Của bạn đây. [spoil] Getting your Sims Mood Bars FULL WITHOUT losing your job: --------------------------------------------------------- Drikus Jansen Van Vuuren, Submitted the following Information: Email: Goofy.Drikus@freemail.absa.co.za Press Control + Shift + C then type: Move_Objects on and press enter Then save your game go to build mode, choose the sim you want to be full mood,then press delete go to live mode then click on your sim's face the one you deleted and he will be somewhere in his house with all mood bars full without losing jobs,points etc Cheat mode: ----------- Submitted by: Silvia, Remo en Rita Email: sterrenzio@belgacom.net Enter [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[C] during the Life-mode. Cheat Result ------------------------- KLAPAUCIUS - 1000 extra Simdollars INTERESTS - Find out about your Sims interests MOVE_OBJECTS ON - You can move all the objects you want, also Sims ( in PAUSE-mode) MOVE_OBJECTS OFF - Disactivate this option !;!;!;!;!; - Repeat previous cheat ( up to 60 times) Instant good mood: ------------------ Submitted by: flash E-mail: flash@zoomph.net You need to add "But,when doing so you will lose your job and any score points. For example,if you have 5 cooking points...and 3 body points...you will lose them all...and you will have to earn then again. to the end. [/spoil] . ___________Auto Merge________________ . Lần sau nhớ hỏi trong topic dành cho việc hỏi cheat phía trên chú ý bạn nhe