Lục tung cả diễn đàn cũng không có bài hướng dẫn medianXL nào mới (toàn cube sai) nên hôm nay quyết định mài mực làm 1 bài đầu tay biếu diễn đàn gamevn, tại vào đây đọc bài hoài mà chẳng đóng góp được gì nên hơi áy náy . I.Cube1.Crafting Points Có 1 số công thức cần đến cái này bạn chỉ có được chỉ số này nhờ vào Item. Nếu Crafting Points của bạn không đủ thì công thức sẽ không hoạt động 2.Những vật liệu đặc biệt Victim's Heart/Meditation Candle Có thể mua ở các shop phù thủy Arcane Crystal Có thể tìm được bằng cách cube (công thức bên dưới) Mystic Orb Có thể mua trong shop phù thủy và rơi ra khi giết quái ( tui chẳng để tâm đến cái này ) Portable Shrine Có thể rơi ở độ khó Terro và Destrucion 3.Tách rời Item Tách rời Unique Items Unique + mana potion -> Arcane Shards Arcane Shards X5 -> Arcane Crystal (rất cần để ép Item xịn) Tách rời Set Items Set Item + mana potion -> Signet of learning <+1 attribute> 4.Nâng cấp Item: Ép low quality Item thành đồ thông thường: Low quality Item + gem -> đồ thông thường Ép đồ thường thành đồ có dòng: Đồ thường + gem -> đồ có dòng Ép đồ trắng thành đồ magic: Đồ trắng + gem + Town Portal (TP) + Scroll of indentify -> đồ magic Ép đồ magic thành đồ rare ( đồ vàng ): Magic Item + gem + rune -> rare item Ép đồ magic thành đồ honorotific:Vũ khí/Gíap Magic + meditation Candle + victim's Heart -> trở lại Item honorotific Cái này mình chưa thử chỉ dịch mang máng là nó cho gấp đôi điểm từ Mystic Orbs Ép đồ nâu: Non-sacred item + Arcane Crystal x2 + perfect gem -> unique item Ép đồ ngẫu nhiên: Công thức này có thể biến đồ trắng thành đồ unique nhưng cũng có thể biến đồ unique thành đồ trắng nên hãy cẩn thận với công thức này mọi Item +jewel +healing potion + mana potion -> đồ ngẫu nhiên Thay đổi dòng đồ rare trở xuống: Superior item + rune -> Item đã đổi dòng Superior item + rune -> Item đã đổi dòng Rare item + rune > Item đã đổi dòng Công thức x2 ngọc và gem: Mọi gem và yewel + Arcane Crystal + TPx3 -> x2 Item Ép đồ xài tạm: Magic weapon/armor + rare amulet + rare ring -> item level 1 + 25% Enhanced Damage (Vũ khí) hoặc 25% Enhanced Defense (Giáp) nếu ở nhân vật của bạn ở lv1, +2% mỗi lv cao hơn. Lv40 có thể + 103% Nâng cấp Item: (số nhỏ bên phải tên item) Mọi vũ khí và giáp trừ sacred + Arcane Crystal -> Item cũ cấp cao hơn Nâng cấp Item Unique: Mọi Vũ khí và giáp unique không sacred + Arcane Crystal + gem -> Unique Item cũ cấp cao hơn Ép đồ với Mystic Orb: Mọi Item trừ đồ ethereal (không sửa được) + Mystic Orb -> Item + điểm của orb + 2 lv yêu cầu Chú Ý: Bạn có thể ép 15 orb giống nhau trong 1 Item vd:15 ngọc str và 15 agi lúc cube ngọc thứ 16 thì không có gì xảy ra Ép cúp vàng:(Quest uber) Mọi cúp vàng + corresponding unique charm -> charm + điểm thưởng Chú ý: công thức trên chỉ được sử dụng 1 lần trên 1 charm Ép đồ may mắn: Mọi item trừ ethereal + runex3 -> Item cũ có thể có điểm thưởng 20% ra các dòng sau: Weapon: +40% Enhanced Damage, 100% Bonus to Attack Rating Armour: +40% Enhanced Defense, Damage Reduced by 1% Amulet: +1 to All Skill Levels Ring: +10% to Spell Damage Quiver: 5% Bonus to all Attributes Jewel: +2 to Strength, +2 to Dexterity, +2 to Energy, +2 to Vitality Chú Ý: Bạn chỉ có thể thử công thức trên 1 lần trên 1 Item. Nếu bạn ép trượt và cố gắng ép lại thì 100% là rớt Ép shrine: Các shrine trong game: Abandoned Shrine Creepy Shrine Eerie Shrine Fascinating Shrine Gloomy Shrine Hidden Shrine Magical Shrine Ornate Shrine Quiet Shrine Sacred Shrine Shimmering Shrine Spiritual Shrine Stone Shrine Tainted Shrine Weird Shrine công thức: Rare/unique/set/crafted sacred item + Portable Shrine -> reroll item as crafted + Portable Shrine -1 charge Crafted items always have maximum sockets and receive a double bonus from Mystic Orbs. What affixes will the item have? The resulting crafted item spawns with 0-3 preset affixes depending on luck and shrine type used, and 1-4 extra random rare affixes, based on the item level: Item level 1-30 : 40% chance of 1 affix and 20% chance each of 2, 3 or 4 affixes. Item level 31-50 : 60% chance of 2 affixes and 20% chance each of 3 or 4 affixes. Item level 51-70 : 80% chance of 3 affixes and 20% chance of 4 affixes. Item level 71+ : 100% chance of 4 affixes. The required level of a crafted item is: [level of the highest affix * 3/4] + 10 + 3 * [number of random rare affixes] Especially at lower levels, this formula may create items with a required level above the level of the character that crafted them. This is a feature of crafting and occurs in classic LoD as well. Do not confuse required level, which appears on the item, with item level, which is invisible and usually equal to the monster level of the monster that dropped the item. Btw. Due to a technical issue, you cannot use honorific items as input items. Btw. If you ask me why your non-sacred item does not work, I murder a kitten. <<< dịch cái này đau đầu lắm tại tui không có chương trình dịch. Ai không hiểu thì ra google dịch dùm hén : Thêm dòng với shrine: Rare/crafted/honorific sacred item + Portable Shrine + Arcane Crystal -> + shrine bonuses + Portable Shrine -1 charge The item gains 0-3 preset affixes depending on luck and shrine type used Ép ngọc: Jewel + perfect gem + rune + Hpotion + Mpotion -> Jewel + thêm dòng Dòng + phụ thuộc vào rune như sau: Tir: (6 to 10)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Ith: All Resists +(3 to 5)% Tir, Ith: 50 Crafting Points Ort: Requirements –(2 to 4)% Shael: +(21 to 50) Defense Ort, Shael: 100 Crafting Points Lum: +(1 to 2)% to Experience Gained Lem: +(3 to 5) to All Attributes Lum, Lem: 150 Crafting Points Ist: +(4 to 6)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life Ohm: +(4 to 12) to Maximum Damage Ist, Ohm: 200 Crafting Points Ber: (1 to 2)% Life Stolen per Hit, (1 to 2)% Mana Stolen per Hit Zod: +(1 to 3)% to Spell Damage Ber, Zod: 250 Crafting Points Kur: +(4 to 6)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage Nas: Slows Target by 1% Kur, Nas: 300 Crafting Points Vith: +(2 to 4)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances Thai: +(6 to 15) to Minimum Damage Vith, Thai: 350 Crafting Points Nih: +(2 to 8) Life on Striking in Melee, +(2 to 8) Mana on Striking in Melee Nih: 400 Crafting Points Chế tạo Elixir x3: Cần 500 Crafting Poínt Perfect Amber + Scroll of Identify: Elixir of Adrenaline: thời gian delay skill = 0 Perfect Emerald + Scroll of Town Portal: Elixir of Greater Experience: +300% EXP Perfect Ruby + Scroll of Identify: Elixir of Greater Greed: 350% Tỉ lệ rơi đồ magic Perfect Sapphire + Scroll of Town Portal: Elixir of Power: +15 to All Skills Perfect Topaz + Scroll of Identify: Elixir of Love: giảm giá ở shop phù thủy 25% Công thức linh tinh: 2 gem giống nhau -> gem lv cao hơn 2 rune giống nhau -> rune lv cao hơn Rune -> rune lv thấp hơn (Không áp dụng trên các rune sau Taha,Ghal,Qor,Krys,Auhe,Sha'ad) Gỡ ngọc ra khỏi Item: Item đã gắn ngọc + tpx3 -> Item và ngọc riêng biệt (dùng cho các item màu) Item đã gắn ngọc + tpx3 + perfect gem x3 -> Item và ngọc riêng biệt (dùng cho các item trắng và item đã dùng runewords) Book of Summoning: (đọc uber quest ở mí bài khác sẽ rõ) Victim's Heart x3 + meditation candle x3 -> BoS Hard Mode Charm: Cái này hình như cũng Quest Hard Mode Charm + Hpotion -> Hard Mode Charm +1 Hard Mode Charm + Mpotion -> Hard Mode Charm -1 Pearl of wisdom flipper: (mấy cục đá hướng dẫn ý mà) Pearl of Wisdom -> returns next Pearl of Wisdom Ép đồ nhiệm vụ : (Chỉ ở 1a9c) Arcane Crystal x2 + healing potion -> Horadric Staff Arcane Crystal x2 + mana potion -> Khalim's Will Chỉ có thể sử dụng ở đúng act của Quest Item vd: ActII thì chỉ ép được Horadric Staff thôi Công thức cho đại gia : Uber Quest Crystalline Flame Medaillon + Eternal Bone Pile + Demonsbane -> I Am Rich Gem P/s:chả hiểu được gì Ép Cow Level portal : Cần giết trùm Baal và đứng ở làng ActI mới có thể sử dụng Wirt’s Leg + Tome of Town Portal -> Cow Level portal P/s: bạn giết Baal ở thế giới I thì chỉ vào Cow ở TG1 thôi ---------------- Kết thúc Phần Cube ----------------
II.Runeword: 310 runewords Những điều cần lưu ý: nếu bạn có Item 1 socket thì chỉ cần bỏ rune vào thì runeword sẽ hoạt động còn những item 2 socket trở lên thì bạn bỏ jewel vào cho đến khi còn 1 socket thì mới cho rune vào vd: Bow 6 socket + 5Jewel + rune -> Bow + bonus của jewel + runeword ( thế này mà không hiểu nữa thì chịu) Ngoài ra tui đã thử dùng rune word trên đồ màu trừ đồ set và đồ scared thì tui không biết có xài đựơc không. Sau đây là list runeword: Dawn Level 11 0-5 Jewels +El Weapons 5% Chance to cast level 7 Celerity when you Kill an Enemy +(31 to 60)% Enhanced damage 15% Faster Hit Recovery (101 to 150)% Bonus to Attack Rating 10% Bonus to All Attributes (31 to 60)% Extra Gold from Monsters +2 to Light Radius Shark Level 17 0-5 Jewels +Tal Weapons 6% Chance to cast level 9 Bloodlust when you Kill an Enemy +(41 to 60)% Enhanced damage +(11 to 15)% Bonus Damage to Bloodlust 20% Increased Attack Speed +(0.5 per level) to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) 33% Chance of Open Wounds +5 to all Attributes -1 to Mana Enyo Level 31 0-5 Jewels +Dol Weapons 15% Chance to cast level 13 Starburst on Attack +1 to All Skills +(121 to 160)% Enhanced damage +(31 to 50) to Minimum Damage Stun Attack +20% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life 20% Bonus to Strength 20% Bonus to Energy (21 to 25)% Reanimate as: Acid Beast Azrael Level 45 0-5 Jewels +Pul Weapons 33% Chance to cast level 13 Fire Splash when you Kill an Enemy +(151 to 180)% Enhanced damage 40% Increased Attack Speed 40% Faster Cast Rate (6 to 13)% Life stolen per Hit +50 to Strength +(101 to 200) to Life Fire Resist +66% +50 Life after each Kill Void Level 59 0-5 Jewels +Lo Weapons +(101 to 125)% Enhanced damage Adds 25-50 Damage Slows Target by 40% Lightning Resist +40% Cold Resist +40% Damage Reduced by (11 to 15) +(21 to 25) Mana on Striking 10% Reanimate as: Banshee Oblivion Level 75 0-5 Jewels +Lah Weapons 25% Chance to cast level 32 Venomous Spirit on Attack +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage +(1.5 per level) to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) +(31 to 40)% to Poison Spell Damage 15% Chance of Crushing Blow 10% Bonus to All Attributes Level 20 Abyss (17 Charges) Berith Level 98 0-5 Jewels +Vith Weapons +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage 50% Faster Run/Walk 50% Increased Attack Speed 50% Faster Cast Rate 50% Faster Hit Recovery 50% Faster Block Rate +100 to Strength +100 to Dexterity +25% Increased Healing Rate from Potions (21 to 25)% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Total Character Defense Plus (11 to 15)% 666% Extra Gold from Monsters Gehenna Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Xar Weapons 25% Chance to cast level 27 Frozen Crown on Attack +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Adds 750-1000 cold damage Adds 1500-2000 poison damage over 5 seconds -50% to Enemy Cold Resistance -50% to Enemy Poison Resistance +50% to Cold Spell Damage +50% to Poison Spell Damage Increase Maximum Life and Mana 25% Requirements -33% Triune Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Qor Weapons +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage +333 to Maximum Damage Adds 333-1666 fire damage Adds 333-1666 lightning damage Adds 333-1666 cold damage +(201 to 400) to Life +(201 to 400) to Mana Fire Resist +66% Lightning Resist +66% Cold Resist +66% Level 10 Death's Fury Totem (39 Charges) Requirements -20% Adramelech Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Krys Weapons 25% Chance to cast level 40 Flamefront on Attack +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Adds 200-400 damage Adds 1-4000 fire damage Drain Life -250 +10 Life on Striking (11 to 15)% Reanimate as: Condemned Target Takes Additional Damage of 100 Banshee Level 13 0-5 Jewels +Tir Bows 5% Chance to cast level 6 Hex on Striking 5% Chance to cast level 8 Possess when you Kill an Enemy +(31 to 60)% Enhanced damage 20% Faster Run/Walk +(1 per level) to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) Adds 20-50 cold damage Cold Absorb (11 to 15)% 75% Extra Gold from Monsters Amok Level 21 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Ort Bows 2% Chance to cast level 9 Gift of Inner Fire when you Kill an Enemy +(41 to 60)% Enhanced damage 10% Increased Attack Speed +(1 to 6) to Tantrum +1 Life on Striking Shockwave Level 27 0-5 Jewels +Sol Bows 100% Chance to cast level 16 Punisher when you Kill an Enemy +(101 to 125)% Enhanced damage +(41 to 60) to Maximum Damage +5% to Poison Spell Damage (11 to 15)% Chance of Crushing Blow Slows Target by (11 to 15)% +(21 to 40) to Energy +(21 to 40) to Dexterity Hornet Level 37 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Lum Bows +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage 30% Faster Run/Walk Adds 25-50 damage Adds 128-256 poison damage over 5 seconds 25% Chance of Open Wounds +(3 to 7) to Arrow Swarm 15% Bonus to Dexterity 20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Balance Level 47 0-5 Jewels +Um Bows +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage Enhanced Weapon Damage +(41 to 50)% 15% Bonus to Strength 15% Bonus to Dexterity 15% Bonus to Vitality +45 to Strength +60 to Dexterity +45 to Vitality Total Character Defense Plus (11 to 15)% Nyx Level 55 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Vex Bows +(151 to 180)% Enhanced damage Adds 25-75 damage (21 to 