Set item

Thảo luận trong 'Titan Quest' bắt đầu bởi M00nPr1nc3, 24/6/08.

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  1. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Tiếp tục công việc của bac 7k mình post thông số và hình ảnh của các set item trong game :p
    Set: Gladiator's Creed


    + Alke


    +30 Strength
    +10% Strength
    -20% Strength Requirement For All Weapons
    +2 to Battle Rage

    Required Level: 34

    + Timaios


    +155 Health
    +10% Health
    -20% Strength Requirement For Armor
    +2 to Battle Awareness

    Required Level: 34

    Set Bonuses:
    2 of 2...10% Damage Resistance, +400 Health
  2. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Habiliments of the Druid

    Druid's Vestment
    Druid's Wreath
    Druid's Bracelet
    Druid's Staff

    + Druid's Vestment


    96 Armor

    16% Poison Resistance
    +37% Energy Regeneration
    +20% Less Damage From Beasts
    +2 to Refresh
    +1 to All Skills in Nature Mastery

    Required Level: 29
    Required Dexterity: 126
    Required Intelligence: 286

    + Druid's Wreath


    96 Armor

    17% Poison Resistance
    +30 Intelligence
    +27% Health Regeneration
    +20% Energy Regeneration
    +2 to Fatigue

    Required Level: 30
    Required Dexterity: 126
    Required Intelligence: 286

    + Druid's Bracelet


    96 Armor

    16% Poison Resistance
    +25% Health Regeneration
    +29% Energy Regeneration
    +40 Defensive Ability
    +2 to Plague

    Required Level: 30
    Required Dexterity: 126
    Required Intelligence: 286

    + Druid's Staff


    49-110 Base Lightning Damage
    Speed: Slow

    +15% Lightning Damage
    162-204 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds
    +20 Intelligence
    +19% Health Regeneration
    +1.5 Energy Regeneration/Second
    +20% Energy Regeneration
    +1 to All Skills in Nature Mastery

    Required Level: 32
    Required Intelligence: 368

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 4...+25% Health Regeneration, +25% Energy Regeneration, 2% Chance to Dodge Attacks
    - 3 of 4...17% Poison Resistance, +50% Health Regeneration, +50% Energy - Regeneration, 4% Chance to Dodge Attacks
    - 4 of 4...22% Poison Resistance, +75% Health Regeneration, +75% Energy Regeneration, 6% Chance to Dodge Attacks

    Full set image:

  3. sevenkingdoms

    sevenkingdoms Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đố biết
    Cảm ơn đã hợp tác :)
    Kể từ sau bài này, ai muốn làm cùng thì post các set, ko spam, ko chat nhảm, ai thích thì đưa nick mỗi phát 5 points.
  4. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Huo Qubing's Relics

    Huo Qubing's Cuirass
    Huo Qubing's Helm
    Huo Qubing's Greaves
    Huo Qubing's Armguards
    Huo Qubing's Ceremonial Blade

    + Huo Qubing's Cuirass


    492 Armor

    +31 Dexterity
    +420 Health
    +58 Defensive Ability

    Grants Skill: Dodge Attack

    Required Level: 39
    Required Strength: 525

    + Huo Qubing's Helm


    492 Armor

    27% Cold Resistance
    26% Lightning Resistance
    +24 Dexterity
    +320 Health
    -20% Recharge
    -20% Energy Cost

    Required Level: 39
    Required Strength: 525

    + Huo Qubing's Greaves


    492 Armor

    29% Cold Resistance
    25% Poison Resistance
    +32 Dexterity
    +320 Health
    +63 Defensive Ability
    +23% Movement

    Required Level: 41
    Required Strength: 525

    + Huo Qubing's Armguards


    492 Armor

    25% Fire Resistance
    26% Lightning Resistance
    +39% Life Leech
    +27 Dexterity
    +71 Defensive Ability
    +25% Attack Speed

    Required Level: 41
    Required Strength: 525

    + Huo Qubing's Ceremonial Blade


    142-149 Damage
    10% Piercing
    Speed: Fast

    +44% Life Leech
    15% of Attack Damage Converted to Health
    +44 Offensive Ability

    Required Level: 39
    Required Dexterity: 268
    Required Strength: 331

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 5...13-21 Vitality Retaliation
    - 3 of 5...5% of Attack Damage Converted to Health, 42% Cold Resistance, 13-21 Vitality Retaliation, +230 Health
    - 4 of 5...+50% Life Leech, 10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health, 42% Cold Resistance, 13-21 Vitality Retaliation, +230 Health
    - 5 of 5...+100% Life Leech, 10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health, 50% Pierce Resistance, 42% Cold Resistance, 50% Poison Resistance, 13-21 Vitality Retaliation, +230 Health

    Full Set Image:

  5. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Imperial Raiment

    Imperial Armor
    Imperial Helm
    Imperial Greaves
    Imperial Bracers

    + Imperial Armor


    108 Armor

    11% Pierce Resistance
    10% Elemental Resistance
    10% Poison Resistance
    15% Chance of +51% Frostburn Retaliation
    +10 Strength
    +157 Health
    +25 Defensive Ability
    +2 to Tumult

