I/trương giác(script): PHP: double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect //byte NS_count = 0; string state=""; byte pt_count = 0; byte time = 0; byte pt1 = 0; byte pt2 = 0; byte pt3 = 0; /***** Chinh sua ID Member o day *****/ uint idmem1 = 574875; uint idmem2 = 2281190; uint idmem3 = 2103692; uint idmem4_sena = 938684; public override void MyAttack() { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 2, 10000); } public override void MyPartnerAttack() { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 2, 10000); } /********************* Battle Started **********************/ public override void BattleStarted() { time=0; } /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ public override void BattleStopped() { AutoEatFood(); ProcessInventoryAction(); CheckDisconnect(); ViewState(); time=0; ts.SendEnd(); } public override void doRecvQuestion() { state="BTQ"; } public override void ResponseAnswer() { int dtime= 2; debug("Delay "+dtime.ToString()+" before answer."); ts.delay(dtime*1000); string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); debug("Answer choice:"+ans_index.ToString()); ts.Answer(ans_index); } public override void onPlayerWalk(uint uid, ushort x, ushort y) { if (uid > 1 && uid < 501) { debug("GM den roi chay thoi",0xFF0000); ts.Disconnect(false); } } /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/ public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); } /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/ public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog ID="+DialogId.ToString()); if(DialogId == 12249) { ts.ClickOnNPC(50); ts.ClickOnNPC(50); ts.SendEnd(); return; } ts.SendEnd(); } /************************ On Timer *************************/ public override void OnTimer() { time++; if (time == 20) {Start();} if (time == 40) {Start();} if (time == 60) {Start();} } public override void RequestPartyAcceptFrom(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem1 && ts.Character.ghost <= 2) {ts.AcceptParty(playerid);} if (playerid == idmem2 && ts.Character.ghost <= 2) {ts.AcceptParty(playerid);} if (playerid == idmem3 && ts.Character.ghost <= 2) {ts.AcceptParty(playerid);} if (playerid == idmem4_sena && ts.Character.ghost <= 2) {ts.AcceptParty(playerid);} } /********************* Accepted Party **********************/ public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem1) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt1 = 1;} if (playerid == idmem2) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt2 = 1;} if (playerid == idmem3) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt2 = 1;} if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt3 = 1; ts.Sena(idmem4_sena);debug(playerid + " Làm Quân Sư");} if (pt1 == 1 && pt2 == 1 && pt3 == 1) { ts.SetTimerOnOff(true); ts.delay(1000); debug("Đội ngũ đã đầy -> Start");Start();} } /*********************** Party Stop ************************/ public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem1) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} if (playerid == idmem2) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} if (playerid == idmem3) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} } /************************* Start ***************************/ public override void Start() { ts.delay(1000); ts.ClickOnNPC(50); ts.SendEnd(); } /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/ public override void FinishAnswer() { ts.delay(2000); ts.ClickOnNPC(50); ts.SendEnd(); } void ViewState() { debug(" Số con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,0xFF0000) ; } /************************** Stop ***************************/ public override void Stop() { for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){ Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i]; Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()]; if(oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; } debug(oItem.itemname + " at slot " + oSlot.slot.ToString() + " with ID " + oSlot.itemid.ToString(),0); } } /************************ Init Bot *************************/ public override void InitBot() { AutoEatFood(); ts.SetReconnectTime(3); ts.SetMaxIdleTime(15); AddDropItemList("viênongmật"); AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc"); AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); AddDropItemList("Búp bê TrgGiác"); AddDropItemList("Rựu Thục"); AddDropItemList("Nước Liệu Thương"); AddDropItemList("Quả Đào"); ViewState(); } *comon: PHP: NPCCombatObject findMonster() { int maxhp = 0; string mi = ""; foreach (NPCCombatObject onpc in ts.oNPCCombat.Values) { if (onpc.HP > 0) { if (onpc.MAXHP > maxhp) { maxhp = onpc.MAXHP; mi = onpc.Row.ToString() + onpc.Col.ToString(); } } } return ts.oNPCCombat[mi] as NPCCombatObject; } void doEatSP(ushort order,int difSp){ for(byte i = 0;i< 25 ;i++){ Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i]; if (oSlot.itemid == 0) { continue; } Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()]; if(oItem.isSPItem()){ int itemvalue=oItem.getSPValue(); if (itemvalue > difSp){ continue; } byte eatSpAmt = (byte)((difSp - (difSp % itemvalue)) / itemvalue); if (eatSpAmt> 0){ if (eatSpAmt > oSlot.num){ eatSpAmt = oSlot.num; } ts.EatItem((byte)(i+1),eatSpAmt,order) ; debug(oItem.itemname+" SP "+itemvalue+" at slot "+((byte)(i+1)).ToString()+" decrease"+eatSpAmt ,0xC08008 ); difSp = difSp - eatSpAmt * itemvalue ; } } } ts.delay(500); } void doEatHP(ushort order,int difHp){ for(byte i = 0;i< 25 ;i++){ Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i]; if (oSlot.itemid == 0) { continue; } Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()]; if(oItem.isHPItem()){ int itemvalue=oItem.getHPValue(); if (itemvalue > difHp){ continue; } byte eatHpAmt = (byte)((difHp - (difHp % itemvalue)) / itemvalue ); if (eatHpAmt> 0){ if (eatHpAmt > oSlot.num){ eatHpAmt = oSlot.num; } ts.EatItem((byte)(i+1),eatHpAmt,order); debug(oItem.itemname + " HP " + itemvalue.ToString() + " at slot " + ((byte)(i+1)).ToString() + " decrease " + eatHpAmt.ToString() ,0xC08008 ); difHp = difHp - eatHpAmt * itemvalue ; } } } ts.delay(500); } void FindItemContribute(string ItemName){ Slot s = FindItemInSlot(ItemName); if(s != null){ ts.Contribute(s.slot); } } void FindItemDrop(string ItemName){ Slot s = FindItemInSlot(ItemName); if(s != null){ ts.DropItem(s.slot,s.num); } } Slot FindItemInSlot(string ItemName){ for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){ Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i]; if( oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; } Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()]; if(oItem.itemname == ItemName){ return oSlot; } } return null; } void AutoEatFood(){ if (ts.Character.HP < (ts.Character.MAXHP * hpFractionEat)){ doEatHP(0,(int)((ts.Character.MAXHP * hpFraction)-ts.Character.HP)); } if (ts.Character.SP < (ts.Character.MAXSP * spFractionEat)){ doEatSP(0,(int)((ts.Character.MAXSP * spFraction)-ts.Character.SP)); } if (ts.CurrentPartner.HP < (ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP * hpFractionEat)){ doEatHP((ushort)ts.CurrentPartner.Order,(int)((ts. CurrentPartner.MAXHP * hpFraction)-ts.CurrentPartner.HP)); } if (ts.CurrentPartner.SP < (ts.CurrentPartner.MAXSP * spFractionEat)){ doEatSP((ushort)ts.CurrentPartner.Order,(int)((ts. CurrentPartner.MAXSP * spFraction)-ts.CurrentPartner.SP)); } } int get_random(int min,int max) { System.Random rd=new System.Random(); int ranNum= rd.Next(min,max); return ranNum; } void Disconnect(string msg) { debug(msg,0x0000FF); ts.Disconnect(); } void CheckDisconnect(){ if(ts.Character.HP< (DisconnectFlag * ts.Character.MAXHP)){ Disconnect("Disconnected : Character HP is low !!"); } if(ts.CurrentPartner.HP< (DisconnectFlag * ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP)){ Disconnect("Disconnected : Warrior HP is low !!"); } if(ts.CurrentPartner.fai < DisconFai){ Disconnect("Disconnected : Warrior faith is below faith flag !!"); } } System.Collections.ArrayList DropItemList = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); System.Collections.ArrayList ContributeItemList = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); void AddDropItemList(string itemname) { if (!DropItemList.Contains(itemname)) { DropItemList.Add(itemname); } } bool InDropItemList(string itemname) { if (DropItemList.Contains(itemname)) return true; else return false; } void AddContributeItemList(string itemname) { if (!ContributeItemList.Contains(itemname)) { ContributeItemList.Add(itemname); } } bool InContributeItemList(string itemname) { if (ContributeItemList.Contains(itemname)) return true; else return false; } void ProcessInventoryAction(){ for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){ Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i]; if( oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; } Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()]; if((oSlot.itemid == 26168 || oSlot.itemid == 26082 ||///đây là id của item cần send oSlot.itemid == 46033 || oSlot.itemid == 48005 || oSlot.itemid == 46013 || oSlot.itemid == 46041) && oSlot.num == 50) {ts.SendItemTo(2336642,oSlot.slot,oSlot.num);} /// đây là send đồ if((oSlot.itemid == 27005 || oSlot.itemid == 26082 || oSlot.itemid == 27029 || oSlot.itemid == 27032 ) && oSlot.num == 50) {ts.SendItemTo(2336644,oSlot.slot,oSlot.num);} /// đây là send đồ } } 2/mem: PHP: double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect byte NS_count = 0; /***** Chinh sua ID chu Party o day *****/ uint idchupt = 2062558; public override void MyAttack() { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 2, 10000); } public override void MyPartnerAttack() { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 2, 10000); } /********************* Battle Started **********************/ public override void BattleStarted() { if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1) {ts.Disconnect();} } /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ public override void BattleStopped() { AutoEatFood(); ProcessInventoryAction(); //CheckDisconnect(); NS_count = 0; } /******************* Receive Question *********************/ public override void doRecvQuestion() { NS_count++; } /******************** Response Answer **********************/ public override void ResponseAnswer() { string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); if (NS_count == 3) {ts.Answer(ans_index);ts.SendEnd();ts.SendEnd();} ts.Answer(ans_index); } public override void PlayerOnline(uint uid,ushort mapid) { if(uid>101 && uid<10000) { debug("Game Master Online"); ts.Disconnect(false); } } /************************ On Timer *************************/ public override void OnTimer() { ts.RequestParty(idchupt); } /************************* Start ***************************/ public override void Start() { debug("Request Party .........."); ts.RequestParty(idchupt); } /************************** Stop ***************************/ public override void Stop() { for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){ Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i]; Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()]; if(oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; } debug(oItem.itemname + " at slot " + oSlot.slot.ToString() + " with ID " + oSlot.itemid.ToString(),0); } } /********************* Accepted Party **********************/ public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idchupt) {debug("Join