Pokemon World - 1 map khá thú vị

Thảo luận trong 'World Editor' bắt đầu bởi C.Jack Sparrow, 5/2/09.

  1. C.Jack Sparrow

    C.Jack Sparrow Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Anh em ai chơi map này chưa , giờ đang cần add vài cái cheat vào map này để test 1 số secret của nó , ai làm được help mình nhé . Khó vật . Ngoài ra ai thích đánh cái này trên GG thì pm , chơi hay lắm đó . Ke ke
    Lên epicwar đánh Pokemon World và down bản lastest nhé 7.2 đó
    Hay lắm đó
  2. dannyminhduc

    dannyminhduc T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ủa, nhớ không lầm epic baned IP VN roài mà
  3. C.Jack Sparrow

    C.Jack Sparrow Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bao nhiêu lâu không chơi war rồi ?
  4. WordEditor

    WordEditor C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Leaf Village
    Có quảng cáo map thì xin link down tí :D
  5. C.Jack Sparrow

    C.Jack Sparrow Youtube Master Race

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  6. dannyminhduc

    dannyminhduc T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có tải dek đc đâu...................................
  7. Cloud88

    Cloud88 Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Fantasy World
    Cậu mạng miền núi ? Down ầm ầm có sao đâu :-/
  8. WordEditor

    WordEditor C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Leaf Village
    Hic, cái này không biết chơi sao, nhất là bắt mấy con Pokemon huyền thoại =="
  9. C.Jack Sparrow

    C.Jack Sparrow Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ọc , có tut đó
    Tôi post ông xem nè
    The three birds:
    Moltres: ( catched and finded )
        * In the fire area, there is a patch of lava.
        * Use a mysterious egg there and Moltres will hatch then u can weaken and capture it or kill it for a 20% chance to obtain Flame of Moltres. 
    Zapdos: ( catched and finded )
        * In the normal type/fighting area, (bottom left) there is a really windy area.
        * Use a mysterious egg there and u can get Zapdos. 
    Articuno:  ( catched and finded )
        * About the same thing but.. in the water area there is a waterfall in the corner.
        * Hatch the egg there. 
    More Legendaries:
    Celebi: ( catched and finded )
        * Kill both the ancients in the grass area and it WILL take a while
        * Afterwards, a lvl 10 celebi comes, you can kill it but it will take a while for for the first like 20 hits it heals immediately.
        * Catch it but it won't be really strong and kill it for a strange egg. 
    Lugia: ( catched and finded )
        * Get a pokemon with strength(rhyhorn's evolutions and machop's evolutions do the trick)
        * Get one frozen feather(see manaphy)
        * Goto the water area and look for a small side area with a cave. it's hard to find it but there IS a cave on the side. there should be some rocks blocking it.
        * Just use strength and they will disappear.
        * When you walk into the cave you arrive at a whole bunch of trees.
        * When you get close enough to the trees with the frozen feathers, they should all die or just use the feather. Walk right then up and you will reach lugia. 
    Ho-oh: ( catched and finded )
        * Summon all three legendary birds atleast once.
        * This will open up the burnt tower on the right of the map.
        * Obtain a Flame of Moltres from killing Moltres (20% drop rate)
        * Take the flame to the gate inside the burnt tower.
        * Moltres is past the gate. There is also a portal here that goes to Giratina's room. 
    Manaphy: ( catched and finded )
        * Obtain 2 frozen feathers by killing Articuno (20% drop rate)
        * Obtain the 'Strange Egg' from Celebi (100% drop rate)
        * Take them to the pool of water with black smoke at the top-mid of the map.
        * Walk in and out of the pool until both the feathers are used.
        * Put the strange egg in the pool - manaphy should now be summoned. 
    Other legendaries in Pokemon World 7.2:
        * Mew ( catched and finded )
        * Mewtwo  ( catched and finded )
       * Deoxys  ( catched and finded )
        * Giratina ( catched and finded )
        * Kyogre ( don't know how to catched )
        * Groudon ( catched and finded )
    >> I hope you love this cause i really need more legendaries..
    I'll add them soon.
    Mew: Get three eggs (separated), and a pokepouch. At dusk (night), walk into the cave at the north of the grass area. offer the eggs one by one by clicking on it followed by the pouch. the ground will shake and mew will appear. I suggest blocking the exit with your pokemon and trainer to make sure the mew doesnt run off. Capture as normal. 
    Mewtwo: Well oh well, this pokemon is harder to get than eating 17 pizzas in a row. It was so time consuming that by the time i had finished catching it i had only 30 seconds to train it up. Hence why the picture shows it up to only Level 8 lol... K, so first off, catch mew. Don't kill it, but catch it. Then kill lugia, kill ho-oh, and gather both their essences. You must get these essences to clone mewtwo. Once you have them, make sure you have another pokemon with you. Get a trainers ball and give both essences to mew. Mew will then morph into Mewtwo. Warning! You will have lost your mew and Mewtwo will not have an owner! So catch mewtwo again. Wa lah! Now you have the strongest pokemon in the game. Seriously, it sooooo IMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! It has all the gathered powers of its three pokemon components and has seriouly awesome damage without any stat pumping at all... Phew... You will never get this in a Multiplayer game... trust me... lol 
    Giratina: When you get to lugia, there should be a blueish square, when you go into it, you will get 6 letters and 6 numbers. I don't know what it means but i got this when i stepped into it CEBFAD 3 5 2 6 1 4. The numbers and letters are the first 6 in the alphabet obviously. The line up of the letters is in sequence as to what number in the alpha bet they are also. Hence the numbers. ( Catched and finder )
    Deoxys: 1. At the bottom of the map, look in the grass area shaped liked an arrow. Dig. You should find the glowing stone. 2. Bring the glowing stone on the top portion of the map. Approach the the group of rocks in the middle. A rock will fall on you converting the glowing stone to Meteor. 3. Store it in your Pokemon's inventory 4. Hatch a mysterious egg near the power plant. Kill Zapdos. There's a percentage that it will drop the power supply. Put it again in your Pokemon's inventory. 5. Direct your Pokemon to the Power Plant, the power supply and meteor with it. Use the Power Supply. 6. Laser Beam will attack your Pokemon but don't worry. Approach it and wait until Deoxys appear. 7. Catch Deoxys
    Groudon: destroy the boulders at the soutwest corner of the fire area, and the cave at the right middle of the map will open. you need a lvl 10 moltress (or someone else with fire spin at lvl 10) and two other level 10 pokemon. use moltress's firespin to remove the barrels. then hatch an egg at the entrance of the gate that says mmm babies. then catch him!
  10. dannyminhduc

