"Hunter using focus in Cataclysm If you ignore combo points (which we aren't planning on adding to hunters), then the biggest decision energy-users face is whether to use a single 60 energy attack or two 30 energy attacks. The answer depends on a lot of variables, including which does more damage, what is on cooldown, the synergy between the abilities, etc. If you consider the cat druid (because it's slightly simpler) and ignore finishing moves, then the druid rotation would look something like getting up a +bleed attack, applying a bleed dot, getting up a +damage buff, and then doing the actual damage. You could imagine something similar like that for hunters. I don't mean hunters are going to be a +bleed class, but more that the choice of what attack to push next should have some decision behind it. It won't just be Serpent Sting x 1, Chimera Shot x 1000. Repeat. Also most of the answers quoted above were from Blizzcon. These answers fall into three basic categories: things we know we're going to do, things we'd like to do, and things we hadn't really thought about before someone asked a question (e.g. taming mounts). Also, Enhancement shamans will almost certainly stay as mana-users but still share (non Int) gear with hunters. This likely means some kind of attack power to mana regen mechanic like Ret paladins have currently. However development on stuff like this is still early. [...] I said ignore the finishers, so that removes Rip and FB. You are left with a bleed (Rake), a bleed buffer (Mangle), a damage buff (SR) and then the actual attack, Shred. Someone unfamiliar with kitties might say "Oh I'll just use all my energy on Shred, because it does the most dps" the way someone unfamiliar with focus-based hunters might say "Oh I'll just use all my focus on Chimera / Explosive once they aren't on cooldowns." Our plan is to make the rotation have more depth than that. It won't be at the Feral level of complexity without cps and finishers and because hunters have other things to manage, like Fluffy. Focus and abilities cooldowns Sorry, I meant if we remove the cooldown from those shots then someone might jump to the conclusion that hunters will just spam them. I don't know if we will be able to remove the cooldown or not. Shred does not have a cooldown yet Ferals use many other abilities. That is one way to go. Another is to keep a small cooldown, but in general we think focus will let us take cooldowns off a lot of hunter abilities since the income rate of focus will help us balance the costs. In general (and with many exceptions) you can't balance mana-using spells around cost since casters have nearly unlimited mana at any point in time and certainly early on in a fight. Energy (and focus, and rage to a much lesser extent to where it's actually a problem) are limited at any given moment but come back pretty quickly. Mana-spells have to be balanced around cast times and cooldowns instead. Hunters generally lack cast times, so most abilities have cooldowns which lead to annoying collisions and a lot of timer-watching. Focus should help improve that. We hope!" ----- Mới đọc cái này ở MMO, quote lại để anh em tham khảo. Blizz mà làm cái này thật thì hunter khác gì lột xác hunter -mana + focus = range rogue?
Không phải, đồng chí ko hiểu ý tớ, cho hunter + pet share chung 1 cột focus --> chỉ có 1 con đc xài skill
nên sửa lại mấy skill burn mana , drain mana thành ra burn/drain luôn rage energy focus etc thì hay hơn :X
Kể cả như vậy thì vẫn lãi, vì nếu +2 cho cái go for the throat, thì bình thường pet spam skill còn chả kịp hết focus, có share sang cho hunter cũng không sao. Mà chắc là sửa thôi, pure physic dps gì mà lại xài mana, kì quặc bỏ cha
nói chung là phải đổi thành focus đi , hunter nó survival thì ko có focus dps , chứ h xài mân nó vừa trap vừa fear vừa leap vẫn dps ầm ầm op wá
Chơi feral bị hunter fear ức chế lên đây QQ hả Nói vậy chứ, nếu hunter xài focus thì khả năng rất cao là các chiêu survival của nó sẽ ko cần focus ( giống vài chiêu của rogue ấy )
rùa bò mà vẫn chưa in-game đâu bác, rùa bò mà vẫn thấy nhiều người chưa biết, đâu phải ai cũng chăm đọc như bác :)
hunter xài focus mới d8úng chứ :P bắn đạn bùm chéo thế kia mà xài mana kì thật còn share focus chó pet chắc ko đâu thế thì có 1 em xài àh