~Vol 6 ending~ Snape: Avada Kedrava! Dumbledore:*PWNT* Hogwarts: WTF! Harry: LFM Voldemort 25M! Achie run! Hermione: I'll go. Ron: Well guess I'll go. ~Hours later~ Ron: WTF this group sux. *Ron has leave the party* Harry: It's too early so guess it can't helped. Hey Hermione come and jizz me for the time being. Hermione: Gladly. ~Seasons passed~ Ron [whispers]: Hey can you invite me again? *Ron has joined the party* *Hermione stops* Ron [Hogwarts local defenses]: Death Earters at gates, LFM [School defender] *You has join a raid group* *Skirmish everywhere* Voldemort: Avada Kedrava! Snape: *PWNT* Death Eaters: Yay our boss is uber twink now! Harry: I won't let you *Avada Kedrava-ed* Death Eaters: lol ~Astral planes, or something like that~ Mom&Dad: Good job Harry. Dumbledore: Good job dying there kid. Now that you're deactivated Voldemort hardmode... Harry: Wait, when since I did it? Dumbledore: *facepalm* Just go back already you stupid dumb ****! ~Mean while, Hogward~ Voldemort: Bwahahahaha People: *Pwnt* Mrs. Mineva: MEELE OUT AND ON ADDS PLEASE! Hogwarts: We're all ranged, *Pwnt*! Voldemort: *facepalm* People: *Pwnt* *Harry reincarnated* Voldemort: WTF People: *Pwnt* Harry: Stop it idiots! *Everyone stop "Pwnt" * Voldemort: Harry... how could it be. Harry: I don't know it neither, but guess it's cool. Voldemort: Well guess there's no way around it. Lets duel! *Duel* *Harry Potter's Elder Wand procs and crits Voldemort for a wallovtext amound of numbers" Voldemort: MY ASS IS GRASS! GRAWWAHHHAAHH! People: Yay! *Harry has earned the title [World first:The Dark Lord's quick demise]* *Harry has looted Wizard Tier 17 set* Harry: Now that's its all good, let's get married and do the disco! Ginny: Gladly. *Happy ending-ed*