30)% Life stolen per Hit +(1 to 5) to Wraith Arrow Hit Causes Monster to Flee +5% Drains 2% Life per Second Half Freeze Duration Hive Level 63 0-5 Jewels +Ber Bows 25% Chance to cast level 6 Spike Nova when you Kill an Enemy +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage -15% Decreased Attack Speed +(51 to 100) to Maximum Damage Adds 3000-4500 poison damage over 10 seconds Replenish Life +(1 per level) (Based on Character Level) 25% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Phantom Level 87 0-5 Jewels +Nas Bows 50% Chance to cast level 15 Frozen Soul on Striking +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage (11 to 17)% Stamina stolen per Hit +(51 to 100) to all Attributes Increase Maximum Mana 50% Cannot Be Frozen Curse Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Nih Bows 15% Chance to cast level 18 Pain Spirit on Striking 25% Chance to cast level 21 Banish when you Kill an Enemy +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage 25% Bonus to Buff/Debuff/Cold Skill Duration +(3 per level) to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) +(3 to 5)% to Defense per Socketed Rune 25% Bonus to Strength Typhaon Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Bows +15 Energy Factor to Spell Damage 50% Chance to cast level 11 Arrow on Striking +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage 60% Faster Run/Walk 40% Increased Attack Speed +(301 to 500) to Maximum Damage +200 to Strength +200 to Dexterity All Resists +(31 to 40)% Stardust Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Bows 2% Chance to cast level 5 Meteor Shower when you Kill an Enemy 2% Chance to cast level 52 Singularity when you Kill an Enemy +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Adds 225-275 damage Adds 1-2500 fire damage Adds 1-2500 lightning damage Adds 1-2500 cold damage -(21 to 30)% to Enemy Fire Resistance -(21 to 30)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance -(21 to 30)% to Enemy Cold Resistance -(21 to 30)% to Enemy Poison Resistance (21 to 30)% Bonus to Dexterity Regenerate Mana +15% * This runeword is supposed to have level 69 Meteor Shower, which is apparently too high for the game... Thammuz Level 13 0-5 Jewels +Nef Crossbows 25% Chance to cast level 6 Rune of Fire when you Kill an Enemy 25% Chance to cast level 6 Rune of Ice when you Kill an Enemy +(31 to 60)% Enhanced damage 25% Increased Attack Speed Adds 6-33 fire damage +111 to Life Python Level 35 0-5 Jewels +Io Crossbows 33% Chance to cast level 14 Doom when you Kill an Enemy +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage +(1.5 per level) to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) (16 to 19)% Life stolen per Hit (21 to 25)% Bonus to Strength (21 to 25)% Bonus to Dexterity Increase Maximum Life (21 to 25)% Cyclops Level 61 0-5 Jewels +Sur Crossbows +100 Crafting Points 10% Chance to cast level 24 Mind Flay on Striking +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage 50% Increased Attack Speed +(201 to 300) to Maximum Damage +(31 to 40)% to Lightning Spell Damage Slows Target by 25% Tynged Level 94 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Kra Crossbows 1% Chance to cast level 16 Doom on Striking Adds 250-500 cold damage (21 to 25)% Chance of Crushing Blow +5% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances 25% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack (41 to 50)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Requirements -50% Tartarus Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Yul Crossbows 10% Chance to cast level 21 Seismic Field when you Kill an Enemy +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage -10% Slower Run/Walk -10% Decreased Attack Speed +(4 per level) to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) +10% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage (41 to 50)% Bonus to Strength Fire Resist +100% Lightning Resist +100% +(101 to 150) Life after each Kill Araboth Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Thai Crossbows +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage +(301 to 400) to Maximum Damage +(101 to 150)% Damage to Undead +(1 to 9) to Silver Dart +(31 to 50) to all Attributes Replenish Life +(41 to 50) All Resists +15% +2 to Light Radius Tombstone Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Crossbows +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage -20% Decreased Attack Speed Adds 250-500 damage +100 to Strength -50 to Vitality Regenerate Mana +15% All Resists +(41 to 50)% 50% Reanimate as: Venom Fiend Urada Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Rha Swords +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage 30% Increased Attack Speed Adds 1-1101 lightning damage 11% Chance of Crushing Blow +1011 Defense +(1 to 11) to all Attributes 25% Reanimate as: Necrobot Sabertooth Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Nih Axes +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage 10% Bonus to Buff/Debuff/Cold Skill Duration (9 to 17)% Life stolen per Hit +(1 to 9) to Hamstring +75 to Strength Enhanced Weapon Damage +(2 per level)% (Based on Character Level) (15 to 20)% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Target Takes Additional Damage of 100 Myrmidon Level 61 0-5 Jewels +Sur Spears +25 Crafting Points +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage +(3 per level) to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) +(1 to 4) to Bloodspeaker's Mark 20% Bonus to Dexterity 20% Bonus to Vitality Total Character Defense Plus (21 to 40)% Requirements +15% Endor Level 65 0-5 Jewels +Jah Scythes 50% Chance to cast level 17 Hunting Banshee on Attack 5% Chance to cast level 19 Doom on Attack +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage +(101 to 200) to Maximum Damage +(31 to 40)% to Cold Spell Damage +(31 to 40)% to Poison Spell Damage +(1 to 4) to Pagan Heart Atlacamani Level 81 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Ix Scythes +(241 to 270)% Enhanced damage 25% Increased Attack Speed 15% Faster Cast Rate +111-333 cold damage (11 to 15)% Mana stolen per Hit (11 to 15)% Chance of Crushing Blow +(5 to 9) to Medusa +(41 to 60) to Strength +(41 to 60) to Dexterity Seed of Conflict Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Lai Scythes 10% Chance to cast level 9 Charm on Attack +(2 to 4) to Necromancer Skill Levels +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage +(201 to 250) to Maximum Damage Enhanced Weapon Damage +5% Total Character Defense Plus 20% +(101 to 150) Mana after each Kill +(101 to 150) Life after each Kill King's Blood Level 55 0-5 Jewels +Vex Daggers +1 to All Skills +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage +50 to Minimum Damage (6 to 12)% Life stolen per Hit +(31 to 40) to all Attributes +10% to Experience Gained +2 to Light Radius Half Freeze Duration Demhe Level 69 0-5 Jewels +Zod Maces 50% Chance to cast level 33 Plague Avatar on Attack +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage +(151 to 200) to Maximum Damage +(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage +(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage Stun Attack -(21 to 25)% to Enemy Cold Resistance -(21 to 25)% to Enemy Poison Resistance Slows Target by 15% +(101 to 150) Mana on Striking Calypso Level 81 0-5 Jewels +Ix Hammers 33% Chance to cast level 21 Glacial Nova when you Kill an Enemy 5% Chance to cast level 23 Abyss on Attack +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Adds 75-150 Damage 30% Increased Attack Speed 15% Faster Cast Rate (21 to 25)% Bonus to Buff/Debuff/Cold Skill Duration Adds 1500-2000 cold damage Pax Mystica Level 13 0-5 Jewels +Nef Staves +1 to All Skills All Resists +(11 to 15)% (21 to 25)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Level 1 Blink (20 Charges) Hadad Level 25 0-5 Jewels +Amn Staves 5% Chance to cast level 13 Lightning Shield when Struck +2 to All Skills (0.5 per level)% to Lightning Spell Damage (Based on Character Level) +(1 to 4) to Supernova Slows Attacker by (11 to 15)% Summanus Level 41 0-5 Jewels +Fal Staves 5% Chance to cast level 17 Lightning Wall on Attack +2 to All Skills +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage 40% Increased Attack Speed +(51 to 100) to Maximum Damage +25 to Energy +25 to Dexterity Akhenaten Level 57 0-5 Jewels +Ohm Staves +(3 to 4) to All Skills 20% Faster Cast Rate +(41 to 50)% to Fire Spell Damage +(41 to 50)% to Poison Spell Damage Slows Ranged Attacker by (21 to 25)% 20% Bonus to Vitality Fire Resist +50% Poison Resist +50% Ljosalf Level 63 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Ber Staves 15% Chance to cast level 9 Lionheart when Attacked +3 to All Skills (1 per level)% to Fire Spell Damage (Based on Character Level) +(31 to 38) to Bloodstar Replenish Life +50 All Resists +(11 to 15)% 10% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Aes Dana Level 78 0-5 Jewels +Kur Staves +(5 to 7) to Druid Skill Levels Doubled Acid Trance Aura Effect 60% Faster Run/Walk 15% Faster Hit Recovery +50% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances +(41 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage Increase Maximum Mana 40% All Resists +50% Elverfolk Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Yul Staves +(51 to 100) Energy Factor to Spell Damage +(6 to 8) to All Skills -(41 to 60)% to Enemy Fire Resistance -(41 to 60)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance -(41 to 60)% to Enemy Cold Resistance -(41 to 60)% to Enemy Poison Resistance (21 to 30)% Bonus to Energy +750 Defense vs. Missile All Resists +(31 to 50)% Erilaz Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Staves +(6 to 8) to Sorceress Skill Levels 60% Faster Cast Rate 40% Faster Hit Recovery +40 to Maximum Damage +(41 to 60)% to Fire Spell Damage +(41 to 60)% to Lightning Spell Damage +(41 to 60)% to Cold Spell Damage +(6 to 10)% to Defense per Socketed Rune +1000 Defense Requirements -20% Zodiac Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Staves 100% Chance to cast level 50 Trinity Beam when you Die +(6 to 8) to All Skills +(41 to 50)% to Fire Spell Damage +(41 to 50)% to Lightning Spell Damage +(41 to 50)% to Cold Spell Damage +(101 to 150) to Strength +(101 to 150) to Energy +(101 to 150) to Vitality Regenerate Mana +15% Slows Attacker by (21 to 25)% Prophecy Level 15 0-5 Jewels +Ith Scepters +1 to All Skills +(31 to 60)% Enhanced damage +(11 to 15) to Maximum Damage Fire Resist +(21 to 40)% Cold Resist +(21 to 40)% Attacker Takes Fire Damage of (21 to 25) Attacker Takes Cold Damage of (21 to 25) Bane Level 37 0-5 Jewels +Lum Scepters 5% Chance to cast level 7 Rust Storm on Attack +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage 20% Increased Attack Speed +(31 to 50) to Maximum Damage (31 to 50)% Bonus to Attack Rating (0.125 per level)% Chance of Crushing Blow (Based on Character Level) +(21 to 25) to all Attributes 20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Judas Level 47 0-5 Jewels +Um Scepters 10% Bonus to Energy (21 to 25)% Reanimate as: Flesh Clan 333% Extra Gold from Monsters 66% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items +300% Enhanced Damage vs. the Zakarum Requirements -66% Path Level 63 0-5 Jewels +Ber Scepters 15% Chance to cast level 18 Cataclysm when Struck (11 to 15)% Bonus to Energy Factor +(2 to 3) to Amazon Skill Levels +(31 to 40)% to Fire Spell Damage +(31 to 40)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage 10% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack +(11 to 15)% to Experience Gained Requirements -20% Jokulmorder Level 78 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Kur Scepters +2 to Paladin Skill Levels 15% Faster Run/Walk +(21 to 30)% to Cold Spell Damage +(13 to 15) to Summon Avalanche +(31 to 40)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +50 to Strength -50 to Dexterity +50 to Vitality Gabriel Level 90 0-5 Jewels +Ath Scepters 25% Chance to cast level 22 Forked Lightning on Attack +(3 to 5) to Paladin Skill Levels +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage 30% Increased Attack Speed 30% Faster Cast Rate 15% Faster Hit Recovery +(201 to 300) to Maximum Damage +(31 to 40)% to Lightning Spell Damage +100 to Strength +100 to Vitality Replenish Life +100 Durga Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Lai Scepters +(3 to 4) to Amazon Skill Levels +(21 to 25)% Bonus Elemental Damage to Bloodlust 40% Faster Cast Rate +(41 to 50)% to Fire Spell Damage Enhanced Weapon Damage +5% Attacker Flees after Striking (11 to 15)% +(51 to 100) Life after each Kill (101 to 150)% Bonus to Fire Elemental Damage if Summoned during Pact of Blood Galdr Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Scepters +25 Energy Factor to Spell Damage +(3 to 5) to Paladin Skill Levels 1% Increased Chance of Blocking +40 to Maximum Damage +(31 to 50)% to Fire Spell Damage +(31 to 50)% to Cold Spell Damage -25% to Enemy Fire Resistance -25% to Enemy Cold Resistance +(11 to 19) to Shadow Avatar Only Allows the Use of Melee, Summoning and Buff Skills Apostasy Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Scepters +3 to Paladin Skill Levels +30% Enhanced damage 50% Faster Cast Rate +(41 to 50)% to Lightning Spell Damage +(41 to 50)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage +(24 to 29) to Cataclysm +(24 to 29) to Frozen Crown Total Character Defense Plus (21 to 30)% Cheetah