Epic trailer và class changes

Thảo luận trong 'World of Warcraft' bắt đầu bởi R.E.N, 25/9/08.

  1. R.E.N

    R.E.N T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Home freak home
    Thay đổi lớn trên beta , theo lời Blizz thì không phải nerf đối với 1 class cụ thể nào mà là OP các class còn lại lên

    • Undocumented Class Changes
      Doesn't look too bad, should be up in no time.
      Quote from Blizzard staff
      [​IMG] Death Knight (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8982))
      Detailed list of changes not available yet. Check the updated skills list / talent calculator.

      [​IMG] Druid (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8982))
      • Typhoon range has been extended from 20 to 30 yards.
      • Insect Swarm hit chance reduction lowered from 5% to 3%. Damage increased. (1050 to 1290 for Rank 7, 792 to 1032 for Rank 6, etc ...)
      • Wrath damage has been increased. (489-551 to 553-623 for Rank 12, 414-466 to 504-568 for Rank 11, etc ...)
      • Stafire damage has been increased. (670-790 to 1028-1212 for Rank 10, 562-662 to 854-1006 for Rank 9, etc ...)

      • Eclipse now increase your critical strike chance with Starfire by 15%. (up from 10%)

      • You can now cast Innervate while in Tree of Life form

      [​IMG] Hunter (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8982))
      • Kill Shot required level changed from 71 to 75 for Rank 1, to 80 for Rank 2
      • Scorpid Sting now reduces the chance to hit with melee and ranged attacks by 3%. (Down from 5%)

      • Explosive shot damage has been reduced. (eg. [20% of RAP + 273] and [5% of RAP + 68] AOE damage to [8% of RAP + 238] + [2% of RAP + 59] AOE damage for Rank 4)
      • Freezing Arrow now creates a trap that has a chance to break on damage. (Old - 100% chance to break on damage)

      • Lock and Load now give you a 100% chance when you trap a target and a 100% chance when you deal periodic damage with your Serpent Sting to cause your next 2 Arcane Shot or Explosive Shot to trigget no cooldown, cost no mana, and consume no ammo. (Old - Didn't have 100% chance, affected all stings)
      • T.N.T. doesn't increase the critical strike chance of Explosive Trap anymore
      • Improved Tracking now only increases all non-periodic damage. (Old - All damage)

      Beast Mastery
      • Separation Anxiety has been removed.
      • *New talent* - Kindred Spirits (Tier 10) - Increases your pet's damage by 4/8/12/16/20% and you and your pet's movement speed by 2/4/6/8/10% while your pet is active.

      • Rapid Recuperation has been changed from 3 to 2 points. Now Reduces the mana and focus cost of all shots and abilities by you and your pet by 30/60% (Old - 20/40/60%) while under the effect of Rapid Fire, and you gain 2% of your mana every 2 sec for 6 sec when you gain Rapid Killing.

      Upcoming hunter changes (Not in this build) (Source)
      • Aimed Shot - This shot will now be instant cast, its damage/effect/cooldown will remain unchanged.
      • Scatter shot - This will now be an 11-point Survival talent.
      • Readiness - This will now be the 21-point Marksmanship talent.
      • Trap Mastery - This will now be the 41-point Survival talent. Granted, not very sexy for a 41-pointer but we'll do some changes there in a future patch (after WOLK ships).

      [​IMG] Mage (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8982))
      • Arcane Blast cost is now increased by 200% for each cast. (Down from 300%)

      Deep Freeze damage has been reduced. (1319-1531 to 1189-1381 for Rank 4, 1018-1182 to 916-1064 for Rank 3, etc ...)

      • Improved Scorch now only affects your damaging Scorch spells.

      [​IMG] Paladin (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8982))
      • Seal of Vengeance now deals [ 19.2% of AP + 9.6% of Spell Power ] additional Holy Damage over 15 sec. (Down from [ 23.4% of AP + 11.4% of Spell Power ])
      • Seal of Corruption now deals [ 19.2% of AP + 9.6% of Spell Power ] additional Holy Damage over 15 sec. (Down from [ 23.4% of AP + 11.4% of Spell Power ])
      • Seal of the Martyr now deals [ 28% of Min. Weap. Damage. ] to [ 28% of Max. Weap. Damage ]. (Down from [ 35% of Min. Weap. Damage. ] to [ 35% of Max. Weap. Damage ] )
      • Seal of Blood now deals [ 28% of Min. Weap. Damage. ] to [ 28% of Max. Weap. Damage ]. (Down from [ 35% of Min. Weap. Damage. ] to [ 35% of Max. Weap. Damage ] )

      • Melee hits do not refresh the spell's duration of Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom anymore.