to " + playerid);} } /************************ Party Stop ***********************/ public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idchupt) {debug(idchupt+ " Giải tán đội ngũ ...");} } public override void UnGhostFinished() { ts.Warp(11); } /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/ public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId) { //debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); if (DialogId == 4) {ts.SelectChoice(1);ts.SendEnd();} } /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/ public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) { //debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); ts.SendEnd(); } /********************** Warp Finished **********************/ public override void warpFinish() { if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1 && ts.Character.mapid == 12011) {ts.Walk(402,455);ts.ClickOnNPC(9);} if (ts.Character.ghost == 0 && ts.Character.mapid == 12012) {ts.SetTimerOnOff(true);} } void Check() { if (ts.Character.ghost == 0 && ts.Character.mapid == 12011) {ts.Warp(11);} if (ts.Character.ghost == 0 && ts.Character.mapid == 12012) {ts.SetTimerOnOff(true);} if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1 && ts.Character.mapid == 12012) {ts.Warp(1);} if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1 && ts.Character.mapid == 12011) {ts.Walk(402,455);ts.ClickOnNPC(9);} } /************************ Init Bot *************************/ public override void InitBot() { AutoEatFood(); ts.SetReconnectTime(3); ts.SetMaxIdleTime(15); Check(); AddDropItemList("viênongmật"); AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc"); AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); AddDropItemList("Quả Đào"); AddDropItemList("Búp bê TrgGiác"); AddDropItemList("NướcLiệuThương"); debug("Login Okie"); } II/cự lộc: 1/chủ pt: PHP: double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect byte battle_count = 0; byte NS_count = 0; byte myturn = 0; byte peturn = 0; byte pt1 = 0; byte pt2 = 0; byte pt3 = 0; byte pt4 = 0; double mapid1 = 12013; double mapid2 = 12521; byte warpid1 = 1; byte warpid2 = 5; /***** Chinh sua ID Member o day *****/ uint idmem1 = 938684; uint idmem2 = 2324507; uint idmem3 = 2062558; uint idmem4_sena = 2103692; /*************************************/ /*********************** My Attack *************************/ public override void MyAttack() { myturn++; if (myturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 2, 17001); } if (myturn >=2) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 4, 17001); } } /******************* My Partner Attack *********************/ public override void MyPartnerAttack() { peturn++; if (peturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 2, 17001); } if (peturn >= 2) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 4, 17001); } } /********************* Battle Started **********************/ public override void BattleStarted() { battle_count++; myturn = 0; peturn = 0; } /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ public override void BattleStopped() { AutoEatFood(); ProcessInventoryAction(); CheckDisconnect(); ViewState(); } /******************* Receive Question *********************/ public override void doRecvQuestion() { NS_count++; } /******************** Response Answer **********************/ public override void ResponseAnswer() { string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); ts.Answer(ans_index); } /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/ public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); } /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/ public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); } /********************* On NPC Appear ***********************/ public override void onNPCAppear(ushort npcmapid, int x, int y) { } /************************ On Timer *************************/ public override void OnTimer() { if (pt1 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem1);} if (pt2 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem2);} if (pt3 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem3);} if (pt4 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem4_sena);} } /********************* Accepted Party **********************/ public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem1) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt1 = 1;} if (playerid == idmem2) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt2 = 1;} if (playerid == idmem3) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt3 = 1;} if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt4 = 1; ts.Sena(idmem4_sena);debug(playerid + " Làm Quân Sư");} if (pt1 ==1 && pt2 == 1 && pt3 == 1 && pt4 == 1) {ts.SetTimerOnOff(false);ts.delay(1000);debug("Đội ngũ đã đầy -> Start");Start();} } /*********************** Party Stop ************************/ public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem1) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} if (playerid == idmem2) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} if (playerid == idmem3) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} } /********************** Warp Finish ************************/ public override void warpFinish() { Start(); } /************************* Start ***************************/ public override void Start() { if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid1) { ts.Walk(1542,180); ts.Warp(warpid1); return; } else if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) { ts.Warp(warpid2); return; } } /************************** Stop ***************************/ public override void Stop() { } /*********************** View State ************************/ void ViewState() { debug("************************************************** **********************",255) ; debug(" Số trận đánh : " + battle_count ,255) ; debug(" HP của "+ts.Character.CharName+" = " + ts.Character.HP +" "+ "/" +" "+ ts.Character.MAXHP,255); debug(" HP của "+ts.CurrentPartner.CharName +" = " + ts.CurrentPartner.HP + " "+"/" +" "+ ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP +" "+" FAI = " + ts.CurrentPartner.fai,255); debug(" Số lần gặp BTQ : "+ NS_count +" Số con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,255) ; debug("======= Script by Jet007 - Copy Right GameVN–™ =======",255) ; } /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/ public override void FinishAnswer() { ts.delay(2000); Start(); } /**************** Request Party Accept From ****************/ //public override void RequestPartyAcceptFrom(uint playerid) //{ //if (playerid == idmem1) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt1 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");} //if (playerid == idmem2) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt2 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");} //if (playerid == idmem3) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt3 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");} //if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid);ts.delay(5 00);ts.Sena(playerid); pt4 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team, Quân Sư = "+playerid);} //if (pt1 == 1 && pt2 == 1 && pt3 == 1 && pt4 == 1) {debug("Party Full -> Start ");Start();} //} /************************ Init Bot *************************/ public override void InitBot() { ts.SetTimerOnOff(true); if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) {ts.Warp(warpid2);} AddDropItemList("viênongmật"); AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc"); AddDropItemList("Rựu Vàng"); AddDropItemList("Thuốc Khí Hành"); AddDropItemList("Thuốc Bổ Huyết"); AddDropItemList("Thuốc Nhất Điểm"); AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); ViewState(); } 2/mem( script chung)" PHP: double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect byte battle_count = 0; byte NS_count = 0; byte myturn = 0; byte peturn = 0; /***** Chinh sua ID chu Party o day *****/ uint idchupt = 574875; /*************************************/ /*********************** My Attack *************************/ public override void MyAttack() { myturn++; if (myturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 2, 10000); } if (myturn >=2) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 4, 18001); } } /******************* My Partner Attack *********************/ public override void MyPartnerAttack() { peturn++; if (peturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 2, 12003); } if (peturn >= 2) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 4, 18001); } } /********************* Battle Started **********************/ public override void BattleStarted() { battle_count++; myturn = 0; peturn = 0; } /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ public override void BattleStopped() { AutoEatFood(); ProcessInventoryAction(); CheckDisconnect(); ViewState(); } /******************* Receive Question *********************/ public override void doRecvQuestion() { NS_count++; } /******************** Response Answer **********************/ public override void ResponseAnswer() { string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); ts.delay(3000); ts.Answer(ans_index); } /************************ On Timer *************************/ public override void OnTimer() { } /************************* Start ***************************/ public override void Start() { debug("Request Party .........."); ts.RequestParty(idchupt); } /************************** Stop ***************************/ public override void Stop() { } /*********************** View State ************************/ void ViewState() { debug("************************************************** **********************",255) ; debug(" Số trận đánh : " + battle_count ,255) ; debug(" HP của "+ts.Character.CharName+" = " + ts.Character.HP +" "+ "/" +" "+ ts.Character.MAXHP,255); debug(" HP của "+ts.CurrentPartner.CharName +" = " + ts.CurrentPartner.HP + " "+"/" +" "+ ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP +" "+" FAI = " + ts.CurrentPartner.fai,255); debug(" Số lần gặp BTQ : "+ NS_count +" Số con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,255) ; debug("======= Script by Jet007 - Copy Right GameVN–™ =======",255) ; } /********************* PlayerOnline **********************/ public override void PlayerOnline(uint uid,ushort mapid) { if(uid == idchupt) { debug("Request Party .........."); ts.RequestParty(idchupt); } } /********************* Accepted Party **********************/ public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idchupt) {debug("Join to " + playerid);} } /************************ Party Stop ***********************/ public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idchupt) {debug(idchupt+ " Giải tán đội ngũ ...");} } /************************ Init Bot *************************/ public override void InitBot() { if (ts.Character.mapid==12521) {ts.Warp(5);} ts.delay(1000); AddDropItemList("viênongmật"); AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc"); AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); AddContributeItemList("Dâu đỏ "); AddContributeItemList("Táo nhỏ"); AddDropItemList("Mật Ý Nhân"); AddDropItemList("Nhị Quoa đầu"); AddDropItemList("Bành Bột Mì"); ViewState(); } III/thành tuyết(gate 2) PHP: double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect byte turna = 0; byte turnb = 