The following fleets were facing each other on 11-20 16:02:45 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker foyl (2:290:14) Weapons: 90% Shields: 80% Hull Plating: 80% Type L.Cargo B.Ship Number 5 30 Weaponry: 9.5 1900 Shields 45 360 Hull 2160 10800 Defender BlackStar (2:290:10) Weapons: 80% Shields: 60% Hull Plating: 80% Type L.Cargo Esp. Probe Miss. S.Laser Number 32 15 1 71 Weaponry: 9 0.018 144 180 Shields 40 0.016 32 40 Hull 2160 180 360 360 The attacking fleet fires a total of 41 times with the power of 66554 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 852 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 119 times with the power of 13212 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 8321 damage points Attacker foyl (2:290:14)Type L.Cargo B.Ship Number 5 30 Weaponry: 9.5 1900 Shields 45 360 Hull 2160 10800 Defender BlackStar (2:290:10)Type L.Cargo Esp. Probe Miss. S.Laser Number 25 9 1 58 Weaponry: 9 0.018 144 180 Shields 40 0.016 32 40 Hull 2160 180 360 360 The attacking fleet fires a total of 37 times with the power of 60845 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 1000 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 93 times with the power of 10809 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 7121 damage points Attacker foyl (2:290:14)Type L.Cargo B.Ship Number 4 30 Weaponry: 9.5 1900 Shields 45 360 Hull 2160 10800 Defender BlackStar (2:290:10)Type L.Cargo Esp. Probe Miss. S.Laser Number 16 5 1 43 Weaponry: 9 0.018 144 180 Shields 40 0.016 32 40 Hull 2160 180 360 360 The attacking fleet fires a total of 34 times with the power of 57036 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 970 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 65 times with the power of 8028 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 6651 damage points Attacker foyl (2:290:14)Type L.Cargo B.Ship Number 3 30 Weaponry: 9.5 1900 Shields 45 360 Hull 2160 10800 Defender BlackStar (2:290:10)Type L.Cargo Esp. Probe S.Laser Number 11 5 25 Weaponry: 9 0.018 180 Shields 40 0.016 40 Hull 2160 180 360 The attacking fleet fires a total of 38 times with the power of 66527 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 740 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 41 times with the power of 4599 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 3944 damage points Attacker foyl (2:290:14)Type L.Cargo B.Ship Number 3 30 Weaponry: 9.5 1900 Shields 45 360 Hull 2160 10800 Defender BlackStar (2:290:10)Type L.Cargo Esp. Probe S.Laser Number 5 3 13 Weaponry: 9 0.018 180 Shields 40 0.016 40 Hull 2160 180 360 The attacking fleet fires a total of 35 times with the power of 60827 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 561 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 21 times with the power of 2385 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 1890 damage points Attacker foyl (2:290:14)Type L.Cargo B.Ship Number 3 30 Weaponry: 9.5 1900 Shields 45 360 Hull 2160 10800 Defender BlackStar (2:290:10)Type L.Cargo Esp. Probe S.Laser Number 2 2 2 Weaponry: 9 0.018 180 Shields 40 0.016 40 Hull 2160 180 360 The attacking fleet fires a total of 43 times with the power of 74136 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 162 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 6 times with the power of 378 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 378 damage points Attacker foyl (2:290:14)Type L.Cargo B.Ship Number 2 30 Weaponry: 9.5 1900 Shields 45 360 Hull 2160 10800 Defender BlackStar (2:290:10) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 46530 Metal, 5293 Crystal and 28312 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 36000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 543000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 63000 Metal and 67500 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 1 % The enormous amounts of drifting metal and crystal particles attract each other and slowly form a lunar satellite in the orbit of the planet. 48 Small Laser, 1 Missile Launcher could be repaired.
Chà, nhà bác lên môn đuợc nhờ 1% thôi à, thằng nào tấn công mà bác hên thế. Nhà tui chẳng có cái trụ nào cả, hạm đội thì online 24/24 nên thấy nó mạnh hơn là vọt mất xác, yếu hơn thì nó làm gì dám bén mảng, khổ. Chắc để dụ thằng nào đánh kiếm moon xài chơn, mới lên nanite factory lv1 à, tốn quá thể.