info sever Exp / SP= 70x PartyXp = 1.5 Adena = 80x Drop = 25x Spoil = 30x Quest = 15x Manor = 2x Rb drop = 10x Grandboss drop = 3x NPC GM Shop - N grade to B grade - (A/S grade is craftable) - Mats / Recipes shop - Crafter in shop (more expensive then usualy crafters) - Vote shop (just basic things) NPC Buffer + VIP Buffer Scheme buffer - Bufftime 2 Hrs (pet buffs 5mins) - 24+4 Buffslots - autolearn (not divine inspiration) - spellbooks drop - deleted - arrows drop - deleted NPC Delevel (deleting skills that are not propriete for current level) NPC Password Changer NPC Wedding manager NPC Nickname color manager NPC Title color manager NPC Clan reputation manager Champions system Weight limit Increased Special NOTrade zones - noone is able to trade near GK Special PVP Rank system - you can get Ranks + Reward for killing flaged ppl or PKs Automatic Events - CFG, TVT, DM, Quiz + Gm events (rullete, dice championship...) Subclass - Free - without quest Nobless - Caradine letter lvl 65 (300kk + 500 MSS) - you have to kill the barakiel Enchants: Safe +3 (fullparts +4) Max +16 Chance normal 55% Chance blessed 60% Other features: Zero hour reward 3x Giants Cave quest - Papers dropped by 10 Varka+Ketra Quests - drop by 10 Every 5 votes = 5 Special Reward Chest (random reward) Champion Medals can be traded for Special Reward Chests. Lifestones - Dropable from Tyrannos 1+1 augments (1active + 1passive / 1 chance) Nuker augements - 3 sec Reuse Chances: No grade: 3 %, Mid grade: 5 %, High grade: 7 %, Top grade stone: 10 % Bosses: Classic Raidbosses respawn - 20-24 hrs Barakiel respawn - 5-6Hrs (75lvl) Grandbosses: Core 20+1 Queen Ant 22+2 (Characters 49+ lvl cant across the river) Orfen 26+2 (Characters 59+ lvl cant enter to orfen lair) Zaken 40+4 (Characters 69+ lvl cant enter his lair) Frintezza 48+6 Baium 72+3 Antharas 96+3 Valakas 108+3 Commands /pvpinfo - IF you have yourself or enemy in target. .menu - displays all commands and you can set them .expon - you can turn ON your EXP and SP gain .expoff- you can turn OFF your EXP and SP gain .xpon - you can turn ON your EXP and SP gain .xpoff - you can turn OFF your EXP and SP gain Vote for Top L2JBrasil de Lineage2 Free Lineage 2 servers\ Vote on the Lineage 2 Top 200 Best Private Servers Top 100 Rankings Free Lineage 2 Servers Lineage2 Servers MMORPG-Top100 Lineage2 top web sever
sv này đã test.Quá nhàm.Sv thì delay(đã dùng BP).Mới open mà tham dự tvt thằng win dc ngay cái weapon A(SA).Vote thì dc votebox.Random ra đồ.Mới 6x mà random dc cái 50mil.còn đâu toàn 1mil-5mil.weapon B bán shop có 10mil===>quit luon