mình bot gate mà sao con gà HP va SP có lúc đến hơn 50% mà nó chẳng chịu ăn gì cả, nhiều lúc chết oan => mất đồ tôn trọng hu hu mấy bác xem dùm Mã: double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect byte battle_count = 0; byte NS_count = 0; byte myturn = 0; byte peturn = 0; /***** Chinh sua ID chu Party o day *****/ uint idchupt =338663; /*************************************/ /*********************** My Attack *************************/ public override void MyAttack() { myturn++; if (myturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 3, 10000); } if (myturn >=2) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 0, 18001); } } /******************* My Partner Attack *********************/ public override void MyPartnerAttack() { peturn++; if (peturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 3, 12003); } if (peturn >= 2) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 0, 18001); } } /********************* Battle Started **********************/ public override void BattleStarted() { battle_count++; myturn = 0; peturn = 0; } /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ public override void BattleStopped() { AutoEatFood(); ProcessInventoryAction(); CheckDisconnect(); ViewState(); CheckGhost(); } /********************* Check Ghost ***********************/ void CheckGhost() { if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1 && ts.Character.mapid == 12000) {ts.Disconnect();} } /******************* Receive Question *********************/ public override void doRecvQuestion() { NS_count++; } /******************** Response Answer **********************/ public override void ResponseAnswer() { string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); ts.Answer(ans_index); } /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/ public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); if (DialogId == 4) {ts.SelectChoice(1);ts.SendEnd();} } /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/ public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) { //debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); ts.SendEnd(); } /************************ On Timer *************************/ public override void OnTimer() { } /************************* Start ***************************/ public override void Start() { debug("Request Party .........."); ts.RequestParty(idchupt); } /************************** Stop ***************************/ public override void Stop() { for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){ Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i]; Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()]; if(oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; } debug(oItem.itemname + " at slot " + oSlot.slot.ToString() + " with ID " + oSlot.itemid.ToString(),0); } } /*********************** View State ************************/ void ViewState() { debug("************************************************** **********************",255) ; debug(" Số trận đánh : " + battle_count ,255) ; debug(" HP của "+ts.Character.CharName+" = " + ts.Character.HP +" "+ "/" +" "+ ts.Character.MAXHP,255); debug(" HP của "+ts.CurrentPartner.CharName +" = " + ts.CurrentPartner.HP + " "+"/" +" "+ ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP +" "+" FAI = " + ts.CurrentPartner.fai,255); debug(" Số lần gặp BTQ : "+ NS_count +" Số con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,255) ; debug("======= Script by Jet007 - Copy Right GameVN–™ =======",255) ; } /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/ public override void FinishAnswer() { if (ts.Character.mapid==12441) {ProcessInventoryAction(); ts.Warp(1);} } /********************* Accepted Party **********************/ public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idchupt) {debug("Join to " + playerid);} } /********************** Warp Finished **********************/ public override void warpFinish() { if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1 && ts.Character.mapid == 12011) {ts.Walk(462,515);ts.ClickOnNPC(9);} } /************************ Party Stop ***********************/ public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idchupt) {debug(idchupt+ " Giải tán đội ngũ ...");} if (ts.Character.mapid==13000) {ProcessInventoryAction(); ts.Warp(1);} } /************************ Init Bot *************************/ public override void InitBot() { ts.SetReconnectTime(3); ts.SetMaxIdleTime(15); if (ts.Character.mapid==12521) {ts.Warp(5);} ts.delay(1000); AddDropItemList("viênongmật"); AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc"); AddDropItemList("Măng hô"); AddDropItemList("thần hành"); AddDropItemList("ThuốcNhấtĐiểm"); AddDropItemList("Thuốc Bổ Huyết"); AddDropItemList("Thuốc Lục Vị"); AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); AutoEatFood(); ViewState(); debug("Login Okie"); ProcessInventoryAction(); AutoEatFood(); if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1 && ts.Character.mapid == 12000) {ts.Warp(6);} if (ts.Character.ghost == 0 && ts.Character.x == 462 && ts.Character.y ==515 && ts.Character.mapid == 12011) {ts.Warp(1);} } [code]
