ĐÂY LÀ LIST TẠI THỜI ĐIỂM 16/1 NĂM 2005 NÊN SAU HÔM NAY HOTGAME CÓ BÁN BĂNG BẠN NÀO MUỐN ĐẶT BĂNG GÌ XIN LIÊN HỆ Ở TOPIC AI CẦN MUA GÌ HƯẠC HỎI GÌ POST VÔ ĐÂY NHE THANK YOU GIÁ 130 NGÀN 1 BĂNG 64M LOẠI 128 M THÌ 170 NGÀN CALL 0983600030 GẶP ĐẠI ĐỂ TRỰC TIẾP HỎI THÔNG TIN VỀ BĂNG GAMEBOY Dragon ball: Buu of furry Super robot taisen R FIRE EMBLEM Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction Gundam Seed - Battle Assault DragonBall Z - Supersonic Warriors Megaman Zero 3 FIFA 2005 Driver 2 007 Nightfire Pokemon Fire Red v1.1 (U) và Pokemon leaf green v1.1 ( Van Helsing Bat Man : Vengeance Mortal Kombat Advance SPIDER MAN 2 THÁM TỬ ÂM PHỦ (NHẤT DƯƠNG CHỈ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets The King Of Fighters EX Neo Blood HARVEST MOON 3 (E): LORD OF RING: THIRD AGE (U) :NEW Astro Boy - Omega Factor : Onimusha Tactics FINAL FANTASY TACTICS ADVANDE : HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN Advance Guardian Heroes (English Davis Cup X-Men Reign of Apocalypse Need For Speed Porsche Unleashed Finding Nemo (E)(Patience Winning Eleven World Soccer Total Soccer Manager Catwoman: LOTR The Third Age Duel Masters Sempai Legends Dragonball Z - The Legacy Of Goku 2: SD_gundam Force (U): THE SIMS BUSTIN OUT (U): CASTLEVANIA -ARIA OF SORROW (U) :NEW Duel masters kaijudo showdown :NEW Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition Madden NFL 2004 Shaman king Master of spirits Sword of mana (E): Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Battle Nexur :(U) BREATH OF FIRE 2 Shining soul (E) và (U) : The legend of zelda - the minish cap : NEW (U) Lego knight s' kingdom : Backyard basketball Medabots AX - Metabee Version Pokemon Emeral (50% E) : Metal slug Advance (U) CT Special Force 3 Bioterror ( Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Metroid Fusion (E) Golden sun 2 - the lost age (U X-Men 2 - Wolverines Revenge Metal slug Advance The King of Fighters EX2 - Howling Blood Robot Wars - Extreme Destruction Shining Soul II Power Rangers Dino Thunder Of Persia - The Sands Of Time (E) Release Group: Rising Sun Yu Yu Hakusho - Tournament Tactics (U) Beyblade G-Revolution (U) The Urbz - Sims in the City Need For Speed - Underground 2 (U) Mario Vs. Donkey Kong MegaMan Battle Network 4 Red Sun MegaMan Battle Network 4 Blue Moon Cartoon Network Collection Volume 2 - Gameboy Advance Video Star Wars - The New Droid Army Tomb Raider - The Prophecy Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time Fire Emblem - Sealed Sword Fire Emblem - Rekka no Ken Tactics Ogre - The Knight of Lod Codename - Kids Next Door - Operation S.O.D.A. Digimon Racing (U) Megaman Battle Chip Challenge Advance Wars Advance Wars 2 - Black Hole Rising Guilty Gear X - Advance Edition Hugo - Bukkazoom Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation Lego Drome Racers Scooby-Doo - Mystery Mayhem Scooby-Doo 2 - Monsters Unleashed Sonic Advance 3 Kirby - Nightmare in Dreamland Kirby And The Amazing Mirror MegaMan Battle Network MegaMan Battle Network 2 MegaMan Battle Network 3 Blue Version Medal of Honor - Infiltrator Medal of Honor - Underground Digimon Battle Spirit Digimon Battle Spirit 2 Double Dragon Advance Dragon Ball Z - Taiketsu Moto GP & GT Advance 3 Double Pack Pokemon Volume 1 - Gameboy Advance Video (USA) Pokemon Volume 2 - Gameboy Advance Video Pokemon Volume 3 - Gameboy Advance Video Pokemon Volume 4 - Gameboy Advance Video (USA Sonic X Volume 1 - Gameboy Advance Video The Land Before Time : Banjo Pilot : Racing Gears Advance Zoids - Legacy James Pond - Codename Robocod Boktai 2 - Solar Boy Django (Old): Medabots - Rokusho Version WTA Tour Tennis An American Tale - Fievel's Gold Rush Megaman Battle Chip Challenge (E) Garfield The Search For Pooky (E) Spy Hunter Zone of the Enders - The Fist of Mars Metal Slug Advance Archer Macleans 3D Pool Jackie Chan Adventures - Legend of the Dark Hand :Jurassic Park III - The DNA Factor Dead To Rights (U Nicktoons Freeze Frame Frenzy (E) Ice Nine Jurassic Park III - Island Attack Justice League - Injustice for The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers Grand Theft Auto Advance Tron 2.0 - Killer App Terminator 3 - Rise of The Machines