    Required Level: 26
    Required Strength: 253

    + Imperial Helm


    108 Armor

    14% Energy Leech Resistance
    24% Stun Resistance
    +16 Strength
    +10 Dexterity
    +25 Defensive Ability
    +1 to Armor Handling

    Required Level: 25
    Required Strength: 253

    + Imperial Greaves


    108 Armor

    13% Bleeding Resistance
    20% Chance of 5-50 Life Leech Retaliation Over 5 Seconds
    +125 Health
    +25 Defensive Ability
    +11% Movement
    4% Chance to Dodge Attacks

    Required Level: 25
    Required Strength: 253

    + Imperial Bracers


    108 Armor

    15% Poison Resistance
    +20 Strength
    +32 Offensive Ability
    +30 Defensive Ability
    +14% Attack Speed
    +2 to Dual Wield

    Required Level: 25
    Required Strength: 253

    + Yang


    41-47 Damage
    10% Piercing
    Speed: Fast

    10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health
    -2 Health Regeneration/Second
    +24 Offensive Ability
    +10% Attack Speed

    Required Level: 24
    Required Dexterity: 158
    Required Strength: 185

    + Yin


    41-47 Damage
    10% Piercing
    Speed: Fast

    +56% Life Leech
    +2 Health Regeneration/Second
    +28 Defensive Ability
    +11% Attack Speed

    Required Level: 24
    Required Dexterity: 158
    Required Strength: 185

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 6...+25% Life Leech, +75 Defensive Ability
    - 3 of 6...+25% Life Leech, 10% Pierce Resistance, 10% Elemental Resistance, 10% Poison Resistance, +75 Defensive Ability
    - 4 of 6...+25% Life Leech, 69-102 Energy Leech Over 3 Seconds, 20% Pierce Resistance, 20% Elemental Resistance, 20% Poison Resistance, +75 Defensive Ability
    - 5 of 6...+75% Life Leech, 69-102 Energy Leech Over 3 Seconds, 20% Pierce Resistance, 20% Elemental Resistance, 20% Poison Resistance, +75 Defensive Ability
    - 6 of 6...+100% Life Leech, 69-102 Energy Leech Over 3 Seconds, 40% Pierce Resistance, 40% Elemental Resistance, 40% Poison Resistance, +75 Defensive Ability

    Full Set Image:

  6. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Labyrinthine Warsuit

    Labyrinthine Cuirass
    Labyrinthine Helmet
    Labyrinthine Greaves
    Labyrinthine Bracers
    Labyrinthine Shield

    + Labyrinthine Cuirass


    108 Armor

    +10 Strength
    +52 Health
    -5% Strength Requirement For All Weapons
    -5% Strength Requirement For Armor
    -5% Strength Requirement For Shields
    +1 to All Skills in Warfare Mastery

    Required Level: 10
    Required Strength: 133

    + Labyrinthine Helmet


    60 Armor

    28% Stun Resistance
    +11 Strength
    +52 Health
    -7% Strength Requirement For Armor

    Required Level: 9
    Required Strength: 133

    + Labyrinthine Greaves


    60 Armor

    +10 Strength
    +52 Health
    +15 Defensive Ability
    +10% Movement

    Required Level: 9
    Required Strength: 133

    + Labyrinthine Bracers


    60 Armor

    +10 Strength
    +52 Health
    +16 Offensive Ability
    +10% Attack Speed

    Required Level: 9
    Required Strength: 133

    + Labyrinthine Shield


    10% Chance to Block 78 Damage
    34 Damage

    16% Pierce Resistance
    +20% Damage
    +10 Strength
    +52 Health

    Required Level: 9
    Required Strength: 116

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 5...16% Pierce Resistance, +10 Strength
    - 3 of 5...32% Pierce Resistance, +5% Shield Block, +10 Strength
    - 4 of 5...+10% Armor Protection, 32% Pierce Resistance, +5% Shield Block, +10 Strength
    - 5 of 5...+10% Armor Protection, 32% Pierce Resistance, +8% Shield Block, +10 Strength, +90 Health

    Full Set Image:

  7. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Lazarus Armor

    Lazarus Platemail
    Lazarus Helm
    Lazarus Plate Greaves
    Lazarus Bracers

    + Lazarus Platemail


    60 Armor

    12% Elemental Resistance
    10% Chance of 1-28 Lightning Retaliation
    +120 Health
    +29% Energy Regeneration
    +27 Defensive Ability

    Required Level: 21
    Required Strength: 223

    + Lazarus Helm


    96 Armor

    27% Stun Resistance
    15% Chance of 1-15 Lightning Retaliation
    +20 Intelligence
    +63 Energy
    +25 Defensive Ability

    Required Level: 21
    Required Strength: 223

    + Lazarus Plate Greaves


    96 Armor

    +18 Dexterity
    +120 Health
    +24 Defensive Ability
    +16% Movement

    Required Level: 20
    Required Strength: 223

    + Lazarus Bracers


    96 Armor

    10% Chance of 2-30 Lightning Retaliation
    +23 Strength
    +24 Defensive Ability
    +10% Attack Speed

