Gandalf Kriesch (23309129) 23 years, inadequate form, healthy A pleasant guy who is temperamental and upright. Has wretched experience and poor leadership abilities. Nationality: Deutschland Total Skill Index (TSI): 5 240 Wage: 2 904 US$/week including 20% Bonus Owner: VN Chaotic Assassin FC Warnings: 0 Stamina: excellent Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: outstanding Passing: inadequate Winger: wretched Defending: weak Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: inadequate ====================================================== ====================================================== Wes Frey (54967200) 17 years, passable form, healthy A controversial person who is balanced and honest. Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities. Nationality: USA Total Skill Index (TSI): 280 Wage: 549 US$/week Owner: VN Chaotic Assassin FC Warnings: 0 Stamina: weak Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: poor Passing: wretched Winger: weak Defending: weak Scoring: passable Set Pieces: wretched minh sẽ để giá rất rẻ cho cái bạn có thể bid.................
Andy Hebert (27821642) 21 years, solid form, healthy A controversial person who is calm and infamous. Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities. Nationality: Oceania Total Skill Index (TSI): 530 Wage: 7 200 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: FC Blue Unicorn Warnings: 0 Stamina: solid Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: wretched Passing: weak Winger: poor Defending: solid Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: poor Career Goals: 2 Career Hattricks: 0 League goals this season: 0 Cup goals this season: 0 ----->thèng này phong độ đang cao nếu ai đang cần gấp để đá trận quyết định thì nhớ mua thèng này nha, hiện đang Deadline: 13-02-2005 at 10.21 Asking price: 500 000 dong* Volker Mendel (38526784) 21 years, weak form, healthy A pleasant guy who is balanced and honest. Has wretched experience and inadequate leadership abilities. Nationality: Deutschland Total Skill Index (TSI): 2 110 Wage: 16 080 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: FC Blue Unicorn Warnings: 0 Stamina: excellent Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: excellent Passing: wretched Winger: weak Defending: weak Scoring: weak Set Pieces: weak Career Goals: 4 Career Hattricks: 0 League goals this season: 0 Cup goals this season: 0 ------> thèng này train được hơn 1/2 mùa ròi, nhưng vì tình thế cấp bách nên đã lỡ tay bán nó, nếu ai đang train playmaking và muốn kiếm lời thì đây là thèng thích hợp đó Deadline: 13-02-2005 at 10.12 Asking price: 2 000 000 dong* Ionut Serban (40618765) 20 years, excellent form, healthy A popular guy who is balanced and upright. Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities. Nationality: România Total Skill Index (TSI): 5 700 Wage: 38 880 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: FC Blue Unicorn Warnings: 0 Stamina: excellent Goaltending: excellent Playmaking: disastrous Passing: disastrous Winger: wretched Defending: disastrous Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: disastrous Career Goals: 0 Career Hattricks: 0 League goals this season: 0 Cup goals this season: 0 Deadline: 13-02-2005 at 08.39 Asking price: 4 500 000 dong*
tui cũng đống ý như vây ! có topic riêng rồi sao cứ tạo cái mới hoìa vây5 ? gặp mấy ông kia cũng hùa theo nữa , ghi bài quá trời ! chỗ nào mấy ông post được là ko bỏ sot cái nào cả , làm cho đúng chư !