Server mới có nhiều event hay welcome :'> Basic Server Information. Base Level Rate: 500x The rate at which you gain base levels. Job Level Rate: 500x The rate at which you gain job levels. Normal Card Drop Rate: 10x A chance that a monster will drop a card. MVP Card Drop Rate: 10x A chance that a MVP monster will drop a card. Normal Drop Rate: 100x A chance that a monster will drop a certain items. Max Base Level 260 Max base level for all 1st job, trans, and Baby Class. Max Job Level 120 Max Job Level in all Class except Novice. Max Job Level for Super Novice. 200 Max Job Level for Super Novice Class Only. Max Stats 255 Max Stats for all Class, except for Baby Class. Max Stats for Baby 230 Max Stats for Baby Class Only. NPCs to assist In GamePlay. Healer Heals you 100% HP/SP. Skill / Stats Resetter Reset you Skill and Stats separately and both. Card Remover Remove your card without fail. Cart / Peco-Peco / Falcon Rental Universal Rental NPCs for Cart, Peco-Peco and Falcon. Skill Remover Remove you excess Skill. Job Changer Let you change your Jobs for Normal, 2nd, & Trancend Class. Baby Job Changer Let you change your Jobs for Baby Class Platinum NPC Get you platinum skills here. Official Mall Basic needs for all characters. Mini Boss Hunt Hunting Place for all Mini-Boss Monster. Identier NPC Identifies all un-identified items. Quest NPCs Custom items quest for everyone. and many more... More NPC to come! Player Command Information: @autoloot Enables/disables autolooting from killed mobs. @alootid Enables/disables autolooting an item. @storage Brings up your personal storage wherever you are. @gstorage Brings up your Guild storage wherever you are. @time, @date, @serverdate, @servertime Shows server time. @mail Opens your mailbox. @noks Kill Steal Protection. @go Warps you to predefined locations in major cities. @mobsearch Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on the current map. @mi, @mobinfo, @monsterinfo Show Monster info (rates, stats, drops, MVP stuff). @ii, @iteminfo Show Item info (type, price, etc). @whodrops Show who drops an item (mobs with highest drop rate). @auction Opens auctions window. @duel, @invite, @accept, @reject, @leave Duel organizing commands @aw, @away Away messsage when you are AFK. @noask Autorejecting Deals/Invites. @jailtime Displays remaining jail time. @hominfo, @homstats Homunculus commands for players @showexp Displays/Hides Experience gained. @at, @autotrade Allows you continue vending offline. @changegm Change Guild Master of your Guild @changeleader Change the leader of your party. @pettalk Command what the players pet will say. @homtalk Command what the players homunculus will say. @feelreset Resets a Star Gladiators marked maps Link đăng kí và download Register: Download: (trong đây có đủ từ SAk tới rag nếu ai đã có Rag hoặc sak thì chỉ cần down small client ) Còn đây là link rag của mình : Welcome có gì vào game pm cho char : McWild nha
Vài nét về Genesis ro: Các npc trong Genesis ro: NPC này để làm các món đồ đánh boss mới có mà không phải là dễ đâu nhá: Đây là NPC nói chiện toàn World má phải tốn 1B lận >.<: Còn tiếp:p
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