Đây nè , rảnh thì dịch coi chơi hehe The Official NukeZone Beginners Guide This guide is designed to get the new player going with NukeZone and get them through the first few days without too much pain. It tells you what you need to know to get started but only really touches the surface – you should read the full manual to find out much more. It’s also important that you take the time to read the rules – both of these are available by clicking on the Help link in the top right. The point of the game Build an army, increase the value of your province and kill lots of people along the way. You can play for the largest single province by just growing your Networth but most people play in a clan for either the Clan Points title (points being earned by attacking others) or Clan Networth title (earned by having the largest sized clan). There are also Medals awarded at the end of each Round for various achievements. Round dates are shown on the login page and main page. First few things to do First of all you should get your starting bonus. The starting bonus is available each time you die (and you'll probably die quite a few times - but that’s not a problem because you come back to life 24 hours later). You have to get your starting bonus just after you die while you are still in Nuke Protection. You will be directed to the bonus page automatically when you login and are still in Nuke Protection. You can also collect it from the link on the main page just under your power status. Nuke Protection stops you from being attacked by other provinces for up to 48 hours but also stops you attacking anyone else. When you first register you have to stay in Nuke Protection for the full 48 hours although you can choose to leave early on subsequent occasions. It seems annoying at first but it gives you time to build your province and stops you from dying immediately. How to stay alive You die when you have no buildings left. Even if you still have a vast army, no buildings means you're dead for 24 hours and back in Nuke Protection with all your army and investment gone. Of course, buildings do much more than keep you alive; defensive buildings help repel attacks, war buildings allow you to build and store your army units and there are others to help you build your province and improve your capabilities. Buildings and such You're going to need some so now would be a good time to build a few. Clicking on Buildings takes you to the build menu. Buildings need Land, Money and Turns to produce. Land can be obtained by Exploring using turns or gained when attacking other provinces. Every hour you get $2,500 of money by default. You can get more money by researching the appropriate science up to $25,000 per hour as well as using thieves to steal money or by gaining it by attacking. You get one turn every 20 minutes – this cannot be changed. Buildings such as a War Factory or Barracks are required if you want to get units of that particular type. A War Factory holds ground units, Barracks hold infantries, Shipyards hold naval units and Airfields hold air units. When these buildings get destroyed the units in them don’t get destroyed too but you will need to rebuild more before you can get additional units. Buildings also use power. When you have low power you need to build more power plants. When you are low on power certain buildings such as research labs, missile silos and defensive buildings stop working and it also means all buildings are more easily destroyed. Units You can get your units by building them with money and turns or from the market. The market doesn’t use turns but cost you more and has a shipping time before you get your units (this can be reduced through research or by paying extra). Missiles Missiles are a very effective way to destroy an enemy province but they are also expensive and take time to build. There is a range of missiles that have different effects on the target province. Missiles initially only have a 5% chance to hit. You can improve this by researching the Missile Accuracy science to a maximum of 85%. The defending province can also shoot down missiles by building Anti Missile Systems or an Anti-Missile Satellite. As well as the standard range of missiles, you can also use Tomahawks that can be sent along in an attack with other units. However, Tomahawks need units to carry them (currently submarines or destroyers) and still take time to build. Certain units and defensive buildings can also shoot them down. Satellites Satellites provide a range of attacking and defensive options as well as ways to improve your province. All satellites require 50% in the Satellite Technology science before you can build them. You can only have 1 satellite in orbit at a time and they crash after 14 days. Attacking Once you’ve got an army together and your Nuke Protection is over you can go and attack someone. You can only attack people within a certain range of your current Networth. You can see those people by clicking on All Provinces. Once you know who you are attacking you can select Attack and choose an attack type. Certain attack types may not be available depending on what units you have. Go through and choose which units you will be sending with your chosen attack type. You will be shown the result of the attack immediately. Attacks use morale – the amount used varies depending on attack type and the size of your target province. When you run out of morale you can’t attack anymore. However, your moral increases by 5% every 15 minutes. Local and Global Events There are two event lists that let you know what is going on in and around your province. The local events list shows you things like people attacking you, stealing your money or sending you aid. The global events list shows events happening to or caused by your clan mates. Clans Once you are up and running you can join a clan. Clans are groups of up to 20 players who work together to fight other clans. You can find a clan by using the Clan Recruiting System or by creating your own. Joining a clan is a good way to learn more about the game from other players. Gold Clans A gold clan gets additional features not available to standard NukeZone clans such as the ability to share extended military information and add special items into their clan messages. Gold clans can be purchased from our online shop. If more then 50% of a clans members are Gold Users, the clan automatically becomes a gold clan. Gold Users Gold users get a wide range of benefits that a normal account does not have access to. This includes the ability to login to the game at any time, a gold user color scheme, access to an exclusive gold user forum, advance previews of new developments and the chance to provide feedback on new features prior to release and other great benefits. Gold users can be purchased from our online shop. Để tui đăng kí chơi thử coi sao , thấy unit nhiều quá .
có game nào bằng tiếng việt ko chứ tui ko rành tiếng anh cho lắm mong các anh em giúp dùm cảm ơn rất nhiều
Vào realthugz.com chơi đi . Y chang 12 sq nhưng hay hơn nhiều . Game tiếng Anh nhưng dễ chơi lắm và game này giờ phân rõ ràng tướng kt và tướng chiến . Game mới reset . Chiều nay bắt đầu round mới , thích thì đăng kí chơi nhé . Có chơi liên lạc với tui qua YM bienca_29@yahoo.com . Việt Nam chơi cũng nhiều đủ lập 1 cartel . Round vừa rồi thằng bạn tui đứng thứ 2 trong mostwanted , tui đứng thứ 9 hehe . Chơi thử nhé .
Chào mấy huynh ! ai đã từng đăng kí trò HSVL của M.H.T thì chỉ em cách đăng kí đi em đăng kí hoài nó báo lỗi hoài ??
hình như realthugz.com đâu còn chơi được nữa sao tui dô đâu có được đâu,còn Hsvl đang bị hư nên tui mới đi kiếm 1 game khác