diablo furry within

Thảo luận trong 'Diablo' bắt đầu bởi force207, 12/6/07.

  1. force207

    force207 Youtube Master Race

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    cho tui hỏi có ai biết ép đồ mạnh nhất trong bản này ko?(ví dụ đò Dacam,đồ nâu....)
  2. slientkid

    slientkid Thành viên cấp 69

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    Bạn vào chỗ cài Diablo rồi tìm mấy cái file Readme gì gì đó !Mở ra có hết .
  3. Fracasse

    Fracasse Youtube Master Race

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    tui đang chơi bản FW : Awakening Alpha 2 , ko bít bản này có gì khác so với alpha 1 , bản alpha 2 ko có mấy con super boss đúng ko zậy.
    ai chơi bản này thì chỉ cho mấy chiêu đi
  4. gfminimog

    gfminimog Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    @Fracasse: TWF: Awakening Alpha 2 khác gì so với Alpha 1 thì có thể đọc file readme là được. Tạm trích một đoạn:

    Changes since Alpha 1:

    One changed cube recipe, some new ones. Undead hearts are now champion's heartstones, and demon
    hearts are now leader's heartstones.

    • Elemental Jewels are now created from perfect gems instead of fury gems. The recipe is:
    rare jewel + pRuby + pSapphire + pTopaz + pEmerald + pAmethyst + Ceramic Pot = elemental jewel
    Each jewel has a 50% chance of adding its elemental damage (amethyst adds magical damage)

    • Unique item upgrades! Each upgrade retains the same stats as the item it comes from. You
    must be at least character level 50 and in a Nightmare or Hell game to upgrade normal equipment
    to exceptional equipment. You must be at least character level 100 and in a Hell game to upgrade
    exceptional equipment to elite equipment.

    Normal to exceptional weapons: unique weapon + 2 crafted jewels + unique ring
    Normal to exceptional armor: unique armor + 2 crafted jewels + unique amulet
    Exceptional to elite weapons: unique weapon + 3 crafted jewels + 2 crafted charms + unique ring
    Exceptional to elite armor: unique armor + 3 crafted jewels + 2 crafted charms + unique amulet

    • Unsocketing recipes! Each recipe strips the item of sockets completely. Some recipes destroy any
    contents, and more expensive recipes recover the contents. One recipe exists for runeword items
    with content recovery, all other recovery recipes will not work for runewords. (Unsocketing recipes
    that destroy contents will also work for runewords, so be careful.)

    normal item with X sockets + X mercury pots -> item, contents destroyed
    add a champion's heartstone -> item, contents recovered
    superior item with X sockets + X mercury pots -> item, contents destroyed
    add a champion's heartstone -> item, contents recovered
    magical item, X sockets + X mercury pots + X chipped skulls -> item, contents destroyed
    add a champion's heartstone -> item, contents recovered
    rare item, X sockets + X mercury pots + X flawed skulls -> item, contents destroyed
    add a champion's heartstone -> item, contents recovered
    crafted items, X sockets + X mercury pots + X standard skulls -> item, contents destroyed
    add a leader's heartstone -> item, contents recovered
    set items, X sockets + X mercury pots + X flawless skulls -> item, contents destroyed
    add a leader's heartstone -> item, contents recovered
    unique items, X sockets + X mercury pots + X perfect skulls -> item, contents destroyed
    add a leader's heartstone -> item, contents recovered
    any runeword item + X pots + 2 champion's hearts + 2's leader hearts -> item, contents recovered

    • Changed players X to make monsters tougher. You can go up to Players 127, but be careful!

    • Monster and player levels are normalized for combat mechanics and experience awards. A level 100
    player will compare roughly equally to a level 50 monster. Players X makes them tougher.

    • New book system implemented, ALL player skills have books! Now you find scrolls and a leather cover,
    cube one scroll and cover to make a book of that scroll's skill at skill level 1. Find more scrolls
    and cube with the book and increase the skill level. All books are created as rare items and do not
    change stats once created. Level requirements increase by +2 up to skill level 5, then they increase
    by +5 thereafter. You cannot make a book skill as powerful as a player skill. If the book skill is
    one you have learned in your class, the most you get credit for is +3 skill levels, although the book
    may have greater potency (and you cannot see what you are missing).

    • You are limited to cubing up to around 25 or so properties on any single item. The game gets unstable
    and may crash if your items get too complex. Choose your fury gem stats wisely!

