theo hướng dẫn nói thì cứ việc nhảy xuống đường ray rồi nghe tiếng còin xe thì nhảy lên nhưng khi vừa nghe thấy tiếng còi thì ko đi6èu khiển được heather nữa bị xe cán hoài mà ko qua được bro nào phá băng rùi vui lòng chỉ khúc này với
Bạn đã lấy được khẩu shotgun chưa (cũng không cần thiết lắm) ? Bây giờ trở lại toa tàu nơi lấy khẩu shotgun , sau đó đừng đi lên cầu thang mà bạn hãy đi theo cái ngách ở bên trái cầu thang . Rẽ phải , đi xuống cầu thang tiếp . bây giờ mở map ra , bạn sẽ nhìn thấy đường tới platform 3 ở hướng Đông ( nơi mà bạn đang xuống chắc là ở hướng Tây nên không qua được là phải). Xuống platform này đi thẳng tới cuối sẽ thấy cách cửa màu đỏ như trong hướng dẫn , cẩn thận mấy con doublehead , chúng có thể làm bạn ngã và...gameover! have fun !
xuống đường ray xe lửa đi đến cánh cửa co cái đèn màu đỏ, 1 cảnh cutscene ngắn cho biết là train sắp tới, bạn sẽ có khoảng 5s để điều khiển Heather leo lên bậc thềm và tránh train
ai chưa wen thì chơi với comp trước nhá lấy orc chơi cho nó dễ lính trâu bò nhưng ra chậm <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<1.5b changes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -A little changes for 1.5b now we call norman spawn unit as ‘’Primary unit’’ and support unit as ‘’Secondary unit’’ -Each race has 3 ‘’primary unit’’ upgrade==>All upgrade description changes. -Each race has 2 ‘’secondary unit’’ upgrade==>All upgrade description changes. -Add on 2 seconds to all primary unit’s spawn time -Upgrade weapon&armor&hit point&building need lumber now -Remove ‘’Faerie dragon’’ upgrade from NE hall and replace it with ‘’Chimeara’’ upgrade as primary unit upgrade#3 -‘’Dryad’’ upgrade now figure as secondary unit upgrade. -‘’Druid of the claw’’(DoTC) upgrade now low down to primary unit upgrade#2 -Computer can fight itself from this verson(plz don’t play with 11 comp cuz it may cause lag a lot from the middle and the end for slow computer) -Hero selection area now split into 4 place that player’s camera auto reach its after game loaded ***********************Hero changes*********************** -No new hero available from this verson cuz I don’t have any good idea and this verson just for testing comp only -Fix bug that player can have multi hero >_< -Fix skill ‘’chain of destruction’’ -Increase a little damage for ‘’meteor’’ skill -Shadow blade ‘’fire blade’’ change into ‘’self improve’’ -Tinker demolish upgrade available only when his ‘’engineering upgrade’’ reach level 4-6 TTTTTTTTTT-Map style and suitable player notice-TTTTTTTTTT -This map can suite those type of player below: +Melee player:all things relate to melee game when playing this map you can practice&try your new strategy with your friend and improve your micro skill during play it ^_^ +Custom map player:Well this map just different from some footman map abit but full of unique features so give it a try ^_^ ================ [big]FootMan StratergyVn[/big] ================== ************************Thedevil****************** ***** xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFootman War map stylexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The great war between 5 race awaken with a bunch of new heroes join over each race that bring along new might and magic finally bring all back to the war of chaos.Now the survival of your race defend on which hero you choose and the way you develop your base,co-op with your allies to fight against the enemies.Starting game each race will have their specific basic spawn unit(human with footman,orc with grunt,undead with ghoul,night elf with archer,naga with murgul reaver),fight your enemy and use strategic unit against unit to have more chances of winning. By default player race is random so player can change it into every race they want(note that the naga race not show in the race selection)==>After the game loaded player can change his/her race in 2 minutes by command:+Race name. In game player can go to his/her quest log(F9) for more infor XxX[big]Command List[/big]XxX +Human:change race of the one type this command to human race. +Orc:change race of the one type this command to orc race. +Undead:change race of the one type this command to undead race. +Night elf:change race of the one type this command to night elf race. +Naga:change race of the one type this command to naga race. +Weather on:Turn on weather effect +Rally unit switch:Turn on/off unit follow hero mode(default is off as my friend suggest) +Let rock ^^:Turn on special music list. +Nature Clamity:Turn on/off nature clamity mode