0; byte pt1 = 0; byte pt2 = 0; byte pt3 = 0; byte pt4 = 0; double mapid1 = 12000; double mapid2 = 12441; byte warpid1 = 16; byte warpid2 = 1; uint idchupt = 574875; /***** Chinh sua ID Member o day *****/ uint idmem1_sena = 938684; /*************************************/ /*********************** My Attack *************************/ public override void MyAttack() { turna++; if (turna == 1) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 4, 10000); } if (turna >=2) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 4, 17001); } } public override void MyPartnerAttack() { turnb++; if (turnb == 1) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 1, 17001); } if (turnb >= 2) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 4, 17001); } } /********************* Battle Started **********************/ public override void BattleStarted() { turnb=0; turna=0; } public override void PreBattleStopped() { ts.delay(2000); } /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ public override void BattleStopped() { AutoEatFood(); ProcessInventoryAction(); CheckDisconnect(); Stop(); } /******************* Receive Question *********************/ public override void doRecvQuestion() { } /******************** Response Answer **********************/ public override void ResponseAnswer() { string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); ts.Answer(ans_index); } /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/ public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); } /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/ public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); } /********************* On NPC Appear ***********************/ public override void onNPCAppear(ushort npcmapid, int x, int y) { } /************************ On Timer *************************/ public override void OnTimer() { } /********************** Warp Finish ************************/ public override void warpFinish() { Start(); } /************************* Start ***************************/ public override void Start() { if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid1) { ts.Walk(1022,1175); ts.Warp(warpid1); } else if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) { ts.Warp(warpid2); return; } } /************************** Stop ***************************/ public override void Stop() { } /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/ public override void FinishAnswer() { Start(); } /**************** Request Party Accept From ****************/ public override void RequestPartyAcceptFrom(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem_sena) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid);ts.delay(1000);ts.Sena(playerid); pt = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team, Qua^n Su = "+playerid);} if pt4 == 1 {ts.delay(1500);debug("Party Full -> Start ");Start();} } /*********************** Party Stop ************************/ public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem_sena) {debug("Dis by "+playerid+" dis");ts.Disconnect();} } /************************ Init Bot *************************/ public override void InitBot() { AddDropItemList("viênongmật"); AddDropItemList("Dâu đỏ"); AddDropItemList("Táo nhỏ"); AddDropItemList("Mật Ý Nhân"); AddDropItemList("Nhị Quoa đầu"); AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc"); AddDropItemList("Táo nhỏ"); AddDropItemList("Bành Bột Mì"); AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); Stop(); } IV/Hung nô gate 2 PHP: double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect byte battle_count = 0; byte NS_count = 0; byte myturn = 0; byte peturn = 0; byte pt1 = 0; byte pt2 = 0; byte pt3 = 0; byte pt4 = 0; double mapid1 = 12431; double mapid2 = 12432; byte warpid1 = 2; byte warpid2 = 1; /***** Chinh sua ID Member o day *****/ uint idmem1 = 0; uint idmem2 = 0; uint idmem3 = 0; uint idmem4_sena = 0; /*************************************/ /*********************** My Attack *************************/ public override void MyAttack() { myturn++; if (myturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 2, 12003); } if (myturn ==2) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 4, 10000); } if (myturn >=3) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 3, 10000); } } /******************* My Partner Attack *********************/ public override void MyPartnerAttack() { peturn++; if (peturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 2, 12003); } if (peturn >= 2) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 4, 10000); } } /********************* Battle Started **********************/ public override void BattleStarted() { battle_count++; myturn = 0; peturn = 0; } /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ public override void BattleStopped() { AutoEatFood(); ProcessInventoryAction(); CheckDisconnect(); ViewState(); } /******************* Receive Question *********************/ public override void doRecvQuestion() { NS_count++; } /******************** Response Answer **********************/ public override void ResponseAnswer() { string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); ts.Answer(ans_index); } /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/ public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); } /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/ public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); } /********************* On NPC Appear ***********************/ public override void onNPCAppear(ushort npcmapid, int x, int y) { } /************************ On Timer *************************/ public override void OnTimer() { if (pt1 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem1);} if (pt2 