Level 11 0-5 Jewels +Eld Throwing Weapons 5% Chance to cast level 9 Gift of the Wild when you Kill an Enemy +(31 to 60)% Enhanced damage 30% Faster Run/Walk 100% Bonus to Attack Rating (21 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Attack Rating +(11 to 20)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage Target Takes Additional Damage of (6 to 10) Chrysopelea Level 23 0-5 Jewels +Thul Throwing Weapons 15% Chance to cast level 29 Carpet of Spiders when you Kill an Enemy +(51 to 100)% Enhanced damage +(21 to 40)% Bonus to Poison Skill Duration +(31 to 40) to Minimum Damage -(11 to 20)% to Enemy Poison Resistance (0.5 per level)% Chance of Open Wounds (Based on Character Level) Dajjal Level 43 0-5 Jewels +Lem Throwing Weapons 3% Chance to cast level 8 Blast Wave when you Kill an Enemy +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage 40% Increased Attack Speed 40% Faster Hit Recovery +(1.5 per level) to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) +(1 to 3) Life on Striking +10% to Experience Gained Manitou Level 63 0-5 Jewels +Ber Throwing Weapons 50% Chance to cast level 52 Elemental when you Kill an Enemy +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage +(101 to 200) to Maximum Damage +(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage +(10 per level) Defense (Based on Character Level) +50 to all Attributes 10% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Myriad Level 90 0-5 Jewels +Ath Throwing Weapons 10% Chance to cast level 12 Spike Nova when you Kill an Enemy Indestructible +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage 50% Increased Attack Speed 15% Faster Hit Recovery +(101 to 150) to Minimum Damage (11 to 15)% Chance of Crushing Blow Enhanced Weapon Damage +(0.5 per level)% (Based on Character Level) Naiad Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Lai Throwing Weapons 25% Chance to cast level 8 Glacial Nova when you Kill an Enemy 100% Chance to cast level 47 Winter Avatar when you Die +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage 200% Bonus to Attack Rating Enhanced Weapon Damage +5% Slows Target by 25% 50% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Burlesque Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Throwing Weapons +(41 to 50) Energy Factor to Spell Damage 25% Chance to cast level 58 Magic Missiles when you Kill an Enemy +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage +(351 to 400) to Maximum Damage +(21 to 25)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage +100 to Energy +100 to Dexterity +(21 to 25)% Increased Healing Rate from Potions Kodiak Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Throwing Weapons +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Adds 100-300 damage Lion Stance Damage Bonus (151 to 200)% +350% Damage to Undead (11 to 15)% Chance of Crushing Blow +500 Defense Regenerate Mana +15% Corsair Level 33 0-5 Jewels +Hel Amazon Bows +(51 to 100)% Enhanced damage 20% Increased Attack Speed +(1 to 4) to Guided Chain (11 to 15)% Bonus to Dexterity (101 to 200)% Extra Gold from Monsters (31 to 40)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Ice Breaker Level 61 0-5 Jewels +Sur Amazon Bows +200 Crafting Points 50% Chance to cast level 23 Flamestrike when you Kill an Enemy +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage +(101 to 150) to Maximum Damage (11 to 20)% Chance of Crushing Blow Cold Resist +(51 to 70)% Cannot Be Frozen Eris Level 81 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Ix Amazon Bows 1% Chance to cast level 6 Charm on Striking +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage 40% Increased Attack Speed 15% Faster Cast Rate +(21 to 26) to Culling of the Herd +3 Life on Striking Damage Reduced by 5% Level 16 Elvensong (100 Charges) Colliding Worlds Level 100 0-5 Jewels +No Amazon Bows +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage +(151 to 200) to Maximum Damage +(1 to 6) to Elfin Arrows +(41 to 50) to Strength +(41 to 50) to Dexterity Level 5 Charm (10 Charges) Manta Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Amazon Bows 5% Chance to cast level 18 Lightning Wall when you Kill an Enemy +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage 60% Increased Attack Speed +(401 to 500) to Maximum Damage (16 to 21)% Life stolen per Hit (21 to 25)% Reanimate as: Evil Spirit Worship the Crack Monkeys! Cecaelia Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Amazon Bows +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Adds 150-300 damage (11 to 15)% Chance of Crushing Blow +(4 to 7) to Kraken Stance Slows Target by (21 to 25)% +50 to Dexterity +100 to Vitality Aegina Level 25 0-5 Jewels +Amn Amazon Spears 5% Chance to cast level 3 Glacial Nova on Attack +(51 to 100)% Enhanced damage Adds 1-100 cold damage (31 to 40)% Mana stolen per Hit +(1 to 4) to Shackles of Ice +(21 to 25) to Strength +(21 to 25) to Dexterity Titanomachia Level 51 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Ist Amazon Spears 33% Chance to cast level 7 Stormblast on Attack +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage +(101 to 150) to Maximum Damage Adds 1-500 lightning damage Stun Attack +50 to Strength +10 to Energy Damage Reduced by 5% Sankara Level 72 0-5 Jewels +Sha Amazon Spears 5% Chance to cast level 9 Lifeblood when you Kill an Enemy 5% Chance to cast level 58 Doom on Attack +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage 45% Increased Attack Speed +(101 to 200) to Maximum Damage Total Character Defense Plus (31 to 50)% +(101 to 150) Life after each Kill Rusalka Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Rha Amazon Spears 50% Chance to cast level 16 Venomous Spirit on Attack 50% Chance to cast level 57 Hunting Banshee when you Kill an Enemy +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage +(301 to 500) to Minimum Damage +(61 to 80)% to Cold Spell Damage +(61 to 80)% to Poison Spell Damage +(1 to 12) to Summon Void Archon +200 Defense +(51 to 100) to all Attributes Evanescence Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Amazon Spears +(2 to 4) to Amazon Skill Levels +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage 100% Faster Run/Walk 100% Increased Attack Speed +(201 to 300) to Maximum Damage +(2 to 23) to Warp Armor Damage Reduced by (21 to 25)% +250 Life on Striking in Melee Freybug Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Amazon Spears +3 to Amazon Skill Levels +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Adds 250-500 damage Stun Attack +(16 to 24) to Wolf Companion +100 to Strength +200 Life on Striking in Melee Scar Level 35 0-5 Jewels +Io Amazon Javelins 100% Chance to cast level 16 Bloodstorm when you Kill an Enemy +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage Adds 50-150 fire damage (11 to 15)% Chance of Crushing Blow (21 to 40)% Chance of Open Wounds 5% Bonus to Dexterity +15 to Dexterity +(11 to 15)% Damage Reduction to Pact of Blood Dragonfly Level 55 0-5 Jewels +Vex Amazon Javelins +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage 40% Faster Run/Walk 20% Increased Attack Speed Adds 150-250 fire damage (9 to 12)% Life stolen per Hit +(1 to 6) to Sunspear Slows Target by (11 to 15)% Half Freeze Duration Trishula Level 72 0-5 Jewels +Sha Amazon Javelins +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage 15% Faster Run/Walk 15% Increased Attack Speed Adds 500-1000 fire damage Adds 500-1000 lightning damage Adds 500-1000 cold damage -(31 to 50)% to Enemy Fire Resistance -(31 to 50)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance -(31 to 50)% to Enemy Cold Resistance +(6 to 12) to Snake Stance +(6 to 12) to Lion Stance +(21 to 40) to Strength +(21 to 40) to Dexterity +(21 to 40) to Vitality Herfjotur Level 94 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Kra Amazon Javelins 5% Chance to cast level 12 Time Field when you Kill an Enemy 20% Chance to cast level 5 Javelin on Striking +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage +(51 to 100) to Maximum Damage +(8 to 13) to Maelstrom Slows Target by 25% +5% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances 15% Reanimate as: Fallen Hero Stalactite Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Amazon Javelins +15 Energy Factor to Spell Damage 50% Chance to cast level 44 Lemures when you Kill an Enemy +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage (101 to 200)% Bonus to Attack Rating Adds 500-1000 cold damage +100 to Strength +100 to Dexterity Cold Absorb (11 to 15)% 25% Reanimate as: Ice King Spectre Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Amazon Javelins 5% Chance to cast level 12 Spiral Dance when you Kill an Enemy +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage +(301 to 400) to Maximum Damage Ignore Target's Defense Adds 1000-1500 cold damage Damage Reduced by 5% Total Character Defense Plus (31 to 40)% Shedim Level 11 0-5 Jewels +Eld Assassin Claws +(41 to 80)% Enhanced damage 50% Bonus to Attack Rating +50% Damage to Undead Adds 250-500 poison damage over 10 seconds +(1 to 4) to Diseased Cattle Poison Length Reduced by (11 to 20)% +(11 to 15) Mana after each Kill Carabosse Level 33 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Hel Assassin Claws +1 to Assassin Skill Levels 40% Faster Cast Rate +(11 to 15)% to Fire Spell Damage +(31 to 40)% to Lightning Spell Damage +5% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage +(2 to 4) to Venomous Spirit +(21 to 30) to Energy +(21 to 30) to Dexterity Riot Level 47 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Um Assassin Claws +1 to Assassin Skill Levels +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage Adds 25-50 damage 10% Chance of Crushing Blow +(1 to 13) to SMG 5% Bonus to Energy 25% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Total Character Defense Plus (11 to 15)% Fiend Level 37 0-5 Jewels +Lum Assassin Claws 25% Chance to cast level 5 Cataclysm on Attack +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage 25% Increased Attack Speed Adds 200-250 fire damage +(1 to 7) to Meteor Shower +(1 to 7) to Bloodstar (41 to 60)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Judge Level 57 0-5 Jewels +Ohm Assassin Claws 10% Chance to cast level 17 Forked Lightning on Attack 25% Chance to cast level 7 Thunder Hammer on Striking +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage Adds 1-1000 lightning damage Stun Attack 5% Bonus to Dexterity 5% Bonus to Vitality Lightning Resist +(31 to 60)% Choronzon Level 72 0-5 Jewels +Sha Assassin Claws 20% Chance to cast level 24 Abyss on Attack +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage 15% Increased Attack Speed -(31 to 50)% to Enemy Cold Resistance +(1 to 7) to Summon Ice Elementals +(21 to 40)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +333 to Life +333 to Mana 333% Extra Gold from Monsters Anarchy Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Rha Assassin Claws +(2 to 4) to Assassin Skill Levels 40% Faster Cast Rate +(31 to 50)% to Fire Spell Damage +(31 to 50)% to Lightning Spell Damage Increase Maximum Life and Mana 25% +(51 to 60) Mana after each Kill Hail Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Nih Assassin Claws 50% Chance to cast level 29 Shower of Rocks when you Kill an Enemy +2 to Assassin Skill Levels +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage 40% Increased Attack Speed +(301 to 400) to Maximum Damage 10% Bonus to Buff/Debuff/Cold Skill Duration Adds 500-1500 cold damage Nahemah Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Assassin Claws +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage +(401 to 500) to Maximum Damage Adds 1000-2000 cold damage +(16 to 19) to Raven Flight +(16 to 19) to Carpet of Spiders 50% Reanimate as: Ice Prince Joker Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Assassin Claws +4 to Assassin Skill Levels 40% Increased Attack Speed 40% Faster Cast Rate +(41 to 60)% to Fire Spell Damage +(41 to 60)% to Lightning Spell Damage +(41 to 60)% to Poison Spell Damage Regenerate Mana +15% Random Resistance Bonus Khattak Level 19 0-5 Jewels +Ral Assassin Naginata +(61 to 80)% Enhanced damage 40% Faster Run/Walk 20% Increased Attack Speed 40% Faster Hit Recovery +5% to Fire Spell Damage +5% to Lightning Spell Damage 10% Chance to Avoid Damage (11 to 20)% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Shamo Level 35 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Io Assassin Naginata 15% Chance to cast level 10 Fowl Fight on Attack +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage 30% Increased Attack Speed +100 to Maximum Damage 50% Chance of Open Wounds +(1 to 5) to ATMG Sentry 5% Bonus to Dexterity +40 to Strength +40 to Dexterity Hieros Gamos Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Rha Assassin Naginata 2% Chance to cast level 11 Hymn when you Kill an Enemy +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage 40% Increased Attack Speed +(1 to 6) to Balance +(1 to 9) to Wrath (21 to 25)% Bonus to Dexterity (21 to 25)% Bonus to Vitality +200 Defense Lataif-as-Sitta Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Assassin Naginata +15 Energy Factor to Spell Damage +6 to Assassin Skill Levels +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage 50% Faster Run/Walk 50% Increased Attack Speed +(401 to 600) to Maximum Damage +200% Damage to Demons +(11 to 16) to Rapture +(11 to 16) to Illumination