    • Many areas are larger. Some areas in Act 1 have other changes. Area labels in Act 1 may show unusual
    names implying additional levels, but the levels are not yet prepared.

    • All items that can be gambled are variable cost. Rings and amulets will not always appear.

    • Kill counter for each difficulty, includes minion kills as well. A special charm may drop occasionally
    called a Sigil of Achievement. You make achievement awards with special powers after the required kills
    in each difficulty. Carry only one Sigil from each difficulty or your life will drop to 1 hitpoint.
    Blank Sigils are harmless. Cube Sigils as below to make them useful, in each difficulty. 10K Sigils
    are rather weak but 100M sigils are quite powerful. Some attributes have a random chance of occurring.
    Sigils cannot be bought or sold, and they do not drop from monsters except as blanks.

    blank Sigil + 1 knowledge soda + 1 recall soda @ 10,000 kills -> 10K Sigil
    10K Sigil + 1 knowledge soda + 1 recall soda @ 100,000 kills -> 100K Sigil
    100K Sigil + 1 knowledge soda + 1 recall soda @ 1,000,000 kills -> 1M Sigil
    1M Sigil + 1 knowledge soda + 1 recall soda @ 10,000,000 kills -> 10M Sigil
    10M Sigil + 1 knowledge soda + 1 recall soda @ 100,000,000 kills -> 100M Sigil

    • Monsters and skills are still vanilla D2 (for the most part), they will be changed for future releases.

    Super Boss như Butcher, Prietess, vv... chưa được add vào TWF: Awakening2 đâu, đừng tìm mất công khéo lại tưởng mình mắt kém ^^.
  5. CuteBaby

    CuteBaby Legend of Zelda

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    trời ạh ghi cái gì mà dài ghớm , nhìn xong phan liền 2 giọt viroto $-)
  6. Fracasse

    Fracasse Youtube Master Race

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    thanks gfminimog nhưng cái file readme của nó thì mình đọc rùi , mình chỉ muốn bít là bản TFW Awakening này có gì đặc biệt ko thui
  7. gfminimog

    gfminimog Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    @Fracasse: rõ ràng bác hỏi Alpha 2 khác Alpha 1 cái gì và Super Boss thế nào. Tui trả lời thế còn cự nự gì nữa ^^.

    Còn Awakening Alpha 2 có mấy điểm chính:

    1. Có thể full equip Merc. Merc có thêm nhiều skill & có set riêng, item riêng cho merc. Merc học cực ngu, cực chậm tiến bộ ^^, ức chế nhất là game set fix Lvl của new hirelings.
    2. Bổ sung thêm nhiều loại item mới. Giữ nguyên các item của LoD, tuy nhiên item mới mạnh hơn rất nhiều so với item cũ --> sẽ hiếm khi bạn thấy mình sử dụng các item của bản cũ. Class item mới được thêm vào khá nhiều.
    3. Cupe Recipe mới, nâng cấp đồ từ normal --> elite/ unique/ set vv ..., socket & unsocket, Extract runes mới, ép fury gems ( dĩ nhiên ).
    4. Mob cực đông, nhiều champion. Lv Max là 200 nhưng cái kiểu set Exp khiến cho bản này cày Lv rất mất thời gian.
    5. Có cái Sigil of Achievement, theo bác tác giả thì dù đã giảm từ 10K/100K/1m/10m/100m kills xuống thành 10K/50K/250K/500K/1m kills thì tui thấy để đạt được 50K đã vỡ mặt rồi. Chưa tìm ra cách cheat cái này.
    6. Skill build kiểu mới, Lv 1->2 được 10 skill point, Lv 2->3 được 20 skill point, ...cứ thế tính. Max Lv 1 skill là 50, tuy nhiên điểm + skill từng Lv khác nhau. Có skill book hoạt động như charm - dùng skill của các char khác nhưng max chỉ được Lv 15 thôi.
    7. Bản này tôi thấy chơi không thú vị lắm.
  8. Nutac_Return

    Nutac_Return Youtube Master Race

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    Nutac_2108's home
    toàn Tiếng Anh ko a`! minh ko hiểu gì hết các bạn bày mình cách tạo đồ màu da cam đi!
    toàn TA ko ah`! mình ko hiểu gì cả! các bạn bày minh cách tạo đồ da cam và nâu với!
  9. CuteBaby

    CuteBaby Legend of Zelda

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    bạn làm theo hướng dẫn của bạn gfminimog kìa , mình thấy rất chi tiết

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