[closed beta]warframe - mmorpg

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi [Mì Tôm Chanh], 20/1/13.

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  1. [Mì Tôm Chanh]

    [Mì Tôm Chanh] Igosu

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Homepage: https://www.warframe.com/
    Dung lượng: 1 Gb
    Hệ Máy: PC WinXP SP3 trở lên, Win vista, Win 7, Win 8
    Đăng kí game: https://warframe.com/signup
    Download game: Reg và active xong sẽ có link download tại trang chủ hoặc
    Cách lấy key beta
    Cách 1: Lấy tại đây
    Cách 2:
    Active key tại:
    Thông tin class có thể tìm hiểu thêm tại: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Warframes
    3 class mới đầu game có thể chọn:

    Game có 3 mode ( lưu ý region trong option không phải là chỉnh server mà chỉ chọn vùng cho online mode )
    Thông tin hữu ích để các bạn farm đồ

    Warframe mod & artifact ( thanks yummy3685 )

    Bảng so sánh sức mạng các melee weapon hiện tại

    Clan: ( ai muốn vào clan add IGN vietanh797 nhé )
    Patch notes:

    5.4.1 Hot fixes

    [spoil]-Fixes to Mod drop levels / rarity.
    -Crash fixes during update.
    -Rank exploits fixed.
    -Fixed a few cases where setting wouldn't save (illegal characters). Sorry but this one resets your settings.
    -Balance changes for out of control critical damage Mods. [/spoil]
    5.4 Hot fixes
    -Fixed a long-standing memory corruption bug that was the cause of many random crashes.
    -Mod drop levels determined by enemy killed not your inventory. No more farming Mercury for level 30 Mods.
    -Foundry enforced player level requirements. Fix checks for unranked players.
    -Minimap rendering changed to use navigation mesh. Necessary for upcoming environment. Work-in-progress...
    -Preliminary in-game update message when updates are pushed (working on getting this to sync better with our CDN).
    -Hardware failure check to detect problems due to faulty RAM, overclocking instability, heat problems.
    -Signin rewards UI shows required days to reach tiers.
    -Added fallbacks when trying to join a session that ends while joining.
    -Fix chosen Artifacts cards not showing promptly in Front-end.
    -Fix double cameras after host migration.
    -Fix crashes in AI and animation.
    -Fix Corpus laser door networking issues.
    -Fix over-bloom on characters.
    -Fix for doors/elevator problems with join-in-progress.
    -Improvements to prevent accidental selling in Inventory. Work-in-progress...
    -Fix rockets and redirectional power.
    -Energy cost changes for Volt and Ash.
    -Launcher can now resume bulk downloads if the connection to CDN times out.
    -Fix network problem with other player showing shield > 100%.
    -Dojo enemies now scale up in level. Work-in-progress...
    -Fix elemental effects not showing on Scindo, Frago and many crafted Swords and Daggers.
    -Energy pickups are now shared with other players. More energy in Coop!
    -Fixes for Volt overload being over-powered, then under-powered. Does radial damage as well.
    -Fix quit exploits with Alerts.
    -Fix revive from Pause menu.
    -Prevent join-in-progress of late-stage missions.
    -Relax video card restrictions in Launcher.
    -Fix Artifacts not applying with join-in-progress.
    -AI will not incorrectly target Turrets anymore.
    -Update APEX libraries to improve Nvidia PhysX Effects stability.
    -Add help option for chat commands.
    -Fix Shotgun Ammo Pack reward being 0.
    -Fix disarm exploit for some bosses.
    -Fix for Contacts list not working when you have large number of Contacts/Clan members.
    -Additional attack animation for Scindo and Frago
    -Alert enemy levels are now using their region level range.
    -Stamina Mods for Warframes added.
    -Fix Corpus Security Cams being alert when they shouldn't. Work-in-progress...
    -Fix chat window input text being erased as presence changes came in.
    -Fix Warframe Armor Mods being most common type.
    -Disabled non-XInput joystick enumeration that was causing instability.
    -Improvements to 'massive lag' problems caused when a client re-joins a session they had left.
    -Fix "too many" Ancients in some missions.[/SPOIL]
    SCINDO and FRAGO added to the Market. Slow, powerful, multi-hit weapons for lovers of heavy-metal!

