Phuong Nam Computer 110A Nguyen Chi Thanh P3 Q10 HCM Tel: 8390603-0903781722 (1 dia chi duy nhat khong co chi nhanh) * Cac ban muon nhan duoc thong tin ve cac CD game, software moi qua email ha~y tham gia Group newcd cua Phuong Nam bang cach goi mot thu trong (blank letter) den dia chi email: sau do ban can confirm them mot lan nua de duoc add vao group. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Dac biet chep mien phi Cheatbook update thang 9/2003, Antivirus moi nhat Samurai 5 ONJMUSHA2 Warlords 4cd (Capcom - game di canh cuc ky hay) Sieu Nhan GRAW (3) (game cuc ky hay - choi bang chuong trinh gia lap - hinh anh dep) Hello Kitty Colection Barbie Princess Bride Barbie Sparkling ICE show Barbie Team Gymnastics Barbie Beach Vacation Barbie Ocean Discovery Barbie Pet Rescue Barbie Detective 2: the Vacation Mystery WILL ROCK (3D shooting) Final Stretch Horse Racing (dua ngua) HEATH The Unchosen Path (di canh giong Diablo) Disciples II: Servants of the Darks Pirates of the Caribbean CHASER: Fight your way through hell (giong Ureal) StrongHold deluxe Warchest (dan tran chien luoc) State of Emergency The Great Escape (giong Halflife) Cross Roads (dua xe, canh sat giao thong) Gothic II 2cd (game giong Diablo) The SIM all in one 2cd Pearl Harbor the day of infamy (may bay chien dau) Chariots of War (dan tran) Navy Seal 2: weapon of mass desduction (ban sung 3D giong Halflife) Battle Engine (ban sung 3D) Torero (game dau bo tot Tay Ban Nha) Street Legal Racing Delta Ops Army Special Forces (giong halflife counter strike) Mistmare 2cd (giong Diablo) Midnight Club 2 Starky & Hutch Tomb Raider 6: the Angle of Darkness Diablo II: New Dawn X 2cd BLOODRAYNE (game hay - danh gia thuoc loai Mature) DISCIPLES II: Guardians of the Light The Hulk 3cd (Nguoi khong lo mau xanh) NeighBours from Hell (JoWood) Nguoi hang xom tu dia nguc: Tra thu la tro cho ngot ngao Star trek: Elite Force II Cruise Ship Tycoon World war II: Frontline Command (dan tran) Racer Thames London (dua ca no) NeverWinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide (can ban cu~) The SIM Super Star 2cd Premier Manager 2003 Warcraft III: Frozen throne (chay may don) Finding NEMO (Walt Disney) Air Raid (giong BeachHead) SpyHunter Crack game 14 (Hulk nguoi khong lo xanh, RedFaction, Castles & Catapults) BIG MUTHA TRUCKERS KAAN Roller Coaster Factory 3 (xay cong vien 3) Las Vegas Tycoon (xay dung trung tam giai tri Las Vegas) Ghost Master SuperStar Soccer 3 2cd Mad Dog McCree (shooting game) Rayman 3: hoodlum havoc 3CD Robocop (canh sat sieu hang) Tuyet Dai Song Kieu (giong Final Fantasy) game tieng Hoa Magnetic the game of games Enigma: Rising Tide (ban sung giong Halflife) Medival total war: Viking Invasion (dan tran) Phong sac hong ty 2 (di canh giong Fantasy) Kiem hiep tinh luc 2 (giong Diablo) Dic vuc cuong tuong Thoral Rise of Nations (Microsoft game dan tran) Enter the Matrix 4cd (di canh ban sung 3D) Snes supernintedo 8cd (choi doc lap tung cd) Ngoa ho tang long 2cd (game tieng Hoa) Grand Theft Auto: vice city 2cd Tactical Manager 3 (quan ly doi bong) Pet Racer (dua xe thu vui