Heroes V patch 1.2

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi quybien1990, 9/8/06.

  1. quybien1990

    quybien1990 Youtube Master Race

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    Có mấy code mới của Heroes V 1.2 đấy!
    Dài quá không post đc hết!! Làm thế nào để up lên cho mọi ng đây???
    Skill Names / Numbers Chart
    Các abilities đc chia nhóm. Các common skills đc xếp theo ABC sau 6 kĩ năng theo tộc (town heroes), xếp theo thứ tụ ABC của các loại heroes. Abilities tuyệt đối (cái dấu ! thì phải) đc liệt cuối cùng mỗi loại.
    Cấu trúc cheat:
    To gives the Sylvan hero Wyngaal his ultimate ability, Nature's Luck.
    @GiveHeroSkill("Hero Name", SKILL_NAME);
    Hoặc @GiveHeroSkill("Tên hero", số Skill );
    Tên Skill ----- Thêm vào sau SKILL_ ----- Số Code
    (Demon Lord) | |
    Gating | GATING | 14
    Consume Corpse | CONSUME_CORPSE | 58
    Hellfire | DEMONIC_FIRE | 59
    Mark of the Damned | DEMONIC_STRIKE | 60
    Urgash's Call | ABSOLUTE_GATING | 98

    Counterstrike | TRAINING | 13
    Benediction | PRAYER | 56
    Expert Trainer | EXPERT_TRAINER | 57
    Retaliation Strike | HOLY_CHARGE | 55
    Unstoppable Charge | ABSOLUTE_CHARGE | 85

    Necromancy | NECROMANCY | 15
    Banshee Howl | DEATH_SCREAM | 63
    Eternal Servitude | NO_REST_FOR_THE_WICKED | 62
    Skeleton Archers | RAISE_ARCHERS | 61
    Howl of Terror | ABSOLUTE_FEAR | 111

    Avenger | AVENGER | 16
    Deadeye Shot | SNIPE_DEAD | 65
    Imbue Arrow | IMBUE_ARROW | 66
    Rain of Arrows | MULTISHOT | 64
    Nature's Luck | ABSOLUTE_LUCK | 124

    Irresistible Magic INVOCATION 18
    Dark Ritual DARK_RITUAL 71
    Elemental Vision ELEMENTAL_VISION 72
    Empowered spells EMPOWERED_SPELLS 70
    Rage of the Elements ABSOLUTE_CHAINS 150

    Artificer ARTIFICIER 17
    Consume Artifact MELT_ARTIFACT 68
    Magic mirror MAGIC_MIRROR 69
    Mark of the Wizard MAGIC_BOND 67
    Arcane Omniscience ABSOLUTE_WIZARDY 137

    Attack OFFENCE 6
    Archery ARCHERY 35
    Battle Frenzy FRENZY 36
    Cold Steel CHILLING_STEEL 104
    Excruciating Strike CRITICAL_STRIKE 91
    Flaming Arrows WILDFIRE 130
    Nature's Wrath FOREST_RAGE 117
    Power of Speed POWER_OF_HASTE 143
    Retribution RETRIBUTION 76
    Tactics TACTICS 34

    Dark Magic DARK_MAGIC 10
    Corrupted Soil SOIL_BURN 121
    Dark Renewal PAYBACK 147
    Fallen Knight PARIAH 83
    Master of Curses MASTER_OF_CURSES 46
    Master of Mind MASTER_OF_MIND 47
    Master of Pain MASTER_OF_SICKNESS 48
    Seal of Darkness SUPRESS_DARK 134
    Spirit Link SPIRIT_LINK 108
    Weakening Strike WEAKENING_STRIKE 95

    Defense DEFENCE 7
    Chilling Bones CHILLING_BONES 105
    Evasion EVASION 38
    Last Stand LAST_STAND 118
    Power of Endurance POWER_OF_STONE 144
    Protection PROTECTION 37
    Resistance SEAL_OF_PROTECTION 131
    Stand Your Ground HOLD_GROUND 77
    Vitality TOUGHNESS 39

    Destructive Magic DESTRUCTIVE_MAGIC 9
    Cold Death DEADLY_COLD 107
    Fiery Wrath ANCIENT_SMITHY 82
    Mana Burst SUN_FIRE 120
    Master of Fire MASTER_OF_FIRE 44
    Master of Ice MASTER_OF_ICE 43
    Master of Storms MASTER_OF_LIGHTNINGS 45
    Sap Magic MAGIC_CUSHION 133
    Searing Fires DEMONIC_FLAME 94
    Secrets of destruction SECRETS_OF_DESTRUCTION 146