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem2);} if (pt3 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem3);} if (pt4 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem4_sena);} } /********************* Accepted Party **********************/ public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem1) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt1 = 1;} if (playerid == idmem2) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt2 = 1;} if (playerid == idmem3) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt3 = 1;} if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt4 = 1; ts.Sena(idmem4_sena);debug(playerid + " Làm Quân Sư");} if (pt1 ==1 && pt2 == 1 && pt3 == 1 && pt4 == 1) {ts.SetTimerOnOff(false);ts.delay(1000);debug("Đội ngũ đã đầy -> Start");Start();} } /*********************** Party Stop ************************/ public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem1) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} if (playerid == idmem2) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} if (playerid == idmem3) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} } /********************** Warp Finish ************************/ public override void warpFinish() { Start(); } /************************* Start ***************************/ public override void Start() { if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid1) { ts.Warp(warpid1); return; } else if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) { ts.Warp(warpid2); return; } } /************************** Stop ***************************/ public override void Stop() { } /*********************** View State ************************/ void ViewState() { debug("************************************************** **********************",255) ; debug(" Số trận đánh : " + battle_count ,255) ; debug(" HP của "+ts.Character.CharName+" = " + ts.Character.HP +" "+ "/" +" "+ ts.Character.MAXHP,255); debug(" HP của "+ts.CurrentPartner.CharName +" = " + ts.CurrentPartner.HP + " "+"/" +" "+ ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP +" "+" FAI = " + ts.CurrentPartner.fai,255); debug(" Số lần gặp BTQ : "+ NS_count +" Số con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,255) ; debug("======= Script by TiêuPhong - Đảng_Kộng_Sản =======",255) ; } /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/ public override void FinishAnswer() { ts.delay(2000); Start(); } /************************ Init Bot *************************/ public override void InitBot() { ts.SetTimerOnOff(true); if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) {ts.Warp(warpid2);} AddDropItemList("viênongmật"); AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc"); AddDropItemList("ThuốcĐịnhNguyên "); AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); ViewState(); } V/giới kiều: PHP: double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect byte battle_count = 0; byte NS_count = 0; byte myturn = 0; byte peturn = 0; byte pt1 = 0; byte pt2 = 0; byte pt3 = 0; byte pt4 = 0; double mapid1 = 12000; double mapid2 = 12441; byte warpid1 = 16; byte warpid2 = 1; /***** Chinh sua ID Member o day *****/ uint idmem4_sena = 938684; /*************************************/ /*********************** My Attack *************************/ public override void MyAttack() { myturn++; if (myturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 0, 10000); } if (myturn >=2) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 4, 10000); } } /******************* My Partner Attack *********************/ public override void MyPartnerAttack() { peturn++; if (peturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 2, 10000); } if (peturn >= 2) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 4, 17001); } } /********************* Battle Started **********************/ public override void BattleStarted() { battle_count++; myturn = 0; peturn = 0; } /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ public override void BattleStopped() { ts.delay(200); AutoEatFood(); ProcessInventoryAction(); CheckDisconnect(); ViewState(); ts.SendEnd(); } /******************* Receive Question *********************/ public override void doRecvQuestion() { NS_count++; } /******************** Response Answer **********************/ public override void ResponseAnswer() { string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); ts.Answer(ans_index); } /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/ public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); } /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/ public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); } /********************* On NPC Appear ***********************/ public override void onNPCAppear(ushort npcmapid, int x, int y) { } /************************ On Timer *************************/ public override void OnTimer() { if (pt4 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem4_sena);} } /********************* Accepted Party **********************/ public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt4 = 1; ts.Sena(idmem4_sena);debug(playerid + " Làm Quân Sư");} if (pt1 ==1 && pt2 == 1 && pt3 == 1 && pt4 == 1) {ts.SetTimerOnOff(false);ts.delay(1000);debug("Đội ngũ đã đầy -> Start");Start();} } /*********************** Party Stop ************************/ public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} } /********************** Warp Finish ************************/ public override void warpFinish() { Start(); } /************************* Start ***************************/ public override void Start() { if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid1) { ts.Walk(1022,1175); ts.Warp(warpid1); return; } else