nhon) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: stealth action redefined 3cd (action 3d) PC world T5 gioi thieu Highland Warriors 2cd (dan tran chien luoc) PC world T5 gioi thieu Tien (game hay 2cd) X-Men 2 Wolverine's Revenge 2cd CODENAME: NINA Global terrorism strike force The Qin Warrior Great Co ty phu 5 2cd(tieng Hoa) 1503A.D. The New World (dan tran chien luoc - EA sport) Tropico 2: pirate cove 2cd (game xay dung) Gun Metal war transformer (action 3D, Robot) BLITZKRIEG (dan tran chien luoc. chien tranh hien dai) Postal 2 (di canh ban sung giong CounterStrike) Red Faction 2cd (di canh ban sung giong CounterStrike) Port Royable (dan tran thuyen) Tam quoc chi IX 2cd Red Faction 2cd Praetorians (dan tran - Eidos) Grom (2cd) Freelancer Valkyrie Profile (game PS hay choi bang gia lap, giong Final Fantasy) Casino Inc Phim Final Fantasy 10 full VCD (8cd) Barbie Rapunzel (game barbie moi, phieu luu hap dan) Rainbow six 3: Raven Shield 2cd Warrior Kings: Battles IndianaJones: Emperor's Tomb (di canh phieu luu, tim co mo) 2cd Championship Manager 4 (quan ly doi bong Eidos) Devastation (action, ban sung, ghe gon) Atlantis underwater tycoon Tiger Woods PGA tour 2003 (danh Golf) 3cd Madden 2003 (Bong bau duc) Delta Force: Black Hawk Down (Novalogic) Jurassic Park: operation genesis Warcraft III: Frozen throne (chay mang) Hegemonia (dan tran khong gian - game PCworld t3 gioi thieu) Bass Fishing 2003 pro (game cau ca) Best Emu & Rom MAME 2cd (game gia lap colletion) * Chuong trinh gia lap playstation 2 American Conquest (dan tran) Mahjong 5 (danh bai mac duoc) The Sim: that life add on Knights of the Cross (game chien luoc) TombStone 1882 IGI 2: covert strike Apache: air assault Konami game collection Gameboy collection 2cd Micro Commandos Twisted Metal small brawl (PS) Diablo 2: Harry Potter 2cd Diablo 2: Easter Sun 2cd Monster Jam (dua xe hoi dia hinh) Pacific Gunner (truc thang chien dau) Simcity 4000 (game xay dung) Impossible Creatures (game chien luoc dan tran dep, hay) Silent Hill 2 (game Pcworld gioi thieu thang 1) Soldier Anorachy Farscape Hard Truck 18 Wheels of Steel Snowboard Park Tycoon Jnquisition (game hanh dong) Shadow of Destiny Petter Pan Beach Life US most wanted Ghost Recon: Alient Thunder Total Club Manager 2003 (quan ly doi bong cua EA-Sport) Diablo 2 ZY-El Warcraft III phan mo rong 007 NightFire Disney Coaster Age of Mythology ban chinh thuc RoadRash 3D Emergency 2 PLatoon Tennis 2003 (EA Sport) Harry Potter II NBA 2003 (Bong ro EASport) Robin Hood the legend of sherwood (game hay dep) Prince of Qin (Chien luoc) 3CD BatMan Vengeance (Infogrames) Airline tycoon evolution Taz wanted (game cho tre em) The partners (giong the Sim) The Lord of the Rings Moc De 2 (game Playstation) Goemon (game Playstation) Hoi lua 4 (Breath of Fire)(game Playstation) Capcom Vua tro choi Yu-gi-oh danh bai ma thuat (game phieu luu nhap vai) (game Playstation) Truong hoc ba vuong 2 (Capcom) (game Playstation) Pokemon song dau (game Playstation) Winning Elenven 2003 (game Playstation) Nhac dance hay nhat Hong Kong Nhac dance hay nhat Chau Au Hai Kich 28 Hai Kich 29 Counter Strike