Hiện nay tui đang có một số cầu thủ cần rao bán. Nếu bác nào cần mua cầu thủ thì hãy xem xét nhé. Thanks! HTH FC (230722) Eckehart Stau TSI = 630 , 19 years, inadequate form Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities [Quick] Stamina: weak Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: inadequate Passing: passable Winger: poor Defending: poor Scoring: inadequate Set Pieces: poor Björn Claesson TSI = 80 , 35 years, excellent form Has inadequate experience and passable leadership abilities Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: weak Passing: poor Winger: passable Defending: wretched Scoring: inadequate Set Pieces: passable Felipe Urbaneja TSI = 270 , 21 years, inadequate form Has disastrous experience and disastrous leadership abilities [Technical] Stamina: inadequate Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: inadequate Passing: poor Winger: passable Defending: poor Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: weak Hernán Edgardo Romanazzi TSI = 920 , 27 years, inadequate form Has poor experience and inadequate leadership abilities Stamina: inadequate Keeper: wretched Playmaking: inadequate Passing: solid Winger: poor Defending: poor Scoring: weak Set Pieces: inadequate Jacek Zawarski TSI = 210 , 20 years, wretched form Has disastrous experience and passable leadership abilities [Head] Stamina: poor Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: passable Passing: poor Winger: poor Defending: passable Scoring: poor Set Pieces: solid Jacobo Sánchez TSI = 170 , 20 years, wretched form Has disastrous experience and solid leadership abilities [Quick] Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: inadequate Passing: poor Winger: inadequate Defending: weak Scoring: poor Set Pieces: passable Kong Tze-Ee TSI = 170 , 22 years, poor form Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities [Powerful] Stamina: solid Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: inadequate Passing: poor Winger: inadequate Defending: poor Scoring: poor Set Pieces: wretched Osvaldo Mazali TSI = 1 430 , 18 years, passable form Has disastrous experience and disastrous leadership abilities Stamina: wretched Keeper: inadequate Playmaking: disastrous Passing: poor Winger: disastrous Defending: disastrous Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: wretched Reginaldo de Menezes TSI = 290 , 18 years, passable form Has disastrous experience and wretched leadership abilities Stamina: inadequate Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: poor Passing: weak Winger: passable Defending: wretched Scoring: poor Set Pieces: weak Sebastian Gulpen TSI = 340 , 30 years, poor form Has weak experience and weak leadership abilities Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: wretched Passing: passable Winger: weak Defending: inadequate Scoring: weak Set Pieces: wretched Sha Yi-Heng TSI = 940 , 24 years, weak form Has poor experience and poor leadership abilities Stamina: weak Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: passable Passing: disastrous Winger: passable Defending: disastrous Scoring: passable Set Pieces: wretched
ơ, thì ra bác ở bảng của tui à ...vậy mà cứ tưởng chỉ có mình tui o III.12 ..vay lập 1 cai topic cho brang ta được rồi í nhĩ
Lin Ryo TSI = 340 , 18 years, passable form Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities Stamina: wretched Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: poor Passing: inadequate Winger: poor Defending: passable Scoring: poor Set Pieces: wretched tui cũng bán thằng này nè mua đi kẻo ko còn đấy ^^
Fan An-Tiong (44205869) 27 years, passable form, bruised, but playing A controversial person who is balanced and infamous. Has wretched experience and weak leadership abilities. Nationality: Vietnam Total Skill Index (TSI): 1 170 Wage: 7 400 dong*/week Owner: daicathay1975 Warnings: 0 Stamina: inadequate Goaltending: wretched Playmaking: weak Passing: weak Winger: solid Defending: inadequate Scoring: inadequate Set Pieces: passable mấy bác xem được mua dùm tui đi T_T quảng cáo mấy bữa nay mà kô thấy ai mua hết em bán rẻ lắm có 55k à đang cần tiền quá nè
Toàn là giá cao không vậy không đủ tiền có em nào cho không không vậy răng mà dắt quá vậy , mấy u có thể bán mấy cầu thủ với giá bèo không , à tôi có 1 thằng Excilent bán với giá 1500000 mới 18t thôi mấy you có mua không tôi bán ....đội bị nợ quá trời à.....