    Enlightenment LEARNING 3
    Arcane Exaltation MASTER_OF_SECRETS 87
    Arcane Intuition EAGLE_EYE 27
    Dark Revelation DARK_REVELATION 140
    Graduate STUDENT_AWARD 79
    Intelligence INTELLIGENCE 25
    Know Your Enemy CUNNING_OF_THE_WOODS 114
    Lord of the Undead LORD_OF_UNDEAD 101
    Scholar SCHOLAR 26
    Wizard's Reward ACADEMY_AWARD 127

    Leadership LEADERSHIP 4
    Artifical Glory ARTIFICIAL_GLORY 128
    Aura of Swiftness FAST_AND_FURIOUS 141
    Battle Commander FOREST_GUARD_EMBLEM 115
    Diplomacy DIPLOMACY 30
    Divine Guidance ENCOURAGE 75
    Estates ESTATES 29
    Gate Master GATING_MASTERY 89
    Herald Of Death HERALD_OF_DEATH 102
    Recruitment RECRUITMENT 28

    Light Magic LIGHT_MAGIC 11
    Fire Resistance FIRE_PROTECTION 96
    Guardian Angel GUARDIAN_ANGEL 78
    Master of Abjuration MASTER_OF_ABJURATION 50
    Master of Blessings MASTER_OF_BLESSING 49
    Master of Wrath MASTER_OF_WRATH 51
    Refined Mana ELITE_CASTERS 148
    Storm Wind STORM_WIND 122
    Suppress Light SUPRESS_LIGHT 135
    Twilight TWILIGHT 109

    Logistics LOGISTICS 1
    Death March DEATH_TREAD 99
    Familiar Ground ROAD_HOME 73
    March of the Golems MARCH_OF_THE_MACHINES 125
    Navigation NAVIGATION 21
    Pathfinding PATHFINDING 19
    Scouting SCOUTING 20
    Silent Stalker DISGUISE_AND_RECKON 112
    Swift Gating QUICK_GATING 86
    Teleport Assault TELEPORT_ASSAULT 138

    Luck LUCK 5
    Dead Man's Curse DEAD_LUCK 103
    Elven Luck ELVEN_LUCK 116
    Magic Resistance RESISTANCE 31
    Resourcefulness FORTUNATE_ADVENTURER 33
    Soldier's Luck LUCKY_STRIKE 32
    Spoils of War SPOILS_OF_WAR 129
    Swarming Gate CRITICAL_GATING 90
    Tear of Asha Vision GRAIL_VISION 80
    Warlock's Luck LUCKY_SPELLS 142

    Sorcery SORCERY 8
    Arcane Brillance INSIGHTS 119
    Arcane Excellence CASTER_CERTIFICATE 81
    Arcane Training ARCANE_TRAINING 42
    Boneward SPELLPROOF_BONES 106
    Counterspell COUNTERSPELL 132
    Erratic Mana CHAOTIC_SPELLS 145
    Magic Insight WISDOM 41
    Mana Regeneration MYSTICISM 40

    Summoning Magic SUMMONING_MAGIC 12
    Banish UNSUMMON 110
    Elemental Balance ELEMENTAL_BALANCE 84
    Fire Warriors FIRE_AFFINITY 97
    Haunted Mines HAUNT_MINE 136
    Master of Conjuration MASTER_OF_CREATURES 53
    Master of Earthblood MASTER_OF_QUAKES 52
    Master of Life MASTER_OF_ANIMATION 54
    Wall of Fog FOG_VEIL 123

    War Machines WAR_MACHINES 2
    Ballista BALLISTA 23
    Brimstone Rain TRIPLE_CATAPULT 88
    Catapult CATAPULT 24
    First Aid FIRST_AID 22
    Imbue Ballista IMBUE_BALLISTA 113
    Plague Tent LAST_AID 100
    Remote Control REMOTE_CONTROL 126
    Tremors SHAKE_GROUND 139
    Triple Ballista TRIPLE_BALLISTA 74

    Creature Names / Numbers Chart
    The chart is organized by faction, and then from the weakest creature to the strongest (for example, Gremlins to Colossi for the Academy faction), rather than alphabetically. The upgraded variant of each creature immediately follows its basic form.
    E.g. To gives the Necromancer hero Vladimir 22 bone dragons.
    @AddHeroCreatures("Pelt", CREATURE_BONE_DRAGON, 22);
    OR @AddHeroCreatures("Pelt", 41, 22);