    dannyminhduc T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    You were banned on Dec 6, 2007 for: this IP range was used to upload many fake and hacked versions of DDay Judgement and DotA Allstars

    ( Click here to continue )

    chịu thua!
    mạng sì gòn

    Maps này chơi rồi, nhưng đi một hồi thì chả bik làm ji` nữa :devil:
  11. An Sat Truy Hinh

    An Sat Truy Hinh Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có 3 con huyền thoại và 1 con super boss.
    Muốn bắt 3 con huyền thoại bạn phải đánh đc item hình miếng phomat á, sau đó mang thả 3 chỗ: cái lốc xoáy nho nhỏ duới cùng bên trái, cái thác nước trên vùng băng bên trên, vùng đỏ lửa dưới cùng bên phải đó.
    Thả thì nó ra con Pokemon huyền thoại, nhớ mua cục bắt luôn ( mua chỗ con tàu đó, thi thoảng nó có bán).
    Còn con super boss thì bạn đánh 2 con cây màu tím( bên trên bên phải) thì nó sẽ hiện lên. đánh nó gần hết máu thì bắt thôi, con này 6-7 skill gì đó, toàn skill mạnh, mana nhiều.
  12. C.Jack Sparrow

    C.Jack Sparrow Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chán bác quá , có 7 - 10 con Mystery Pokemon bác à , nhưng phải chơi tầm 50 phút với có team may ra mới lấy được . Còn lấy được con Mewtwo thì thắng lun , khỏi phải đánh . Nó có cái shield , làm cách gì cũng không mất máu , ke ke

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