that some times happen and cause some damage. +Hint switch:Turn on/off hint(default is on) +Creep switch:Turn on/off creep spawn for player(default is off and player just can manipulate this command in first 2 minutes) +Take gold:Take all gold of computer player/left player +Take lumber:Take all lumber of computer player/left player +EXP risk life:Allow player’ hero gain more exp when his % hp lower than 30% +Revive:Instantly revive player’s hero but cost gold/lumber(the cost of gold/lumber appear every player’s hero got killed)==>Not effect for secret hero when he under effect of copy cat spell or in copy cat form. ZzZ[big]Game support[/big]ZzZ -Hero create&show skill system:After game loaded player’s camera will move to hero selection area in fews seconds and all hero player can see is neutral then just left click on one of those hero to view his skill by pressing ‘’O’’ hot key so if you wanna play as this hero just press ‘’C’’ to create 1 for you or press ‘’R’’ for 1 random hero(secret hero only available in random) -Auto revive hero:When player’s hero got killed by another he will return in current level of this heroX5==>hero lv1 will revive in 5s -Item add charged system:Allow player can stick alot of same type charged item in 1 slot==>player already have 1 potion of healing and when he got 1 potion of healing it will be 2 potion of healing in 1 slot of his inventory(item add charged system allow only charged item to stick together) -Unuse allies building change owner:Left click on your allies unuse building and it will automatically change owner to which player has select it =============[big]Features[/big]============= -Each unit has their own spawn time that show on upgrade. -There no same skill on hero,every custom hero got test a lot of times but still cant make sure they balanced or not that defend on the way player use it so plz post bug or imbalance about hero here. -Remove and changes skill of hero so that every skill of hero can be useful in this map if you found some so useless just post it here and i will fix it. -A lot of trigger skill on custom hero but may somes can be so power T_T need feed back about triggered skill a lot -Primary unit upgrade:Change type of frequently unit spawn for player(each unit has different spawn time that wrote on the upgrade) -Secondary unit upgrade:Allow player have 1 more frequently unit spawn but it’s take time to spawn by current spawn time of primary unitX2 =============[big]Game set[/big]============= -The first thing i wanna said is this is a half melee and CG map because that relate a lot to melee game so if you wonder why your hero cant fight the whole army of your opponent plz don’t ask me to make it more powered and 1 more things is don’t spend a lot of gold to equip a lot of item just for your hero cuz 1 hero cant cause big damage to enemy develop except your hero is at max level. -Most unit base on melee game -Most item base on melee game -Hero max level is 30 -Norman skill max level is 6 -Ultimate skill max level is 2 -Immune unit in melee game now has resistance skin and magic reduce damage(take 50% magic damage) -All damage taken and damage deal base on melee game(that wrote on attack type and armor type of unit) -Player has 1 hall building/1 shop/1 tower/250 gold/25 lumber at starting. -Some upgrade not apply to all unit so plz read well before upgrade. +Damage upgrade:Increase damage to all unit own by player(max 6 level)[Apply all unit] +Armor upgrade:Increase armor to all unit own by player(max 6 level)[Apply all unit] +Hit point upgrade:Increase more hit point to all unit own by player(max 6 level)[Not apply to basic unit] +Building improve upgrade:Increase armor and hit point to all building own by player(max 6 level)[Apply only building] -All unit hit point and mana point regenerate set as melee game X2 so how much unit you can save how many chances of winning you have ^_^ -Hire unit at mercenary to heal your wounded unit -All heal item need time to heal reduce time to half from melee game and its’s gold cost reduce too. ========================Thank you for reading======================== -That’s all I wanna tell you before we play this map hope we can play together HF all ^__^ -I’m at asia so if there somes in kalimdor wanna play this map with me plz come to channel clan KN to play this map with us -Contact me by ^_^ Hmm nguyên cái phần description viết bên bê nguyên xi wa luôn có đầy đủ hết mọi thứ ai có gì thắc mắc thì post lên ^_^ hum nào rảnh sang channel việt nam chơi map này nha mọi người