    Inventory screen now shows level of item.
    Settings screen now detects APEX support and disables the option if not supported.
    Pistol ammo increased for all pistol types.
    Balance changes for Gorgon and Hek.
    Shield Mods increased in power.

    Fixes to Spy missions and secondary objectives.
    Fixed dying while hacking a terminal
    Cryopod can no longer be switch-teleported.
    Fixes to keypass objective marker not always sticking around.
    Fixed being able to play the same alert multiple times.
    Fix for some users incorrectly receiving an error message about their graphics card.
    Fixes for Upgrade tree broken on some items.
    Fixed issue with pausing in an elevator.
    Jackal will now spawn if players run in to the elevator pit before encounter has started.
    Fix for VoIP breaking after one match.
    Potential fix for Jackal stomp loop.
    Fixes for packet drops breaking contact list.
    Fixes for Corpus laser-doors.

    1294 Korean updates from Dingo, SpringNote and Switch_.
    937 Russian updates from Crond, Digimortal, Dyshes, FedorHooch, Grayscarr, SaSslx86, Moloxix and YTUX.
    639 French updates from ap0k41yp5, Flamby, Jupiter87a, Kolo, Ln_Fridfromedisailleur and RageSeeker.
    827 German updates from Afinda, Clemond, Creydah, FDCage, Nightleave, philversprechend and Tillomaticus.
    722 Italian updates from Snake3000, arkennes, jkflame, kanon82, Kingdrake, kreel and MarikMadness.
    471 Polish updates from barrakketh, Daroslaw, Flugcojt, iffyJinx, Robak220, SabreUr, Troold, Wac3.
    201 Ukranian updates from Jupiter87a.
    157 Japanese updates from Gashin.
    152 Portuguese updates from Azdragoras and Tamhorn,
    133 Spanish updates from Flagonard, Killbe, RareApo and Rexgad.[/SPOIL]
    Ember powers reworked:
    Overheat moved to second ability, acts as a shield and radial damage power.
    Fireball is now properly attached to the target and doing damage over time.
    World on Fire has been boosted: it now cycles through nearby targets to immolate!
    Warframe Blueprints for Excalibur, Volt and Loki.
    Weapon Blueprints for Afuris and Bolto.
    More mid-mission surprise change-ups.
    More localization updates from our amazing volunteers!
    Pro system dropped, new Super-Charge requires an item to be installed.
    Items can be purchased with Platinum (same cost as before) or built in the Foundry.
    Users with Pro items will have this automatically installed for them.
    More Blueprint rewards added to Alerts including Orokin Reactors and Catalysts used to Super-Charge Warframes and weapons.

    Ember model has had a revamp on its mesh and materials.
    Balancing changed for Energy Siphon cards, Mods with shield, energy, and health bonuses will be additive for more sane stacking.
    Small improvements to stat displays for upgrades and projectile-based weapons.
    Settings improvements for mouse sensitivity, brightness, contrast and UPnP.
    Alerts only require node unlock vs. region. Faster UI response to new Alerts.
    Improvements to selling UI to reduce accidental selling of important items.
    Balance changes to Mod resale and rarity.
    Infested Disruptor color effects toned down.
    Balance changes to Boss scaling with four players.
    Reduced frequency of mission key wrinkle.
    Players are now prompted before removing a friend.

    Fixed Matchmaking problems related to overzealous filtering.
    Expanded Matchmaking search to include nearby regions if no games found.
    Fixed duplicate Artifact cards taking up space on interface.
    Fixed pass-key loss when a player leaves the session while holding it.
    VOIP fixes for Contacts list.
    Fixed hangs related to slow UPnP updates.
    Fixed join session from Contacts.
    Several crashes in DirectX11, Physics, Networking, Input and Updating code.
    Fixed a few cases of players exiting the level and falling into space.
    Fixed Datamass loss after extended period of time.
    Mod effects show up properly on Dual Skanas and Furax.
    Fixed loss of Mastery when selling an item.
    Equipped consumables are no longer deleted when spending a revive.
    Fixed Bolto and powers inflating player weapon accuracy.
    Fixed controller vibration not toggling off.

