HELP HELP ME! As promised, here is the source code of the QOProxy program sans backdoors. Do not for gawd sake use the bot released by TTPower on ePVP. That IS this bot, but it's a version I did not intend to release to the public and it leaked out, that version had numerous backdoors in it to prevent its use. I have posted the source code so that people can check it and verify it has no back doors. The code is very messy tho' so you got a big job on. --------------- // Written by Qonquer // // Make sure you have a Java SDK installed, 1.4.2+ is needed. // // to compile open a cmd prompt and change to the folder you unzipped this and type // javac // // after compiling, you can run it by typing this // java -server QOProxy // // // This bot was never intended to be released and so I never took my time // to make the code readable or efficient. It has bugs and obsolete commands // that don't work properly or not at all, so don't go expecting miracles. // I only ever used this bot for research, it was meant entirely for my own use // and as such I used to quickly shoe horn things into it using very messy code // so it WILL be hard to read. // // You can modify and redistibute this as much as you want, just don't remove my name // or website from it. commands #bladebot, #scentbot Aimbot on/off #follow <name> Follow a plyer jump for jump #followkill <name> follows a player around and melee attacks them. #hiping turns compensation for laggy connections on/off #repair <slot> repair item in slot without unequipping (if near a shop NPC) #quit makes you disconnect #jumpgatel, #jumpgater Experimental, never tested. Jump the guild gates, stand near em and type command. #alone Turns off player position updates and spawn packets. #record use this to record an attack or spell cast event. You need to record 2 of the same type of events. #repeat continually play back the recorded event recorded with #record #repeatstop Stop the playback of events. #speed <milliseconds> controls how fast the #repeat command plays back the recorded events. #cyclone (or use the Lie action) Permanent cyclone (just move speed, not attack speed) #dhcyclone (or use the Lie action) Permanent divine hare cyclone (causes a client crash when turned off) #autoloot Picks up anything defined in itemz.txt that happens to be in range. #autohunt Melee attacks all monsters in the area continually. #filter [id] turn the packet monitor output on, use id to narrow the display to a particular packet type. Hex notation is accepted.
hehe! có gi` đâu mà phãi dịch đây là bản aimboit thui mà cu làm theo cách no chỉ đó, báo cáo la em da có bản aimboit mới,sau 2 tuần cùng 1 thằng bạn miệt mài nghiên cứu,
Nhưng ông biết cách dùng không ????? mẹ có thằng nó gửi cho, nhưng ko có hướng dẫn sử dụng trước khi dùng hix hix... biết thì dạy cái ty!