase
    i love red tape Description of City Hall set to "Miles and Miles of Red Tape"; date set to the year 1900
    force constance to say phrase Contance Will Say phrase
    load terrain Load grayscale picture as terrain
    simon says ???
    let's make a deal If you have connections to your neighbors they will start trying to make deals
    nerdz rool High Tech Industries
    hết phần cheat code
    Submitted by
    More Credits
    Pause gameplay and type CHEATERCHEATERWIMPWIMP
    All Landmark Buildings
    Open the Power Plant window then close it by clicking on the X in the upper right corner. Open the Rewards and Opportunities window and close it the same way. Open the Garbage Disposal window and close it the same way. Open the Landmarks window to find all the buildings available.
    xin lỗi tự dịch đi tại vì em ko bít tiếng anh với lại trò này em ko chơi
  7. scenario_ev

    scenario_ev Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cuối cùng là cheatcode của SIMCITY 4:
    Main Cheat Codes
    NOTE: These are the main codes for SimCity 4 that are usually applied by typing text in-game, or by bringing down the game console. Please find the instructions on how to use these cheats below.

    Start game as usual. During gameplay press [Ctrl]+X to go to console, then enter the following cheats followed by [Enter]:

    WeaknessPays - Get More Simoleons
    FightThePower - Remove Power Requierements
    HowDryIAm - Remove Water Requierements
    You don't deserve it - Unlock All Rewards
    Stopwatch - Toggle Clock
    WhatTimeIzIt # - Set Daytime To #
    WhereRUFrom - Change The Name Of The City
    HelloMyNameIs - Change Your Name
    SizeOf # - Magnify To #
    TastyZots - Toggle Cell Warnings
    Recorder - Start Recorder
    GOL - Green Tinge On Map
    Zoneria - Hide empty zone color
    DollyLlama - Turns the daily planners' into llamas
    TerrainQuery - Display terrain values when query button is on
    FPS - Display frame rate

    NOTE: Entering invalid cheat codes will make the console and text remain indiferent, whereas entering a valid cheat code will close the console. Hold SHIFT down while pressing ENTER after entering a cheat code and console will remain open.

    NOTE: When unlocking rewards and the green color appears blue or yellow, depending on what you zone. When this code is active, those colors disappear, but the zoning is still there. Repeat the code to disable its effect.TerrainQuery code shows the x, y, z, cell x, and cell z values in the bubble when the query button is on. Move over something and it will appear.
    More Cheat Codes
    Reactivate God mode
    To reenter God mode after you have created your City, hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and click the "God Mode" button. The tools will not be the post-establishment tools, but will revert back to pre-city tools. They will remain that way as long as you stay in God mode, otherwise they go back to normal.

    Quick money
    Use the following trick to quickly accumulate money:
    1. Press [Ctrl]+ X
    2. type weaknesspays
    3. Hold [Left Shift]
    4. Press [Enter]
    5. Press [Cursor Up]
    6. Press [Enter]
    7. Repeat steps 5 and 6; you will get $1000 each time.

    Alternately, press [Ctrl] + X to display the console window. Type weaknesspays, but do not press [Enter]. Highlight the word using the mouse, then press [Ctrl] + C to copy the text. Press [Enter], then press [Ctrl] + X to open the console window again. Hold [Ctrl] and press V to paste the text, then press [Enter], without releasing [Ctrl]. Keep pressing V then [Enter] while holding [Ctrl] while the console window is still open to amass as much money as desired.
    NOTE: As their name suggests hints are not exactly like cheats, and are usually just simple (but very useful) tips on how you can unlock secret level, features, find hidden areas and such. Hopefully these will make playing SimCity 4 even more entertaining.

    Double rewards
    Enable the you don't deserve it code, and write down requirements for reward (hold the pointer over the picture.) Place that reward. Then, do the requirements for it. Neil Fairbanks will ask your permission to build the reward a second time in your city. Information in this section was contributed by Herron.

    On the adviser screen, click the query box, then click the "X" on the bad or good messages.

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