l2 GoldCoin C4 interlude

Thảo luận trong 'L2's Third Party' bắt đầu bởi LineAgeAu, 9/11/13.

  1. LineAgeAu

    LineAgeAu Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    L2GoldCoin - Features

    Rates: Xp x250 / Sp x250 / Adena x250.
    Gameplay: No weight limit, Buffs 1 hour, Rebirth, No class change Quests, Max Lvl 78, Increased movement speed on all classes.

    Custom Items/Modifications
    * Alot Special Raid Bosses.(Drop Special Weapon & Jewwels)
    * Special Weapon & Jewels(Like L2Gold)
    * Special Teleport From Clan Hall Manager.
    * Custom Gatekeeper.
    * AIO Buffer.
    * Gm Shop.
    * Mantra Shop.
    * Refining Shop.
    * Armor Shop.
    * Class Changer.
    * Rebirth Manager.
    *No Subclasses.
    *No Augment Skills.
    * Olympiad (A-Grade Items/Max +10).
    *Special Zone (AutoFlag/No Bixop/Autonoblesse/A-Grade/+10 Max Enchant).
    * GrandBosses respawn : 24h (Angel/Demoniac Wings drop only in Grandbosses)
    *Special "Crazy Event" - At "x" Votes (Admin/Gm Announce) Rates Multiplique for "x" and for "x" Minutes!
    * Pk Cleaner (1 enria each).
    *GrandBoss Status "Npc" (Respawn in H/Min).
    * Anti-Buff Shield.
    * ALL Classes Have 95% Balance.
    * ALL Skill Work 99%.

    Rebirth System
    When a character becomes level 78, he can go to the rebirth manager located in Aden and Giran.
    If you click on the rebirth manager and choose to rebirth then your character will be reset to level 1,
    with this you will also lose your normal skills (not your gained rebirth skills).
    When you have done a rebirth, you will receive a Book of Rebirth and Proof of Rebirth skill.
    Proof of Rebirth will show how many rebirth's you have performed.
    To gain a rebirth skill you must visit your skill trainer witch can be found in most towns.
    The skill trainer will take 1 Rebirth Book per chosen skill.
    Be careful when choosing your rebirth skills because once chosen they cannot be changed! You can
    only rebirth 3 times

    Noblesse System
    L2GoldCoin has it's own noblesse system. Once you have completed 3 rebirths
    you need to collect various items from the following raid bosses in order to become a Noblesse.

    - Death Lord Hallate.
    - Kernon.
    - Longhorn Golkonda.
    - Shilen's Messenger Cabrio.

    Once you've collected all the items and your character is lvl78,
    you can go to the Noblesse NPC ''Eddy Wally'' who's located on the stairs in Aden Town,
    and become a Noblesse.

    web : http://www.l2goldcoin.com

    Open : 1/12/2013 ( còn lâu vãi hóng thoy :D)
  2. pjbolovely

    pjbolovely Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TPHCM Q3
    đọc wa sao thấy giống sv avellan wa vậy :P ............
  3. provipau1002

    provipau1002 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    dantruong oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii chet dau rui.................
  4. crazybmt88

    crazybmt88 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    vào cái trang chủ nhìn thấy 22 day té ngửa , ha ha

    - - - Updated - - -

    Chả khác gì cái sv đang chơi chẳng qua higt rate thôi
  5. ToraiKnight

    ToraiKnight Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Giống nhau chứ còn gi nữa. Lúc còn hóng bên kia, có thằng còn hỏi sao giống L2Gold vậy. Thì ra là nó đây :2cool_misdoubt:.

    Có phải DanTruong bên Pride không? HongLong đây. Nghỉ rồi hay sao mà lại long nhong mấy sv này thế? btw mến mộ a ĐT đã lâu, cho e xin chứ ký đi :4cool_beauty:
  6. volamnghiavu

    volamnghiavu Dragon Quest GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bây giờ đi đâu toàn thấy sv nào cũng hao hao nhau....thấy mỗi cái pride là chơi dc....mà sao giang hồ quit nhiều vãi..........

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