    Creature name in-game What you input after CREATURE_ # Code (two # code variant)
    Gremlin GREMLIN 57
    Master Gremlin MASTER_GREMLIN 58
    Stone Gargoyle STONE_GARGOYLE 59
    Obsidian Gargoyle OBSIDIAN_GARGOYLE 60
    Iron Golem IRON_GOLEM 61
    Steel Golem STEEL_GOLEM 62
    Mage MAGI 63
    Arch Mage ARCH_MAGI 64
    Djinn GENIE 65
    Djinn Sultan MASTER_GENIE 66
    Rakshasa Rani RAKSHASA 67
    Rakshasa Raja RAKSHASA_RUKH 68
    Colossus GIANT 69
    Titan TITAN 70

    Scout SCOUT 71
    Assassin ASSASSIN 72
    Blood Maiden WITCH 73
    Blood Fury BLOOD_WITCH 74
    Minotaur MINOTAUR 75
    Minotaur Guard MINOTAUR_KING 76
    Grim Raider RIDER 77
    Dark Raider RAVAGER 78
    Hydra HYDRA 79
    Deep Hydra CHAOS_HYDRA 80
    Shadow Witch MATRON 81
    Shadow Matriarch MATRIARCH 82
    Shadow Dragon DEEP_DRAGON 83
    Black Dragon BLACK_DRAGON 84

    Peasant PEASANT 1
    Conscript MILITIAMAN 2
    Archer ARCHER 3
    Marksman MARKSMAN 4
    Footman FOOTMAN 5
    Squire SWORDSMAN 6
    Griffin GRIFFIN 7
    Royal Griffin ROYAL_GRIFFIN 8
    Priest PRIEST 9
    Inquisitor CLERIC 10
    Cavalier CAVALIER 11
    Paladin PALADIN 12
    Angels ANGEL 13
    Archangel ARCHANGEL 14

    Imp FAMILIAR 15
    Familiar IMP 16
    Horned Demon DEMON 17
    Horned Overseer HORNED_DEMON 18
    Hell Hound HELL_HOUND 19
    Cerberus CERBERI 20
    Succubus SUCCUBUS 21
    Succubus Mistress INFERNAL_SUCCUBUS 22
    Hell Charger NIGHTMARE 23
    Pit Fiend PIT_FIEND 25
    Pit Lord BALOR 26
    Devil DEVIL 27
    Arch Devil ARCHDEVIL 28

    Skeleton SKELETON 29
    Skeleton Archer SKELETON_ARCHER 30
    Zombie WALKING_DEAD 31
    Plague Zombie ZOMBIE 32
    Ghost MANES 33
    Spectre GHOST 34
    Vampire VAMPIRE 35
    Vampire Lord VAMPIRE_LORD 36
    Lich LICH 37
    Archlich DEMILICH 38
    Wight WIGHT 39
    Wraith WRAITH 40
    Bone Dragon BONE_DRAGON 41
    Spectral Dragon SHADOW_DRAGON 42

    Pixie PIXIE 43
    Sprite SPRITE 44
    Blade Dancer BLADE_JUGGLER 45
    War Dancer WAR_DANCER 46
    Hunter WOOD_ELF 47
    Master Hunter GRAND_ELF 48
    Druid DRUID 49
    Druid Elder DRUID_ELDER 50
    Unicorn UNICORN 51
    Silver Unicorn WAR_UNICORN 52
    Treant TREANT 53
    Ancient Treant TREANT_GUARDIAN 54
    Green Dragon GREEN_DRAGON 55
    Emerald Dragon GOLD_DRAGON 56

    Air Elemental AIR_ELEMENTAL 88
    Black Knight BLACK_KNIGHT 89
    Earth Elemental EARTH_ELEMENTAL 87
    Fire Elemental FIRE_ELEMENTAL 85
    Phoenix PHOENIX 91
    Water Elemental WATER_ELEMENTAL 86

    War Machines Names / Numbers Chart
    @GiveHeroWarMachine("Name", WAR_MACHINE_NAME);
    OR @GiveHeroWarMachine("Name", #);
    War Machine name in-game Explicit code # Code variant
    War Machines

    Spell Names / Numbers Chart
    Say you want the spell Instant Travel, and try to input this name in caps with the above code. Strangely, you'll fail, and the console tells you that such a spell doesn't exist! What's the big deal?
    The fact of the matter is, some of the in-game spell names aren't referenced by the game as that particular spell. My previous note illustrates this perfectly: to learn Eldritch Arrow, the used code is MAGIC_ARROW. Why the incongruity? It seems a lot of the renamed spells are identified by what HoMM fans are traditionally used to. Anyhow:
    E.g. @TeachHeroSpell("Astral", SPELL_HASTE);
    OR @TeachHeroSpell("Astral", 24);
    You want to learn... What you input after SPELL_ # Code variant
    Adventure Spells
    Instant Travel DIMENSION_DOOR 50
    Summon Creatures SUMMON_CREATURES 234
    Town Portal TOWN_PORTAL 51
    Vessel of Shalassa SUMMON_BOAT 49