    Required Level: 20
    Required Strength: 223

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 4...15% Chance of 1-25 Lightning Retaliation, +25 Defensive Ability
    - 3 of 4...+20% Lightning Damage, 20% Lightning Resistance, 15% Chance of 1-25 Lightning Retaliation, +35% Energy Regeneration, +25 Defensive Ability
    - 4 of 4...+20% Lightning Damage, 20% Lightning Resistance, 15% Chance of 1-25 Lightning Retaliation, +120 Health, +85 Energy, +55% Energy Regeneration, +25 Defensive Ability

    Full Set Image:

  8. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Legend of Fu Xi

    Fu Xi's Armored Chest
    Fu Xi's Skullplate
    Fu Xi's Bindings
    Fu Xi's Shackle
    Fu Xi's Tail

    + Fu Xi's Armored Chest


    264 Armor

    +15% Armor Protection
    15% Fire Resistance
    14% Poison Resistance
    +190 Health
    +20% Health Regeneration

    Required Level: 34
    Required Dexterity: 319
    Required Strength: 137

    + Fu Xi's Skullplate


    264 Armor

    14% Fire Resistance
    16% Poison Resistance
    108% Stun Resistance
    +190 Health
    +18% Health Regeneration

    Required Level: 34
    Required Dexterity: 319
    Required Strength: 137

    + Fu Xi's Bindings


    264 Armor

    13% Fire Resistance
    15% Poison Resistance
    +10% Poison Damage With +49% Improved Duration
    +21% Health Regeneration
    -10% Movement

    Required Level: 34
    Required Dexterity: 319
    Required Strength: 137

    + Fu Xi's Shackle


    264 Armor

    14% Fire Resistance
    15% Poison Resistance
    +20% Damage
    +270 Health
    +22% Health Regeneration
    -10% Attack Speed

    Required Level: 34
    Required Strength: 428

    + Fu Xi's Tail


    93-99 Damage
    10% Piercing
    Speed: Fast

    15% Chance of 10-170 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
    7% Chance For One of the Following:
    2-4 Seconds of Stun
    5 Piercing Damage
    21-25 Fire Damage
    6% Chance of 14-18 Poison Damage
    +20% Health Regeneration

    Required Level: 35
    Required Dexterity: 223
    Required Strength: 271

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 5...15% Chance for 57 Fire Retaliation or 114-150 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds, +5% Movement, +5% Attack Speed
    - 3 of 5...31% Fire Resistance, 31% Poison Resistance, 15% Chance for 57 Fire Retaliation or 114-150 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds, +10% Movement, +10% Attack Speed
    - 4 of 5...+20% Fire Damage, +20% Poison Damage, 31% Fire Resistance, 31% Poison Resistance, 15% Chance for 57 Fire Retaliation or 114-150 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds, +10% Movement, +10% Attack Speed
    - 5 of 5...+20% Fire Damage, +20% Poison Damage, +10% Armor Protection, 31% Fire Resistance, 31% Poison Resistance, 15% Chance for 57 Fire Retaliation or 114-150 Poison Retaliation Over 6 Seconds, +3 Health Regeneration/Second, +10% Movement, +10% Attack Speed

    Full Set Image:

  9. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Memnon's Raiment

    Memnon's Aegis
    Memnon's Guard
    Memnon's Signet
    Memnon's Trust

    + Memnon's Aegis


    168 Armor

    10% Chance of 119% Damage Resistance
    35% Pierce Resistance
    15% Elemental Resistance
    +23% Health Regeneration
    +38 Defensive Ability

    Required Level: 29
    Required Dexterity: 269
    Required Strength: 122

    + Memnon's Guard


    168 Armor

    50% Stun Resistance
    +21 Strength
    +22% Health Regeneration
    +37 Defensive Ability

    Required Level: 28
    Required Dexterity: 269
    Required Strength: 122

    + Memnon's Signet


    25% Pierce Resistance
    +55 Health
    +25% Health Regeneration
    +39 Offensive Ability
    +10% Attack Speed

    Required Level: 28

    + Memnon's Trust


    30% Chance of:
    75-105 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
    28-37 Piercing Damage
    10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health
    20% Fire Resistance
    21% Cold Resistance
    23% Lightning Resistance
    22% Poison Resistance
    +25% Health Regeneration
    +31 Offensive Ability

    Required Level: 32
    Required Dexterity: 193
    Required Strength: 231

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 4...+50 Health, +36 Offensive Ability
    - 3 of 4...+100 Health, +36 Offensive Ability
    - 4 of 4...10% of Attack Damage Converted to Health, +150 Health, +36 Offensive Ability

    Full Set Image:

  10. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Necromancer's Habiliment

    Necromancer's Robe
    Crown of the Dead
    Necromancer's Leggings
    Necromancer's Staff

    + Necromancer's Robe


    30 Armor

    +43% Energy Regeneration
    +8 Damage to Undead
    +39% Less Damage From Undead
    +1 to All Skills in Spirit Mastery

    Required Level: 9
    Required Dexterity: 72
    Required Intelligence: 116

    + Crown of the Dead


    30 Armor

    83% Bleeding Resistance
    +14 Intelligence
    +21% Energy Regeneration
    +20% Less Damage From Undead

    Required Level: 9
    Required Dexterity: 72
    Required Intelligence: 116

    + Necromancer's Leggings


    30 Armor

    10% Life Leech Resistance
    +20% Energy Regeneration
    +10% Movement
    +1 to Cascade

