There are two rules of accommodation with the tax responsibility in Poland only with progression or our profits is exempt from dues and the sense of right of correlated deduction (the income is taxed in Poland). These rules appropriate to the elementary forms of work, such as not. Eat suite working abroad. Let us consequence divers European countries in which we work and what philanthropic of encumber in Poland us then applies: Belarus (released), Czech Republic (released), pit 2015 program Denmark (taxed), France (released), Greece (released), the Netherlands (taxed), Ireland (released), Iceland (taxed), Lithuania (released), Italy (released), Agreed Kingdom (released), on the internet you will get back a satiated table of specify taxation of 19 April 2010. international Covenant potent us that concerns us proportional withdrawal requires us we in the pressure year in Poland also scrawled income from near (all things considered printed T-36 and Annex T / ZG). When it comes to tax countdown, here, we want to regard it. We withdraw encumbrance in the country in which the correlation earning no more than the contribution that we benefit in Poland. About that the contribution revert from abroad is also taxed in Poland. Reimbursement is added to all revenues received from abroad. DEPRESSION / ZG is needed in the Annex to assess returns: PIT-36, PIT-36L, T-38 and T-39. We need to tack it one by one to each pressure turn back if you bear several. The requirement to make printing depends of advance on the country of cradle of our income. Foreigners working in Poland does not have the obligation to make the HOLLOW / ZG. Printing is made singly looking for each motherland in which we received earnings.