post lại cho dễ xem Mã: double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect byte battle_count = 0; byte NS_count = 0; byte myturn = 0; byte peturn = 0; /***** Chinh sua ID chu Party o day *****/ uint idchupt =338663; /*************************************/ /*********************** My Attack *************************/ public override void MyAttack() { myturn++; if (myturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 3, 10000); } if (myturn >=2) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 0, 18001); } } /******************* My Partner Attack *********************/ public override void MyPartnerAttack() { peturn++; if (peturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 3, 12003); } if (peturn >= 2) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 0, 18001); } } /********************* Battle Started **********************/ public override void BattleStarted() { battle_count++; myturn = 0; peturn = 0; } /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ public override void BattleStopped() { AutoEatFood(); ProcessInventoryAction(); CheckDisconnect(); ViewState(); CheckGhost(); } /********************* Check Ghost ***********************/ void CheckGhost() { if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1 && ts.Character.mapid == 12000) {ts.Disconnect();} } /******************* Receive Question *********************/ public override void doRecvQuestion() { NS_count++; } /******************** Response Answer **********************/ public override void ResponseAnswer() { string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); ts.Answer(ans_index); } /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/ public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); if (DialogId == 4) {ts.SelectChoice(1);ts.SendEnd();} } /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/ public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) { //debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); ts.SendEnd(); } /************************ On Timer *************************/ public override void OnTimer() { } /************************* Start ***************************/ public override void Start() { debug("Request Party .........."); ts.RequestParty(idchupt); } /************************** Stop ***************************/ public override void Stop() { for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){ Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i]; Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()]; if(oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; } debug(oItem.itemname + " at slot " + oSlot.slot.ToString() + " with ID " + oSlot.itemid.ToString(),0); } } /*********************** View State ************************/ void ViewState() { debug("************************************************** **********************",255) ; debug(" Số trận đánh : " + battle_count ,255) ; debug(" HP của "+ts.Character.CharName+" = " + ts.Character.HP +" "+ "/" +" "+ ts.Character.MAXHP,255); debug(" HP của "+ts.CurrentPartner.CharName +" = " + ts.CurrentPartner.HP + " "+"/" +" "+ ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP +" "+" FAI = " + ts.CurrentPartner.fai,255); debug(" Số lần gặp BTQ : "+ NS_count +" Số con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,255) ; debug("======= Script by Jet007 - Copy Right GameVN–™ =======",255) ; } /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/ public override void FinishAnswer() { if (ts.Character.mapid==12441) {ProcessInventoryAction(); ts.Warp(1);} } /********************* Accepted Party **********************/ public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idchupt) {debug("Join to " + playerid);} } /********************** Warp Finished **********************/ public override void warpFinish() { if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1 && ts.Character.mapid == 12011) {ts.Walk(462,515);ts.ClickOnNPC(9);} } /************************ Party Stop ***********************/ public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idchupt) {debug(idchupt+ " Giải tán đội ngũ ...");} if (ts.Character.mapid==13000) {ProcessInventoryAction(); ts.Warp(1);} } /************************ Init Bot *************************/ public override void InitBot() { ts.SetReconnectTime(3); ts.SetMaxIdleTime(15); if (ts.Character.mapid==12521) {ts.Warp(5);} ts.delay(1000); AddDropItemList("viênongmật"); AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc"); AddDropItemList("Măng hô"); AddDropItemList("thần hành"); AddDropItemList("ThuốcNhấtĐiểm"); AddDropItemList("Thuốc Bổ Huyết"); AddDropItemList("Thuốc Lục Vị"); AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); AutoEatFood(); ViewState(); debug("Login Okie"); ProcessInventoryAction(); AutoEatFood(); if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1 && ts.Character.mapid == 12000) {ts.Warp(6);} if (ts.Character.ghost == 0 && ts.Character.x == 462 && ts.Character.y ==515 && ts.Character.mapid == 12011) {ts.Warp(1);} }
double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; chỗ này nè >.<
Cái này lổi do lag đó ... lâu lâu lag quá cũng vậy ... nhìn trong kho thấy 1 bày SP mà nhìn cây SP lại hết sạch ... mà khi đánh xong trận nó vẩn ăn SP bình thường nhưng cây SP lại ko lên mới đau ... Cách tốt nhất tắc cái Legna củ mở lại cái khác là ok
