Saw: The Video Game RELOADED [FULL ISO| PC |2009]

Thảo luận trong '' bắt đầu bởi phuccntt90, 30/5/11.

  1. phuccntt90

    phuccntt90 T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Konami's Saw, based off the movies, should not be good. It's a movie-licensed game based on a horror franchise. Everything about it screams "Must be awful!" Guess what? It's not. I played a good bit of Saw, far beyond what was available at E3. I'm not a fan of the Saw series -- I prefer my porn to include naked women grinding on men, not dude's having their heads lopped off by an ingenious trap. But I like Saw. It has its issues (the current build has quite a few bugs), but it definitely has a shot at being a good game.

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    eyeshin21 thích bài này.

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