      • Shield of Righteousness now deals holy damage equal to your block value plus 300. (Old - 240% of your block value)
      • Greater Blessing of Sanctuary typo fixed, now properly labeled as giving the target 10 rage, 20 runic power, or 2% of maximum mana when they block, parry, or dodge a melee attack.
      • Hammer of Justice now also interrupts the spellcasting for 3 seconds on all ranks.
      • Melee hit do not refresh the spell duration of Judgement of Justice anymore

      • Fanaticism now increases the critical chance of judgements capable of critical hits by 5/10/15/20/25%. (Up from 4/8/12/16/20%)
      • 2-Handed Weapon Specialization now Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 2/4/6%. (Up from 1/2/3%)
      • Seal of Command now gives the Paladin a chance to deal [ 56% of Max. Weap. Damage ] to [ 56% of Min. Weap. Damage. ] additional Holy damage. (Old - [ 70% of Max. Weap. Damage ] to [ 70% of Min. Weap. Damage. ])

      [​IMG] Priest (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8982))
      • Mind Flay damage has been reduced. (690 to 588 for rank 9, 576 to 492 for Rank 8, etc ...)
      • Shadow Word: Pain damage has been reduced. (1530 to 1380 for Rank 12, 1302 to 1176 for Rank 11, etc ...)

      • Twisted Faith now Increases your spell power by 2% of your total Spirit, and your damage done by your Mind Flay and Mind Blast is increased by 2/4/6/8/10% if your target is afflicted by Mind Flay.
      • Improved Shadow Word: Pain now Increases the damage of your Shadow Word: Pain spell by 3/6%. (Down from 5/10%)

      [​IMG] Rogue (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8982))
      • Focused Attacks changed to : Your melee critical strikes have a 33/66% chance to give you 1 energy. (Old - 100%/100% , wasn't implemented)
      • Find Weakness damage increased reduced to 2/4/6%. (Old - 3/6/9%)

      • Killing Spree cannot hit invisible or stealthed targets anymore.

      • Opportunity now works all the time. (Old - Only increased the damage of attacks from behind)

      [​IMG] Shaman (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8982))
      Elemental Combat
      • Stoneclaw totem also protects your other totems, causing them to absorb damage.

      • Riptide heal value has been increased. (764-826 to 1015-1099 for Rank 4, 668-722 to 888-960 for Rank 3, etc ...)
      • Mana Spring Totem now restores 30 mana every 2 seconds. (Old - 90 mana every 5 seconds)

      • Storm, Earth, and Fire doesn't increase the effect of spell power on your Lightning Bolt but reduces the cooldown of Chain Lightning by 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5 sec instead.

      [​IMG] Warlock (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8982))
      • Haunt now heals you for 200% of the damage it did to the target. (Up from 20%)

      • Metamorphosis cooldown has been reduced from 5 to 3 minutes. Now lasts 30 seconds instead of 45, increase damage by 20% instead of 40%.

      • Improved Corruption now increases the damage done by your Corruption by 2/4/6/8/10%, and increases the critical strike chance of your Seed of Corruption by 1/2/3/4/5%

      Backdraft now reduces the cast time of your next three Destruction spells by 10/20%. (Old - 30/30%)
      Improved Shadow Bolt now increase Shadow damage dealt to the target by 2/4/6/8/10% (Down from 3/6/9/12/15%)

      [​IMG] Warrior (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8982))
      • Sunder Armor now lasts until cancelled.

      • Titan's grip now reduces your chance to hit with damage-dealing ability that require a weapon by 15%.

      • Vigilance has been changed and now reduces the damage taken by the group or raid target by 3%. (Old - increased their chance to dodge by 5%)

    Còn đây là link trailer sự kiện Wrath Gate , tuy nhiên lưu ý là spoil lore rất nhiều .
    SPOIL :
    Đây là đọan trước của event Battle for Undercity ( tui có post ở một topic khác ) . Khi quân Alliance do Bolvar cầm đầu và quân Horde do Saurfang the Younger lãnh đạo kéo tới Wrath Gate . Liên minh 2 phe gặp Arthas tại đây và diễn ra m6ọt trận chiến mà sau đó là sự phản bội của Varimathas và Grand Apocalythe Putress ( do đọan này , Putress mạo danh The Forsaken để phản bội nên nhiều người nhầm Sylvanas phản bội The Horde <<< ) . Khi Alextrasza cùng đòan rồng đỏ tới thì muộn rồi .
  2. Le Anh

    Le Anh C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đúng là OP...gg Priest!