    Required Level: 9
    Required Dexterity: 72
    Required Intelligence: 116

    + Deathcuffs


    30 Armor

    8% Fire Resistance
    7% Cold Resistance
    +12 Intelligence
    +22% Energy Regeneration
    +1 to Life Drain

    Required Level: 10
    Required Dexterity: 72
    Required Intelligence: 116

    + Necromancer's Staff


    26-32 Base Cold Damage
    Speed: Slow

    +10% Cold Damage
    6-42 Life Leech Over 3 Seconds
    5% Chance of 43% Reduction in Enemy's Health
    +1 Energy Regeneration/Second
    +1 to Life Drain

    Required Level: 10
    Required Intelligence: 144

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 5...+15% Life Leech, 10% Life Leech Resistance
    - 3 of 5...+25% Life Leech, 30% Life Leech Resistance
    - 4 of 5...+35% Life Leech, 50% Life Leech Resistance
    - 5 of 5...+50% Life Leech, 100% Life Leech Resistance, +65 Health, +55 Energy

    Full Set Image:

    ___________Auto Merge________________

    Set: Nemean Lion Hide

    Pelt of the Nemean Lion
    Helm of the Nemean Lion
    Greaves of the Nemean Lion
    Bracers of the Nemean Lion

    + Pelt of the Nemean Lion


    492 Armor

    10% Chance of 100% Damage Resistance
    39% Poison Resistance
    +41 Strength
    +23 Dexterity
    +500 Health
    +57% Health Regeneration

    Required Level: 41
    Required Strength: 525

    + Helm of the Nemean Lion


    492 Armor

    38% Fire Resistance
    113% Stun Resistance
    +32 Strength
    +320 Health
    +63 Offensive Ability
    +64 Defensive Ability

    Required Level: 41
    Required Strength: 525

    + Greaves of the Nemean Lion


    492 Armor

    15% Pierce Resistance
    43% Lightning Resistance
    +33 Strength
    +29% Movement
    6% Chance to Dodge Attacks

    Required Level: 40
    Required Strength: 525

    + Bracers of the Nemean Lion


    492 Armor

    39% Cold Resistance
    +28 Strength
    +24 Dexterity
    +16% Health Regeneration
    +27% Attack Speed
    6% Chance to Dodge Attacks

    Required Level: 41
    Required Strength: 525

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 4...10% Chance of 100% Damage Resistance
    - 3 of 4...10% Chance of 100% Damage Resistance, +10% Strength
    - 4 of 4...10% Chance of 100% Damage Resistance, 100% Pierce Resistance, +10% Strength

    Full Set Image:

  11. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Obsidian Armor

    Obsidian Breastplate
    Obsidian Helm
    Obsidian Greaves
    Obsidian Bracers
    Obsidian Crescent

    + Obsidian Breastplate


    96 Armor

    3% Damage Resistance
    7% Lightning Resistance
    +85 Health
    +51% Health Regeneration

    Required Level: 13
    Required Strength: 163

    + Obsidian Helm


    54 Armor

    2% Damage Resistance
    8% Lightning Resistance
    22% Stun Resistance
    1-3 Piercing Retaliation

    Required Level: 13
    Required Strength: 163

    + Obsidian Greaves


    54 Armor

    2% Damage Resistance
    15% Pierce Resistance
    +15% Defensive Ability
    +11% Movement

    Required Level: 13
    Required Strength: 163

    + Obsidian Bracers


    54 Armor

    2% Damage Resistance
    13% Lightning Resistance
    +13 Strength
    +15% Offensive Ability
    +11% Attack Speed

    Required Level: 14
    Required Strength: 163

    + Obsidian Crescent


    36-45 Damage
    Speed: Average

    2% Damage Resistance
    +25 Offensive Ability
    +50% Damage to Beastmen

    Required Level: 13
    Required Dexterity: 80
    Required Strength: 155

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 5...15% Fire Resistance, 15% Lightning Resistance, +42 Health
    - 3 of 5...35% Slower Movement For 3 Seconds, 15% Fire Resistance, 15% Lightning Resistance, +45 Health
    - 4 of 5...35% Slower Movement For 3 Seconds, 7% Damage Resistance, 7% Pierce Resistance, 7% Elemental Resistance, 15% Fire Resistance, 15% Lightning Resistance, 7% Poison Resistance, +45 Health
    - 5 of 5...35% Slower Movement For 3 Seconds, 14% Damage Resistance, 12% Pierce Resistance, 12% Elemental Resistance, 15% Fire Resistance, 15% Lightning Resistance, 12% Poison Resistance, +100 Health

    Full Set Image:

  12. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Oracle's Garments

    Oracle's Vestment
    Oracle's Wreath
    Oracle's Leggings
    Oracle's Winding

    + Oracle's Vestment


    30 Armor

    +75 Health
    +44 Energy
    +50% Energy Regeneration
    -19% Energy Cost

    Required Level: 9
    Required Dexterity: 72
    Required Intelligence: 116

    + Oracle's Wreath


    30 Armor

    11% Pierce Resistance
    +18 Intelligence
    +33% Energy Regeneration
    -10% Recharge

