And of course this is the part where I shamelessly go around advertising my game Anyway, I won't deny the fact that the game play mechanic is obviously taken from Disgaea's geo change system, so if you liked that maybe you'll like mine too. Here's the link on Appstore: It pains me to say porting to Android failed, and it will take another month or more before I can put it on Google Play :( So if you use iPhone, please do me a favor and check it out. I really need some comment for the next version. Right now the game is still quite casual and doesn't have any real end-game challenge yet, because I couldn't decide which direction to go for the end game. Thanks a bunch guys!
Man! this is like the best thing ever since jesus christ self rezzed and pwnt Juda Iscariot in the face! WELL DONE DUDE! GÔOD JOB! YOU HAVE FINALLY MADE SOMETHING WORTHY TO BE SHARED WITH OTHERS
Congratulation! Too bad I don't use iOS (or Android for that matter). Maybe I'll get my friends to take a look.
I will download it once I am back to Vietnam. Would you mind creating another game based on Triple triad too please?
Coincidentally another guy brought up the idea of implementing card games similar to FF's card game concepts, but right now I don't have the monetary potential to implement such grand ideas
Nice one, gonna check it out when it's on google play. Android master race and everything. For mobile games, the key factor to success is user interactions. If it's simple enough (read: even the most retarded moron could play and win once or twice) let people compare scores with friends. Getting the game to work with Facebook (if ambitous, twitter and so on as well) is a nice start.