Mã: double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% double spFractionEat = 0.8; double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % double spFraction = 0.95; byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect byte battle_count = 0; byte NS_count = 0; byte myturn = 0; byte peturn = 0; /***** Chinh sua ID chu Party o day *****/ uint idchupt =338663; /*************************************/ /*********************** My Attack *************************/ public override void MyAttack() { myturn++; if (myturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 3, 10000); } if (myturn >=2) { CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 0, 18001); } } /******************* My Partner Attack *********************/ public override void MyPartnerAttack() { peturn++; if (peturn == 1) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 3, 12003); } if (peturn >= 2) { CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 0, 18001); } } /********************* Battle Started **********************/ public override void BattleStarted() { battle_count++; myturn = 0; peturn = 0; } /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ public override void BattleStopped() { AutoEatFood(); ProcessInventoryAction(); CheckDisconnect(); ViewState(); CheckGhost(); } /********************* Check Ghost ***********************/ void CheckGhost() { if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1 && ts.Character.mapid == 12000) {ts.Disconnect();} } /******************* Receive Question *********************/ public override void doRecvQuestion() { NS_count++; } /******************** Response Answer **********************/ public override void ResponseAnswer() { string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); ts.Answer(ans_index); } /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/ public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId) { debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); if (DialogId == 4) {ts.SelectChoice(1);ts.SendEnd();} } /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/ public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) { //debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); ts.SendEnd(); } /************************ On Timer *************************/ public override void OnTimer() { } /************************* Start ***************************/ public override void Start() { debug("Request Party .........."); ts.RequestParty(idchupt); } /************************** Stop ***************************/ public override void Stop() { for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){ Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i]; Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()]; if(oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; } debug(oItem.itemname + " at slot " + oSlot.slot.ToString() + " with ID " + oSlot.itemid.ToString(),0); } } /*********************** View State ************************/ void ViewState() { debug("************************************************** **********************",255) ; debug(" Số trận đánh : " + battle_count ,255) ; debug(" HP của "+ts.Character.CharName+" = " + ts.Character.HP +" "+ "/" +" "+ ts.Character.MAXHP,255); debug(" HP của "+ts.CurrentPartner.CharName +" = " + ts.CurrentPartner.HP + " "+"/" +" "+ ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP +" "+" FAI = " + ts.CurrentPartner.fai,255); debug(" Số lần gặp BTQ : "+ NS_count +" Số con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,255) ; debug("======= Script by Jet007 - Copy Right GameVN–™ =======",255) ; } /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/ public override void FinishAnswer() { if (ts.Character.mapid==12441) {ProcessInventoryAction(); ts.Warp(1);} } /********************* Accepted Party **********************/ public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idchupt) {debug("Join to " + playerid);} } /********************** Warp Finished **********************/ public override void warpFinish() { if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1 && ts.Character.mapid == 12011) {ts.Walk(462,515);ts.ClickOnNPC(9);} } /************************ Party Stop ***********************/ public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) { if (playerid == idchupt) {debug(idchupt+ " Giải tán đội ngũ ...");} if (ts.Character.mapid==13000) {ProcessInventoryAction(); ts.Warp(1);} } /************************ Init Bot *************************/ public override void InitBot() { ts.SetReconnectTime(3); ts.SetMaxIdleTime(15); if (ts.Character.mapid==12521) {ts.Warp(5);} ts.delay(1000); AddDropItemList("viênongmật"); AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc"); AddDropItemList("Măng hô"); AddDropItemList("thần hành"); AddDropItemList("ThuốcNhấtĐiểm"); AddDropItemList("Thuốc Bổ Huyết"); AddDropItemList("Thuốc Lục Vị"); AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); AutoEatFood(); ViewState(); debug("Login Okie"); ProcessInventoryAction(); AutoEatFood(); if (ts.Character.ghost >= 1 && ts.Character.mapid == 12000) {ts.Warp(6);} if (ts.Character.ghost == 0 && ts.Character.x == 462 && ts.Character.y ==515 && ts.Character.mapid == 12011) {ts.Warp(1);} } [code] chài ơi nó bị sai rồi ông ơi sửa lại 1 chút là dc
sai ở đâu hả bạn nõi rõ đi mình mới hiểu chứ Mã: xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào xin tí MP nào