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/1/13
  2. ken3cchi

    ken3cchi Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái title sao không có viết hoa thế kia :(
  3. [Mì Tôm Chanh]

    [Mì Tôm Chanh] Igosu

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Vườn mì
    rõ ràng là viết hao rồi mà sao post nó lại về font thường là sao :6cool_beat_brick:
  4. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    fix như l
    vào game gặp 5 con ancient 3 con Toxic nó quây
    éo hiểu fix ngược hay xuôi
    kiểu này solo thế mịa đc
  5. rockycome

    rockycome Trym chiên vừa giòn vừa mềm! (Rất ngầu) GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    BOX 50
    Acient với Toxic oánh đau quá, ngất lên ngất xuống :( !!!
  6. [Mì Tôm Chanh]

    [Mì Tôm Chanh] Igosu

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Vườn mì
    buff máu vào nó rồi facetank không sợ nóng \m/
  7. hoangtu2810

    hoangtu2810 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Middle Earth
    update thêm về arlet mission đi :2cool_misdoubt:
  8. tung_anh234

    tung_anh234 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Việt Trì
    Skill đâu bác, chỗ đó chỉ 2 cái Dash của Ex là ngỏm :D

    Bác MTC sửa cái này đi, nó là phóng ra nhiều cái kiếm găm quân địch dính lên tướng, trông rất ngộ nghĩnh :7cool_feel_good:
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 20/1/13
  9. QuaiVatToTBung

    QuaiVatToTBung Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    A Deep Hole
    cho hỏi ping piếc sao, với có thông tin sau này OB sẽ F2P hay P2P :-?

    thanks :3cool_nosebleed:
  10. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    vào chơi Mag di
    skill 1 kéo địch vào melee(ờ kéo toxic nhiều vào rồi chết luôn đi cho tiện)
    skill 2 hút giap hoặc hồi giáp thùy theo đối tượng là địch hay bồ(zombie có giáp sao?)
    skill 3 hút đạn bay ngang qua vào tấn công địch(chả lẽ minh không biết bắn đến mức đạn bay lung tung? còn zombie đâu dùng súng)
  11. hoangtu2810

    hoangtu2810 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Middle Earth
    chắc là f2p :5cool_big_smile: ...
  12. xxhellboy

    xxhellboy Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bố khỉ, cái key mình copy y xi từ trang web thế mà đek kích hoạt đc là sao nhỉ :|
  13. matkiencan

    matkiencan Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hiện giờ không nhiều người chơi Ash nhỉ. Vì game này toàn đi chặt chém chứ có ai stealth mấy đâu @@!? Với lại cơ cấu stealth chưa hoàn chỉnh lắm. Hóng fix Ash hoặc là bỏ luôn cho rồi.
  14. Mr.Khoa

    Mr.Khoa Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    downloading o.o
  15. matkiencan

    matkiencan Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 21/1/13
  16. GetAnChuoi

    GetAnChuoi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hê mới đi Alert mission được con Plasma sword
  17. matkiencan

    matkiencan Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có ai biết kiếm mod ngon ở đâu ko. Mod pluto vừa lỏm vừa mất tg đi map.
  18. GetAnChuoi

    GetAnChuoi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Dình từ sáng đến giờ chưa thấy có thêm cái Alert mission Chán Quá Đê

    - - - Updated - - -

    Đang Có Alert mission bà con vào kìa còn 55 M nữa mới hết
  19. yumy3685

    yumy3685 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Alert được energy siphon hồi mana rất tốt cho đi team kill boss nhé. Ai rảnh thì vào đi alert.
  20. ashura06

    ashura06 Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    các chú cái client nó nằm ỗ E và cái laucher trong ỗ C nếu muốn ra net chơi copy vào usp làm thế nào ai biết chỉ tks làm nhiều lần mà không được
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