if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) { ts.Warp(warpid2); return; } } /************************** Stop ***************************/ public override void Stop() { } /*********************** View State ************************/ void ViewState() { debug("************************************************** **********************",255) ; debug(" Số trận đánh : " + battle_count ,255) ; debug(" HP của "+ts.Character.CharName+" = " + ts.Character.HP +" "+ "/" +" "+ ts.Character.MAXHP,255); debug(" HP của "+ts.CurrentPartner.CharName +" = " + ts.CurrentPartner.HP + " "+"/" +" "+ ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP +" "+" FAI = " + ts.CurrentPartner.fai,255); debug(" Số lần gặp BTQ : "+ NS_count +" Số con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,255) ; debug("======= Script by Jet007 - Copy Right GameVN–™ =======",255) ; } /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/ public override void FinishAnswer() { ts.delay(2000); Start(); } /**************** Request Party Accept From ****************/ //public override void RequestPartyAcceptFrom(uint playerid) //{ //if (playerid == idmem1) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt1 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");} //if (playerid == idmem2) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt2 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");} //if (playerid == idmem3) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt3 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");} //if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid);ts.delay(5 00);ts.Sena(playerid); pt4 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team, Quân Sư = "+playerid);} //if (pt1 == 1 && pt2 == 1 && pt3 == 1 && pt4 == 1) {debug("Party Full -> Start ");Start();} //} /************************ Init Bot *************************/ public override void InitBot() { ts.SetTimerOnOff(true); if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) {ts.Warp(warpid2);} AddDropItemList("viênongmật"); AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc"); AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); ViewState(); } Vi/Sông Triệu Chỉ PHP: double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; byte DisconFai = 30; // Faith of warrior to disconnect byte battle_count = 0; byte NS_count = 0; byte myturn = 0; byte peturn = 0; byte pt1 = 0; byte pt2 = 0; byte pt3 = 0; byte pt4 = 0; double mapid1 = 12013; double mapid2 = 12521; byte warpid1 = 1; byte warpid2 = 5; /***** Chinh sua ID Member o day *****/ uint idmem1 = 938684; uint idmem2 = 2335006; uint idmem3 = 2062558; uint idmem4_sena = 2103692; /*************************************/ /*********************** My Attack *************************/ public override void MyAttack() { myturn++; if (myturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 0, 10000); } if (myturn >=2) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 4, 17001); } } /******************* My Partner Attack *********************/ public override void MyPartnerAttack() { peturn++; if (peturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 2, 10000); } if (peturn >= 2) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 4, 10000); } } /********************* Battle Started **********************/ public override void BattleStarted() { battle_count++; myturn = 0; peturn = 0; } /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ public override void BattleStopped() { ts.delay(200); AutoEatFood(); ProcessInventoryAction(); CheckDisconnect(); ViewState(); ts.SendEnd(); ts.SendEnd(); } /******************* Receive Question *********************/ public override void doRecvQuestion() { NS_count++; } /******************** Response Answer **********************/ public override void ResponseAnswer() { string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); ts.Answer(ans_index); } /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/ public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); } /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/ public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); } /********************* On NPC Appear ***********************/ public override void onNPCAppear(ushort npcmapid, int x, int y) { } /************************ On Timer *************************/ public override void OnTimer() { if (pt1 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem1);} if (pt2 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem2);} if (pt3 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem3);} if (pt4 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem4_sena);} } /********************* Accepted Party **********************/ public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem1) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt1 = 1;} if (playerid == idmem2) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt2 = 1;} if (playerid == idmem3) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt3 = 1;} if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid + " Gia nhập đội ngũ");pt4 = 1; ts.Sena(idmem4_sena);debug(playerid + " Làm Quân Sư");} if (pt1 ==1 && pt2 == 1 && pt3 == 1 && pt4 == 1) {ts.SetTimerOnOff(false);ts.delay(1000);debug("Đội ngũ đã đầy -> Start");Start();} } /*********************** Party Stop ************************/ public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idmem1) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} if (playerid == idmem2) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} if (playerid == idmem3) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid+" Rời khỏi đội ngủ -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} } /********************** Warp