    Dark Magic
    Blindness BLIND 19
    Confusion FORGETFULNESS 17
    Curse of the Netherworld UNHOLY_WORD 21
    Decay PLAGUE 14
    Frenzy BERSERK 18
    Puppet Master HYPNOTIZE 20
    Slow SLOW 12
    Suffering WEAKNESS 15
    Vulnerability DISRUPTING_RAY 13
    Weakness CURSE 11

    Mass Confusion MASS_FORGETFULNESS 213
    Mass Decay MASS_PLAGUE 214
    Mass Slow MASS_SLOW 212
    Mass Suffering MASS_WEAKNESS 215
    Mass Vulnerability MASS_DISRUPTING_RAY 211
    Mass Weakness MASS_CURSE 210

    Destructive Magic
    Armageddon ARMAGEDDON 10
    Chain Lightning CHAIN_LIGHTNING 7
    Circle of Winter FROST_RING 6
    Eldritch Arrow MAGIC_ARROW 1
    Fireball FIREBALL 5
    Ice Bolt ICE_BOLT 4
    Implosion IMPLOSION 9
    Lightning Bolt LIGHTNING_BOLT 3
    Meteor Shower METEOR_SHOWER 8
    Stone Spikes STONESPIKES 237

    Empowered Armageddon EMPOWERED_ARMAGEDDON 232
    Empowered Chain Lightning EMPOWERED_CHAIN_LIGHTNING 229
    Empowered Eldritch Arrow EMPOWERED_MAGIC_ARROW 223
    Empowered Fireball EMPOWERED_FIREBALL 227
    Empowered Ice Bolt EMPOWERED_ICE_BOLT 226
    Empowered Implosion EMPOWERED_IMPLOSION 231
    Empowered Lightning Bolt EMPOWERED_LIGHTNING_BOLT 225
    Empowered Meteor Shower EMPOWERED_METEOR_SHOWER 230
    Empowered Stone Spikes EMPOWEREDSTONE_SPIKES 233
    Empowered Winter Ring EMPOWERED_FROST_RING 228

    Light Magic
    Arcane Armor CELESTIAL_SHIELD 34
    Cleansing DISPEL 26
    Deflect Missile DEFLECT_ARROWS 29
    Divine Strength BLESS 23
    Endurance STONESKIN 25
    Haste HASTE 24
    Magical Immunity ANTI-MAGIC 31
    Resurrection RESURRECT 48
    Righteous Might BLOODLUST 28
    Teleportation TELEPORT 32
    Word of Light HOLY_WORD 35

    Mass Cleansing MASS_DISPEL 217
    Mass Deflect Missile MASS_DEFLECT_ARROWS 219
    Mass Divine Strength MASS_BLESS 216
    Mass Endurance MASS_STONESKIN 218
    Mass Haste MASS_HASTE 221
    Mass Righteous Might MASS_BLOODLUST 220

    Summoning Magic
    Conjure Phoenix CONJUREPHOENIX 235
    Earthquake EARTHQUAKE 41
    Fire Trap LAND_MINE 38
    Firewall FIREWALL 236
    Fist of Wrath MAGIC_FIST 2
    Phantom Forces PHANTOM 40
    Raise Dead ANIMATE_DEAD 42
    Summon Elementals SUMMON_ELEMENTALS 43
    Wasp Swarm WASP_SWARM 39

    Empowered Fist of Wrath EMPOWERED_MAGIC_FIST 224

    Note: there are also codes for the special ability "spells," like the Necromancer's Banshee Howl. However, they cannot be directly added into your spell book with this command. Instead, you'll have to give yourself the Necromancy skill with the Adding Skills command. With the appropriate skill, the corresponding ability is placed into your spell book automatically.

