Mẹo, mã đầy đủ cho Sim 2 đêy

Thảo luận trong 'The Sims' bắt đầu bởi Supergamer123, 31/1/06.

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  1. Supergamer123

    Supergamer123 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tp.Hồ Chí Minh
    Trick Menu:
    1. Dọn dẹp nhanh
    2. Bơi trong lòng đất
    3. Thành ngưòi lớn trong 5 giây ặc ặc…
    4. Sơn tường cả nhà chỉ với 1 click ?
    5. Sinh đôi ư, lần này chắc 90% làm được !
    6. Đạt được hạng cao nhất khi đi làm.@.
    7. Giữ độ tuổi của Sim.
    8. Làm con Sim mình bị hói.
    9. Con Sim cân đối, không mập hay gầy gì cả.
    10. Lớn nhanh như thổi, tăng điểm Mood ?
    11. Không phải trả Bill.
    12. Gặp ma………
    13. Tạo một Garage cho riêng mình.
    14. Hoàn thành con Sim
    15. Mua Snack miễn phí
    16. Nhà trên vườn dưới.
    17. Còn lại là mã cho Sim 2

    1.Dọn dẹp nhanh
    If you hate having to waste time cleaning up the house, or using the personality things for cleaning, then do this. type Ctrl+shift+C and the cheat window should come up. Then: type boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true. Then when something is dirty, just left click it and it should say, dirty state and that's when you click clean. It really helps when you have a job that you want to sleep right after you get home. Or you are inviting the head master over

    2. Bơi trong lòng đất
    Make sure your land is flat, buy a swimming pool (any size) and then hold down Ctrl and shift and C. A box will appear and you will need to type move_objects on. After you type that press enter (duh) and then get your sim to swim in the pool. When they are in the pool, go into buy mode, pick up your sim (cool if you havn't learnt to do this already) and drag them somewhere other than the pool. e.g. bring them into the kitchen. They will continue to swim even though they are in the ground. Have fun!

    3.Thành ngưòi lớn trong 5 giây ặc ặc…
    This cheatcode is “agingquick3” it alwows your toddlers to grow up into an adult in 5 seconds:Select the todler you want to grow up and then type in the cheat and they will become an adult!~!

    4. Sơn tường cả nhà chỉ với 1 click ?
    To paint the walls faster push down the mouse then the shift botton at the same time then let go of the mouse and then the shift to paint the walls faster

    5. Sinh đôi ư, lần này chắc 90% làm được !
    When the mom is pregnant and is about to have the baby press shift-ctrl-c the cheat bar will come up then type in twinz or twins and the mom should have twins.(works 90% of the time)

    6. Đạt được hạng cao nhất khi đi làm.@.
    1. To start off, you need to open the cheat box and type 'aging off' (your Sim must be an Adult Male).

    2. Get the career you want.

    3. Go to work until you bring home a female friend.

    4. Get 100/100 relationship and full love for this person. Now send her home.

    5. After work, invite your girlfriend over, then bring her to the hot tub and do a WooHoo (if she rejects you, wait until later and try again).

    6. Do WooHoos every day for 1 week (e.g. Sunday to Sunday) AND YOU MUST NOT GET A PROMOTION DURING THIS TIME OR THE CHEAT WILL NOT WORK.

    7. You must now invite your girl over to your house just before work, then leave for work while she's with you. SAVE NOW.

    8. Now: during work you'll be asked a question (with three options: ignore, option 1 and option 2). You must either: click ignore or get the right answer. NOTE: If this message does not come, something is wrong, begin the cheat over.

    9. That day, after work, you will come home and will make a pile of money -- there will be about 8-12 messages on the side saying you got promoted to the next job, plus you get one saying you reached the top, blah blah blah.
    NOTE: If anything above did not work for you, the cheat HAS NOT WORKED. TRY AGAIN.

    10. Enjoy your top rank job! SAVE.
    If you're wondering how I figured this out, it was pure coinsidence... I always do a WooHoo with SOMEONE when I come home from work, it's a mood booster.

    7. Giữ độ tuổi của Sim
    press ctrl+shift+C and type in "moveobjects on". go to Save, and save the game. Go to Buy Mode, and select the sim you DONT WANT TO AGE AT ALL, and delete him/her(them), but DONT delete the sims you want to age. when you have deleted the desired charaters, turn free will on in the options bar. Press fast forward, and the sim(s) will take care of themselves until you have them at the desired ages. then save, go to nieghborhood, and click your sims house, the UNaged sims will be waiting at the mailbox

    8. Làm con Sim mình bị hói
    Activate the cheat 'moveobjects on'. Buy the Noodlesoother or Thinking Cap from the Aspirations Rewards. Get your Sim to put on the item. Then, go to Buy Mode and take off their caps. You will eventually take it off, ven the hair too. As a result, your Sim will get bald!
    To cancel this glitch, do not delete the cap and put it back onto your Sim.