    Required Level: 9
    Required Dexterity: 72
    Required Intelligence: 116

    + Oracle's Leggings


    30 Armor

    11% Pierce Resistance
    +27% Lightning Damage
    +33% Energy Regeneration
    +13% Movement

    Required Level: 9
    Required Dexterity: 72
    Required Intelligence: 116

    + Oracle's Winding


    30 Armor

    +29% Energy Regeneration
    +10% Attack Speed
    +26% Casting Speed
    -10% Intelligence Requirement For All Weapons

    Required Level: 9
    Required Dexterity: 72
    Required Intelligence: 116

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 4...+10% Elemental Damage, +75 Energy
    - 3 of 4...+20% Elemental Damage, +100 Energy, +1 Energy Regeneration/Second
    - 4 of 4...+30% Elemental Damage, 6% Elemental Resistance, +125 Energy, +1 Energy Regeneration/Second, -10% Recharge

    Full Set Image:

  13. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Panoply of the Moirae [IT]

    Breastplate of Morte
    Shroud of Shadows
    Shade Stalkers
    Death Touch
    Shield of Anguish
    Soul Spike

    + Breastplate of Morte


    96 Armor

    38% Pierce Resistance
    33% Fire Resistance
    10% Chance of 156 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds
    +16 Strength
    +18 Dexterity
    +113 Defensive Ability

    Required Level: 29
    Required Strength: 290

    + Shroud of Shadows


    96 Armor

    47% Sleep Resistance
    54% Stun Resistance
    57% Reduced Entrapment Duration
    +20 Dexterity
    +22% Health Regeneration
    +20% Energy Regeneration

    Required Level: 29
    Required Strength: 290

    + Shade Stalkers


    96 Armor

    +10% Armor Protection
    +14 Strength
    +19 Dexterity
    +135 Health
    +19% Movement

    Required Level: 29
    Required Strength: 290

    + Death Touch


    96 Armor

    49% Bleeding Resistance
    34% Poison Resistance
    54% Life Leech Resistance
    +10% Pierce Damage
    +70 Defensive Ability

    Required Level: 29
    Required Strength: 290

    + Shield of Anguish


    21% Chance to Block 166 Damage
    82 Damage

    20% Pierce Resistance
    14% Elemental Resistance
    +4% Shield Block
    10% Chance of 43 Vitality Retaliation

    Required Level: 28
    Required Strength: 242

    + Soul Spike


    78-89 Damage
    25% Piercing
    Speed: Slow

    +37% Life Leech
    17 Vitality Damage
    8% of Attack Damage Converted to Health
    +42 Offensive Ability
    +14% Attack Speed

    Required Level: 29
    Required Dexterity: 242
    Required Strength: 114

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 6...+10 Strength, +10 Dexterity, +70 Defensive Ability
    - 3 of 6...+20 Strength, +20 Dexterity, +140 Defensive Ability
    - 4 of 6...+30 Strength, +30 Dexterity, +210 Defensive Ability
    - 5 of 6...+15% Damage, +15% Pierce Damage, +30 Strength, +30 Dexterity, +210 Defensive Ability
    - 6 of 6...+15% Damage, +15% Pierce Damage, 5% of Attack Damage Converted to Health, 15% Elemental Resistance, +30 Strength, +30 Dexterity, +210 Defensive Ability

    Full Set Image:

  14. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Plouton's Vestments [IT]

    Plouton's Cornucopia
    Plouton's Crown
    Plouton's Wraps
    Plouton's Bracelet

    + Plouton's Cornucopia


    305 Armor

    93% Pierce Resistance
    90 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds
    +370 Health
    +327 Energy
    +34% Energy Regeneration
    +240 Defensive Ability
    +15% Energy Absorption From Attacks
    -5% Recharge
    +1 to All Skills in All Masteries

    Required Level: 47
    Required Dexterity: 174
    Required Intelligence: 460

    + Plouton's Crown


    305 Armor

    72% Poison Resistance
    72% Stun Resistance
    92% Skill Disruption Protection
    96 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds
    +35 Intelligence
    +20% Energy Regeneration
    +15% Energy Absorption From Attacks
    -6% Recharge
    -22% Energy Cost

    Required Level: 47
    Required Dexterity: 174
    Required Intelligence: 460

    + Plouton's Wraps


    305 Armor

    48 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds
    45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds
    +46 Intelligence
    +20% Energy Regeneration
    -23 Reserved Energy Cost
    +20% Movement
    +15% Energy Absorption From Attacks
    -5% Recharge
    +50 Less Damage From Demons
    +50 Less Damage From Undead

    Required Level: 47
    Required Dexterity: 174
    Required Intelligence: 460

    + Plouton's Bracelet


    305 Armor

    +45 Intelligence
    +10% Energy
    +20% Energy Regeneration
    +219 Defensive Ability
    +20% Attack Speed
    +46% Casting Speed
    +14% Energy Absorption From Attacks
    -6% Recharge

    Required Level: 47
    Required Dexterity: 174
    Required Intelligence: 460

    + Polydegmon


    +11% Total Damage
    +45 Intelligence
    +10% Health
    +2 Energy Regeneration/Second
    +47% Energy Regeneration
    +16% Energy Absorption From Attacks
    -5% Recharge
    +25% Increase in Projectile Speed

