Death Ball v1.7

Thảo luận trong 'Nhóm Update' bắt đầu bởi Loveakaryendy, 13/7/03.

  1. Loveakaryendy

    Loveakaryendy Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    these cameras follow the ball automatically; there are 2-4 in each map (9 in cube); you can toggle between them with Alt Fire, and toggle between player and ball cameras with Fire. Zoom in and out with "forward" and "backward". In the settings under controls you can set key's to select certain cams.
    -Using new sound effects for shooting, catching, powering up (thanks to Toxeen).
    -Removed startup nvidia pimp map, was so annoying to see it everytime you join.
    -Go check the 'controls' tab in the settings menu (only available if you start with UT2003.exe -mainmenu=deathball.db_mainmenu), you can set certain DB-specific keys.
    -Spectators now have a radar (only in camera and player view)
    -Bots now stay keeper.
    -Stats system changed: no more points, detailed stats for goals, passes, interceptions, volleys etc etc! Players now sorted by join time.
    -Added an option to "only allow volley goals" and additionally you can select that self-volley's don't count, which I suggest, because it puts more emphasize on teamwork and egomaniacs can't do anything...(If there is only one player on a team he can do self-volleys tho)
    -Added option "Impede ballcarrier". The ball owner can't move when this is on. (Mainly to train volleys and teamwork).
    -Time stopped during celebration phase.
    -Allow boosting teammates in celeb phase.
    -Added DB specific rules to F2 screen and to server window (in server browser), so you know the server settings before you join (if sprint is on, only volleys etc).
    -Server UT2k3 version number also shown in the F2 list (and in server browser)
    -Added option for practice mode: Goals don't count, it just goes on.
    -"Ready" and "Not Ready" is now red and green in scoreboard.
    -Sprint and powerup bar are now fading from green to red.
    -"redsay" and "bluesay" command added, to talk to a certain team as spectator (if you are a team's coach for example).
    -Antispam system added. All bind kids will now be fawked. Saying the same thing (in "say") more than 1 time in 5 seconds will be considered as spam, you get banned from talking for 30 seconds. In teamsay you can spam as much as you want.
    -Ball high now showing in BOTH radars and in METERS instead of units. We will make this free configurable, so you can choose between meters, feet and unreal units (or something else you request).
    -When you are typing other's now see a speech bubble over your head.
    -Added award system to F3, just have a look.
    -Added Team comparison to F3, comparing the 2 teams in some points.
    -Added a new sound when you catch the ball. Only YOU can hear that one, so you do not any more confuse your catch sound with the one of a player that's right next to you (you know..., he catches it and you think it was you...) Also made ball icon move from middle to its place when you get the ball.
    -Changed beacon color of targeted player.
    -"Get rid of ball in" sound came too early, now it plays right before the countdown starts, NOT right after you caught the ball
    -The whole team now hears the countdown, not only the ballowner
    -"Get rid of ball in ..." stuff removed during celebration phase
    -Number of remaining multijumps shown in your hud.
    -Number of teammate's remaining multijumps shown next to their name.
    -configurable lockon radius (it's in the options but was not working)
    -Shortname working (use "setshortname " to set it ingame, otherwise use the menu, it supports up to 7 characters, I can't imagine anyone need's more since most people are called with 3 or 4 chars in irc etc.)
    -You can now see all spectators by typing "showspectators" in the console, type it again to get back (OR use a bind for it, can be set in Settings->Controls)
    -Distance from which you hear powerup sound lowered
    -Post and crossbar hits are counted in the stats
    -Removed "welcome to deathball" sound and put it to the startmenu.
    -Blue radar objects brighter (can better be seen).
    -Keeper code changed: When player 1 is keeper, 2 is in pen zone. 1 leaves pen zone, it takes 3 seconds until 2 becomes keeper. If he is keeper, but 1 joins again before 5 seconds have passed after he left keeper, he will turn into keeper again. (Confusing, eh?)

    -Added penalty spots to all maps for future use.
    -DB-Cube: Redone! Added post and crossbar sound (when ball hits it); added a few antiportals =>slightly better performance in some situations, Startpoint placement changed, added Scoredboard, Detail settings = don't wonder when you don't see anything in "normal detail" mode, you only get spectators, the scoreboard and all the stuff in higher detail modes. Radar Graphic changed. Added Ad's to it. Posts rounded off, hard to get stuck on em now.
    -DB-Lowcube: Other walltexture, ball can fly higher before it gets reset, added some wind sounds, added post and crossbar sound (when ball hits it), Startpoint placement changed, added some environment to the map, added rocks surrounding the pitch (can be turned off by setting details to "normal")
    -DB-Smallcube, added post sounds; Posts rounded off, hard to get stuck on em now.
    -DB-Trainingcourt, added post sounds
    -DB-Greenbaize by RevBillyG added
    -DB-Icedemon by Stephen added
    -DB-Curve, shorter; post sounds added
    -DB-Tribun, Bigger pitch, penalty zone has Cube-size; post sounds added => all in all less spammy, less luck dependend
    -DB-November, post sounds added, startpoint placement slightly changed
    -DB-Chill, now has detail settings (normal detail = pretty empty), jumppads can be seen on radar, penalty zone bigger, post sounds added
    -DB-Legofan, post sounds

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