    9. Con Sim cân đối, không mập hay gầy gì cả.
    Open the cheat box and type in: StretchSkeleton
    After entering, you will not have either big/little sims

    10. Lớn nhanh như thổi, tăng điểm Mood ?
    This cheat only works on toddler or kid:

    1. First press ctrl+shift+C, and type "moveobjects on" (without quotes).

    2. When there's a notification about your toodler only 1 day left to grow into kid and that's a time to make a birthday party, insteadmake a party, buy a table and put a bithday cake on it.

    3. Then bring your toodler to blow candles. Exactly when your toddler spin and grow into kid, pause the game. click on the birthday cake and delete it. then buy a new birthday cake, click your kid and make him/her to blow the candle again. After that, unpause the game.

    4. Exactly when your kid spin and grow into teen, pause the game. click on the birthday cake and delete it. then buy a new birthday cake, click your teen and make him/her to blow the candle again. After that, unpause the game.

    5. now you have an adult sims with grow up ability. Another step is fullfil this sims aspiration until reaches top, you will see that the aspiration bar will decreased very slow and even does not decrease at all, so you got an adult sim with grow up ability and platinum mood.

    11. Không phải trả Bill.
    Have your sim collect the bills from the mailbox and set them somewhere. Bring up the cheat box (Ctrl+Shift+C) and type \"move_objects on\". Pick up the bills and delete them. Beware: DON\'T DELETE YOUR MAILBOX!! THIS WILL KEEP YOU FROM HAVING ANY GUEST OR CALLING ANYONE!
    Don't delete your mailbox. You will still have to pay bills, but the mailman will not come to deliver the bills. In a while the dreaded Repo-man will come and take all of your expensive items. (Though his suit is hilarious to see, bright orange and

    12. Gặp ma………
    First you have to kill some sims, then put a fence around their grave so the sims won't mourn them. (or just stop them from mourning.) Then (this may take awhile) around midnight the ghosts come out. Note: Ghosts can't hurt you they just float.

    13. Tạo một Garage cho riêng mình.
    Frist you need to build a garage and then:
    When your sims carpool to work comes freeze the game and do the \"move_objects_on\" cheat. Then pick up the car and suround it with walls where ever you want a garage the car won\'t be able to escape. If you want to get fancy you can make a driveway with road tile. You can have more fun and catch the schoolbus!

    14. Hoàn thành con Sim
    First, make a sim with NO personality points, then, make a yellow potion with the cemistery set, when they drink it, heir personality will be completly oppostte ( they will have . . . .
    neat 10
    nice 10
    outgoing 10
    active 10
    then you will have the perfect sim !!!!!!!!!

    15. Mua Snack miễn phí
    If you want easy cash or unlimited snacks, make your sim \"Have a Snack\" from the refrigerator. When the yellow ring goes around the action and your sim is taking the snack from the refrigerator, stop that action. Although your sim is still taking the snack out of the refridgerator, you will not have to pay for it. Your sims instead will just place the snack on the floor. After this, use the \"move_objects on\" cheat and delete the chips. This way, you will get $15 without paying for the snack in the first place

    16. Nhà trên vườn dưới
    Make a house, first and second stories, but don't decorate the first story. Make the second story as usual, and when you have finished, delete the walls of the first story. You will notice that the house can still stay up, with no posts, and all you have to do is put a couple of sets of stairs! Now you have a big house (upstairs) and you can build a big garden with a huge pool! (downstairs) !!!!!!!!!