    Required Level: 61

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 5...45 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds, 45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds
    - 3 of 5...45 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds, 45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds, +5% Health, +5% Energy
    - 4 of 5...45 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds, 45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds, +40 Intelligence, +5% Health, +5% Energy, +25% Energy Absorption From Attacks
    - 5 of 5...+10% Total Damage, 45 Life Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds, 45 Energy Leech Retaliation Over 3 Seconds, +40 Intelligence, +5% Health, +5% Energy, +2 Energy Regeneration/Second, +25% Energy Absorption From Attacks

    Full Set Image:

  15. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Pride of the Jade Palace

    Jade Breastplate
    Jade Crested Helm
    Jade Greaves
    Jade Bracers
    Jade Bow

    + Jade Breastplate


    54 Armor

    19% Pierce Resistance
    +18 Dexterity
    +44% Health Regeneration
    +1 to All Skills in Hunting Mastery

    Required Level: 24
    Required Strength: 253

    + Jade Crested Helm


    108 Armor

    16% Pierce Resistance
    97% Reduced Entrapment Duration
    +18 Dexterity
    5% Chance to Dodge Attacks

    Required Level: 24
    Required Strength: 253

    + Jade Greaves


    108 Armor

    16% Poison Resistance
    +20 Dexterity
    +17% Movement
    5% Chance to Dodge Attacks

    Required Level: 24
    Required Strength: 253

    + Jade Bracers


    108 Armor

    16% Poison Resistance
    +16 Dexterity
    +28 Defensive Ability
    +15% Attack Speed

    Required Level: 24
    Required Strength: 253

    + Jade Bow


    48-58 Damage
    35% Piercing
    Speed: Very Slow

    96-120 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds
    27% Poison Resistance
    +19 Dexterity
    +11% Offensive Ability

    Required Level: 24
    Required Dexterity: 226
    Required Strength: 77

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 5...30% Pierce Resistance, +17 Dexterity
    - 3 of 5...+15% Damage, 30% Pierce Resistance, +17 Dexterity, +25% Attack Speed
    - 4 of 5...+25% Damage, +25% Pierce Damage, 30% Pierce Resistance, +17 Dexterity, +25% Attack Speed
    - 5 of 5...+25% Damage, +50% Pierce Damage, 30% Pierce Resistance, +17 Dexterity, +25% Attack Speed, +25% Increase in Projectile Speed

    Full Set Image:

  16. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Pyromancer's Guard

    Pyromancer's Robe
    Pyromancer's Circlet
    Pyromancer's Bracelet

    + Pyromancer's Robe


    96 Armor

    17% Fire Resistance
    +18 Intelligence
    +42% Energy Regeneration
    +2 to Ring of Flame
    +1 to All Skills in Earth Mastery

    Required Level: 30
    Required Dexterity: 126
    Required Intelligence: 286

    + Pyromancer's Circlet


    96 Armor

    17% Fire Resistance
    +15% Fire Damage
    +28 Intelligence
    +21% Energy Regeneration
    +1 to Volativity

    Required Level: 30
    Required Dexterity: 126
    Required Intelligence: 286

    + Pyromancer's Bracelet


    96 Armor

    17% Pierce Resistance
    16% Fire Resistance
    +17% Fire Damage
    +22% Energy Regeneration
    -15% Recharge
    +2 to Flame Surge

    Required Level: 30
    Required Dexterity: 126
    Required Intelligence: 286

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 3...+25% Fire Damage, 17% Fire Resistance
    - 3 of 3...+50% Fire Damage, 22% Fire Resistance, +100 Health

    Full Set Image:

  17. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Raiment of Carnus [IT]

    Wings of Carnus
    Gaze of Carnus
    Pillars of Carnus
    Grip of Carnus
    Scepter of Carnus

    + Wings of Carnus


    285 Armor

    61% Pierce Resistance
    71% Poison Resistance
    +23 Intelligence
    +39% Energy Regeneration
    +136 Defensive Ability
    +1 to All Skills in Spirit Mastery
    +1 to All Skills in Dream Mastery

    Required Level: 44
    Required Dexterity: 167
    Required Intelligence: 433

    + Gaze of Carnus


    285 Armor

    51% Life Leech Resistance
    68% Energy Leech Resistance
    73% Sleep Resistance
    57% Skill Disruption Protection
    +20 Intelligence
    +23% Energy Regeneration
    +2 to Distort Reality
    +2 to Ravages of Time

    Required Level: 45
    Required Dexterity: 167
    Required Intelligence: 433

    + Pillars of Carnus


    285 Armor

    52% Lightning Resistance
    +21 Intelligence
    +400 Health
    +20% Energy Regeneration
    +20% Movement
    +2 to Circle of Power
    +2 to Trance of Convalescence

    Required Level: 44
    Required Dexterity: 167
    Required Intelligence: 433

    + Grip of Carnus


    285 Armor

    57% Fire Resistance
    44% Cold Resistance
    +36% Electrical Burn Damage
    +40% Life Leech
    +22 Intelligence
    +22% Energy Regeneration
    +52% Casting Speed
    +2 to Psionic Burn
    +2 to Enslave Spirit

