Short Acronym: Words take too long

Thảo luận trong 'Hộp lưu trữ' bắt đầu bởi VoE |, 3/1/05.

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  1. VoE |

    VoE | Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hú hú dạo quanh thấy cái này hay hay, post cho các bac xem chơi, sử dụng trong mọi trường hợp :D

    afaict - as far as i can tell
    *g* - giggle/grin
    afaik - as far as i know
    brb - be right back
    omg - oh my gosh
    jk - just kidding
    imho - in my humble opinion
    l8r - later
    pov - point of view
    lol - laughing out loud
    rotfl - rolling on the floor laughing
    gg - good game
    bbl - be back later
    wtf - what the ****
    omfg - oh my ******* gosh
    ciao - expression of parting
    bbiab - be back in a bit
    afk - away from the keyboard
    atm - at the moment
    b/c - because
    bbs - be back soon
    g/f - girlfriend
    bsod - blue screen of death
    brb - be right back
    irl - in real life
    fubar - fucked up beyond all repair
    fyi - for your information
    msg - message
    otp - on the phone
    oww - a sound of anguish (not an acronym afaik)
    pita - pain in the ass
    tx - thanks
    ttyl - talk to you later
    btw - by the way
    b/f - boyfriend
    gtg - got to go
    nm - nothing much
    np - no problem
    otoh - on the other hand
    rtfm - right this ******* minute/read the ******* manual
    tla - true love always/three lettre acronym
    xfer - transfer
    stfu - shut the **** up
    asap - as soon as possible
    gl - good luck
    lmao - laughing my ass off
    jp - just playing
    sos - same old story/situation
    lmam - leave me a message
    nmhjc - not much here just chillin
    coo - cool
    aamof - as a matter of fact
    b4n - before now
    cnp - cut and paste
    cp - cut/paste
    dltbbb - don't let the bed bugs bite
    f2f - face to face
    fwiw - for what it's worth
    glg - goofy little grin
    iae - in any event
    idk - i don't know
    qt - cutie
    ptb - place to be
    ruok - are you okay
    ttfn - tata for now
    ybs - you'll be sorry
    wb - welcome back
    wssup - what's up
    lylas - love ya like a sis
    pos - piece of shit
    g2g - got to go
    hth - how the hell
    iam - internet access manager
    wfm - works for me
    bfo - blinding flash of the obvious

    Nguồn từ
    Bonus thêm cho vui cửa vui nhà :D

    (Bác nào có lòng hảo tâm thì donate cho cái thằng host, tội nghiệp nó, bị dân vn bu vào :D =)) rotfl )

    Thêm tí hình ảnh cho sinh động này

    (Bản dịch sẽ ra asap, :D )
  2. 1st | <Bao>

    1st | <Bao> C O N T R A

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  3. justsee

    justsee T.E.T.Я.I.S

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