[short story] The Moon

Thảo luận trong 'Ragnarok' bắt đầu bởi chibiKagen-chan, 7/8/10.

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  1. chibiKagen-chan


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Under the Tree o
    The Moon

    Note: fanfic RO nhưng truyện là truyện bịa :)) có trùng tên/nick đứa nào thì tự nhủ đấy ko phải mình nhé. Đứa nào vác đi nơi khác post thì phải vứt link về đây, còn đứa nào tự động vác đi nơi khác thì tự đâm háng chết đi '.'

    ~*Part 1*~​

    “You filthy human, LET ME OUT!”
    “How pathetic, Assassin Cross Eremes! How pathetic, captured by a human into a bottle like a doll.” The guy looked at Eremes’ spirit trapped in the bottle and smiled. “From now on, you’re mine to use, Eremes.”


    “Capture the monster’s spirit into this bottle, after a few days, it will turn into liquid, just drink it and you will receive his power within you. But be careful, if your soul is not strong enough to control the spirit, you will be controlled by the spirit instead.”

    Ren stared at the bottle with Eremes’ spirit in his hand. It had been 3 days since he got the Assassin Cross and the spirit had turned into liquid completely. This was the only way he could think of to make Tsuki a better assassin. But should he let Tsuki drink the liquid? He wasn’t sure. What if Tsuki wasn’t strong enough for the spirit? What if Eremes takes control of Tsuki? He certainly didn’t want anyone to take over his little girl.

    He still remembered the eyes of that little girl he saved from the rogues five years ago. He still remembered her eyes of fire when she told him she would do whatever it takes to take revenge for her parents, her people. He looked at the bottle thoughtfully. Five years, he had spent five years to find a way to make her strong enough to fight “Power,” the biggest southern guild. But would that be a good idea to give Tsuki this thing? He shook the bottle, under the light of the candle; the liquid sparkled like a thousand stars were captured inside it.

    “Ren, ren!” Tsuki slammed the door open and rushed in. Ren startled, he quickly hid the bottle behind his back.
    “What is it, Tsuki? How many times have I told you to knock the door first?” Ren frowned at the girl as she was smiling at him to cover up her fault.
    “Sorry, I just want to tell you this.” She gave him a big smile, her eyes sparkled with happiness.
    “What is that?”
    “Guess what? Engel... he... He asked me to marry him.”
    “WHAT?!?” Ren yelled, he couldn’t believe what he had just heard. What was that she was saying? Some filthy boy was asking to take her away from him?
    “ENGEL ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM!” She yelled, too, making sure that he heard it. With happiness, she danced around the room. “Can you believe it? He asked me to marry him. You don’t know how long I have been waiting for that moment.”
    Ren felt like his heart had stopped beating for a moment. He couldn’t believe his ears. She even waited for a moment. “What about... what about...” He shook his head, “Forget about it Ren, forget about it.” He thought to himself.
    “So you said Yes?” He smiled at her, trying to hide his disappointment.
    “Of course, I can’t believe it, I’m getting married, Ren. I am...”
    “When will the wedding take place?”
    “Saturday morning, 9 o’clock, at Prontera’s church. Don’t come late, Ren. I don’t want my only family member to miss my wedding.”
    “Of course not, it’s a big day.” He grinned.
    “Ok, I have to go out with Shi to get ready for the wedding. See you there, my beloved Ren.” – Said Tsuki, as she gave Ren a kiss on his cheek and danced out the room.

    Ren’s eyes followed Tsuki out of the room. So she left... out of his protection forever. Before he knew it, Tsuki had become a beautiful assassin cross, so gorgeous in her golden suit that every man would want her for his own. Before he knew it, she had slipped out of his hands and fell into another man’s arms. What about him? How about her revenge? How about... Ren looked at the bottle of sparkling liquid in his hand. How about this?
  2. Kính_Trắng

    Kính_Trắng C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hanoi, Vietnam
    đoạn ngắn vậy :-< ...
    đoạn sau có cảnh sau khi cưới ra jawai rùi vào phòng rùi .... ko :'>
  3. Linh_AcQuy

    Linh_AcQuy The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hanoi, Vietnam
    Thằng này lãng mạn thế :-ss
    "xóc cái bình" dưới ánh đèn cày cơ mà :|
    @ đã được chưa chị :">
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 7/8/10
  4. chibiKagen-chan


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Under the Tree o
    thằng Linh xứng đáng lãnh 10 point cho từ "xóc lọ" :-w cho 12h để sửa, 12h nữa ko sửa bài đấy thì ăn 10 point nhé.
  5. IceMage

    IceMage Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Hmm hmm hơi ngắn, hơi khó hiểu tí chị ạ :-s
  6. Kính_Trắng

    Kính_Trắng C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hanoi, Vietnam
    He shook the bottle
    [spoil]" tự nghĩ ra đi hihi "[/spoil]

    dịch là gì nhỉ :'>
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 8/8/10
  7. chibiKagen-chan


    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Under the Tree o
    Ice: đã post hết đâu =)) mới post đoạn đầu mà.

    Thằng Vịt cũng đáng bị ăn chém lắm.

    Shake head thì có đứa nào dịch là xóc đầu ko? '.'

    Từ h đến khi ta đi ăn tối về a.k.a 4 tiếng nữa. 2 đứa bay ko sửa bài thì vô danh sách đỏ nhé
  8. meo02001

    meo02001 The Warrior of Light ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đúng là H. Chưa gì đã làm đám cưới rồi :o
  9. Kính_Trắng

    Kính_Trắng C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hanoi, Vietnam
    thì lại kiểu trong đám cưới có sự cố , rồi ko còn gì để mất xài EDP lên, sau đó abc rùi zi zi đó sau đó động phòng :'>
  10. chibiKagen-chan


    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Under the Tree o
    mệt bọn này quá >.> Đêk post nữa -.- bực mình
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