Ring : Arnis stance ring - negotiate price Armor : Lvl 100 : ( 1m to 3m ) - Cappezollo - scoutx1 - Corsa - Musx2 - Schvarlier - Ftx1 - Superb Daemon - Elex2 - Sky Daemon - Elex2 e84 : ( 1m -> 1m5 ) - Leather ( ft/sc ) : e84 Ring mailx1 - Ft : Camisax1 - Coat ( Mus/Wiz ) : e84 Grax3 - Metal ( fT ) : e84 platex1 - Robe ( ele ) : Plutox1 Neptune+5-1sx1 e68 : ( 400k to 800k ) - Metal : Chain Mailx2 - Salamander Robex2 weapon : lvl 100: - The Black Dragonx1 3m5 -> 5m - Elite Shaft Hammerx1 4m -> 6m e84 : 800k to 1m5 - Arondightx2 sword - Kaladx1 Gsword - Mystic Knifex1 Dagger - Finisherx1 Rifle - Clayshooterx1 Imperial Shooterx1 Shotgun - Peacemakerx1 Cannon - Royal Guardianx1 Shield - +5 Mantis Rodx1 Rod - Uranus Braceletx1 Lighting bracelet - 2x Elite Lute Lute - 2x Elite Crossbow - 1 +6 Crossbow + 30% atk + 10% atk speed + Darkness 10% 5m -> 6m5 e68 400k to 900k - Valk Spiritx1 Sword - Penetratorx1 sword - +5 Gungnir 3sx1 Polearm - Sage rodx1 Rod Etc : - +8 Crusader Ward lvl80 x 1 shield 1m5 -> 3m - +8 Royal Guard lvl72 x 1 shield 1m -> 2m5 - +7 Cross Guard lvl 68 x 1 shield 800k -> 1m5 - +8 Iron Shield lvl 28 - 15% Humanoid Attackx1 1m -> 2m - +7 Daemon Shooter lvl 32 2sx1 500k - Leather Gloves lv 80 + 10% Atk Spd 100k - Hard Leather 80 + 9% Atk Spd 100k - Leather Glove lvl 40 + 8% Atk Spd 100k - Leather Glove lvl 40 + 5 def + 7% atk spd 100k Price will be posted later WTB : 1 cái rosario cùi cùi cùi cùi mía giá < 70m Pm : stolencandy for moar in4mation