Bán goal keeper Shaw Ah-Cy (46788231) 17 years, passable form, healthy A sympathetic guy who is balanced and honest. Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities. Nationality: Vietnam Total Skill Index (TSI): 1 750 Wage: 13 451 dong*/week Owner: TTVNonline Warnings: 0 Stamina: wretched Goaltending: passable Playmaking: disastrous Passing: disastrous Winger: wretched Defending: disastrous Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: wretched Career Goals: 0 Career Hattricks: 0 League goals this season: 0 Cup goals this season: 0 Giá khởi điểm 0,5 triệu đồng.
ông có thằng EX hã bán 1500000 hã mà cho tui hỏi nó là EX nhưng mà là EX gì cái đó mới quan trọng chứ nó là EX của stamina thì toi
Christian Bourg TSI = 110 , 35 years, weak form Has passable experience and wretched leadership abilities Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: solid Passing: poor Winger: weak Defending: poor Scoring: poor Set Pieces: disastrous Giá khởi điểm: 0* Leo Carlsson TSI = 480 , 22 years, solid form Has wretched experience and disastrous leadership abilities [Powerful] Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: weak Passing: inadequate Winger: passable Defending: wretched Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: wretched Tony Leonhard TSI = 110 , 29 years, wretched form Has inadequate experience and poor leadership abilities [Powerful] Stamina: poor Keeper: wretched Playmaking: weak Passing: poor Winger: weak Defending: poor Scoring: passable Set Pieces: wretched Wang Kwok-Kuen TSI = 390 , 29 years, weak form Has poor experience and passable leadership abilities [Powerful] Stamina: inadequate Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: weak Passing: weak Winger: passable Defending: weak Scoring: poor Set Pieces: disastrous Jonas Andersson TSI = 410 , 30 years, solid form Has inadequate experience and passable leadership abilities Stamina: excellent Keeper: wretched Playmaking: passable Passing: poor Winger: inadequate Defending: weak Scoring: weak Set Pieces: solid (thằng này chỉ passable nhưng đá tới 3* lận) Tất cả những thằng trên giá khởi điểm đều là 0đ, giá hấp dẫn
không dám Excilent stamina đâu ex của playmaking đó ,nếu you thích thì tôi bán cho , nhưng nó 19 rồi u có mua không ..................
có em nào rẻ hơn một tí không các bác ???? có em nào rẻ hơn một tí không các bác ???? có em nào rẻ hơn một tí không các bác ???? có em nào rẻ hơn một tí không các bác ???? có em nào rẻ hơn một tí không các bác ????
chà kiếm bài ghê imtt coi chừng mấy thằng Admin nó cho đi bụi chừ , nếu muốn kiếm bài thì phải nghệ 1 xí chứ làm rứa coi chừng tiêu đó..............