Finish ************************/ public override void warpFinish() { Start(); } /************************* Start ***************************/ public override void Start() { if (ts.Character.mapid == 12000) { ts.Walk(1262,2475); ts.delay(200); ts.Warp(30); ts.SendEnd(); return; } else if (ts.Character.mapid == 11000) { ts.Warp(1); return; } } /************************** Stop ***************************/ public override void Stop() { } /*********************** View State ************************/ void ViewState() { debug("************************************************** **********************",255) ; debug(" Số trận đánh : " + battle_count ,255) ; debug(" HP của "+ts.Character.CharName+" = " + ts.Character.HP +" "+ "/" +" "+ ts.Character.MAXHP,255); debug(" HP của "+ts.CurrentPartner.CharName +" = " + ts.CurrentPartner.HP + " "+"/" +" "+ ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP +" "+" FAI = " + ts.CurrentPartner.fai,255); debug(" Số lần gặp BTQ : "+ NS_count +" Số con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,255) ; debug("======= Script by Jet007 - Copy Right GameVN–™ =======",255) ; } /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/ public override void FinishAnswer() { ts.delay(2000); Start(); } /**************** Request Party Accept From ****************/ //public override void RequestPartyAcceptFrom(uint playerid) //{ //if (playerid == idmem1) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt1 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");} //if (playerid == idmem2) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt2 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");} //if (playerid == idmem3) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt3 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");} //if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid);ts.delay(5 00);ts.Sena(playerid); pt4 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team, Quân Sư = "+playerid);} //if (pt1 == 1 && pt2 == 1 && pt3 == 1 && pt4 == 1) {debug("Party Full -> Start ");Start();} //} /************************ Init Bot *************************/ public override void InitBot() { ts.SetTimerOnOff(true); if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) {ts.Warp(warpid2);} AddDropItemList("viênongmật"); AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc"); AddDropItemList("Rựu Vàng"); AddDropItemList("Thuốc Khí Hành"); AddDropItemList("Thuốc Bổ Huyết"); AddDropItemList("Thuốc Nhất Điểm"); AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); ViewState(); }
úi giời!!!!!!!!! cả 1 scr bot trương giác, cái này cũng lâu lắm rồi mà , tìm trong box cũ thế nào chẳng có mà phải post
hoan hong den ne nu yeu oi , sao no' tu. pt dc vo^ nhin` truong giac' roi` tu. dong dí connect ko danh' sau do' no' pt lai. va` tiep tuc. nhu* vay. , tai sao vay ban.
anh ơi mấy cái scrpit có xài được không vậy nhiều cái script em copy vào mà nó không chạy gì cả báo lỗi không hà hy vọng lần này sẽ là thật hihi
toi đua cho bạn ban bót kim tỏa gia các lượng double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; byte DisconFai = 90; // Faith of warrior to disconnect string state=""; byte pt_count = 0; uint tv1 = 0; //là QS luôn uint tv2 = 0; uint tv3 = 0; uint tv4 = 0; uint maxpt = 0; //so thanh vien public override void MyAttack() { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 2, 10000); } public override void MyPartnerAttack() { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 2, 10000); } public override void BattleStarted() { ts.SetTimerOnOff(false); } public override void BattleStoped() { ProcessInventoryAction(); AutoEatFood(); } public override void doRecvQuestion() { state="BTQ"; } public override void ResponseAnswer() { int dtime=get_random(1,5); debug("Delay "+dtime.ToString()+" before answer."); ts.delay(dtime*1000); string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); debug("Answer choice:"+ans_index.ToString()); ts.Answer(ans_index); } public override void onPlayerWalk(uint uid, ushort x, ushort y) { if (uid > 1 && uid < 501) { debug("GM den roi chay thoi",0xFF0000); ts.Disconnect(false); } } public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) { if (playerid == tv1 || playerid == tv2 || playerid == tv3 || playerid == tv4) {ts.Disconnect();} } public override void Start() { ts.ClickOnNPC(1); } public override void FinishAnswer() { Start(); } public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId) { debug("Menu ID="+DialogId.ToString()); if(DialogId==5){ ts.SelectChoice(1); ts.SendEnd(); } } public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog ID="+DialogId.ToString()); if(DialogId==15657){ ts.ClickOnNPC(1); ts.ClickOnNPC(1); }else{ ts.SendEnd(); } } public override void OnTimer() { ts.AcceptParty(tv1); ts.AcceptParty(tv2); ts.AcceptParty(tv3); ts.AcceptParty(tv4); } public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) { if(playerid == tv1) {ts.Sena(playerid);} pt_count++; if(pt_count==maxpt){ debug(" So thanh vien la : " + pt_count ,0x0000FF); Start();} else{ debug(" So thanh vien la : " + pt_count ,0x0000FF); } } public override void InitBot() { ts.SetTimerOnOff(true); ts.SetReconnectTime(1); ts.SetMaxIdleTime(20); debug(" Số con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,0xFF0000) ; } neu sai thì đập đầu tui nè
chài, tại mấy thằng bạn tui làm biếng tìm nên tui lên đây post cái luôn cho nhanh mấy cái sc đó tui đang xài ,chạy ngon ơ à ,có bị gì đâu nếu có lỗi gì thì post lên đây nha, sữa cho(có đâu mà sữa)
me oi. post sciiprt cho nguoi ta thi post dang hoang`. chua gi tui doc so thay sciprt cai trieu chi sai goai. sai ngay tu` mapid va war id. sau co la npc dialog id, cau trieu chi co can dialog ma:o :o # # #