    Artifact Names / Numbers Chart
    E.g. @GiveArtifact(“Name”, #);
    So you want this artifact... # Code to input
    Boots slot
    Boots of Levitation 54
    Boots of Magical Defence 27
    Boots of the Open Road 26
    Boots of the Swift Journey 24
    Dragon Bone Greaves 38
    Emerald Slippers 61
    Golden Horseshoe 25
    Greaves of the Dwarven Kings 49
    Sandals of the Blessed 68
    Windstrider Boots 57

    Cloak slot
    Bag of Endless Gold 28
    Cape of the Lion's Mane 31
    Cloak of Death's Shadow 33
    Cloak of Sylanna 62
    Dragon Wing Mantle 39
    Phoenix Feather Cape 32
    Sack of Endless Gold 29
    Sandro's Cloak 69
    Wings of the Angel 30

    Cuirass (armor) slot
    Armor of the Forgotten Hero 13
    Armor of Valor 56
    Breastplate of Eldritch Might 14
    Cuirass of the Dwarven Kings 48
    Dragon Scale Armor 36
    Robe of Sar-Issus 44
    Scale Mail of Enlightenment 35
    Tunic of the Carved Flesh 64

    Helm slot
    All-Seeing Crown 12
    Crown of Sar-Issus 46
    Dragon Talon Crown 41
    Helm of Chaos 66
    Helm of Dwarven Kings 50
    Lion Crown 11
    Necromancer's Helm 55
    Turban of Enlightenment 34

    So you want this artifact... # Code to input
    Necklace slot
    Amulet of Necromancy(1) 71
    Dragon Teeth Necklace 40
    Evercold Icicle 18
    Necklace of the Bloody Claw 17
    Necklace of the Lion 16
    Necklace of Victory 19
    Pendant of Conflux 67
    Pendant of Mastery 15

    Ring slots
    Cursed Waistband 63
    Dragon Eye Ring 42
    Elemental Waistband 60
    Ring of Caution 65
    Ring of Celerity 59
    Ring of Lightning Protection 20
    Ring of Sar-Issus 47
    Ring of Speed 22
    Ring of the Broken Will 23
    Ring of the Shadowbrand 73
    Ring of the Unrepentant 70
    Ring of Vitality 21

    Shield slot
    Dragon Scale Shield 37
    Four Leaf Clover 8
    Magic Scroll of (Random Spell) 52
    Moonblade 58
    Sextant of the Sea Elves 10
    Shackles of the Last Man 7
    Shield of Crystal Ice 9
    Shield of the Dwarven Kings 51

    Weapon slot
    Axe of the Mountain Lords 2
    Dragon Flame Tongue 43
    Staff of Ensnarement 6
    Staff of Sar-Issus 45
    Sword of Might 1
    Trident of the Titans 5
    Unicorn Horn Bow 4
    Wand of (Random Spell) 3

    Special (unable to be equipped)
    Tear of Asha 53
    Freyda(2) 72

    Note 1: bugged image, appears as square of white dots.
    Note 2: this "artifact" is the portrait of the Haven campaign heroine Freyda, daughter of Godric, as seen through the cut-out shape of the Four Leaf Clover; its description is Freyda's biography. It is used in the last scenario of the Necromancer campaign, to symbolize the fact that you have her prisoner.
    Hero Status Chart

    Hero Stats Explicit code # Code variant
    Hero Statistics
    Experience STAT_EXPERIENCE 0
    Attack STAT_ATTACK 1
    Defense(1) STAT_DEFENCE 2
    Spell Power STAT_SPELL_POWER 3
    Knowledge STAT_KNOWLEDGE 4
    Luck STAT_LUCK 5
    Morale STAT_MORALE 6
    Movement Points(2) STAT_MOVE_POINTS 7
    Mana Points(2) STAT_MANA_POINTS 8
    Maximum Movement Points - 9

    Note 1: yes, it's STAT_DEFENCE with a capital C.
    Note 2: even by modifying your Move Points (or Mana Points) to something like 9999, it will only be filled up to max. You will only be able to travel as far as your hero can normally travel before you're empty again. To travel further, you'll have to input the command again, the quickest way being the up arrow key, which cycles through your most recent commands in the console.
    Also, to effectively use this code, you will likely have to refer to the Hero Names Chart.
    Adding Specific Gold and Resources
    @SetPlayerResource(#, 0-6, #);
    This sets one specific type of resource for a specified player to reflect your given value.
    For example:
    @SetPlayerResource(1, 2, 50);
    Here are the resources codes in the game:
    Wood 0
    Ore 1
    Mercury 2
    Crystal 3
    Sulfur 4
    Gems 5
    Gold 6

    Seeing Movement Points
    The following command has been disabled in version 1.2, but there is a workaround.
  2. Ryomurai

    Ryomurai Moderator Moderator

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    Cám ơn bạn đã post cái bản patch cho Hero V nhưng đây đâu có tác dụng để cheat game đâu ấy..... Bác đã post lộn box rồi.... Mình nghĩ bác nên post cái này vào box Hero ấy.. Rồi cũng ít ra nên thử cái bản patch và viết 1 chút cảm nhận bằng tiếng Việt thì nó hay hơn đấy...

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