Tui có thêm vài thằng chất lượng đây, đại hạ giá, chỉ 0đ Lu Zhao-Dao TSI = 700 , 24 years, passable form Has weak experience and passable leadership abilities Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: weak Passing: weak Winger: passable Defending: inadequate Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: weak Jorma Hinkka TSI = 300 , 27 years, poor form Has poor experience and weak leadership abilities Stamina: poor Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: weak Passing: weak Winger: poor Defending: passable Scoring: weak Set Pieces: poor Lin Tan-Ngoc TSI = 310 , 27 years, passable form Has weak experience and weak leadership abilities Stamina: weak Keeper: wretched Playmaking: weak Passing: weak Winger: passable Defending: inadequate Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: passable
có em này mấy bác thấy thế nào, thích thì đặt giá luôn Ido Stelmach (44787351) 19 years, weak form, healthy A popular guy who is tranquil and dishonest. Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities. Nationality: Israel Total Skill Index (TSI): 220 Wage: 6 720 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: thanhlong Warnings: 0 Stamina: solid Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: weak Passing: poor Winger: wretched Defending: weak Scoring: passable Set Pieces: poor Sven Bell (35361657) 18 years, wretched form, healthy A sympathetic guy who is calm and honest. Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities. Nationality: Deutschland Total Skill Index (TSI): 260 Wage: 8 640 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: thanhlong Warnings: 0 Stamina: poor Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: poor Passing: wretched Winger: weak Defending: poor Scoring: solid Set Pieces: poor Antonio Vázquez del Río (39559801) 19 years, inadequate form, healthy A controversial person who is balanced and honest. Has disastrous experience and passable leadership abilities. Speciality: Technical Nationality: Chile Total Skill Index (TSI): 370 Wage: 7 920 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: thanhlong Warnings: 0 Stamina: inadequate Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: poor Passing: poor Winger: poor Defending: wretched Scoring: solid Set Pieces: poor Han Kam-Keong (39322875) 20 years, passable form, healthy A sympathetic guy who is balanced and honest. Has disastrous experience and solid leadership abilities. Speciality: Quick Nationality: Vietnam Total Skill Index (TSI): 130 Wage: 5 200 dong*/week Owner: thanhlong Warnings: 0 Stamina: passable Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: poor Passing: weak Winger: poor Defending: weak Scoring: poor Set Pieces: wretched
chà u có thể đưa giá tiền ra được không chứ nói vậy thì ai mà biết được , đưa giá ra anh em biết được mới mua chớ....................
Han Kam-Keong (39322875) 20 years, passable form, healthy A sympathetic guy who is balanced and honest. Has disastrous experience and solid leadership abilities. thằng này cỡ 150 ngàn Sven Bell (35361657) 18 years, wretched form, healthy A sympathetic guy who is calm and honest. Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities. thằng này tui tính bán 500 ngàn Antonio Vázquez del Río (39559801) 19 years, inadequate form, healthy A controversial person who is balanced and honest. Has disastrous experience and passable leadership abilities. 700 ngàn Ido Stelmach (44787351) 19 years, weak form, healthy A popular guy who is tranquil and dishonest. Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities. thằng này 200 ngàn tại vì chưa có kinh nghiệm mua bán nên có thể bán hơi mắc, nếu thấy thích hợp thì bàn lại giá cả cũng được
Callum MacMorran (46197804) 18 years, passable form, healthy A pleasant guy who is calm and dishonest. Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities. Speciality: Powerful Nationality: England Total Skill Index (TSI): 840 Wage: 7 788 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: ThienHaXanh united Warnings: 0 Stamina: poor Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: excellent Passing: wretched Winger: weak Defending: weak Scoring: weak Set Pieces: wretched tui bán thàng này ai thấy mua được thì vô bid
Trời ơi , toàn bán với giá cắt cổ không à mấy thằng đó đặt lên tranfers list thì đến tết "marốc" cũng chả bán được.Tôi đã từng bán những thằng khá ngon chỉ có 100-200K mà mãi mới bán được đó Diego Fernando Albil (44663819) 28 years, weak form, healthy A controversial person who is calm and dishonest. Has weak experience and weak leadership abilities. Speciality: Technical Nationality: Argentina Total Skill Index (TSI): 150 Wage: 6 720 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: Heaven & Hell Warnings: 0 Stamina: disastrous Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: solid Passing: weak Winger: weak Defending: poor Scoring: poor Set Pieces: poor thằng này giá chỉ 200KKevin Reichlin (45470676) 29 years, passable form, healthy A pleasant guy who is temperamental and dishonest. Has weak experience and weak leadership abilities. Nationality: Schweiz Total Skill Index (TSI): 620 Wage: 7 440 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: Heaven & Hell Warnings: 0 Stamina: wretched Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: passable Passing: weak Winger: weak Defending: weak Scoring: passable Set Pieces: poor thằng này giá 150K