Oniwaka Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Naginata 25% Chance to cast level 48 Forked Lightning on Attack +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage 50% Increased Attack Speed Adds 300-500 damage -(31 to 50)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance +150 to Energy +150 to Dexterity Ram Level 23 0-5 Jewels +Thul Barbarian Weapons +1 to Barbarian Skill Levels +(51 to 100)% Enhanced damage Stun Attack +(1 to 4) to Overpower (11 to 15)% Bonus to Strength +(16 to 20) to Strength Essus Level 47 0-5 Jewels +Um Barbarian Weapons +(51 to 100)% Enhanced damage +(21 to 40) to Maximum Damage +(1 to 9) to Conquest Hit Blinds Target +(2 to 4) Increase Maximum Life (11 to 15)% Level 10 Ring of Light (20 Charges) Thunderbird Level 67 0-5 Jewels +Cham Barbarian Weapons 25% Chance to cast level 17 Flash on Attack 10% Chance to cast level 13 Supernova on Attack +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage -(11 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance +(31 to 40)% to Lightning Spell Damage +10 to Vitality Lightning Resist +50% Requirements -10% Gharaniq Level 69 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Zod Barbarian Weapons +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage Adds 50-100 damage +(4 to 16) to Crane Stance Slows Target by 5% +(21 to 25)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +(31 to 50) to Strength +(101 to 150) to Dexterity Savitr Level 81 0-5 Jewels +Ix Barbarian Weapons 10% Chance to cast level 14 Spike Nova on Attack 10% Chance to cast level 21 Holy Trap on Attack +(2 to 4) to Barbarian Skill Levels +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage (6 to 10)% Chance of Crushing Blow +4 to Light Radius Skarn Level 90 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Ath Barbarian Weapons 25% Chance to cast level 13 Hail of Stones on Attack +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage 15% Faster Hit Recovery 33% Chance of Crushing Blow +(26 to 34) to Guard Tower Fire Resist +(41 to 50)% Poison Resist +(41 to 50)% Damage Reduced by 10% Anak Level 94 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Kra Barbarian Weapons +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Adds 100-250 damage Lion Stance Damage Bonus (101 to 150)% +(6 to 9) to Ancients' Hand +25% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +25% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life +5% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances 25% Bonus to Strength Khan Level 100 0-5 Jewels +No Barbarian Weapons +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage -5% Slower Block Rate +(3 per level) to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) +2 to Maximum Barbarian Minions +(41 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage 20% Bonus to All Attributes Total Character Defense Plus (31 to 50)% Lahmu Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Lai Barbarian Weapons Indestructible +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage +(301 to 400) to Maximum Damage Enhanced Weapon Damage +5% (14 to 18)% Mana stolen per Hit (14 to 18)% Life stolen per Hit -(41 to 50)% to Enemy Poison Resistance +100 to Strength +100 to Vitality Kahless Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Barbarian Weapons 50% Chance to cast level 28 Fire Splash on Attack +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage 60% Increased Attack Speed +(501 to 600) to Maximum Damage Adds 1600-2200 fire damage +(21 to 40)% to Fire Spell Damage 3% Reanimate as: Death Projector Gilgamesh Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Barbarian Weapons 5% Chance to cast level 34 Arcane Torrent on Attack +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage Adds 300-500 damage +(6 to 14) to Ancients' Hand -50% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +150 to Strength -50 to Vitality Regenerate Mana +15% Wolfsangel Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Barbarian Weapons (2-Handed Axes Only) 50% Chance to cast level 19 Earthquake on Attack +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage Adds 400-600 damage +4% to Defense per Socketed Rune +(15 per level) to Life (Based on Character Level) 10% Chance to Avoid Damage +100 Life on Striking in Melee Peacock Level 29 0-5 Jewels +Shael Druid Bows +(51 to 100)% Enhanced damage Adds 25-50 fire damage Adds 25-50 lightning damage Adds 25-50 cold damage Slows Target by 10% Fire Resist +25% Lightning Resist +25% Cold Resist +25% Lynx Level 57 0-5 Jewels +Ohm Druid Bows 2% Chance to cast level 8 Gift of Celerity when you Kill an Enemy +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage 20% Faster Run/Walk 20% Increased Attack Speed +(101 to 125) to Maximum Damage 25% Bonus to Strength 25% Bonus to Dexterity Sylvanshine Level 69 0-5 Jewels +Zod Druid Bows 25% Chance to cast level 28 Ice Whirl when you Kill an Enemy +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage +(251 to 350) to Maximum Damage Adds 500-1000 cold damage (21 to 25)% Mana stolen per Hit Slows Target by 25% +50 to Dexterity Tarqeq Level 84 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Thur Druid Bows 10% Chance to cast level 1 Arrow on Striking 5% Chance to cast level 40 Rune of Ice when you Kill an Enemy +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage 50% Bonus to Summoned Minion Attack Rating Adds 500-1500 cold damage -(41 to 50)% to Enemy Cold Resistance +(1 to 3) to Moon Warrior Cold Absorb 25% Cernunnos Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Yul Druid Bows 25% Chance to cast level 5 Arrow on Striking +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage +(301 to 400) to Maximum Damage +(41 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +205 Defense vs. Melee (21 to 40)% Reanimate as: Stone Clan +(51 to 75) Life after each Kill Raudna Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Druid Bows 25% Chance to cast level 7 Arrow on Striking 50% Chance to cast level 56 Death Blossom when you kill an enemy +(3 to 5) to Druid Skill Levels +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage +(301 to 400) to Maximum Damage 33% Crushing Blow Requirements -20% Dirge Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Druid Bows 50% Chance to cast level 20 Crucify when you Kill an Enemy +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Enhanced Weapon Damage +(201 to 250)% +(51 to 70) to Strength +5 Life on Striking Target Takes Additional Damage of 250 Ocean Level 15 0-5 Jewels +Eth Druid Staves 10% Chance to cast level 4 Glacial Nova when Struck 100% Chance to cast level 29 Mana Sweep when you Die +1 to Druid Skill Levels +10 to Maximum Damage +(11 to 15)% to Cold Spell Damage +(6 to 10) to all Attributes Regenerate Mana +(31 to 50)% 11% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Samhain Level 27 0-5 Jewels +Sol Druid Staves +2 to Druid Skill Levels 40% Faster Cast Rate +(16 to 20)% to Fire Spell Damage +(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage Replenish Life +(21 to 25) +(11 to 20) Life after each Kill Augur Level 43 0-5 Jewels +Lem Druid Staves +(2 to 4) to Druid Skill Levels +(1 to 7) to Raven Flight +(1 to 7) to Raven Heart (16 to 20)% Bonus to All Attributes +(10 per level) Defense (Based on Character Level) +5% to Experience Gained (31 to 50)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Lincos Level 61 0-5 Jewels +Sur Druid Staves +100 Crafting Points +(3 to 6) to Druid Skill Levels -20% to Enemy Fire Resistance -20% to Enemy Cold Resistance -20% to Enemy Poison Resistance +(21 to 24) to Arcane Torrent (21 to 30)% Bonus to Energy Regenerate Mana +(21 to 40)% +5% to All Maximum Resistances Laadan Level 81 0-5 Jewels +Ix Druid Staves +(4 to 7) to Druid Skill Levels 100% Faster Cast Rate +(24 to 29) to Mana Sweep +500 to Mana Slows Attacker by (16 to 20)% +2 to Light Radius Requirements -10% Lojban Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Thai Druid Staves +(6 to 8) to Druid Skill Levels (21 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Attack Rating +(81 to 100)% to Poison Spell Damage -(11 to 20)% to Enemy Poison Resistance +(9 to 14) to Carpet of Spiders +(51 to 60)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage All Resists +(41 to 50)% Loxian Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Druid Staves +(151 to 200) Energy Factor to Spell Damage +(8 to 10) to Druid Skill Levels 40% Faster Run/Walk 20% Faster Cast Rate +(81 to 100)% to Spell Damage (11 to 15)% Chance to Avoid Damage Total Character Defense Plus (51 to 75)% Hermanubis Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Druid Staves +(8 to 10) to Druid Skill Levels +30% Enhanced damage 50% Faster Cast Rate 50% Faster Hit Recovery -25% to Spell Damage +(2 to 5) to Sacrifices 50% Reanimate as: Bonegrinder 50% Reanimate as: Black Death Black Cat Level 11 0-5 Jewels +Eld Necromancer Scythes 10% Chance to cast level 2 Rune of Ice on Attack 50% Chance to cast level 28 Punisher when you Kill an Enemy +(51 to 100)% Enhanced damage 100% Bonus to Attack Rating (11 to 15)% Crushing Blow +7 to Life -13% Worse Chance of Getting Magic Items Mantra Level 29 0-5 Jewels +Shael Necromancer Scythes +(51 to 100)% Enhanced damage Adds 500-1000 poison damage over 10 seconds -(31 to 40)% to Enemy Poison Resistance Stun Attack +25 to Strength +15 to Dexterity Poison Length Reduced by (31 to 40)% Chthon Level 61 0-5 Jewels +Sur Necromancer Scythes 25% Chance to cast level 10 Crucify when you Kill an Enemy 25% Chance to cast level 5 Tremor when you Kill an Enemy +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage +200 to Maximum Damage (21 to 40)% Chance of Open Wounds +100% Damage when using a Healing Potion Eventide Level 78 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Kur Necromancer Scythes 50% Chance to cast level 5 Shackles of Ice on Attack +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage 15% Faster Run/Walk Adds 250-750 fire damage Adds 250-750 lightning damage Adds 250-750 cold damage (21 to 25)% Chance of Crushing Blow Damage Reduction Decreased by -25% -2 to Light Radius Inti Level 94 0-5 Jewels +Kra Necromancer Scythes +(2 to 4) to All Skills +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage 70% Increased Attack Speed Adds 750-1500 fire damage +(25 to 27) to Summon Fire Elementals +(25 to 27) to Way of the Phoenix +15% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances Leviathan Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Necromancer Scythes +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage +(401 to 500) to Maximum Damage +(8 to 27) to Summon Overlord Slows Target by (21 to 25)% (31 to 50)% Bonus to Strength (31 to 50)% Bonus to Dexterity Damage Reduced by (11 to 15)% Tzeentch Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Necromancer Scythes 20% Chance to cast level 14 Punisher on Striking 5% Chance to cast level 27 Singularity when you Kill an Enemy +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Adds 250-500 damage (31 to 50)% Bonus to Buff/Debuff/Cold Skill Duration (17 to 21)% Mana stolen per Hit Hit Causes Monster to Flee +5% Loa Level 15 0-5 Jewels +Eth Necromancer Daggers +(51 to 100)% Enhanced damage +10 to Maximum Damage (21 to 40)% Mana stolen per Hit (11 to 15)% Reanimate as: Fallen One +1 to Light Radius Jinx Level 29 0-5 Jewels +Shael Necromancer Daggers 25% Chance to cast level 5 Blink on Striking +(51 to 100)% Enhanced damage +10 to Strength +20 to Dexterity +(3 to 5)% to Experience Gained Misery Level 49 0-5 Jewels +Mal Necromancer Daggers +(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage Adds 2500-5000 poison damage over 20 seconds +(1 to 6) to Way of the Spider Slows Target by (11 to 15)% +250 to Life Poison Resist +40% +(11 to 15) Life on Striking Seid Level 78 0-5 Jewels +Kur Necromancer Daggers +(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage +(11 to 15)% Bonus Elemental Damage to Bloodlust 15% Faster Run/Walk 20% Increased Attack Speed +(1 to 4) to Bloodlust Increase Maximum Mana (21 to 25)% Roc Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Necromancer Daggers +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage +(301 to 400) to Maximum Damage +(3 to 12) to Thunder Slam Hit Causes Monster to Flee +25% (21 to 25)% Bonus to Strength (31 to 40)% Bonus to Dexterity (21 to 25)% Reanimate as: Gargoyle Ape Mkodos Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Necromancer Daggers 25% Chance to cast level 26 Venomous Spirit on Striking +4 to Necromancer Skill Levels +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Adds 150-250 damage +(41 to 50)% to Poison Spell Damage -(41 to 50)% to Enemy Poison Resistance +(8 to 10) Life on Striking Deep Water Level 15 0-5 Jewels +Ith Necromancer Staves +1 to Necromancer Skill Levels +15% Enhanced damage -10% Slower Run/Walk +(11 to 20)% to Spell Damage +(1 to 4) to Mana Coil All Resists +(11 to 15)% Eurynome Level 37 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Lum Necromancer Staves +2 to Necromancer Skill Levels +(31 to 40)% to Fire Spell Damage +(5 to 7) to Pyroblast -50% Penalty to Summoned Minion Life +100% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +50 to Energy -25 to Vitality 20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Ladon Level 53 0-5 Jewels +Gul Necromancer Staves +(3 to 5) to Necromancer Skill Levels +(31 to 40)% to Fire Spell Damage +(1 to 12) to Blast Wave +(1 to 12) to