Fusion Industrial Giant II Mp3: Hoa tau nhung tinh khuc bat tu (nhac Viet) Mp3: Ca khuc bat hu vol1 Mp3: Ca khuc bat hu vol2 Mp3: Tuyen 34 Mp3: Trai tim tinh si Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf Ring II (wanadoo) Monopoly new edition (Infogrames) FIFA football 2003 (EA Sport) Age of Mythology (game hay) (Microsoft) America's Army (the official US Army game) The Sniper (Ke ban tia) Celtic Kings Rage of War Combat Mission 2 Earth 2150 Lost Souls Skateboard Dark Tycoon World tour 2003 Heroes IV: the Gathering Storm expansion pack (3DO) Hotel Giant (Jowood) Hero X (Infogrames) Zoo tycoon: Marine Mania Nascar Thunder 2003 (EA Sport) Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 Mp3 vol3: If I had my love (nhac ngoai) Mp3 vol1: The day you went away (nhac ngoai) Mp3: Hoa Thai loi Viet Mp3: The best of ROck Mp3: Chang nang, Cay dan sinh vien Mp3: Lieu thuoc trai tim 1,2,3 Cossacks: Back to War Empire Earth: the Art of Conquest expansion Syberia Truyen Kiem Hiep vol 7 MP3 Cailuong 2 MP3 Tuyen 32 MP3 150 Bai Hat Sai Gon Tre Viet Nam Battle Field 1942 The Sim Unleased Roller Coaster 2 Medieval Total War 2CD No one live forever 2 (2cd) Chess Master 9000 Tieu Ngao Giang Ho 2 (4cd) Emperor Rise of the middle Kingdom MB2 Men in Black II Prisoner of War Necromania Trap of Darkness Guns & Ammo Austerlitz Warcommander Strong Hold Crusader Age of Sail II: Privateer's Bounty Hitman II Mafia 3CD Sudden Strike II Dino Crisis 2 (capcom) Harvest Moon Back to Nature Hai kich: Vat Doi Sao Doi (MP4 VCD) Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (MP4 VCD) Live show Britney Spear va N'Sync popodyssey at Lasvegas (mp4 vcd) An nan (mp3 - song ca chon loc) WinKawaks 2CD collection cac game CPS2 emu Antz - extreme racing NeoGeo 2000 3cd (collection cac game cua NeoGeo) Cac pha bong dep Worldcup 2002 2cd Crazy Taxi The Think Tsunami 2265 (robo di canh ban sng 3D) European Manager (quan ly doi bong) Holigan bong da F.A Premier League Manager 2002 (EA Sports) Unreal Gold (3D Shooting - game hay) Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry Grand Prix 4 (dua xe F1) F1 2002 (EA Sports dua xe F1) Britney's Dance Beat Delta Force 4 Task Force Dagger The Watchmaker Diablo 2 The Fury expansion 2CD World Championship Snooker Legion - dan tran PC Game 2002 vol 5 (Warcraft III,Navy Seals(dan tran),Tam quoc chi 2) DIGIMON Wolrd 02 - digital monsters (PS choi bang chuong trinh gia lap) Subasa (PS choi bang chuong trinh gia lap) Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2002 (quan ly doi bong MU 2002) (PS choi bang chuong trinh gia lap) Thanh Cat Tu Han 2CD (tieng Hoa) Neverwinter Nights 3CD (di canh dep - giong Diablo) Game mini vol 3 (hon 50 game collection - run on CD) Auryn Quest: The nerver ending story (di canh) Warcraft III (Blizzard - ban chinh thuc) PC Game 2002 vol 4 (Navy Seals, Operation Blockade, Grand theft auto 3, Pacman, Solider fortune2, Freedom force) Chrono cross (qua lac thoi gian - giong Final Fantasy) Halloween CounterStrike 1.5 Dino Crisis 2 (choi bang trinh gia lap PS) Zoo tycoon: Dinosaur Dig Redalert: Yuri's revenge Pariot Mod