    Required Level: 46
    Required Dexterity: 167
    Required Intelligence: 433

    + Scepter of Carnus


    136-216 Base Lightning Damage
    Speed: Very Slow

    +10% Total Damage
    +19 Intelligence
    +1.6 Energy Regeneration/Second
    +149 Offensive Ability
    +58% Increase in Projectile Speed
    +2 to Distortion Wave
    +2 to Ternion Attack

    Required Level: 44
    Required Intelligence: 530

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 5...+50% Electrical Burn Damage, +20% Life Leech, +20 Intelligence
    - 3 of 5...+5% Total Damage, +50% Electrical Burn Damage, +20% Life Leech, +40 Intelligence
    - 4 of 5...+10% Total Damage, +50% Electrical Burn Damage, +20% Life Leech, +40 Intelligence, +200 Offensive Ability, +200 Defensive Ability
    - 5 of 5...+15% Total Damage, +100% Electrical Burn Damage, +20% Life Leech, 60% Damage Resistance, 60% Elemental Resistance, 60% Poison Resistance, +40 Intelligence, +200 Offensive Ability, +200 Defensive Ability

    Full Set Image:

    ___________Auto Merge________________

    Set: Raiment of the Baker Street Sage [IT]

    Detective's Greatcoat
    Deerstalker Hat
    Detective's Spats
    Detective's Gloves
    Bludgeon of True Sight

    + Detective's Greatcoat


    288 Armor

    5% Damage Resistance
    74% Pierce Resistance
    85% Skill Disruption Protection
    +10% Dexterity
    +257 Energy
    -11 Reserved Energy Cost

    Required Level: 35

    + Deerstalker Hat


    288 Armor

    78% Fire Resistance
    92% Stun Resistance
    +247 Energy
    -10 Reserved Energy Cost
    +10% Chance to Avoid Projectiles

    Required Level: 35

    + Detective's Spats


    288 Armor

    75% Lightning Resistance
    95% Reduced Entrapment Duration
    +300 Health
    -10 Reserved Energy Cost
    +15% Movement

    Required Level: 35

    + Detective's Gloves


    288 Armor

    60% Poison Resistance
    102% Sleep Resistance
    +300 Health
    +19% Energy Regeneration
    -10% Reserved Energy Cost
    +10% Attack Speed
    10% Chance to Dodge Attacks

    Required Level: 35

    + Bludgeon of True Sight


    195-221 Damage
    Speed: Slow

    3% Chance of +140% Damage
    +22% Intelligence
    +107% Energy Regeneration
    +87 Defensive Ability

    Required Level: 35

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 5...70% Cold Resistance, +5% Dexterity
    - 3 of 5...30% Pierce Resistance, 30% Elemental Resistance, 70% Cold Resistance, 30% Poison Resistance, +5% Dexterity, +5% Health, +5% Energy
    - 4 of 5...60% Pierce Resistance, 60% Elemental Resistance, 70% Cold Resistance, 60% Poison Resistance, +5% Dexterity, +5% Health, +5% Energy
    - 5 of 5...60% Pierce Resistance, 60% Elemental Resistance, 70% Cold Resistance, 60% Poison Resistance, +10% Dexterity, +10% Health, +10% Energy

    Full Set Image:

  18. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Raiment of the Storm

    Robe of Storms
    Circlet of Storms
    Bracelets of Storms
    Rod of Storms

    + Robe of Storms


    120 Armor

    16% Cold Resistance
    20% Lightning Resistance
    +25% Lightning Damage
    +37% Energy Regeneration
    +2 to Energy Shield
    +1 to All Skills in Storm Mastery

    Required Level: 33
    Required Dexterity: 134
    Required Intelligence: 314

    + Circlet of Storms


    120 Armor

    18% Cold Resistance
    16% Lightning Resistance
    +24 Intelligence
    +19% Energy Regeneration
    +2 to Chain Lightning

    Required Level: 33
    Required Dexterity: 134
    Required Intelligence: 314

    + Bracelets of Storms


    120 Armor

    17% Cold Resistance
    17% Lightning Resistance
    +25% Cold Damage
    +20% Energy Regeneration
    +20% Casting Speed
    +2 to Lightning Bolt

    Required Level: 33
    Required Dexterity: 134
    Required Intelligence: 314

    + Rod of Storms


    58-130 Base Lightning Damage
    Speed: Slow

    +22% Cold Damage
    +25% Lightning Damage
    3% Chance For One of the Following:
    1-4 Seconds of Stun
    1-4 Seconds of Freeze
    33-41 Cold Damage
    +1.5 Energy Regeneration/Second
    +1 to All Skills in Storm Mastery

    Required Level: 35
    Required Intelligence: 398

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 4...17% Cold Resistance, +55 Energy
    - 3 of 4...+25% Cold Damage, +25% Lightning Damage, 17% Cold Resistance, +100 Energy
    - 4 of 4...+50% Cold Damage, +50% Lightning Damage, 22% Cold Resistance, +145 Energy

    Full Set Image:

  19. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Ramses' Royal Armor

    Ramses' Coat
    Ramses' Headdress
    Ramses' Greaves
    Ramses' Coil
    Ramses' Scepter