Flamestrike Fire Resist +(31 to 50)% Damage Reduced by (11 to 15) Hali Level 84 0-5 Jewels +Thur Necromancer Staves +(4 to 6) to Necromancer Skill Levels (51 to 100)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Attack Rating +(1 to 14) to Liche Totem Attacker Flees after Striking (11 to 20)% +(31 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage -100 to Life All Resists +(31 to 50)% Dagda Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Lai Necromancer Staves +(5 to 7) to Necromancer Skill Levels 15% Faster Cast Rate +(4 to 19) to Protector Spirit +(4 to 19) to Greater Manifestations Enhanced Weapon Damage +5% +(21 to 40) to all Attributes Increase Maximum Life and Mana 15% 150% Extra Gold from Monsters Santa Compana Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Necromancer Staves +15 Energy Factor to Spell Damage +(8 to 10) to Necromancer Skill Levels 50% Faster Cast Rate 50% Faster Hit Recovery +(1 to 3) to Dark King +(21 to 24) to Venomous Spirit +(11 to 20) to Maximum Necromancer Minions +(51 to 60)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life Total Character Defense Plus (41 to 50)% Styx Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Necromancer Staves +(10 to 12) to Necromancer Skill Levels +30% Enhanced damage +(61 to 80)% to Spell Damage +(2 to 5) to Warp Armor +(29 to 32) to Abyss +(29 to 32) to Plague Avatar -3 to Maximum Necromancer Minions (41 to 50)% Bonus to Energy Koan Level 21 0-5 Jewels +Ort Necromancer Wands +1 to Necromancer Skill Levels Regenerate Mana +(31 to 40)% 10% Chance to Avoid Damage -20% Less Gold from Monsters Ghoul Level 43 0-5 Jewels +Lem Necromancer Wands +(6 to 8) Extra Shadow Minions +(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels +(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage +(4 to 9) to Cold Fear +(1 to 5) to Pandemonium +5% to Experience Gained Dead Ringer Level 87 0-5 Jewels +Nas Necromancer Wands +(1 to 2) to All Skills +(9 to 12) to Poison Flash +(4 to 6) to Gamma Field +(11 to 20)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life Increase Maximum Life (11 to 20)% Druid Morph Ngozi Level 94 0-5 Jewels +Kra Necromancer Wands +(2 to 5) Extra Totems 10% Faster Cast Rate +(31 to 40)% to Spell Damage +(1 to 5) to Pagan Rites Attacker Flees after Striking (11 to 15)% +(31 to 40) to Energy Semhazai Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Necromancer Wands +(26 to 45) Energy Factor to Spell Damage +(2 to 4) to Necromancer Skill Levels 15% Faster Cast Rate +40 to Maximum Damage +(8 to 22) to Shadow Avatar +(6 to 19) to Abyss +(11 to 15) to Maximum Necromancer Minions -25% Penalty to Summoned Minion Life Krypteia Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Necromancer Wands +3 to Necromancer Skill Levels -1% Decreased Chance of Blocking -4 to Maximum Necromancer Minions +100% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +1000 Defense Regenerate Mana +40% Genie Level 19 0-5 Jewels +Ral Necromancer Crossbows 5% Chance to cast level 7 Venomous Spirit on Striking +1 to Necromancer Skill Levels +(51 to 100)% Enhanced damage +1 to Ghost Arrow Slows Target by (11 to 15)% (11 to 15)% Reanimate as: Blink Atlantis Level 41 0-5 Jewels +Fal Necromancer Crossbows 25% Chance to cast level 6 Arcane Torrent when you Kill an Enemy +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage Enhanced Weapon Damage +(11 to 15)% +20 to Strength +40 to Dexterity Increase Maximum Mana (21 to 25)% (101 to 150)% Extra Gold from Monsters Aether Level 65 0-5 Jewels +Jah Necromancer Crossbows 25% Chance to cast level 17 Banish when you Kill an Enemy +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage Ignore Target's Defense (11 to 14)% Mana stolen per Hit (21 to 25)% Bonus to Strength 10% Chance to Avoid Damage Crucible Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Rha Necromancer Crossbows 25% Chance to cast level 30 Fire Fountain when you Kill an Enemy 5% Chance to cast level 19 Blast Wave when Struck +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage +150% Damage to Undead Adds 500-1500 fire damage +200 Defense Fire Resist +(31 to 60)% Level 25 Pyroclastic Flow (20 Charges) Kronos Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Necromancer Crossbows 100% Chance to cast level 17 Time Strike when you Kill an Enemy 50% Chance to cast level 15 Summon Corpse when you Kill an Enemy +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage +(551 to 700) to Maximum Damage (21 to 25)% Crushing Blow to Darklings +(3 to 7) to Time Field (31 to 40)% Bonus to Strength (21 to 25)% Bonus to Vitality Rhea Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Necromancer Crossbows 5% Chance to cast level 18 Lionheart when you Kill an Enemy +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage Adds 250-500 damage (21 to 25)% Chance of Crushing Blow +(15 to 21) to Lion Stance (21 to 30)% Bonus to Strength +2 to Light Radius Ensi Level 27 0-5 Jewels +Sol Paladin Spears 15% Chance to cast level 4 Cataclysm on Attack +(101 to 150)% Enhanced damage 40% Increased Attack Speed Adds 25-75 fire damage Hit Blinds Target +(2 to 3) Nehushtan Level 57 0-5 Jewels +Ohm Paladin Spears 25% Chance to cast level 16 Poison Flash on Attack +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage -10% Decreased Attack Speed Adds 1000-3000 poison damage over 10 seconds -(21 to 25)% to Enemy Poison Resistance -10% Penalty to Vitality -2 to Light Radius Resheph Level 67 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Cham Paladin Spears +(3 to 4) to Paladin Skill Levels +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage -15% Decreased Attack Speed Adds 125-250 poison damage over 10 seconds -(31 to 50)% to Enemy Poison Resistance Slows Target by 15% +10 to Vitality Requirements -10% Taqiyya Level 90 0-5 Jewels +Ath Paladin Spears 50% Chance to cast level 51 Nova Bomb when you Kill an Enemy 50% Chance to cast level 51 Immolation Bomb when you Kill an Enemy +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage 50% Increased Attack Speed 50% Faster Cast Rate 75% Faster Hit Recovery Adds 150-350 Damage 50% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Orisha Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Nih Paladin Spears +(31 to 50) Energy Factor to Spell Damage +(3 to 5) to Paladin Skill Levels 60% Increased Attack Speed 10% Bonus to Buff/Debuff/Cold Skill Duration +(41 to 60)% to Fire Spell Damage +(41 to 60)% to Cold Spell Damage +(3 to 15) to Elemental Totem Increase Maximum Mana 50% Rex Deus Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Paladin Spears +15 Energy Factor to Spell Damage +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage +(301 to 400) to Maximum Damage +500% Damage to Demons +50 to all Attributes +(101 to 150) Life after each Kill +(51 to 100) Life when Struck by an Enemy Jaguar Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Paladin Spears 10% Chance to cast level 5 Sacrifices on Attack +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage 100% Faster Run/Walk Adds 200-800 damage -50% to Poison Spell Damage Regenerate Mana +15% 15% Chance to Avoid Damage (11 to 15)% Reanimate as: Sun Tiger Jihad Level 15 0-5 Jewels +Eth Paladin Blunt Weapons 15% Chance to cast level 11 Rain of Bombs when you Kill an Enemy +1 to Paladin Skill Levels +(41 to 80)% Enhanced damage 15% Increased Attack Speed +(11 to 20) to Maximum Damage +200% Damage to Demons (11 to 20)% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Intifada Level 33 0-5 Jewels +Hel Paladin Blunt Weapons 25% Chance to cast level 8 Shower of Rocks on Attack +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage (21 to 25)% Chance of Crushing Blow (-21 to -25)% Penalty to Summoned Minion Life +(31 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage Total Character Defense = 0 Lammasu Level 53 0-5 Jewels +Gul Paladin Blunt Weapons +(1 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels 40% Increased Attack Speed +(21 to 30)% to Spell Damage Stun Attack Slows Target by 25% +25% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances Cold Resist +(41 to 50)% Quaoar Level 61 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sur Paladin Blunt Weapons +125 Crafting Points 5% Chance to cast level 27 Spiral Dance on Attack +(181 to 200)% Enhanced damage Adds 25-50 damage Increase Maximum Life 15% +5 Life on Striking Cannot Be Frozen Takfir Level 72 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Sha Paladin Blunt Weapons +2 to Paladin Skill Levels 15% Increased Attack Speed 15% Faster Cast Rate +(41 to 50)% to Fire Spell Damage (-21 to -25)% to Cold Spell Damage +(41 to 50)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage +(17 to 25) to Hail of Stones Requirements -15% Brahman Level 87 0-5 Jewels +Nas Paladin Blunt Weapons +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage 100% Faster Hit Recovery +(201 to 350) to Maximum Damage +(1 to 6) to Bear Stance +(1 to 4) to Mountain King +10% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life +1000 Defense Lionheart Spell Blinds Attacker +(2 to 4) Oriflamme Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Paladin Blunt Weapons +(301 to 350)% Enhanced damage 50% Increased Attack Speed +(401 to 600) to Maximum Damage +(61 to 80)% to Fire Spell Damage +(25 to 27) to Exorcism +(20 per level) to Strength (Based on Blessed Life Skill Level) +(20 per level) to Dexterity (Based on Blessed Life Skill Level) Skilt en Vriend Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Paladin Blunt Weapons 1% Chance to cast level 4 Arcane Fury on Attack 10% Chance to cast level 1 Teleport when Struck +4 to Paladin Skill Levels +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage Adds 250-1000 poison damage over 10 seconds -(41 to 50)% to Enemy Poison Resistance Regenerate Mana +15% Total Character Defense Plus (11 to 15)% Circe Level 25 0-5 Jewels +Amn Sorceress Orbs +(11 to 15)% to Lightning Spell Damage +(11 to 15)% to Poison Spell Damage +1 to Bloodlust +1 to All Skills when using a Mana Potion (11 to 15)% Bonus to Energy when using a Mana Potion Ker Level 43 0-5 Jewels +Lem Sorceress Orbs 100% Chance to cast level 43 Winter Avatar when you Die +(21 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage +(21 to 25)% to Poison Spell Damage +(1 to 4) to Summon Lamia +(1 to 4) to Mana Tide Totem Increase Maximum Mana (21 to 30)% +5% to Experience Gained Vertigo Level 47 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Um Sorceress Orbs 5% Chance to cast level 1 Teleport when you Take Damage 100% Chance to cast level 1 Teleport on Attack +2 to Sorceress Skill Levels 50% Faster Cast Rate +(21 to 30)% to Lightning Spell Damage +(21 to 30)% to Cold Spell Damage 5% Bonus to Energy 25% Damage Taken Goes To Mana Gravastar Level 61 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sur Sorceress Orbs +25 Crafting Points +3 to Sorceress Skill Levels -10% Slower Run/Walk +(21 to 30)% to Cold Spell Damage +(1 to 5) to Singularity Cold Resist +(31 to 40)% Slows Attacker by 50% -2 to Light Radius Kabbalah Level 78 0-5 Jewels +Kur Sorceress Orbs +3 to Sorceress Skill Levels 1% Increased Chance of Blocking +(31 to 40)% to Fire Spell Damage +(6 to 16) to Ring of Light 20% Bonus to Energy +(6 to 10)% to Experience Gained Hestia Level 100 0-5 Jewels +On Sorceress Orbs +(3 to 4) to Sorceress Skill Levels (0.75 per level)% to Fire Spell Damage (Based on Character Level) +(1 to 3) to Pagan Rites Fire Resist +100% Fire Absorb 20% Cannot Be Frozen Total Character Defense Plus 5% (21 to 40)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Kallisti Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Sorceress Orbs +(4 to 5) to Sorceress Skill Levels 40% Faster Cast Rate +40 to Maximum Damage +(41 to 50)% to Poison Spell Damage -(11 to 15)% to Enemy Poison Resistance +(1 to 6) to Charm Attacker Flees after Striking (11 to 15)% Attacker Takes Cold Damage of 500 Attacker Takes Fire Damage of 500 Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 500 Sauron Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Sorceress Orbs +3 to Sorceress Skill Levels -100% to Enemy Fire Resistance +(19 to 26) to Path of Flames +250 Defense Regenerate Mana +15% (11 to 15)% Reanimate as: Crusher (11 to 15)% Reanimate as: Fallen Wolf Rider +2 to Light Radius Inanna Level 27 0-5 Jewels +Sol Sorceress Crystal Swords +(41 to 80)% Enhanced damage Slows Target by 25% All Resists +(21 to 25)% +(41 to 50) Life on Striking in Melee (11 to 20)% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Brocken Level 51 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Ist Sorceress Crystal Swords 1% Chance to cast level 47 Lemures on Attack +2 to Sorceress Skill Levels +(151 to 200)% Enhanced damage Adds 25-75 damage +(12 to 15) to Protector Spirit +10 to Energy Total Character Defense Plus (21 to 25)% 10% Reanimate as: Evil Spirit Grace Level 78 0-5 Jewels +Kur Sorceress Crystal Swords +(1 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage 15% Faster Run/Walk 45% Increased Attack Speed 30% Faster Block Rate +(51 to 100) to Minimum Damage +(21 to 40) to Strength +(21 to 40) to Dexterity +(21 to 40) to Vitality 10% Chance to Avoid Damage Khany Level 100 0-5 Jewels +On Sorceress Crystal Swords 5% Chance to cast level 29 Starburst on Attack +(1 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels +(201 to 250)% Enhanced damage 50% Increased Attack Speed 50% Faster Cast Rate +(2 per