  3. lightdevil

    lightdevil Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Under the sun
    Tổng kết về cái chết của Bolvar =)) =)) :
  4. Xenogear

    Xenogear The Last of Us

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sealeap Zack
    pally bị nerf seal với judgement kinh quá ::(
    tình hình là phải judge liên tục
  5. Flyman

    Flyman Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    1 prot pally với 1 MS warrior mà cũng đòi này nọ với arthas à? WORST 2s SETUP ever !!!
    Bolv nhà ta cũng rất bản đứng trước cổng thành mà chém gió "Arthas, the blood of ur father, and ur people demands justice." bạn warr xông lên charge, ăn one hit nằm đơ luôn =)).
    Mà cái thằng Undead ba hoa "did u think we had forgotten, did u think we had forgiven" là ai ấy nhỉ, chứ mình nhớ forshaken leader là em banshee hồi xưa là High Elf cơ mà nhỉ :-? Trong cái scene vừa rồi thấy đến Arthas cũng phải bất ngờ. Hay lại có thêm thế lực nào nữa khống chế Forsaken =))
    BTW L2PoisonCleaningTotem
  6. lightdevil

    lightdevil Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Under the sun
    FYI ít's not poison and there were no shaman there noob.
  7. Xenogear

    Xenogear The Last of Us

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sealeap Zack
    thằng đấy là putress, phản lại sylvanas.
  8. Booyaka760

    Booyaka760 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Khổ bây giờ lvling dễ chết hơn roài :(
  9. Chimcò_vn

    Chimcò_vn Chim Non Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    druid buff , lock buff ( lần đầu tiên thấy ;)) nhưng lock dest bị nerf ) gg cho bạn leanh priest ;)) !
  10. R.E.N

    R.E.N T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Home freak home
    Có ghi giải thích ở trên đấy thôi .
    Putress và Varimathas phản bội , đổ tội cho Sylvanas . Sau đấy là sự kiện đánh nhau chiếm lại Undercity ( mời xem topic kia )

    Arthas 1 shot Saurfang the Younger . Lý dó là vì Saurfang + Bolvar mặc T1 với set 60 pvp thế kia chơi sao lại Arthas =))
  11. R.E.N

    R.E.N T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Home freak home
    Bây giờ có vẻ chơi class nào cũng học prof nào cũng được :-s
    Mà ngon thế này thì cần gì enchanting nữa :-s
  12. -=P=-

    -=P=- The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tức là patch tới thằng nào cũng phải chuẩn bị 5k gold up riding skill lên 375 =))
  13. R.E.N

    R.E.N T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Home freak home
    Chắc chả cần phải chuẩn bị . Có vẻ như làm quest từ 70->80 cùng gần đủ số đấy rồi .
    Vì epic land mount của Wotlk ( chở 3 người ) tới 15k gold cơ mà .

    Nhân dân đã chuẩn bị mua mũ bảo hiểm chưa ?
  14. Xenogear

    Xenogear The Last of Us

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Sealeap Zack
    riding skill up ở mù căng chải lên đc 375 à
  15. lightdevil

    lightdevil Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Under the sun
    Cái sign lừa tình kìa :nailbit:
    Anh xeno đại gia ơi mua xe đi hihi :x
  16. Xenogear

    Xenogear The Last of Us

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Sealeap Zack
    chắc phải để tiền mua cái nhẫn port về dalaran đã rồi mua gì khác tính sau :x
    mà cái sign làm kiểu gì thế o.O
  17. R.E.N

    R.E.N T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Home freak home
    làm kiểu gì là sao o.O
    mà đang nói về sign nào thế O.o
  18. Xenogear

    Xenogear The Last of Us

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Sealeap Zack
  19. R.E.N

    R.E.N T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Home freak home
    đây là ss chụp hôm đi ssc , nhưng trong đấy có 1 thằng vốn không có mặt lúc ss mà được edit đè vào 1 thằng xấu số .
    đố biết thằng được edit vào là thằng nào =))
  20. lightdevil

    lightdevil Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Under the sun
    Thằng thích làm sinbad đứng đầu tiên ? :-S

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