    17.Cheat for Sim 2
    Codename: Menu and codes
    Platform: PC
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    Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to pop up the window and type in the following:
    Codename: Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects outside house:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop objectShadows (True/False)
    Codename: Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside house:
    Platform: PC
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    boolProp guob (True/False)
    Codename: Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Sim:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel (True/False)
    Codename: Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks to:
    Platform: PC
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    boolProp displayPaths (True/False)
    Codename: Toggle shadows on/off for Sims:
    Platform: PC
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    boolProp simShadows (True/False)
    Codename: In neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlighted:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False)
    Codename: Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhood:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop carsCompact (True/False)
    Codename: Set to true to show lot information:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False)
    Codename: Set to false to place floor tiles outside lot:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop locktiles (True/False)
    Codename: Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lots:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop lotWater (True/False)
    Codename: Set to false to remove floorpainting on lot:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False)
    Codename: Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False)
    Codename: Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when used:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop allObjectLightsOn (True/False)
    Codename: Set to false to remove roads from neighborhood:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False)
    Codename: Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhood:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False)
    Codename: Set to false to remove water from neighborhood:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater (True/False)
    Codename: Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhood:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop displayLotImposters (True/False)
    Codename: Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False)
    Codename: Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False)
    Codename: Increases game performance but lowers graphics:
    Platform: PC
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    vsync (on/off)
    Codename: Moves objects and deletes you couldnt before:
    Platform: PC
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    moveobjects (on/off)
    Codename: Lets you know if theres a patch:
    Platform: PC
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    autopatch (on/off)
    Codename: Get 1000 cash:
    Platform: PC
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    Codename: List cheats:
    Platform: PC
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    help -all
    Codename: Expands or contracts cheat window:
    Platform: PC
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    Codename: Closes cheat window:
    Platform: PC
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    Codename: Puts the game in slow motion:
    Platform: PC
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    Codename: Makes your sims larger or smaller:
    Platform: PC
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    Codename: Disables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop constrainFloorElevation true
    Codename: Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles:
    Platform: PC
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    boolprop constrainFloorElevation false
    Codename: Turn on aging:
    Platform: PC
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    aging on
    Codename: Turn off aging:
    Platform: PC
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    aging off
    Codename: 50,000 simoleans:
    Platform: PC
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    Codename: Turns off facial bounding limitations:
    Platform: PC
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    faceBlendLimits (on/off)
    Codename: You can invite more people to your parties:
    Platform: PC
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    intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8
    Codename: You can place objects outside the grid:
    Platform: PC
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    boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/false
    Codename: Takes off censoring:
    Platform: PC
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    intprop censorgridsize 0
    Codename: Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect:
    Platform: PC
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    Codename: You can tell what social reaction will happen before you do it:
    Platform: PC
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    Codename: Make you set the game speed. (# = 0 to 8, 0 is normal):
    Platform: PC
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    slowMotion #
    Codename: Turns Postprocessing on:
    Platform: PC
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    boolProp enablePostProcessing true
    Codename: Turns Postprocessing off:
    Platform: PC
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    boolProp enablePostProcessing false
    Codename: Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0) :
    Platform: PC
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    bloom rgb #
    Codename: Blurry bits at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) :
    Platform: PC
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    vignette # # #
    Codename: Makes the screen grainy. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) :
    Platform: PC
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    filmGrain #
    Codename: Adds a letterbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4):
    Platform: PC
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    letterBox #
    Codename: At neighborhood view only, removes every Sim from the neighborhood:
    Platform: PC
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    Codename: At neighborhood view only , toggles between the two terrain types:
    Platform: PC
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    TerrainType (desert/temperate)
    Codename: Other Parameters
    Platform: PC
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    Add these to the shortcut's parameters for other helpful things. Some have code counterparts.

    Windowed Mode: -w
    Start with desired resolution (in pixels): -r(width)x(height)
    Fullscreen Mode: -f
    Disables sound: -nosound
    Codename: Debug Mode
    Platform: PC
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    Open the cheat menu by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C, then entering the following:boolProp testingCheatsEnabled trueWhile in Create-a-Sim, press Shift + N before creating your first sim to enable skintones, clothes, and hairstles that would normally be used only by NPCs. Press Shift + M to disable it.While in Live mode, Shift + Click on a sim to bring up the debug menu.
  2. CoInoisme

    CoInoisme Donkey Kong

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    hổng hỉu gì hết ráo.... đề nghị post tiếng Việt ở đây
  3. Supergamer123

    Supergamer123 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tp.Hồ Chí Minh
    Tại lười quá nên hổng thèm dịch đó, thôi để từ từ dịch cho, mấy cái trick này dễ dịch mà, chờ đến thứ năm đi là có thể có Tv đó
  4. yoyo89312

    yoyo89312 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    sao lâu thế nhỉ, ko hiểu gì hết trơn á, dịch kĩ dùm tí nha bạn!!!!
    Cám ơn nhiều nha
    hiih hiih ihih iih hihiihimihih
  5. yugi_hiro

    yugi_hiro .::Heroic Leader::.

    Tham gia ngày:
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    dà, cheat và mấy cái mẹo cũng khá hay nhưng chưa thử được, mới uninstall TS2 khoảng ...2,3 tháng :)).
    ko phải ai cũng xem được đâu >__<.
  6. XThanatosX

    XThanatosX Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ặc ặc. Đề nghị dịch nghĩa sang tiếng việt, hiểu mà đoc xong cũng bị điên đó bố ơi, cheat code gì mà toàn tiếng anh sao mà xài T_T
  7. pokemon_red

    pokemon_red Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

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    ặc ặc pa này copy ở đâu sang thế này chịu khó qua google dịch để anh em còn hiểu chứ pó cẻng
  8. kinado

    kinado The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mấy cài này hình như bạn copy trong phần help của TheSim đúng ko? Bấm Ctrl Shift C rồi bấm tiếp chữ help thì fa3i. Nó ra rất nhiều cheat. Nhưng kò fa3i cheat nào cũng dùng và biết cách dùng. Lần sau cái nào bạn đã thử qua, và dùng được thì hãy post lên nha.
  9. mnhat091

    mnhat091 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tui đề nghị bạn nên post tiếng việt , english tui ko hiểu gì cả
  10. yugi_hiro

    yugi_hiro .::Heroic Leader::.

    Tham gia ngày:
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    rắc rối nhẩy ? nếu Supergamer ko có tính chuyện edit cái này thì thôi vậy, để topic vậy cũng mệt >__<.
    ps : nếu supergamer muốn post lại thì vào thẳng Newspaper
    lock lại đây
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