level) to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) +(31 to 40)% to Spell Damage +(8 to 17) to Thunder Slam Total Character Defense Plus 5% Shaula Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Sorceress Crystal Swords +50 Energy Factor to Spell Damage 15% Chance to cast level 29 Arcane Torrent on Attack +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Adds 150-250 Damage Slows Target by 33% Increase Maximum Mana 50% (21 to 25)% Reanimate as: Moon Knight Sway of the Stars Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Sorceress Crystal Swords 25% Chance to cast level 59 Vortex on Attack 10% Chance to cast level 1 Teleport on Attack +(251 to 300)% Enhanced damage Adds 250-500 damage +(51 to 75) to Dexterity +7 to Life Regenerate Mana +77% Rebel Level 11 0-5 Jewels +El Body Armors Enhanced Weapon Damage +(6 to 10)% +(21 to 40)% Enhanced Defense +20 to Strength -10 to Energy +20 to Dexterity -10 to Vitality All Resists +(16 to 20)% +1 to Light Radius Lumen Arcana Level 15 0-5 Jewels +Ith Body Armors +1 to All Skills -(6 to 15)% to Enemy Fire Resistance -(6 to 15)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance -(6 to 15)% to Enemy Cold Resistance -(6 to 15)% to Enemy Poison Resistance +(46 to 75)% Enhanced Defense +2 to Light Radius Paaliaq Level 23 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Thul Body Armors 1% Chance to cast level 22 Shamanic Trance when you Kill an Enemy 10% Increased Attack Speed Adds 5-10 damage 5% Chance of Crushing Blow +(1 to 3) to Gorefest +(51 to 80)% Enhanced Defense * Gorefest is a powerful melee attack. Apotheosis (Median XL - 4 years) Level 29 0-5 Jewels +Shael Body Armors 10% Chance to cast level 11 Countdown on Attack 50% Bonus to Attack Rating +(11 to 15)% to Spell Damage +(11 to 20) to all Attributes (31 to 50)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items +2 to Light Radius Thelema Level 41 0-5 Jewels +Fal Body Armors +1 to All Skills 15% Faster Cast Rate +(51 to 100)% Enhanced Defense +30 to Energy +30 to Dexterity +30 to Vitality +(41 to 50) Mana when Struck by an Enemy Cathedral Level 53 0-5 Jewels +Gul Body Armors +(101 to 150)% Bonus to Poison Skill Duration +(31 to 40)% to Poison Spell Damage +(151 to 200)% Enhanced Defense +1311 Defense Replenish Life +(1 per level) (Based on Character Level) Level 20 Plague Avatar (50 Charges) Mirage Level 69 0-5 Jewels +Zod Body Armors +1 to All Skills 60% Faster Run/Walk 30% Increased Attack Speed 30% Faster Cast Rate All Resists +(51 to 60)% Damage Reduced by (31 to 40) Slows Attacker by (16 to 20)% Dragonheart Level 94 0-5 Jewels +Kra Body Armors +2 to All Skills 50% Increased Attack Speed +(3.5 per level)% Enhanced Defense (Based on Character Level) +500 to Life Level 15 Blood Flash (20 Charges) Erawan Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Nih Body Armors -10% Slower Run/Walk 10% Bonus to Buff/Debuff/Cold Skill Duration 10% Chance of Crushing Blow 25% Bonus to Strength 25% Bonus to Vitality +(251 to 300)% Enhanced Defense Damage Reduced by (11 to 15)% Total Character Defense Plus (11 to 20)% Unity Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Body Armors +25 Energy Factor to Spell Damage +1 to All Skills +(251 to 300)% Enhanced Defense +125 to Strength +50 to Energy +50 to Dexterity +125 to Vitality All Resists +(51 to 60)% Linga Sharira Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Body Armors 10% Chance to cast level 50 Punisher when Struck +1 to All Skills 50% Faster Hit Recovery +(301 to 350)% Enhanced Defense Regenerate Mana +50% Damage Reduced by 5% Total Character Defense Plus (11 to 15)% Summit Level 11 0-5 Jewels +El Helms (151 to 200)% Extra Gold from Monsters Reduces all Vendor Prices (6 to 10)% Requirements -15% Cannonball Level 19 0-5 Jewels +Ral Helms 1% Chance to cast level 6 Celerity on Attack 40% Faster Run/Walk +(6 to 10)% to Fire Spell Damage 5% Chance of Crushing Blow +(101 to 150) Maximum Stamina Level 5 Blast Wave (5 Charges) Ra Level 37 0-5 Jewels +Lum Helms +1 to All Skills -10% Slower Run/Walk 25% Faster Cast Rate -(11 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance -(11 to 20)% to Enemy Poison Resistance Attacker Flees after Striking (11 to 15)% (51 to 100)% Extra Gold from Monsters 20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Alchemy Level 55 0-5 Jewels +Vex Helms 25% Increased Attack Speed 25% Faster Block Rate +(1 to 4) to Bloody Mary +(21 to 30)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense Replenish Life +(21 to 25) +(21 to 25)% Increased Healing Rate from Potions Half Freeze Duration Dreadlord Level 75 0-5 Jewels +Lah Helms 25% Chance to cast level 22 Mind Flay on Attack (41 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Attack Rating 5% Chance of Crushing Blow +(1 to 6) to Death Coil +(2 to 4) to Maximum Necromancer Minions +(41 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense 5% Bonus to All Attributes Cauldron Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Yul Helms 20% Chance to cast level 11 Hex on Attack +1 to All Skills Adds 596-1789 poison damage over 5 seconds +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense Eidolon Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Helms +(1 to 2) to All Skills +100 to Maximum Damage 20% Bonus to All Attributes +(251 to 300)% Enhanced Defense All Resists +(31 to 40)% Total Character Defense Plus (21 to 30)% +4 to Light Radius Amanita Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Helms -(31 to 40)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance -(31 to 40)% to Enemy Poison Resistance +(2 to 5) to Amatoxin +(24 to 29) to Summon Glowing Fungus Attacker Flees after Striking 20% +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense -25 to Vitality Regenerate Mana +5% Sphinx Level 25 0-5 Jewels +Amn Circlets +1 to Amazon Skill Levels +(101 to 150) Defense +(11 to 15) to all Attributes 50% Damage Reflected (101 to 125)% Extra Gold from Monsters +4 to Light Radius Lily Level 65 0-5 Jewels +Jah Circlets +(1 to 2) to All Skills Slows Target by 5% +(31 to 50)% Enhanced Defense (11 to 15)% Bonus to Vitality Replenish Life +(21 to 30) +(11 to 20) Life after each Kill Level 5 Charm (20 Charges) Eulenspiegel Level 84 0-5 Jewels +Thur Circlets +(31 to 50) Energy Factor to Spell Damage 15% Chance to cast level 1 Teleport when Struck +2 to All Skills 20% Faster Run/Walk 20% Faster Cast Rate (21 to 25)% Bonus to Dexterity (21 to 25)% Bonus to Energy Wintermute Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Qor Circlets +2 to All Skills +(31 to 40)% to Spell Damage +(1 to 9) to Mana Coil +750 to Mana All Resists +(31 to 40)% Total Character Defense Plus (21 to 30)% Requirements -40% Indigo Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Circlets +100 Energy Factor to Spell Damage +2 to All Skills 50% Faster Cast Rate -(21 to 25)% to Enemy Fire Resistance -(21 to 25)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance -(21 to 25)% to Enemy Cold Resistance -(21 to 25)% to Enemy Poison Resistance +30% Enhanced Defense -500 Defense +5% to All Maximum Resistances Requirements -100% Geas Level 13 0-5 Jewels +Nef Shields +(41 to 50)% Bonus to Poison Skill Duration +(21 to 40)% Enhanced Defense Fire Resist +15% Lightning Resist +15% Cold Resist +15% Poison Resist -75% (11 to 15)% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Pharaoh Level 27 0-5 Jewels +Sol Shields +1 to All Skills +(11 to 15)% to Poison Spell Damage +(11 to 15) to Strength +(11 to 15) to Vitality Requirements -10% Nomad Level 43 0-5 Jewels +Lem Shields 5% Chance to cast level 44 Carpet of Spiders on Attack 40% Faster Block Rate +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense +163 Defense 40% Slower Stamina Drain +(6 to 10)% to Experience Gained (101 to 150)% Extra Gold from Monsters Goddess Level 63 0-5 Jewels +Ber Shields +2 to All Skills -150 Defense 50% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Cannot Be Frozen Requirements -10% Kodo Level 90 0-5 Jewels +Ath Shields 5% Chance to cast level 8 Bloodlust when you Kill an Enemy +(11 to 15)% Bonus Damage to Bloodlust -10% Slower Hit Recovery 10% Chance of Crushing Blow (11 to 20)% Bonus to Strength (11 to 20)% Bonus to Vitality +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense Wall of Fire Level 100 0-5 Jewels +On Shields +1 to All Skills 40% Faster Block Rate +(251 to 300)% Enhanced Defense (31 to 40)% Bonus to Strength (31 to 40)% Bonus to Vitality Total Character Defense Plus (16 to 25)% Attacker Takes Fire Damage of 500 Avatar Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Qor Shields 100% Chance to cast level 61 Supernova when you Die +1 to All Skills 45% Faster Cast Rate 45% Faster Hit Recovery -(41 to 50)% to Enemy Fire Resistance -(41 to 50)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance -(41 to 50)% to Enemy Cold Resistance +(301 to 350)% Enhanced Defense (31 to 50)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Requirements +33% Derweze Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Shields 15% Chance to cast level 27 Pentagram when Attacked 1% Increased Chance of Blocking +250% Damage to Demons +(231 to 280)% Enhanced Defense +15% to Maximum Fire Resist Fire Resist +150% Level 13 Path of Flames (5 Charges) Rainbow Level 15 0-5 Jewels +Eth Belts +5 to Maximum Damage +5% to Spell Damage All Resists +(11 to 15)% (11 to 15)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items +2 to Light Radius Prodigy Level 33 0-5 Jewels +Hel Belts 20% Faster Cast Rate 100% Bonus to Attack Rating +(11 to 15)% to Fire Spell Damage +(11 to 15)% to Lightning Spell Damage Regenerate Mana +(21 to 40)% +(21 to 30) Mana after each Kill Fuse Level 49 0-5 Jewels +Mal Belts 25% Chance to cast level 14 Immolation Bomb when Struck Adds 19-93 Fire Damage (0.25 per level)% to Fire Spell Damage (Based on Character Level) +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense Fire Resist +(31 to 50)% Level 5 Blast Wave (20 Charges) Pulsa Dinura Level 72 0-5 Jewels +Sha Belts 2% Chance to cast level 6 Banish on Attack +1 to Paladin Skill Levels +(21 to 40)% Bonus Damage to Wrath 30% Increased Attack Speed 15% Faster Cast Rate Adds 50-150 fire damage +(151 to 200)% Enhanced Defense +(31 to 50) Life after each Kill Truce Level 98 0-5 Jewels +Vith Belts -5% Decreased Attack Speed -5% Slower Cast Rate Stun Attack +(301 to 350)% Enhanced Defense Damage Reduced by 10% Slows Attacker by 5% Dyaus Pita Level 100 0-5 Jewels +On Belts 100% Chance to cast level 19 Death of a God when you Die (11 to 15)% Bonus to Strength (11 to 15)% Bonus to Energy (11 to 15)% Bonus to Vitality +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense Total Character Defense Plus 5% Ahriman Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Belts +1 to All Skills Adds 200-600 fire damage Adds 200-600 lightning damage Adds 200-600 cold damage +(301 to 350)% Enhanced Defense +(31 to 50) to all Attributes All Resists +(31 to 40)% Requirements +10% Nero Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Belts 10% Chance to cast level 14 Fortress on Attack Adds 25-100 damage +150% Damage to Demons Adds 500-1000 fire damage +(31 to 40)% to Fire Spell Damage +(15 to 19) to Path of Flames +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense Regenerate Mana +5% Iblis Level 13 0-5 Jewels +Nef Gloves +(11 to 15)% Bonus to Poison Skill Duration +(16 to 20)% to Fire Spell Damage 10% Bonus to Energy Fire Absorb 5% +5 to Light Radius Mercy Level 29 0-5 Jewels +Shael Gloves 5% Chance to cast level 14 Punisher on Attack +(21 to 30) to Maximum Damage +26 Defense +(11 to 20) to Strength (11 to 15)% Bonus to Vitality when using a Healing Potion Brawl Level 35 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Io Gloves 10% Increased Attack Speed Adds 5-15 damage +(2 to 5) to Clobber +(101 to 120)% Enhanced Defense +(21 to 25) to Strength 5% Bonus to Dexterity Kali Level 45 0-5 Jewels +Pul Gloves 33% Chance to cast level 6 Fire Splash when you Kill an Enemy +2 to All Skills -214 Defense +10% to Maximum Fire Resist Fire Resist +32% Level 2 Possess (124 Charges) Aiwass Level 69 0-5 Jewels +Zod Gloves +2 to Necromancer Skill Levels Shadows Spawn Corpses on Striking 5% +(21 to 25)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage (11 to 20)% Bonus to Strength +93 Defense Level 4 Rune of Mana (78 Charges) Skald Level 94 0-5 Jewels +Kra Gloves 40% Chance to cast level 6 Frozen Soul on Attack 20% Faster Cast Rate (14 to 18)% Mana stolen per Hit +(16 to 20)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense Level 3 Raven Heart (33 Charges) Level 3 Bloodlust (33 Charges) Icarus Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Lai Gloves +(101 to 200) Crafting Points 100% Chance to cast level 62 Meteor Shower when you Die 80% Faster Run/Walk Enhanced Weapon Damage +5% +(251 to 300)% Enhanced Defense +75 to Energy +75 to Vitality Fire Resist -20% Drekavac Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Gloves +1 to All Skills 45% Increased Attack Speed 45% Faster Cast Rate +(81 to 100) to Maximum Damage Adds 100-200 cold damage Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1 Attacker Takes Cold Damage of (101 to 150) (21 to 40)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Snowsquall Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Krys Gloves 10% Chance to cast level 9 Cone of Cold on Attack Adds 75-175 cold damage Slows Target by 20% +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense +(21 to 25) to Energy +(21 to 25) to Dexterity Cold Absorb 5% Target Takes Additional Damage of 25 Epicenter Level 15 0-5 Jewels +Ith Boots 100% Chance to cast level 21 Tremor when you Die (0.125 per level)% Chance of Crushing Blow (Based on Character Level) +(21 to 40)% Enhanced Defense Increase Maximum Life (11 to 15)% Outlaw Level 31 0-5 Jewels +Dol Boots +(2 to 6) Extra Shadow Minions +5 to Minimum Damage Attacker Flees after Striking 5% +(51 to 100)% Enhanced Defense -1 Defense +(11 to 15) to Energy Ginfaxi Level 47 0-5 Jewels +Um Boots +(1 to 4) to Hamstring +1% to Defense per Socketed Rune +(51 to 100)% Enhanced Defense +(16 to 20) to Strength Slows Attacker by 5% Craton Level 67 0-5 Jewels +Cham Boots 5% Chance to cast level 7 Shower of Rocks on Attack 5% Chance of Crushing Blow +(21 to 25) to all Attributes Damage Reduced by (16 to 20) Total Character Defense Plus (31 to 40)% (11 to 20)% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Megalith Level 90 0-5 Jewels +Ath Boots +1 to All Skills 25% Faster Cast Rate 15% Faster Hit Recovery +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense +(41 to 50) to Strength Regenerate Mana +50% Damage Reduced by 5% Level 8 Mana Tide Totem (15 Charges) Nephilim Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Nih Boots 100% Chance to cast level 51 Fire Splash when you Die 10% Bonus to Buff/Debuff/Cold Skill Duration (21 to 25)% Bonus to Strength (21 to 25)% Bonus to Vitality +(251 to 300)% Enhanced Defense +150 Defense +50 to Strength +50 to Vitality Hibagon Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Qor Boots +1 to All Skills +(301 to 350)% Enhanced Defense All Resists +(31 to 40)% 5% Reanimate as: Bronze Titan 5% Reanimate as: Gold Titan 5% Reanimate as: Silver Titan Requirements -15% Riptide Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Boots 25% Chance to cast level 16 Arcane Torrent on Attack 20% Faster Run/Walk +150 magic damage +150 cold damage +(251 to 300)% Enhanced Defense +5% to Maximum Magic Resist +5% to Maximum Cold Resist Stata Mater Level 35 0-5 Jewels +Io Amazon Helms -10% to Enemy Fire Resistance +(1 to 7) to Fire Cascade (11 to 15)% Bonus to Dexterity (11 to 15)% Bonus to Energy Fire Resist +100% Damage Reduced by (11 to 15) (101 to 150)% Extra Gold from Monsters Bona Dea Level 41 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Fal Amazon Helms 40% Faster Cast Rate (1 per level)% to Lightning Spell Damage (Based on Character Level) (1 per level)% to Cold Spell Damage (Based on Character Level) -(31 to 40)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance -(31 to 40)% to Enemy Cold Resistance +(7 to 12) to Electrobolt +(7 to 12) to Hailstorm +10 to Dexterity Amaterasu Level 51 0-5 Jewels +Ist Amazon Helms +(1 to 2) to Amazon Skill Levels +(21 to 25)% to Fire Spell Damage +(1 to 9) to Pentagram +50 to Energy Fire Absorb (2 to 5)% (201 to 250)% Extra Gold from Monsters +5 to Light Radius Siegfried Level 65 0-5 Jewels +Jah Amazon Helms 40% Increased Attack Speed Adds 333-1000 fire damage Adds 333-1000 lightning damage Adds 333-1000 cold damage 10% Chance of Crushing Blow +(1 to 8) to Vanquish +(151 to 200)% Enhanced Defense +50 to Dexterity All Resists +(21 to 25)% Cambion Level 78 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Kur Amazon Helms +2 to Amazon Skill Levels 15% Faster Run/Walk -(31 to 50)% to Enemy Fire Resistance +(13 to 17) to Summon Sinner +50 to BFG83K Fire Absorb 10% Poison Length Reduced by 50% +(21 to 30) Life after each Kill Lohengrin Level 98 0-5 Jewels +Vith Amazon Helms 40% Increased Attack Speed +(101 to 150) to Maximum Damage +40% Damage to Undead +40 to Strength +40 to Dexterity Fire Resist +40% Lightning Resist +40% Cold Resist +40% +5% Increased Healing Rate from Potions (1 to 2)% Reanimate as: Philios, Priestess of Hefaetrus (1 to 2)% Reanimate as: Lycander, Priestess of Zerae (1 to 2)% Reanimate as: Skovos, Priestess of Karcheus Only Allows the Use of Melee, Summoning and Buff Skills Unicorn Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Amazon Helms +(21 to 25) Energy Factor to Spell Damage (15 to 20)% Bonus to Energy Factor +(3 to 5) to Amazon Skill Levels +(3 to 6) Extra Magic Missiles Bolts 40% Faster Cast Rate Cold Absorb 10% Lightning Absorb 10% Fire Absorb 10% (101 to 150)% Bonus to Fire Elemental Damage if Summoned during Pact of Blood Shaheeda Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Amazon Helms 100% Chance to cast level 46 Immolation Bomb when you Die 1% Increased Chance of Blocking Adds 50-150 damage Adds 500-1500 fire damage (21 to 25)% Chance of Crushing Blow +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense +75 to Dexterity Edda Level 33 0-5 Jewels +Hel Amazon Shields +1 to Amazon Skill Levels 15% Faster Cast Rate +(11 to 15)% to Fire Spell Damage +(11 to 15)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage Increase Maximum Mana (11 to 20)% Requirements -15% Lion Level 75 0-5 Jewels +Lah Amazon Shields 20% Increased Attack Speed 40% Faster Hit Recovery 1% Increased Chance of Blocking Enhanced Weapon Damage +(21 to 30)% +(151 to 200)% Enhanced Defense (21 to 30)% Bonus to All Attributes +2 to Light Radius Eloi Level 98 0-5 Jewels +Vith Amazon Shields +(11 to 27) to Champions of the Sun +(11 to 15)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense -25 to Energy +25% Increased Healing Rate from Potions Damage Reduced by 10% Reduces all Vendor Prices 5% Nix Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Nih Amazon Shields 25% Bonus to Buff/Debuff/Cold Skill Duration +(41 to 50)% to Cold Spell Damage +(1 to 3) to Charm +(22 to 29) to Frozen Crown +(301 to 350)% Enhanced Defense 25% Bonus to Dexterity 10% Reanimate as: Shroom Ea Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Amazon Shields +(31 to 50) Energy Factor to Spell Damage +2 to Amazon Skill Levels 40% Faster Run/Walk 60% Faster Cast Rate +(41 to 60)% to Fire Spell Damage +(41 to 60)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense Requirements -20% Eos Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Krys Amazon Shields 20% Chance to cast level 26 Fire Splash on Striking 1% Increased Chance of Blocking +150% Damage to Demons Adds 1000-3000 fire damage -(31 to 40)% to Enemy Fire Resistance Reduced Weapon Damage -50% +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense Target Takes Additional Damage of 25 Afrit Level 29 0-5 Jewels +Shael Assassin Shields 15% Faster Cast Rate +(11 to 20)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage +(1 to 9) to Pain Spirit -10 to Strength Damage Reduced by (3 to 5) (21 to 40)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Rahab Level 41 0-5 Jewels +Fal Assassin Shields 10% Chance to cast level 4 Arcane Torrent on Attack (2 to 4)% Life stolen per Hit +(1 to 4) to Thunder Slam +(51 to 100)% Enhanced Defense +15 to Strength +15 to Dexterity (11 to 15)% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Iambe Level 49 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Mal Assassin Shields +1 to Assassin Skill Levels 20% Faster Run/Walk 20% Faster Cast Rate (0.5 per level)% to Cold Spell Damage (Based on Character Level) +(7 to 14) to Cone of Cold +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense Increase Maximum Mana (21 to 25)% Poison Resist +30% Ligeia Level 59 0-5 Jewels +Lo Assassin Shields 25% Chance to cast level 13 Hades Gate when you Kill an Enemy 100% Chance to cast level 34 Raven Flight when you Die +(11 to 14) to Shadow Blade +(11 to 14) to Time Strike Fire Resist +40% Lightning Resist +70% Cold Resist +70% Poison Resist -50% Dar-Al-Harb Level 81 0-5 Jewels +Ix Assassin Shields +(3 to 4) to Assassin Skill Levels 30% Faster Cast Rate (0.5 per level)% to Lightning Spell Damage (Based on Character Level) (0.5 per level)% to Fire Spell Damage (Based on Character Level) +(19 to 22) to Summon Shadows +(16 to 19) to Summon Darklings +25 to Energy +25 to Dexterity Scorched Earth Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Assassin Shields 33% Chance to cast level 59 Pentagram on Attack +(51 to 100) to Maximum Damage Adds 250-500 fire damage Stun Attack +(301 to 350)% Enhanced Defense +(31 to 50) to all Attributes Fire Resist +(41 to 50)% Orchid Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Assassin Shields 5% Chance to cast level 19 Blood Fury on Attack +50% Bonus to Poison Skill Duration -10% Decreased Attack Speed +(31 to 50)% to Poison Spell Damage Stun Attack +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense Regenerate Mana +5% +500 Mana on Striking in Melee Algiz Level 21 0-5 Jewels +Ort Barbarian Helms 10% Chance to cast level 4 Thunder Hammer on Attack Adds 1-40 lightning damage +5% to Lightning Spell Damage 5% Chance of Crushing Blow 10% Bonus to Strength 10% Bonus to Vitality Total Character Defense Plus (11 to 15)% Nasrudin Level 41 0-5 Jewels +Fal Barbarian Helms 50% Faster Run/Walk 50% Increased Attack Speed 30% Faster Cast Rate 50% Faster Hit Recovery 30% Faster Block Rate +(3 to 9) to Cautious Strike +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense +(41 to 50) to Dexterity (101 to 150)% Extra Gold from Monsters Fawkes Level 69 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Zod Barbarian Helms 20% Chance to cast level 19 Elemental on Attack +2 to All Skills 50% Faster Cast Rate (1.5 per level)% to Fire Spell Damage (Based on Character Level) +(18 to 26) to Powder Keg +50 to Energy +(31 to 50) Life after each Kill Slows Attacker by 5% Sagarmatha Level 78 0-5 Jewels +Kur Barbarian Helms 35% Chance to cast level 9 Shackles of Ice on Attack 15% Faster Run/Walk Adds 150-400 cold damage 10% Chance of Crushing Blow +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense Cold Resist +(51 to 70)% Level 12 Winter Avatar (50 Charges) Morthwyrtha Level 100 0-5 Jewels +No Barbarian Helms +(3 to 4) to Barbarian Skill Levels -5% Slower Block Rate (41 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Attack Rating +(1 to 3) to Banish +(31 to 34) to Death's Fury Totem +2 to Maximum Barbarian Minions +(31 to 40)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage Wodziwob Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Qor Barbarian Helms 100% Chance to cast level 23 Lemures on Attack +100% Damage to Undead +(31 to 50)% to Cold Spell Damage Increase Maximum Mana (21 to 25)% 5% Chance to Avoid Damage +250 Mana after each Kill Requirements -15% Greisen Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Krys Barbarian Helms Stun Attack +(5 to 6) to Earthquake +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense (21 to 25)% Bonus to Strength (21 to 25)% Bonus to Vitality All Resists +(31 to 40)% Total Character Defense Plus (11 to 15)% Target Takes Additional Damage of 25 Enmerkar Level 37 0-5 Jewels +Lum Barbarian Shields +1 to Barbarian Skill Levels +(51 to 70)% Damage to Protector Spirit Bloodlust +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense (11 to 20)% Bonus to All Attributes 20% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Level 6 Holy Armor (10 Charges) Warpath Level 57 0-5 Jewels +Ohm Barbarian Shields 10% Chance to cast level 4 Time Strike on Attack 20% Faster Block Rate Adds 50-150 Damage 10% Chance of Crushing Blow +(151 to 200)% Enhanced Defense 15% Bonus to Vitality Gauntlet Level 87 0-5 Jewels +Nas Barbarian Shields 33% Chance to cast level 3 Crucify on Attack -10% Decreased Chance of Blocking 100% Chance of Open Wounds +(151 to 200)% Enhanced Defense +(51 to 100) Life after each Kill (201 to 250)% Damage Reflected Huracan Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Yul Barbarian Shields 15% Chance to cast level 7 Claw Tornado on Attack 40% Increased Attack Speed Adds 1-1000 fire damage Adds 1-1000 lightning damage Adds 1-1000 cold damage +(22 to 26) to Elemental Totem +10% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +(251 to 300)% Enhanced Defense Fire Resist +50% Lightning Resist +50% Cold Resist +50% E-Engur-A Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Barbarian Shields +3 to Barbarian Skill Levels Blinds Attacker +(2 to 5) +(301 to 350)% Enhanced Defense +50 to all Attributes Fire Resist +100% Poison Resist +100% (51 to 100)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Tonatiuh Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Barbarian Shields 20% Chance to cast level 36 Ring of Light on Attack +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels Adds 500-3500 fire damage -(31 to 50)% to Enemy Fire Resistance +(6 to 12) to Crane Stance +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense Regenerate Mana +5% +5 to Light Radius Aegipan Level 21 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Ort Druid Helms 3% Chance to cast level 15 Diseased Cattle on Attack +(6 to 9) to Ravage +(6 to 9) to Thorn Field +(6 to 9) to Feral Strike 10% Bonus to Strength Total Character Defense Plus (21 to 25)% * This item allows druids to fight in melee with a new skill set. Nezha Level 39 0-5 Jewels +Ko Druid Helms +1 to Druid Skill Levels 20% Increased Attack Speed 5% Bonus to Strength 10% Bonus to Dexterity +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense Increase Maximum Mana (11 to 20)% 5% Chance to Avoid Damage (21 to 40)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Natha Level 59 0-5 Jewels +Lo Druid Helms 10% Chance to cast level 2 Arrow on Striking 20% Increased Attack Speed 50% Faster Hit Recovery (31 to 50)% Bonus to Attack Rating +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense Damage Reduced by 10% Norma Level 84 0-5 Jewels +Thur Druid Helms (21 to 25)% Bonus to Energy Factor +2 to Druid Skill Levels +(21 to 30)% Bonus Elemental Damage to Mark of the Wild 15% Faster Cast Rate +(4 to 8) to Cold Fear +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense Grove Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Thai Druid Helms +(21 to 30)% Bonus Damage to Mark of the Wild 10% Chance of Crushing Blow +(1 to 5) to Ambush 20% Bonus to Strength 20% Bonus to Dexterity All Resists +(31 to 40)% (11 to 20)% Reanimate as: Razor Sting Sylph Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Ghal Druid Helms +5 Energy Factor to Spell Damage +2 to Druid Skill Levels +(31 to 50)% to Poison Spell Damage +(41 to 60)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life +(31 to 40)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage Slows Ranged Attacker by (3 to 5)% +(301 to 350)% Enhanced Defense Damage Reduced by 5% Nigra Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sha'ad Druid Helms +4 to Druid Skill Levels +1 Hunting Banshee/Elemental Missiles +(251 to 300)% Enhanced Defense Drains 2% Life per Second Poison Length Reduced by 50% (21 to 25)% Reanimate as: Hell Stone Cube Level 35 0-5 Jewels +Io Necromancer Shields +1 to Necromancer Skill Levels 10% Bonus to Strength 10% Bonus to Energy 10% Bonus to Vitality +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense +20 to Strength +20 to Energy +20 to Vitality (31 to 50)% Extra Gold from Monsters Warlock Level 53 0-5 Jewels +Gul Necromancer Shields +2 to Necromancer Skill Levels (9 to 13)% Life stolen per Hit (21 to 25)% Crushing Blow to Darklings +(3 to 8) to Pact of Blood +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense Fire Resist +30% Cold Resist -15% Nahual Level 78 0-5 Jewels +Kur Necromancer Shields 10% Chance to cast level 4 Gift of the Wild when Struck +2 to All Skills 15% Faster Run/Walk +(4 to 14) to Defender Spirit +(2 to 12) to Greater Manifestations +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense +(31 to 40) to all Attributes Increase Maximum Life and Mana (21 to 40)% Lorelei Level 84 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Thur Necromancer Shields +1 to Necromancer Skill Levels 50% Bonus to Summoned Minion Attack Rating Stun Attack +(17 to 24) to Summon Sirens +(151 to 200)% Enhanced Defense +500 to Life Cold Resist +(41 to 50)% Damage Reduced by 5% Quimbanda Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Xar Necromancer Shields +2 to Necromancer Skill Levels +2 Extra Totems 40% Faster Cast Rate +(31 to 50)% to Fire Spell Damage +(31 to 50)% to Lightning Spell Damage +(31 to 50)% to Cold Spell Damage +(1 to 4) to Summon Corpse +(21 to 25)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life Wyrm Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Necromancer Shields +(51 to 100) to Maximum Damage Adds 5000-10000 poison damage over 10 seconds (21 to 25)% Chance of Crushing Blow +(21 to 25) to Wings of Wrath +(301 to 350)% Enhanced Defense (31 to 40)% Bonus to Strength (31 to 40)% Bonus to Dexterity Hecatomb Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Necromancer Shields +3 to Necromancer Skill Levels +(21 to 28) to Diseased Cattle Enhanced Weapon Damage +(101 to 150)% +(101 to 150) to Energy +(101 to 150) to Dexterity Regenerate Mana +5% Drains 2% Life per Second Ilmatar Level 23 0-5 Jewels +Thul Paladin Helms 25% Chance to cast level 7 Lightning Wall on Attack +1 to Paladin Skill Levels +5% to Lightning Spell Damage +5% to Cold Spell Damage +(21 to 25) to Strength +(21 to 25) to Energy +(21 to 25) to Dexterity Replenish Life +(11 to 15) Hierodule Level 53 0-5 Jewels +Gul Paladin Helms +1 to Paladin Skill Levels 20% Faster Cast Rate +(11 to 15)% to Lightning Spell Damage +(11 to 15)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage Sorceress Morph Revelation Level 81 0-5 Jewels +Ix Paladin Helms 5% Chance to cast level 3 Charm on Attack +(6 to 12) to Killer Instinct +(6 to 12) to Thrill of the Hunt +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense +(21 to 30) to Strength 45% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack Surya Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Rha Paladin Helms +(1 to 12) to Vanquish +(1 to 4) to Eagle Stance (11 to 15)% Bonus to All Attributes +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense +200 Defense Fire Resist +(41 to 50)% 333% Extra Gold from Monsters +4 to Light Radius Malakbel Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Qor Paladin Helms 100% Chance to cast level 41 Death of a God when you Die +2 to Paladin Skill Levels 10% Faster Cast Rate (0.5 per level)% to Fire Spell Damage (Based on Character Level) Fire Resist +100% 2% Reanimate as: Baal (Vision of Destruction) Requirements -25% Rotundjere Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Krys Paladin Helms +3 to Paladin Skill Levels Adds 250-1500 fire damage Adds 250-1500 lightning damage Adds 250-1500 cold damage Adds 250-1500 poison damage over 10 seconds Stun Attack +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense +(21 to 25) to all Attributes +250 Mana after each Kill Target Takes Additional Damage of 25 Asmodai Level 31 0-5 Jewels +Dol Paladin Shields 5% Chance to cast level 4 Blood Fury when you Kill an Enemy +(16 to 25) to Minimum Damage (21 to 25)% Bonus to Buff/Debuff/Cold Skill Duration +(11 to 20) Life after each Kill +(11 to 20) Mana after each Kill 32% Extra Gold from Monsters Sangreal Level 59 0-5 Jewels +Lo Paladin Shields Level 1 Demon Blood Aura when Equipped 25% Increased Attack Speed 25% Faster Hit Recovery -10% Decreased Chance of Blocking +33 Defense Zohar Level 69 0-5 Jewels +Zod Paladin Shields 20% Increased Attack Speed +(151 to 200) to Maximum Damage +(1 to 7) to Cherub Strike +(151 to 200)% Enhanced Defense (6 to 10)% Chance to Avoid Damage Slows Attacker by 25% Reduces all Vendor Prices (11 to 15)% Asclepion Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Rha Paladin Shields +(1 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels 15% Increased Attack Speed 15% Faster Cast Rate 30% Faster Block Rate +(26 to 34) to Snake Stance +200 Defense Replenish Life +(1.5 per level) (Based on Character Level) Fire Resist +25% Lightning Resist +25% Cold Resist +25% Poison Resist +100% Amaymon Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Taha Paladin Shields +(201 to 250) to Maximum Damage +(4 to 13) to Blood Tide Totem +(2 to 9) to Talon's Hold +(41 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +(51 to 75)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life All Resists +100% 25% Reanimate as: Darksister Myrrhbearer Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Auhe Paladin Shields +2 to Paladin Skill Levels 1% Increased Chance of Blocking +(41 to 50)% to Fire Spell Damage +(41 to 50)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage +20 to Body of the Savior +50% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense Regenerate Mana +5% Lyrannikin Level 25 (New in version 1.95) 0-5 Jewels +Amn Sorceress Body Armors +(3 to 5) to Call Treewarden +(3 to 5) to Charm +(51 to 75)% Enhanced Defense All Resists +5% Damage Reduced by (3 to 5) Poison Length Reduced by (21 to 25)% 25% Damage Reflected Kundalini Level 27 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Sol Sorceress Body Armors +1 to Sorceress Skill Levels 10% Faster Cast Rate +5% to Poison Spell Damage +(2 to 5) to Rapture +(31 to 50)% Enhanced Defense All Resists +(11 to 15)% Requirements -25% Demeter Level 49 0-5 Jewels +Mal Sorceress Body Armors +2 to Sorceress Skill Levels -(31 to 40)% to Enemy Poison Resistance +(12 to 15) to Gamma Field +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense Poison Resist +50% Damage Reduced by (11 to 20) Curandera Level 61 0-5 Jewels +Sur Sorceress Body Armors +25 Crafting Points +2 to Sorceress Skill Levels +(101 to 150)% Enhanced Defense Replenish Life +(1.5 per level) (Based on Character Level) All Resists +(11 to 15)% Damage Reduced by (16 to 20)% Astarte Level 72 0-5 Jewels +Sha Sorceress Body Armors 40% Increased Attack Speed +(151 to 200) to Minimum Damage Stun Attack +(1 to 5) to Fortress +(1 to 5) to Moon Warrior +(151 to 200)% Enhanced Defense +(151 to 200)% Enhanced Damage to Moonstrike * In Median XL 1.A9, this runeword is bugged and will give a broken version of Spiral Dance instead. Please upgrade to 1.A9c. Oracle Level 90 0-5 Jewels +Ath Sorceress Body Armors +(3 to 4) to Sorceress Skill Levels 40% Faster Cast Rate 15% Faster Hit Recovery +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense +500 Defense Increase Maximum Mana (31 to 50)% +(15 per level) to Mana (Based on Character Level) Vanity Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Xar Sorceress Body Armors +(3 to 5) to Sorceress Skill Levels +(251 to 300)% Enhanced Defense +(51 to 100) to Energy +(51 to 100) to Dexterity (301 to 400)% Extra Gold from Monsters (31 to 50)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Comaetho Level 100 0-5 Jewels +On Sorceress Body Armors +2 to Sorceress Skill Levels -(31 to 50)% to Enemy Fire Resistance -(31 to 50)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance -(31 to 50)% to Enemy Cold Resistance -(31 to 50)% to Enemy Poison Resistance +(251 to 300)% Enhanced Defense 5% Chance to Avoid Damage Total Character Defense Plus 5% Hex Effect Duration: +2 seconds Slows Attacker by 10% Venefica Level 100 0-5 Jewels +Qor Sorceress Body Armors +(4 to 5) to Sorceress Skill Levels +(201 to 250)% Bonus to Poison Skill Duration (1 per level)% to Poison Spell Damage (Based on Character Level) Attacker Flees after Striking (21 to 25)% +(301 to 350)% Enhanced Defense Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1 Requirements -20% Cassilda Level 100 (New in version 1.A9) 0-5 Jewels +Krys Sorceress Body Armors +2 to Sorceress Skill Levels +(41 to 50)% to Fire Spell Damage +(41 to 50)% to Lightning Spell Damage +(41 to 50)% to Poison Spell Damage +(2 to 6) to Dark King Attacker Flees after Striking 33% +(201 to 250)% Enhanced Defense Target Takes Additional Damage of 25 Kết thúc bàiĐây là bài đầu tay của tui nên có gì mong các bạn thông cảm. Thanks được thì thanks thanks không được thì thôi.
Lần sau dịch lại guide nhớ ghi rõ nguồn gốc nha bạn . Mấy cái này lên trang chủ của nó mà lấy thông tin cho chính xác http://modsbylaz.hugelaser.com/ . Mà bạn dịch thì cố gắng dịch cho đầy đủ, chỗ nào ko dịch được cứ để tiếng Anh như vậy thì mấy người ko biết tiếng Anh cũng bó tay. Dù sao cũng có công ngồi dịch lại nên ủng hộ 1 cái
Nhưng mà trong diễn đàn không có . ___________Auto Merge________________ . Ai biết edit lại bài chỉ tui với
trên 50 post được sửa bài, tài liệu có mà nhưng hình như kô có phần dơn, chả bít sao lúc trước tìm đâu được tài liệu có đủ cả :)
Cái tội đọc guide ko kĩ Grey items only! Some people do not seem to know this. You can only make runewords in nonmagical socketed (grey) items!
híc :( , ông có phải down bản median 1.a9c gốc ko đấy ? Nếu ông down ở đâu ngoài 3 trang moddb, fileplanet, gamefox thì nên xem lại. Bởi vì Laz chỉ khuyến khích down ở 3 trang đó thôi( đơn giản vì hắn ta up mod của mình ở 3 trang đó mà :) )
chặc! quên mất tiu rồi đợi chút tui check mail xem sao . ___________Auto Merge________________ . tui down ở filplanet mà sao lại sai được
Bài viết này chỉ được cái chủ top đã bỏ công ngồi dịch, cái mà mấy mem XL đã làm rồi (Topic XL của fido). Còn phần RW thì trong file pdf cũng có rồi, in ra thêm làm chi. Mà chủ top viết bài RW mà không biết grey item là gì thì ...
là "nonmagical socketed" tức là đồ có lỗ nhưng kô phải magic , rare, unique, set, hoặc đồ trắng (đồ trắng kô có lỗ) :(
-thứ nhất những bài XL trong diễn đàn có 1 số không thể xài được -thứ hai tôi đã ghi rõ ở trên là cho bản XL 1a9c chứ không phải của XL cái thời napoleon còn tập đi xe đạp -thứ ba tôi ngồi dịch là để cho một số những bạn khác tìm hiểu vì có những bạn không biết wedsite của Laz -thứ tư 1 người muốn giỏi hơn thì phải học tôi không biết thì tôi hỏi thôi tôi đâu có nói là tui là 1 pro D2 đâu mà bác phải phản ứng khi tôi không biết grey item là gì . . ___________Auto Merge________________ . mà bác umaku đã thử xài runeword trên magical item chưa ? mà phải là ver 1a9c đấy Tôi chả biết cái XL của tui là hàng rỏm hay không nữa nhưng tôi nói thật là tôi đã ép thành công trên magical item rồi
Cái của bác là hàng gì em ko biết chứ cái của Laz up lên chỉ xài runeword cho socketed grey item được thôi. Tại sao lại như vậy ? Bởi vì Laz ko muốn tạo ra những món đồ quá imba trong mod của mình, thử nghĩ xem 1 cái rare staff + 4 to all skill được ép thêm cái runeword EverFolk + 6-8 to all skill thì sẽ như thế nào
1.a9 tôi đang chơi, còn 1.a9c hình như thay đổi rất ít so với 1.a9 và phần rune word kô thay đổi thì phải, nếu runeword mà áp dụng trên mới cái "magical item" thì bó tay, kô giống bản của laz, hồi đó tới giờ runeword toàn trên grey item. :( nói có bằng chứng đây, xem hình đính kèm là khỏi bàn cãi , đừng nói ta lấy ct chỉnh ảnh chỉnh nhé :(
Mình chỉ nói khi đã viết bài thì nên nghiên cứu kĩ đã rồi hãy viết. Sao bạn không làm thử với mọi item rồi hãy phát biểu. Phần hướng dẫn 1a9 thì chỉ khác có công thức mainQ và tạo đồ unique thôi chứ đâu có gì mới. Còn đây là một cái grey item đã thành RW.Cái dòng dưới tên item chính là grey đó. Item magic mà bạn nói làm được có thể là một item grey superious thôi.