    + Ramses' Coat


    84 Armor

    12% Pierce Resistance
    13% Poison Resistance
    25% Chance of 5-15 Fire Retaliation
    +95 Health
    +31% Health Regeneration
    +50% Less Damage From Demons

    Required Level: 17
    Required Strength: 193

    + Ramses' Headdress


    84 Armor

    13% Fire Resistance
    13% Poison Resistance
    20% Chance of 10-20 Fire Retaliation
    +95 Health
    +52 Energy
    +15 Offensive Ability

    Required Level: 18
    Required Strength: 193

    + Ramses' Greaves


    84 Armor

    13% Pierce Resistance
    15% Chance of +42% Fire Resistance
    +23% Health Regeneration
    +13% Movement
    4% Chance to Dodge Attacks

    Required Level: 17
    Required Strength: 193

    + Ramses' Coil


    84 Armor

    12% Fire Resistance
    7% Poison Resistance
    +25% Poison Damage
    +10 Dexterity
    +19 Offensive Ability
    +10% Attack Speed

    Required Level: 18
    Required Strength: 193

    + Ramses' Scepter


    39-58 Damage
    Speed: Slow

    10% Chance of 5 Burn Damage/Second
    66-90 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds
    15% Chance of 15-26 Fire Damage
    +21 Offensive Ability
    +150% Damage to Undead

    Required Level: 17
    Required Dexterity: 69
    Required Strength: 202

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 5...10% Chance of 1-3 Seconds of Stun, 17% Pierce Resistance, 17% Poison Resistance
    - 3 of 5...+25% Poison Damage, 10% Chance of 1-3 Seconds of Stun, 17% Pierce Resistance, 17% Poison Resistance, 75% Reduction in Poison Duration
    - 4 of 5...+50% Poison Damage, 10% Chance of 1-3 Seconds of Stun, 17% Pierce Resistance, 17% Poison Resistance, 75% Reduction in Poison Duration
    - 5 of 5...+100% Poison Damage, 10% Chance of 1-3 Seconds of Stun, 17% Pierce Resistance, 17% Poison Resistance, 75% Reduction in Poison Duration, +150 Health, +100 Energy

    Full Set Image:

  20. M00nPr1nc3

    M00nPr1nc3 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Valley of the Kings
    Set: Rogue's Cover

    Rogue's Harness
    Rogue's Headband
    Rogue's Greaves
    Rogue's Bracers

    + Rogue's Harness


    198 Armor

    39% Cold Resistance
    +150 Health
    +52% Health Regeneration
    +44 Defensive Ability
    +1 to All Skills in Rogue Mastery

    Required Level: 34
    Required Dexterity: 319
    Required Strength: 137

    + Rogue's Headband


    198 Armor

    38% Lightning Resistance
    58% Stun Resistance
    +50% Poison Damage
    +2 to Throwing Knife

    Required Level: 33
    Required Dexterity: 319
    Required Strength: 137

    + Rogue's Greaves


    198 Armor

    4% Damage Resistance
    38% Pierce Resistance
    +36 Dexterity
    +23% Movement
    +2 to Anatomy

    Required Level: 34
    Required Dexterity: 319
    Required Strength: 137

    + Rogue's Bracers


    198 Armor

    32% Fire Resistance
    +52 Offensive Ability
    +34% Attack Speed
    6% Chance to Dodge Attacks
    +2 to Open Wound

    Required Level: 34
    Required Dexterity: 319
    Required Strength: 137

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 4...+100 Health
    - 3 of 4...+50% Poison Damage, +150 Health
    - 4 of 4...+50% Poison Damage, +200 Health, 10% Chance to Dodge Attacks

    Full Set Image:

    ___________Auto Merge________________

    Set: Ronzer's Gift

    The Frail
    The Fragile

    + The Frail


    51 Armor

    27 Reduced Resistance For 3 Seconds
    +18 Intelligence
    +23% Energy Regeneration

    Required Level: 22
    Required Dexterity: 100
    Required Intelligence: 30

    + The Fragile


    35 Reduced Physical Damage For 3 Seconds
    +18 Intelligence
    +27% Energy Regeneration

    Required Level: 21

    Set Bonuses:
    2 of 2...20 Reduced Physical Damage For 3 Seconds, 20 Reduced Resistance For 3 Seconds, +25% Energy Regeneration
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    Set: Safeguard of the Mantis

    Mantis Plate
    Mantis Helm
    Mantis Stride

    + Mantis Plate


    75 Armor

    23% Pierce Resistance
    +27 Dexterity
    +145 Health
    +28% Health Regeneration

    Required Level: 22
    Required Strength: 238

    + Mantis Helm


    75 Armor

    9% Pierce Resistance
    34% Cold Resistance
    43% Stun Resistance
    +28% Health Regeneration
    +27 Defensive Ability

    Required Level: 23
    Required Strength: 238

    + Mantis Stride


    75 Armor

    +26 Dexterity
    +28% Health Regeneration
    +15% Movement
    4% Chance to Dodge Attacks

    Required Level: 22
    Required Strength: 238

    Set Bonuses:
    - 2 of 3...+8% Movement, 6% Chance to Dodge Attacks
    - 3 of 3...+45 Dexterity, +60 Defensive Ability, +18% Movement, 6% Chance to Dodge Attacks

    Full Set Image:

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