SOCIAL POP limited stock on certainitems. Check out a demo on howSocial Pop works here:AFFILIATE LINK (This software doesn’t onlywork on ecommerce websites.It can work on JVzoo salespagesbonus pages and much much more) NAMESubject: NEW Software increase sales by $1000s OVERNIGHT… There’s a newsoftware goingliv at 11am EST that you haveto take a lookat… …it’s unlike anything you’ve probably seen before Check out a demo here: LINK Already it’s helped affiliatemarketers, vendors, offlineclients and ecommerce websitesto make $1000s from theirsalespages, bonus page or websites.It’s name?Social POP!It leverages two powerful triggers that motivate your users to buy:1. Social Proof 2. ScarcityHere’s how:Apply Social Pop to your website and instantly Social Pop POPS up aSOCIAL POP message alerting your users with 100% accuracy: – How many bonuses are left on a page